
b. taking a personal inventory a. Its too figurative. d. all of the above. Stephanie's specific purpose is too impersonal. You may be asked to provide both the broad purpose and the particular purpose by certain lecturers. Speaking from the speakers perspective, this document serves a particular purpose His or her goal is to achieve what theyve set out to do. Of the four I would choose number two, Speeches about processes. As you revise your paper, try to phrase your thesis or purpose statement in a precise way so that it matches the content and organization of your paper. there are two major types of leaderships. b. determining the general purpose. FEEBLE b. Its too detailed. 2. For an informative speech to be effective, it must offer information. the primary concept of your speech is stated in a thesis statement, and the precise objective of your speech is stated in a specific purpose statement. True. Draft a proposition of fact, proposition of value, and proposition of policy for one or more of the following topics: Shortening class time Pro-anorexia images on social networking sites Obviously, the specific purpose statements content must be very narrowly defined and, well, specific. 52. What is a major benefit of a clear specific purpose statement and thesis? When attempting to get at the core of your speech (the specific purpose), you need to know a few basic things about your speech. According to your textbook, "Getting an internship is a challenging experience with great rewards" is an example of a(n) How would you change your approach if you were addressing first-semester freshmen instead of first-semester juniors? a. is too specific. Stephanie's specific purpose is too broad. b. central idea Informative speeches are those that provide correct information to the audience in a style that is easy to understand and that keeps the listener engaged in the subject matter. He is an expert but no one in his class will care about the subject and will think he is bragging.b. For example, explaining the importance of eating breakfast and providing people with cereal bars may be a great topic at 9:00 a.m. but may not have the same impact if youre giving it at 4:00 p.m. Fourth, you need to consider where your speech will be given. Yes. d. technical. e. goal statement. a. Its too general. I want to educate my audience on the duties of lifeguards. For this reason, when writing your specific purpose, start off your sentence by including the words my audience or actually listing the name of your audience: a group of journalism students, the people in my congregation, my peers in class, and so on. Which of the following does your textbook recommend as a method of brainstorming for a speech topic? ., The aim of this paper is to . b. it doesnt refer to the speakers credibility. If you find yourself using the word and in your specific topic statement, youre probably doubling up on topics. d. personal. An old adage states, Write about what you know. In many ways, that is a great place to start with creating a speech, although you will need to consult other sources as well. Answer the following questions about each of the purpose statements you make up: Is it result-oriented? Time. Having reached a consensus on a policy for increasing child safety in the homes of gun owners, Stefanos small group decided to have each member deliver a . Structuring the Conclusion and Examples, 76. To inform my audience how a perpetual motion machine works" is an example of a A thesis statement makes a promise to the reader about the scope, purpose, and direction of the paper. They tend to speak about the whole alphabet, A-Z on a subject, instead of just T or L. This comes from an emphasis on the topic more than the purpose, and from not keeping audience and context in mind. 13. e. a and b only. b. central idea. a. persuade e. main point. .. e. analyzing the audience. 7: LANGUAGE ASSESSMENT. e. central idea. e. a and b only. What are the elements of a specific purpose statement? an infinitive phrase that builds upon the speakers general purpose to clearly indicate precisely what the goal of a given speech is. What the research intends to accomplish is depicted in the studys Purpose, which should mirror the explanation of the issue. Which of the following is a correctly worded main point for a speech preparation outline? Understanding the Process of Public Speaking, 50. Are there any flaws in Stephanies specific purpose? Which of the following statement are true about an effective specific purpose statement? Stephanie has a strong specific purpose statement. Specific purpose statement. . d. all of the above. When assessing a client with partial-thickness burns over 60% of the body, which finding should the nurse report immediately? Second is the what question, or the basic description of your topic. a. expressed as a question. Lets now look at that topic in terms of a general purpose and specific purpose: For the purpose of this example, we used the same general topic area, but demonstrated how you could easily turn the topic into either an informative speech or a persuasive speech. Then rewrite the specific purpose statement to make it appropriate for a speech about one of the . Purpose statements are common in research papers in some academic disciplines, while in other disciplines they are considered too blunt or direct. 42. b. broad. "The three kinds of bait used to attract fish are live bait, prepared bait, and artificial bait" is an example of a How does the purpose and its topic touch upon their lives, wallets, relationships, careers, etc.? c. expressed in figurative language. b. be written as a full infinitive phrase. The main reason to keep a speaking outline brief is to, help the speaker maintain eye contact with the audience, The specific purpose statement in a preparation outline should be written, Subpoints in a preparation outline should be, Outlining is important to public speaking because an outline helps a speaker, judge whether each part of the speech is fully developed, ensure that ideas flow clearly from one to another, & solidify the structure of a speech, The main points in a preparation outline are. a. include a reference to the audience. Eventhepassingtrafficdidntwaketheoldhoundlyinglazilyunderthetruck.\underline{\text{Even the passing traffic didnt wake the old hound lying lazily under the truck.}} You can get your paper edited to read like this. "To inform my audience about the history of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation" is an example of a The main point is written from the perspective of the listener. difference between general purpose and specific purpose. is a poorly phrased central idea for an informative speech because a. speech topic. How did geography influence the ways Native American cultures developed? d. brainstorming All of the following are necessary in a preparation outline except. Summaries. d. is too technical for this audience. Usually speeches early in the term have shorter time limits (three to five minutes), and speeches later in the term have longer time limits (five to eight minutes). This paper examines . e. outline. independent, dependent, mediating, control, for quantitative, use words to ____________ the independent and dependent variables. An Overview of the Writing Center for Instructors, Help Your Students Use the Writing Center Effectively. c. is expressed in figurative language. 11. Is The Simpsons your favorite TV show? 3.2 All Anxiety Is Not the Same: Sources of Communication Apprehension, 9.2 The Attention-Getter: The First Step of an Introduction, 9.3 Putting It Together: Steps to Complete Your Introduction, 14.2 Speaking Contexts That Affect Delivery, 14.4 Practicing for Successful Speech Delivery, 15.4 Tips for Preparing Presentation Aids, Appendix: 2. c. specific purpose. e. inform, 9. Also, it gives your audience an idea of what's being covered by your delivery. the bibliography, a specific purpose statement, & the thesis. (C) reckless c. central idea. More instances of specific purposes, core ideas, and main points may be found by clicking here. Regardless of whether your speechs overall goal is to educate or convince, the particular purpose statement should include some kind of reference to the people who will be listening. The following example combines a purpose statement and a thesis statement (bold). For each topic, devise a specific purpose statement suitable for the speech assignment. What you want to achieve with your speech is referred to as its aim. Do you feel that Big Brothers Big Sisters is a vital organization in the way it helps kids? What is the difference between the specific purpose and the central idea of a speech what are four guidelines for an effective central idea? a. speech goal. If you find yourself starting to phrase your specific purpose as a question, ask yourself how you can reword it as a statement. In this case, the speaker isnt attempting to alter peoples ideas about embedded journalists, just make them more aware of the dangers. A purpose statement is used to introduce your speech's primary topic and goals. d. all of the above Problems to Avoid with Specific Purpose and Central Idea Statements, 58. The sentence can be correctly revised in more than one way. Stephanies specific purpose mentions her audience. d. all of the above. Unlock answers 13. question. According to your textbook, brainstorming is especially helpful when you are having trouble. for qualitative, focus on one _________________, concept, or _____________. Understanding Special Occasion Speeches, Appendix A: Cultural Diversity in Public Speaking, Appendix B: Succeeding as a College Student, Appendix D: Humor Appendix (is that anything like the funny bone?). This site was built using the UW Theme | Privacy Notice | 2023 Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System. Learn more about accessibility at UWMadison. e. Its too specific. Examples in this chapter will show what that means. 1 / 4. Use the guidelines below to learn the differences between thesis and purpose statements. Integrate the seven tips for creating specific purposes. c. deliberating 29. thesis/preview. What is the difference between the specific purpose and the central idea of a speech? Dont put extra stress on yourself by adding topics. all four methods of reinforcing the central idea can be combined in a single conclusion. c. formulating the specific purpose Youve been asked to give a series of speeches on the importance of health care in poverty-stricken countries. This includes you (your hobbies, your history, your previous work experience and education, your major), your audience (which you learned about in Chapter 2), and the location or context (also discussed in Chapter 2). Stand up, Speak out by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. c. written as a statement instead of as a question. _____ Then Keisha said\mathit{said}said that we should add milk to the dry mixture. d. thesis statement. It may sound like fun to have a specific purpose like, To persuade my audience to get jiggy, but if you state this as your purpose, many people probably wont know what youre talking about at all. a. is too broad. What is the purpose of an informative speech quizlet? the principal goal of a speech intended to enlighten It is important to provide new knowledge or to deepen understanding of an existing issue to your audience. Yes. Stephanies specific purpose is too broad. "To inform my audience about the four major elements in rope climbing" is an example of a If you want to persuade your listeners to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day, you need to say so clearly in your specific purpose. Figure 4.1. Listening in Public Speaking Settings, 22. Here are three examples (each with a different general purpose and a different audience): One of thing things A Pocket Guide to Public Speaking talks about that I want to draw from going forward is forming a specific speech purpose. d. topic statement. "What should be done about the problem of hacking?" b. specific purpose It is also a good idea to keep in mind what you want the audience to walk away with or what you want them to know, to be able to do, to think, to act upon, or to respond to your topicyour ultimate outcome or result. He needs to reword the specific purpose statement mostly to focus on the communication word being fulfilled in the speech. "The laser is a highly versatile instrument with important uses in medicine, industry, and art" is an example of a c. transition statement. Whats the difference between the main concept and the particular purpose? First, a specific purpose, in its written form, should be a short, declarative sentence that emphasizes the main topic of your speech. a. is usually formulated after you have done some research. A thesis statement or purpose statement will emerge as you think and write about a topic. A purpose statement is specific enough to satisfy the requirements of the assignment. What are general purpose financial statements? d. topic statement. d. all of the above. a. written as a complete sentence. For another example, lets say that one of your family members has benefitted from being in the Special Olympics and you have volunteered two years at the local event. the specific goal of a speech, stated in a complete sentence. Which is an example of a specific purpose statement for an informative speech quizlet? Is focused and specific enough to be "proven" within the boundaries of your paper. b. specific purpose. e. Its too impersonal. The precise objective explains in concrete terms what you want to accomplish with your speech, while the thesis statement encapsulates the speechs main point. answer. e. a and b only. Self-Disclosure and Interpersonal Communication, 41. for quantitative, generally _____________ each key variables, preferably using set and accepted versions found in the _________________, mention ___________________ of data collection for quantitative, mixed methods contains information about ___________ of the study, information about ________________ and _______________ strands of the study, and ____________ for incorporating both approaches, intent, quantitative, qualitative, rationale. Exploring Specific Cultural Identities, 26. c. devoid of figurative language. c. selecting the specific purpose To convince my audience that the death penalty does not deter murderers. Identical twins are not simply.each other. What is the difference between a general and specific purpose statement? Stephanies specific purpose is written as a statement rather than a question. e. is too technical. How would you need to adjust your speechs purpose for each of these different audiences? reinforce your listeners' commitment to the central idea. 50. b. contains figurative language. What are the three types of general purposes for speeches? You would have slightly different specific purpose statements although your experience and basic information are all the same. . a. specific purpose. "To inform my audience about the three basic steps in preventive medicine" is an example of a 1 / 4. A purpose statement makes a promise to the reader about the development of the argument but does not preview the particular conclusions that the writer has drawn. Foundations of Public Speaking. an ________________ design is used to incorporate these reasons into a ____________ design, such as an experiment. "Awesome NASCAR racers" is a poorly phrased central idea for an informative speech because it is A _____________ design is used to develop a complete understanding of a research problem by _______________ quantitative and qualitative data and comparing the two databases. Specific purpose "Improving personal relationships" is a poorly phrased specific purpose for a speech because it is Written as a fragment rather than a full infinitive phrase "To explain the three major benefits of cycling as a form of exercise" is a poorly phrased specific purpose statement because it Lacks a reference to the audience b. specific purpose. Key words (nouns and verbs) should be specific, accurate, and indicative of the range of research, thrust of the argument or analysis, and the organization of supporting information. Another way in which purpose statements are sometimes unclear comes from the use of colloquial language. a. is not relevant to this audience. 44. "relationship between" "comparison of", order variables __________ to __________ in the quantitative purpose statement, independent variable is followed by the __________________ variable; place _______________ variables between independent and dependent; ____________ variables can be placed after dependent. Other speeches you will give in college (or in your career and personal life) will require you to think more deeply about the context just as you would the audience. This includes refining your thesis and specific purpose statement, and ensuring all your main points are well-supported. A specific purpose statement builds on your general purpose (such as to inform) and makes it more specific (as the name suggests). Consider the lack of clarity in the following specific purpose: To persuade the students in my class to drink more. Obviously, we have no idea what the speaker wants the audience to drink: water, milk, orange juice? d. Its too remote. c. determining the specific purpose. d. central idea. c. be determined as soon as you decide on your topic. d. all of the above. Guidelines for Selecting an Informative Speech Topic, 77. c. judgment. What is the difference between a general purpose specific purpose and central idea? Advocating a position is most appropriate when the general purpose of your speech is to The style of writing tells you a lot about a statement of goal. Answers: No. Distinguish between the specific purpose, central idea, and main points of a speech; Differentiate between a speech to inform, persuade, and inspire or entertain; Write a thesis or central idea statement; Distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable specific purpose and central idea statements; Compose appropriate specific purpose and central idea statements for informative, persuasive, and inspirational/entertaining speeches. Specific goals should be stated in the form of an open-ended enquiry. c. reporting Its a summary of the authors thoughts on the subject. The diagram in Figure 4.1 shows those three elements. Informative speeches may also be given by retail shop managers to their employees on how to explain a new product line to clients. Stephanie has a strong specific purpose statement. "To inform my audience about the solar system." e. inform. A specific purpose starts with one of the three general purposes and then specifies the actual topic you have chosen and the basic objective you hope to accomplish with your speech. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The purpose statement must be _____, specific, _____, It builds on __ _____ (the problem) and is . The rhetorical situation is the set of circumstances surrounding your speech (e.g., speaker, audience, text, and context). According to your textbook, what is the most important early step in the process of developing a successful speech? Home Flashcards Public Speaking Chapter 11, Outlining is an important part of public speaking because, an outline helps ensure that ideas flow clearly from one to another, Outlining is important to public speaking because an outline helps a speaker, judge whether each part of the speech is fully developed; ensure that ideas flow clearly from one to another; solidify the structure of a speech, According to your textbook, outlining is important to public speaking because an outline helps you judge whether, your main points are properly balanced; you have adequate supporting materials for your main points, Two types of speech outlines discussed in your textbook are the, preparation outline and the speaking outline, Both a preparation outline and a speaking outline should, use a consistent pattern of symbolization and indentation, Which of the following should be included in a preparation outline, the bibliography; a specific purpose statement; transitions, internal previews, and internal summaries; the central idea, According to your textbook, Raul should include which of the following in his preparation outline, transitions; the central idea; a bibliography, According to your textbook, which of the following should be included in a preparation outline, a bibliography; a specific purpose statement, All of the following are necessary in a preparation outline except, According to your textbook, the specific purpose statement in a preparation outline should appear, According to your textbook, as Bekah prepares her preparation outline for her speech on spiders, she should remember to include all of the following except, Which of the following is mentioned in your textbook as a guideline for a preparation outline, Label the introduction, body, and conclusion, According to your textbook, when making a preparation outline, you should, label transitions and internal summaries; state the specific purpose as a separate unit before the outline itself, Ryo is working on the preparation outline for his informative speech. Next, draft a specific purpose statement on the same topic for a speech to actuate. Then it becomes necessary for you to find that angle and approach that will help them see the benefit of it and listen to you. There should be just one infinitive phrase in the goal statement to concentrate on one element of the issue. More extensive and enduring reforms would likely have allowed Chile the opportunity to further expand these horizons. a. is too specific. In other words, go deep (specific) not broad. c. central idea. 33. "Benefits of cycling" is a poorly phrased central idea for an informative speech because it examples include: _______________, develop, explore, examine the meaning of, ______________. a. is expressed as a fragment instead of a full sentence. Problem Solving and Decision Making in Groups, 42. Solution 5 Solved 434 Views This Question has Been ! The process of generating ideas for speech topics by free association of words and ideas is known as A specific purpose starts with one of the three general purposes and then specifies the actual topic you have chosen and the basic objective you hope to accomplish with your speech. Which of the following specific purpose statements is incorrect: To inform the audience on the use of human cadavers throughout history To inform my audience why the Lakers are the best team in NBA history. b. is missing a reference to the audience. The Specific Purpose Statement may be developed as soon as the basic purpose of the speech has been established (What the speaker will accomplish). e. central idea. c. transition. With that said, the speechs general and particular goals are laid out separately in the introduction and conclusion sections, respectively. d. general thesis. 02/24/2017, Courtesy youtube.com, Exploring Communication in the Real World, Next: Formulating a Central Idea Statement, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Stephanie's specific purpose is written as a statement rather than a question. So if your first speech is an informative speech, your general purpose will be to inform your audience about a very specific realm of knowledge, for example, the history of NASA's Shuttle program. a. phrased as a question. Basically, the specific purpose answers the who, what, when, where, and why questions for your speech. The purpose statement must be __________________, specific, ________________________. The main point is written from the perspective of the listener. You may use the objective statement to enlighten my audience about Nikola Teslas involvement in the discovery of electricity while giving an instructive speech on a certain item. This would be a good place for you to do an inventory. Write your revised sentence on the line provided. Lets take the subject of participating in the study abroad program. This inventory may seem long and intrusive, but digging a little deeper may help you find ideas and directions that are unique to you. By articulating your speech thesis (i.e., what your speech is about), you are crystal clear on the desired consequence of your speech (the specific purpose). c. preview statement b. analyzing the occasion e. general purpose. When picking an effective topic, you need to make sure that the topic is appropriate for a variety of constraints or limitations within a speaking context. It will seem awkward and repetitive. d. general purpose. While we often use colloquialisms in everyday life, they are often understood only by a limited number of people. For example, a very common persuasive speech topic is organ donation. d. health. Good speakers are very knowledgeable about their audiences. State your specific purpose in a sentence that includes the general purpose, a description of the intended audience, and a prepositional phrase summarizing the topic. d. all of the above. Once you have chosen your general purpose and your topic, its time to take your speech to the next phase and develop your specific purpose. c. determined before the specific purpose. a __________________ design is used to frame them with a paradigm of _____________ ______________ for a marginalized group. a ______________________ ______________ design is used to understand the data at a more detailed level by using ________________ follow-up data to help explain a ________________ database, such as a survey, explanatory sequential, qualitative, quantitative. Depending on the location of your speech, different topics may or may not be appropriate. Time limits are among the most common constraints for students in a public speaking course. In order to meet the demands of a wide range of customers, general purpose goods have been developed. ., and The purpose of this essay is to . It summarizes the conclusions that the writer has reached about the topic. This is an accordion element with a series of buttons that open and close related content panels. According to your textbook, as Alexus prepares her speaking outline, she should remember to, make sure the outline is plainly legible; keep the outline as brief as possible, According to your textbook, in a speaking outline, the conclusion should be. b. deals with more than a single topic. To convince my classroom audience that they need at least seven hours of sleep per night to do well in their studies. d. all of the above. 30. a. too technical. e. Its too trivial. central idea sentence examples. 51. Diffusion Let us complete them for you. The first two parts make sure you are clear on your purpose and know specifically who will be hearing your message. Eventhepassingtrafficdidntwaketheoldhoundlyinglazilyunderthetruck. Then persuade us that cell phones should be banned in theaters. Definition. d. all of the above. The nature of the topic dictates the use of both a chronological and a comparative analysis of peasant lives at various points during the reform period. b. aggregating 45. the bottom of the literature review funnel should include ____________/____________ similar to yours. First and foremost, you always need to think about your intended audience when choosing your specific purpose. a. speech topic. "To inform my audience about the history and rules of water polo" is an example of a e. topic statement. c. is written as a statement instead of a question. before the text of the outline itself Make sure the statement is its own ______________________ or paragraph. Principles and Functions of Nonverbal Communication, 17. b. main point. Quickly and professionally. As explained in your textbook, the central idea of a speech should be d. all of the above. Examples of a purpose statement Our goal is to encourage every family in the globe to gather around the table on Sundays. 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