
This was followed by a time of peace and reconciliation, including intermarriage between the two factions. OEM, CMO . For example horse races were often held at Tikitiki with small nuggety horses called Naati. Ngati Porou have found a variety of ways to maintain connections between whanau and hapu and iwi. In formal settings, the pepeha forms part of an individuals mihi. The order has the full list of the customary marine title areas. Always use macrons, missing macrons is a spelling mistake. EU-GMP 1 . Ngti Porou traditions indicate that Hikurangi was the first point to surface when Mui fished up the North Island from beneath the ocean. Rongoa was used continuously and we retained a deep belief in the power of the wairua (spirit) to be an important part of health and healing. Ngti Porou is a Mori iwi traditionally located in the East Cape and Gisborne regions of the North Island of New Zealand. Documents relating to the process of determination can be accessed through the links provided below. MAHAKI, Porourangi Whare Below is a a list of some of the traditional (or pre settlement) 178 hap names of Ngi Tahu. smaller family grouping 1 February 2021 Long-held customary interests of Ngti Porou hap recognised Hon Andrew Little Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations The Crown has recognised 14 customary marine title areas along the East Cape and East Coast in ng rohe moana o ng hap o Ngti Porou, Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Andrew Little announced today. The Treaty was then taken around the country by British officials and missionaries to collect more signatures. In her other mahishe is First five centre and Coach of the Ngati Porou East Coast Womens Rugby team. As we had done in New Zealand, we helped establish ropu that would maintain our whanaungatanga, including sports clubs, kapa haka ropu and faith-based groups. Te ahi-kaa of Te Whanau a Hunaara and Te Whanau a Takimoana have been actively involved in the restoration of Whangaokena Island to its natural fauna and flora environs, habitats for bird and wild life, re establishing of essential food chains to sustain the Tuatara. Ngati Porou have found a variety of ways to maintain connections between whanau and hapu and iwi. The haka Tihei Taruke tells of this initial spread: Rangitukia ra te pariha i tukua atu ai nga Kaiwhakaako tokowha. In 1986 the Jackson whanau led the establishment of the Manukau Urban Maori Authority to cater for those in the South of the city. The Marae Grant Fund is Te Runanganui o Ngati Porou commitment to respond to the aspirations of whanau hapu with respect to marae. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The Te Arawa tribes have a close historical interest in the lakes around Rotorua. : a Maori clan or tribal subdivision. Customary marine title is not fee simple ownership, but an expression of customary rights and interests in part of the common marine and coastal area. Apirana Ngata made a vital contribution to the revival of the Mori race in the early twentieth century. LatestNatiLife Features. Te Rnanga o Ngti Porou was established in 1987 to be the tribal authority of the iwi. Whare karakia also became a feature of Ngati Porou with many built throughout the Coast. Maori responses to this health situation included the work and advocacy of the Maori Women's Welfare League, as well as the Kohanga Reo movement that supported well-being amongst tamariki and whanau. Encouraged by Ta Apirana, Emere Kaa for example left Rangitukia and graduated as a nurse from Dunedin Hospital in 1925. Do you have a email address i can send the information to? Te Wairoa Iwi and Hap A group of Ngti Kahungunu and Ngti Rongomaiwahine hap who have joined together for Treaty of Waitangi settlement negotiations. Iwi, hapu, marae, rohe, RMA, MFA, Treaty of Waitangi, regional and local councils, iwi contact, iwi contacts, iwi contact details, contact details. The Bill does not purport to affect the existing rights, avenues for claim, and rohe of hapu Traditionally our health was viewed in a holistic, all round way. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. The Waiapu River also features in Ngti Porou traditions. New ropu sprang up and new places to gather were quickly established. Soon other Ngati Porou were ordained as Ministers, including Raniera Kawhia, Hare Tawhaa and Mohi Turei. This created early pressure for whanau to migrate, and by the 1930s whanau were leaving the Coast for towns. 93 and 94 Canterbury Place Names), Ngati Hatoka (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Hikuroroa (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Hinapuariari (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Hinarau (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Hinekakai (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Hinekata (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Hinekato (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Hinekura (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Hinepa (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Hineteao (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Hinetewai (Census of the Native Residents in 1853) (Half Moon Bay), Ngati Hinewairaki (pp. A series of negotiations has resulted in several settlements of their various claims, the largest of which involve the settlement relating to the 14 lakes, signed in December 2004,[4] and the settlement for all the historical claims of a cluster of Te Arawa iwi and hapu signed on 30 September 2006. Ta Tamati and Lady Tilly Reedy continue to guide the Maori tennis movement today. Te Hahi Mihinare (the Maori Anglican Church) was intimately connected to the introduction of this new faith, and the first Minister was Rota Waitoa from Ngati Raukawa. Customary marine title recognises customary rights and interests that whnau, hap or iwi can show they have had in an area of the takutai moana (common marine and coastal area) from 1840, in accordance with strict legal tests. Although a hapu or whanau might move from time to time, they would make sure they maintained their connection to the whenua. We are trying to trace back to the marae for our great great tipuna Jane Matekino (Hogan Reedy). Spiritual cures could include karakia and other rituals performed by tohunga, experts in these rites. The structure of the file represents descent-group relationships. We are trying to put her Mihi together for other whanau. On 6 February 1840, the Treaty of Waitangi/Te Tiriti o Waitangi was signed at Waitangi in the Bay of Islands by Captain William Hobson, several English residents, and between 43 and 46 Mori rangatira. Ngati Pahauwera Affidavits 1 of 4 [PDF, 20 MB]Ngati Pahauwera Affidavits 2 of 4 [PDF, 11 MB]Ngati Pahauwera Affidavits 3 of 4 [PDF, 30 MB]Ngati Pahauwera Affidavits 4 of 4 [PDF, 9.7 MB], Ngati Pahauwera Affidavit on behalf of Trustees [PDF, 3.1 MB]- Ngati Pahauwera Affidavit on behalf of Trustees Exhibits A to H [PDF, 2.3 MB]- Ngati Pahauwera Affidavit on behalf of Trustees Exhibits J to NN [PDF, 15 MB], Ngati Pahauwera Supplementary Affidavit on behalf of Trustees [PDF, 394 KB]- Ngati Pahauwera Supplementary Affidavit on behalf of Trustees Exhibits B to H [PDF, 15 MB]- Ngati Pahauwera Supplementary Affidavit on behalf of Trustees Exhibits I to L [PDF, 20 MB]. The jewel in the crown of Ngati Porou communication has to be Radio Ngati Porou. HAUITI,Ruakapanga Whare, Expressing and exploringcontemporary lifestyles of NgatiPorou today our people, our Mori living in cities were then categorised as urban Mori, which does not sit comfortably with participants in this study, who reject this term. Wynton Rufer is undoubtedly the most successful Ngati Porou and New Zealand footballer of all time, winning six titles with Werder Bremen in Germany and he was named Oceania Footballer of the Century by the Oceania Football Confederation. Before any agreement is finalised the proposed recognition agreement must be ratified by Ngti Phauwera. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". The ancestor Hine Hakirirangi was the sister of Poa, captain of the Horouta canoe. This website NgatiPorou.com is the latest way we have of promoting and maintaining whanaungatanga amongst our iwi. 93 and 94 Canterbury Place Names), Ngati Hiuekura (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Hueka (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Hurihia (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Huruhaka (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Ikatutahi (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Kahu (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngati Kane (Country from the Waitaki south to Shag Point and inland to Lakes Hawea and Wanaka). Nga mihinui. It is the first time this has occurred under te Takutai Moana Act. The Waiapu Diocese that spread from Tauranga in the West to Ngati Kahungunu in the South was led by the missionary Bishop William Williams along with a Hinota (Synod) dominated by Ngati Porou rangatira including Mokena Kohre, Rapata Whakawaha and Henare Potae among others. Tuakana would look after teina; pakeke (elders) have the task of passing on knowledge of whakapapa and whaikorero to mokopuna (grandchildren), performing the whaikorero on marae or acting as advisors to local youth. 71,052 people, or 10.6 percent of the total population of Mori descent, affiliated with Ngti Porou. The agreement was given effect by Ng Rohe Moana o Ng Hap o Ngti Porou Act 2019. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. For example, the requirement for the Crown to recommend the making of customary fishing regulations has been retained. Educator and linguist Keri Opai believes its appropriate for non-Mori to have and use a pepeha you can read his interview about that here but he says the pepeha for those who arent Mori must be structured differently. The captain of the Horouta was Pawa, the navigator was Kiwa. Maori in the cities also faced the constant pressure of assimilation. Whanau who moved to the cities quickly lost connection with their language and their identity. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. The hapu and iwi coming together was an important part of maintaining a collective identity. The House of Breakthrough for example based in Gisborne is today meeting the spiritual needs of many Ngati Porou whanau. The responsible Minister, on behalf of the Crown, has offered to enter into a recognition agreement with Ngti Phauwera recognising Customary Marine Title. When that Act was reviewed and repealed, the Crown undertook to honour its existing commitments to Ngti Porou. list of ngati porou hapuis empire token a good investment (ASFV) 400 list of ngati porou hapujames k polk accomplishments It was established in the early 1980s and became a charitable entity in November 1990. The agreement was given effect by Ng Rohe Moana o Ng Hap o Ngti Porou Act 2019. Te Arawa - Te Arawa: a history of the Arawa people . Ngti Porou chiefs were also signatories to the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840. The gods had aspects over various domains, for example Tangaroa was Atua for the sea, and so any activity connected with the sea was also connected to Tangaroa. Of course we have excelled at other sports as well. ? The station is recognised as being highly innovative, including live streaming key events from hui-a-iwi through to rugby matches. As with the Mormon faith his followers encountered great resistance in Ngati Porou, but can often be seen sharing ministry on the Coast. Sickness could come from both mate tangata (physical causes) and mate atua (spiritual causes), with breaches of tapu being understood as a leading cause of sickness. Te Rnanganui o Ngti Porou Chairman Selwyn Parata says "our hap have authority over their foreshore and seabed. The ropu had many Ngati Porou members and was mentored and guided by Ta Apirana, who also named the group. The legal tests, and the thresholds for evidence, are the same. In 1987, Ngati Porou first proposed its' Ara Kainga model and approach, against the backdrop of Puao Te Atatu and the government's policy of devolution to iwi, Te Urupare Rangapu. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. [1] The traditional rohe or tribal area of Ngti Porou extends from Ptikirua and Lottin Point in the north to Te Toka-a-Taiau (a rock that used to sit in the mouth of Gisborne harbour) in the south. In 2014 Ngati Porou ki Poneke hosted a very well-received Ngata Lecture series at Te Papa museum. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Ngti Porou is a Mori iwi traditionally located in the East Cape and Gisborne regions of the North Island of New Zealand. ' . However we still came under pressure, and ended up losing half our land by the end of the century. During the early 20th century, the population of Ngti Porou increased substantially. Porourangi was a very tapu (sacred) person and like his great-grandfather Pouheni before him, virtually everything he touched became tapu. Despite the positive intent from ministers, the public sector resisted the essence of both policies. Well-being was tied not only to the taha tinana (physical health) but also to the taha wairua (spiritual health). In recognition of these and other services to the Maori people, Ngata was knighted in 1927. drunken, drunk, intoxicated, intoxication. Only a handful of programmes all from the Department of Maori Affairs - were devolved to iwi to administer. The Minister's decision and basis for reaching it. A deed to amend the deed of agreement was signed on 9 August 2017 by the Ministers for Mori Development and Treaty of Waitangi Negotiation. She was an important ancestor from the Kait area of Tranga (Gisborne). There were many negative outcomes to this post-war migration. We also see the then Minister of Maori Affairs Pita Sharples read the Crown . Rangitane academic Mason Durie developed a model Te Whare Tapawha that reintroduced a holistic aspect to Maori health and well-being. 93 and 94 Canterbury Place Names), Ngati-Paroparo near Cave in Orari hills (Canterbury Place Names pg 114 A mixed Waitaha-Katimamoe), Rakiwakaputa (Census of the Native Residents in 1853). Taranaki - Taranaki: an illustrated history . Regardless of where we are, maintaining these connections have been crucial to our life, and we have worked hard to stay connected. The Mori-language word iwi roughly translates to people or nation, and is often translated as tribe, or a confederation of tribes. This medical disparity was also partly due to our relative poverty in this country. , . 9 . [12], A second wave of violence rocked Ngti Porou starting in 1829, when the presence of Ngti Porou passengers on the ship where the Ngti Awa rangatira Ngarara was assassinated by Ngpuhi marked the iwi as a target for retribution. [7] The station underwent a major transformation in 1993, becoming Whanau FM. Ngai Tamakaitaki (Census of the Native Residents in 1853) (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Tamauoraki (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Taoka (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Tawaitoraki (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Tawakiteraki (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Teatawiua (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Tekahukura (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Terakiamoa (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Terakitauneke (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Terangihokaia (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Tereke (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Tihapuiti (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Tueanuku (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Tuna (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai Turakipawa (Census of the Native Residents in 1853), Ngai-te-rua-wai (pp. [13] Minor raids by Ngti Awa and their allies Whakathea and Te Whnau--Apanui in 1829 and 1831 resulted in the deaths of some Ngti Porou, which triggered retaliatory action from the iwi. The information is categorised by Ngpuhi Takiw These events became part of the culture of Ngati Porou. This was provided to the Minister to assist him in considering the issue of extinction of customary rights in the Mhaka River. Many Maori became disillusioned with the broken promises of the missionaries and their ties to the oppressive Pakeha settler government. Whanau Whanau life is central to being Ngati Porou. Copyright 2023 Quick-Advices | All rights reserved. [2] The Te Arawa iwi also comprises 56 hap (sub-tribes) and 31 mrae (family groupings). The following map identifies fourty eight Ngati Porou marae and the represent the respective Rohenga Tipuna they associate with. It's taken 16 years of negotiations for the iwi to get the Ng Rohe Moana o Ng Hap bill over the line and after it was passed the sound of more than 100 Ngti Porou descendants in waiata resonated throughout the debating Chamber. The Ngpuhi is the largest iwi, with more than 140,000 members, but has the least money with its $62 million in assets coming mainly from fisheries. Te Whironui is a Maori Arts exhibition which celebrates Matariki and Maramataka Maori (Maori Lunar Calendar) to promote Maori arts & education. Ngati Porou embraced western medicine, and were among the first of the new Maori practitioners of this new way. The offer to enter a recognition agreement follows a determination by the Minister in relation to Ngti Phauwera's application for recognition of customary rights. The Crown has recognised 14 customary marine title areas along the East Cape and East Coast in ng rohe moana o ng hap o Ngti Porou, Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations Andrew Little. Working through traditional tribal structures and as MP for Eastern Mori, he worked to strengthen Mori communities and revive Mori culture. 2.3kg 1 1g, 2.3kg ~ 4.6kg 2 2g(, 1g), 4.6kg 2 3g( 2g, 1g) . 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