
The range is capable of 1,000 yard plus target engagements, with 12 different dedicated shooting stations and growing. Nobody left after 4 ranges without dropping at least a few! - Peeltree, West Virginia: 600yd Match #2, 27 April - Gopher RRC, Harris, Minnesota: Match #2, 600yd, 26 April - Harry Jones, Fairmont West Virginia: Matches #1 & #2, 1000yd, 12 April - White Horse Ctr. Blake Daniels fantastic 2003 season Click Here. When conditions are right, a good shooter can put ten shots into a pattern you can cover with the palm of your hand. Owing a lot of its history to the nearby municipality of Williamsport Pennsylvania, it has become known as the "Williamsport Club". Congratulations to these fine competitors. Larry also won the IBS Hunter Nationals as noted below! And in the Heavy Gun score competition Brandon McNeil and Mr. Crawford had the two best scores fired. - Peeltree, West Virginia: 1000yd Match #2 & #3 & #4, 11 June - Benchrest Rifle Club - St. Louis, Missouri: 600yd Match #1, 11 June - Piedmont Gun Club Rutherfordton NC: Match #2, 600yd, 4 June - White Horse Center. In the March match Shooters using Lilja barrels and winning their relays in score and group include: Susie Cain, Ray Lowman, Blake Daniels, Charles Wooten, Danny Brooks, Larry Bryant, and Kerry Vinson. Were proud to say that both shooters used .308 caliber Lilja barrels. In match #4 at Hawks Ridge in the Light Gun class Danny Brooks and Joel Pendergraft won their relays and Danny Brooks won the shoot-off in score. Great shooting guys! Average Non-Zero Group Size = 6.195. What cartridge is the most tolerant for 1,000 yard shooting ? Martin and Shirley List and Ronnie Blades took Heavy Class score and group and Unlimited score and Ronnie took 2nd in Unlimited group in the Fall match at Shreveport. Great shooting you guys! In the May #5 match in Light Gun Susie Cainmwon her relay and the shoot-off. Says John: Just wanted to express my appreciation on your staff and quality of product. Records; Hall of Fame; 2022 Results. Shooters at the Hawks Ridge Club using Lilja barrels have started out hot again this year. 2023 International Benchrest Shooters, All Rights Reserved. - Peeltree, West Virginia: 600yd Match #1, 1 May - Vapor Trail Valley- Spickard, MO : 1000yd Match #3, #4, 30 March - Vapor Trail Valley- Spickard, MO : 1000yd Match #1, #2, 30 March - Hawks Ridge NC: 1000 yd Match 3, 30 April - Harry Jones, Fairmont West Virginia: Matches #1 & #2, 1000yd, 24 April - North Florida 1K, Swainsboro GA: 1000yd Matches #7 & #8, 23 April - Georgia 1K, Swainsboro: Matches #7 & #8, 1000yd, 23 April - Gopher RRC, Harris, Minnesota: Match #1 & #2, 1000yd, 17 April - Hawks Ridge NC: 1000 yd Match #2, 17 April - Memphis, Tennessee: Match #4, 600yd, 16 April - Memphis, Tennessee: Match #3, 600yd, 9-10 April - Deep Creek Range - Missoula, Montana: 1000yd Matches #3 & #4, 9 April - Dark Corner BR, Rutherfordton NC: Match #4, 600yd, 26-27 March - Deep Creek Range - Missoula, Montana: 1000yd Matches #1 & #2, 26 March - Hawks Ridge NC: 1000 yd Match #1, 20 March - North Florida 1K, Swainsboro GA: 1000yd Matches #5 & #6, 20 March - Memphis, Tennessee: Match #1, 600yd, 19 March - Memphis, Tennessee: Match #1, 600yd, 19 March - Georgia 1K, Swainsboro: Matches #5 & #6, 1000yd, 12 March - Dark Corner BR, Rutherfordton NC: Match #3, 600yd, 28 February - North Florida1K, Swainsboro GA: 1000yd Matches #3 & #4, 27 February - Georgia 1K, Swainsboro: Matches #3 & #4, 1000yd, 21 February - Bridgeville, Delaware: 600yd, 20 February - Bridgeville, Delaware: 600yd, 13 February - Dark Corner BR, Rutherfordton NC: Match #2, 600yd, 31 January - North Florida 1K, Swainsboro GA: 1000yd Matches #1 & #2, 30 January - Georgia 1K, Swainsboro: Matches #1 & #2, 1000yd, 2 January - Dark Corner BR, Rutherfordton NC: Match #1, 600yd, 8 August - Piedmont Gun Club Rutherfordton NC: Match #4, 600yd, 2 August - Vapor Trail Valley- Spickard, MO : 600yd Match #3, 1 August - Columbus Sportsmen,Wisconsin Match #1, 600yd, 1 August - Vapor Trail Valley- Spickard, MO : 1000yd Match #9, #10, 1 August - White Horse Ctr. The first two groups out of the barrel in a match and two more Screamers for Charles! It is conducted at distances of 800, 900, and 1000 yards. Brandon won the Heavy Gun group and Heavy Gun score competitions and was the Junior Champion in both the Heavy Gun and the Light Gun. - Peeltree, West Virginia, 600yd, 28 September - Camp Butner North Carolina: Matches #9 & #10, 1000yd, 28 September - Yukon, Missouri: Match #5 600yd, 28 September - Yukon, Missouri: Match #4 600yd, 22 September - Bridgeville, Delaware: 600yd, 22 September - Hawks Ridge NC : Match #10, 1000yd, 21 September - Hawks Ridge NC : Match #9, 1000yd, 22 September - Memphis Tennessee: 600yd Match #5, 21 September - Memphis Tennessee: 600yd Match #4, 22 September - Vapor Trail Valley- Spickard, MO : 1000yd Matches #3 & #4, 21 September - Vapor Trail Valley- Spickard, MO : 1000yd Matches #1 & #2, 14-15 September - Fairmont West Virginia, (VA 1K) 1000yd Matches #7-#10, 14 September - Camp Butner North Carolina: Matches #7 & #8, 1000yd, 14 September - Piedmont Gun Club Rutherfordton NC 600yd, 14 September - Big Piney, Houston, MO: 600yd. I've been toting a T3 Lite Stainless in .308 Winchester for many years. Overall group average was 9.226 on 12 targets! On the second day he fired a 5.320 group! It is rather remarkable that Brandon, as a junior shooter, beat all of the competitors. Montana NW 1000 Yard Benchrest Club. Great shooting guys! - Peeltree, West Virginia: Match #1 & #2 1000yd, 20 April - Memphis Tennessee: 600yd Match #1, 13-14 April - Vapor Trail Valley- Spickard, MO : 600yd Matches #1 #2, 13 April - Swainsboro, Georgia : Matches #9 & #10, 1000yd, 13 April - Piedmont Gun Club Rutherfordton NC 600yd, 7 April - Thunderstick, Pueblo, CO: 600yd Match #2, 6 April - Camp Butner North Carolina: Matches #1 & #2, 1000yd, 30 March - Hawks Ridge NC : Match #1, 1000yd, 23 March - Swainsboro, Georgia : Matches #7 & #8 1000yd, 23 March - Big Piney, Houston, MO: 600yd Match #1, 17 March - Thunderstick, Pueblo, CO: 600yd Match #1, 17 March - Benchrest St, Louis 600yd Match #1, 9 March - Piedmont Gun Club Rutherfordton NC 600yd, 2 March - Swainsboro, Georgia : Matches #5 & #6 1000yd, 17 February - Bridgeville, Delaware: 600yd, 9 February - Swainsboro, Georgia : Matches #3 & #4 1000yd, 20 January - Bridgeville, Delaware: 600yd, 19 January - Swainsboro, Georgia : Matches #1 & #2 1000yd, 15 December - Bridgeville, Delaware: 600yd, 17 November - Bridgeville, Delaware: 600yd, 20 October - Bridgeville, Delaware: 600yd, 13 October - Vapor Trail Valley- Spickard, MO : 600yd Match #5, 12 October - Vapor Trail Valley- Spickard, MO : 1000yd Match #11 & #12, 12 October - White Horse Ctr. 1,000 Yard Range. Lilja, Im just writing to let you know I used one of your barrels at the 25th annual Hickery Groundhog shoot this year. I now have won the 2 gun overall championship in 2008 and 2009. The X-ring in F-Class is five inches, the ten-ring is ten inches. If so, let us know and well include it here on our web site. I managed to win the last two Montana State Long Range (F-Class, TR) matches. Nicole even beat her gunsmith/father Tim in the match. For a complete rundown on their shooting in 2004 Click Here. Excellent shooting guys. The Hottest Chamberings for 1000-Yard Shooting Williamsport 1000-yard World Open Concludes Today Super Shoot Final Results .308 Win vs. .30-06 Match Results May Surprise You Match Report: 2015 IBS 1000-Yard Nationals at Hawks Ridge Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Permalink Competition An F-Class shooter engages the 1,000-yard target at the Wendover, Utah, Air Force range (inactive). We develop the ideal load for your rifle that is tailored specific to your requirements, hunting or target. Martin List was the 2-Gun winner at the 2017 FCSA .50 caliber World Shoot in Raton, New Mexico! Deep Creek Shooting Range; Results. See a picture of Charles and his rifle. 1995 Gary McGee is the IBS Junior shooter of the year with a Lilja .30 caliber barrel. David Fuller of Freeman, Virginia fired a 5-shot group at Hawks Ridge of near record size. Wow! 2015 .50 Caliber World Championship Match results, Raton NM. 600 & 1000 Yard Factory and Tactical Benchmark Records; 2023 Agenda Item Voting - Online Now; 2022 Varmint Hunter of the Year - Keith Brock; 2023 Pro-Am IBS Group Nationals Details; We dedicate and name this High Power Rifle Range in honor of George E. Tubb. Scott and Kathleen McRee shot very well over the weekend. Look for Charles to be a real contender in the 1999 season. In the Heavy Gun Charles Bailey started out hot again winning the score aggregate with a 93.5 and he was second in the group agg with a 9.346. Excellent shooting yet again from the Lists! 2022 Highlights: Beyond that, Bill also won the Virginia State Championships in September and was the 1998 IBS 1000 yard Shooter of the Year! was a fine 6.244!Great season Danny, and all with a Lilja barrel! The following shooters won either the score or group measurment for their relay at the April 1000 yard match at Hawks Ridge, North Carolina: Lewis Winkler, Gary Nolf, Victor Fuller, and Joel Pendergraft in the Light Gun. Charles was the North Carolina State Heavy gun score Champion, Heavy Gun Group Champion runner-up, Heavy Gun Grand Champion and won the 6-match group agg., 10-match score agg., and the 6-match score agg. She fired a .308 Baer cartridge chambered by Bruce Baer.Nice shooting Terry. Deciding which scope is the right one for your quest to shoot 1,000 yards is a whole different matter. Great shooting guys & gals. There are 12 firing points on the High Power range. I have set several world records with this barrel and now 2 National Championships. 8 September - Vapor Trail Valley- Spickard, MO : 600yd Match #5 : 7 September - Vapor Trail Valley- Spickard, MO : 1000yd Matches #9 & #10: 7 September - Grant County Shooters Elbow Lake, MN 600yd. Martin List took 1st in Unlimited class, shooting a 289-9X. The Club recently opened its 1000-yard range, which also has firing points at 800 and 900 yards and is used for NRA Long Range Competition (Conventional, Fullbore, Palma, and F-Class) and IBS matches. At the May match at Williamsport Dan Frazier continued his winning ways with a win in the Heavy Gun class. Dave. Scott and Kathy McRee from Post Falls Idaho had a great season at the Missoula 1000 yard range this season. Junior shooter Barak Robinson fired a fantastic 3.361 group at the 2002 IBS Nationals at Hawks Ridge over the August 31st / September 1st weekend. Martin List placed 5th in the 4 gun at worlds, Shirley List placed 9th in two gun. But a wind shift can also throw a shot off-target completely. In the Light Gun class Joel Pendergraft used one of our 6.5mm barrels gunsmithed by Dave Tooley to win the Light Gun group aggregate. Wind so so. Here are some factors to consider as well as some recommendations for the best 1,000. Bill Crawford fires a new IBS 1000 yard Light Gun record with a perfect score of 50 and a new record 5 shot group for this class of 2.766! In the Shoot-Off Charles shot another screamer, this one 5.118! Of the 18 record groups that Charles fired this year, 6 of them were under six inches! These two fellows also shot the two best score targets out of the total of 228 shot. The morning had started with possibles at 300 yards - it finished with the best of . Excellent shooting by Shirley, who has been tearing up the field this year! The 2008 match was on September 27, 2008 and the 2009 match individual match occurred on September 26. They included Steve Shelp, Ray Lowman, and Blake Daniels. . - Peeltree, West Virginia: 1000yd Matches #5 & #6, 7 June - Hunters Pointe, Humbold,t South Dakota: 600yd Match #4, 6 June - Hunters Pointe, Humbold,t South Dakota: 600yd Match #3, 7 June - Vapor Trail Valley- Spickard, MO : 1000yd Match #3 & #4, 6 June - Vapor Trail Valley- Spickard, MO : 1000yd Match #1 & #2, 6 June - White Horse Ctr. Williamsport August 15th 2004 Thomas Murtiff wins his relay in the Heavy Gun Class with a fine 6.948 10-shot group. - Peeltree, West Virginia: 600yd Match #5. The object of F-Class is to shoot 20 rounds into the center five inches of a six foot square paper target at 1000 yards. It is sometimes also shot at 1,200 yards. About 1000 yard shooting range. - Peeltree, West Virginia: Match #5 & #6 1000yd, 8 June - Yukon, Missouri: Match #2 1000yd, 8 June - Yukon, Missouri: Match #1 1000yd, 8 June - Piedmont Gun Club Rutherfordton NC 600yd, 2 June - Vapor Trail Valley- Spickard, MO : 600yd Match #4, 1 June - Vapor Trail Valley- Spickard, MO : 600yd Match #3, 1 June - Harry Jones, Fairmont West Virginia: Matches #3 & #4, 1000yd, 28 May - Hawks Ridge NC : Match #2, 1000yd, 16 December - Camp Butner North Carolina: Matches #9 & #10, 1000yd, 16 December - Bridgeville, Delaware: 600yd, 18 November - Bridgeville, Delaware: 600yd, 3 November - Camp Butner North Carolina: Matches #7 & #8, 1000yd, 27 October - Fairmont West Virginia, (VA 1K) 1000yd Matches #9 & #10, 21 October - Bridgeville, Delaware: 600yd, 14 October - Spickard, MO : 600yd Match #7, 13 October - Spickard, MO : 1000yd Matches #13 & #14, 13 October - Fairmont West Virginia, (VA 1K) 1000yd Matches #7 & #8. Great shooting guys and gals. Shirley List at a 50 BMG match in Reno on 8/17-18 she came in 1st overall on 2 gun, then a match following that weekend she was 2nd place in 2 gun and 1st in score. Virginia State: Robbie Robinson took home the 1000 yard Light Gun Championship trophy using one of our 30 caliber 11 twist 3-groove barrels and he also won the North Carolina State Score Light Gun Championship with the same rifle! Lilja barrels are represented very well with Firsts in score for both classes! . Thomas Murtiff and Dan Frazier fired a couple of impressive 10-shot groups in the Heavy Gun Class winning their relays. Throughout this time, competitors from all over the country and abroad have gathered to compete in rifle bullseye tournaments to test their abilities from 200 yards to 1000 yards. I guess they frown upon that! Larry Isenhour set a new IBS 600 yard record of .943. Create Account & Join Today Login. The NRA has hosted High Power Matches for over 100 years. At the Hawks Ridge Club September and October matches the following shooters won relays using our barrels: Ray Lowman, Barry Umberger, Charles Wooyen, Blake Daniels, Joel Pendergraft, Lweis Winkler, Danny Brooks, and Kerry Vinson. - Peeltree, West Virginia: 1000yd Match #3 & #4, 3-4 June - Bar 3 Range, Laurel, Mississippi: 1000yd Matches #7-#10, 3 June - Columbus Sportsmen, Wisconsin: Match #2, 600yd, 3 June - White Horse Center - Peeltree, West Virginia: 600yd Match #2, 27-28 May - Hunters Pointe, Humboldt, South Dakota: 600yd Match, 21 May - Gopher RRC, Harris, Minnesota: Match #3 , 600yd, 21 May - Virginia 1000 Yard Club - Fairmont, West Virginia: Matches #1 & #2 1000 Yard, 20 May - Hawks Ridge - Ferguson, North Carolina: Match #3 1000 Yards, 28 May - Harry Jones, Fairmont West Virginia: Matches #3 & #4, 1000yd, 13 May - White Horse Center. In the May 19th 1000 Yard Match at the Williamsport 1000 Yard match, Terry Blain and John Buhay won their relays for group. Blake Daniels also won the score portion of the shoot-off. Other shooters doing very well with Lilja barrels at the 2002 IBS Nationals on Day 1 were Blake Daniels, Joe Cain and Michael Baldini who fired the smallest group in the Heavy Gun Day 1 match with an exceptional 5.075 group and a score of 100! His two scores were 93 and 98. Ten-shot groups under six inches are recognized as Official Screamers. At the Williamsport PA 1000 yard range Russell Hunkins and Roger Blain won relays at the August 6th & 7th match. At the Hawks Ridge Nationals held the end of August Charles Bailey put on a new Lilja barrel and shot his first sub 5 group with a 4.896! Bill Crawford does it again! - Peeltree, West Virginia: 600yd Match #3, 20 May - Swainsboro, Georgia (North Fla.): 1000yd Matches #3 & #4, 30 May - Harry Jones, Fairmont West Virginia: Matches #3 & #4, 1000yd, 24 May - Swainsboro, Georgia (North Fla.): 1000yd Matches #9 & #10, 23 May- Swainsboro, Georgia: 1000yd Matches #9 & #10, 24 May - Gopher RRC, Harris, Minnesota: Match #2, 1000yd, 23 May - Gopher RRC, Harris, Minnesota: Match #2, 600yd, 17 May - Memphis, Tennessee: Match #5, 600yd, 16 May - Hawks Ridge NC: Match #3 & #4, 1000yd, 9-10 May - Deep Creek Range - Missoula, Montana: 1000yd Matches #6 & #5, 9 May - Hunters Pointe, Humbold,t South Dakota: 600yd Match #1 & #2, 9 May - Benchrest Rifle Club - St. Louis, Missouri: 600yd Match, 9 May - White Horse Ctr. Congratulations Nicole. Score. For the complete story Click Here, Lloyd Griswold, John Griswold and Glen Sterling are the shooters to beat at the Varmint Hunters 600 yard benchrest matches at Pierre, South Dakota. - Peeltree, West Virginia: 600yd Match #4, 30 July - Harry Jones, Fairmont West Virginia: Matches #7 & #8, 1000yd, 24 July - Gopher RRC, Harris, Minnesota: Match #3 , 600yd, 24 July - Vapor Trail Valley - Spickard, MO : 1000yd Matches #7 & #8, 23-24 July - Fairmont West Virginia, (VA 1K) 1000yd Matches #5, 6, 7, & 8, 23 July - Gopher RRC, Harris, Minnesota: Match #3 , 600yd, 23 July - Hunters Pointe, Humboldt, South Dakota: 600yd Match, 23 July - Vapor Trail Valley - Spickard, MO : 1000yd Matches #5 & #6, 16 July - Hawks Ridge NC: 1000 yd Match 7, 10 July - Columbus Sportsmen,Wisconsin Match #5, 600yd, 10 July - Grant County Shooters Elbow Lake, MN 600yd Match #4, 9-10 July - Deep Creek Range - Missoula, Montana: 1000yd Matches #9 & #10, 9 July - White Horse Center. - Peeltree, West Virginia: 1000yd Matches #1 & #2, 13 - 14 May - Vapor Trail, Spickard, Missouri: 1000 Yard Match #1, #2, #3 & #4, 13 - 14 May Deep Creek Range - Missoula, Montana: 1000 yd Match #5 , 13 May Piedmont Gun Club - Rutherfordton North Carolina: 600yd Match #1, 6 May - Bar 3 Range, Laurel, Mississippi: 1000yd Matches #3 & #4, 6 May - Columbus Sportsmen, Wisconsin: Match #1, 600yd, 30 April - Benchrest Rifle Club - St. Louis, Missouri: 600yd Match #2, 29 April - Benchrest Rifle Club - St. Louis, Missouri: 600yd Match #1, 29 April - Hawks Ridge NC: 1000 yd Match #2, 23 April - GRRC Gopher RRC, Harris, Minnesota: Match #2 600 Yards, 22 April - GRRC Gopher RRC, Harris, Minnesota: Match #1 600 Yards, 22 April - Harry Jones, Fairmont West Virginia: Matches #1 & #2, 1000yd, 8-9 April - Deep Creek Range - Missoula, Montana: 1000yd Matches #3 & #4, 8 April - Dark Corner BR, Rutherfordton North Carolina: 600yd, 2 April- Georgia 1K, Swainsboro: Matches #9 & 10, 1000yd, 1 April - Georgia 1K, Swainsboro: Matches #7-#8, 1000yd, 25-26 March - Deep Creek Range - Missoula, Montana: 1000yd Matches #1 & #2, 25 March - Hawks Ridge NC: 1000 yd Match #1, 19 March - Memphis, Tennessee: Match #2, 600yd, 18 March - Memphis, Tennessee: Match #1, 600yd, 11 March - Dark Corner BR, Rutherfordton North Carolina: 600yd, 3-4 March - Georgia 1K, Swainsboro: Matches #3-#6, 1000yd, 19 February - Bridgeville, Delaware: 600yd, 11 February - Dark Corner BR, Rutherfordton North Carolina: 600yd, 4 February - Georgia 1K, Swainsboro: Matches #1 & #2, 1000yd, 28 December - Bridgeville, Delaware: 600yd, 20 November - Bridgeville, Delaware: 600yd, 16 October - Bridgeville, Delaware: 600yd, 15 October - Bridgeville, Delaware: 600yd, 15 October - Memphis, Tennessee: Match #5, 600yd, 15 October - Hawks Ridge NC: 1000 yd Matches #4 & #5, 1 October - White Horse Center. 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