
We will provide feedback on your dispute within 5 business days of receipt. North America EMPTY Equipment Control. Third parties and social media networks also place tracking cookies. The purpose of this is that, just before the container is discharged, TPT will call the driver to ensure that he is in the queue waiting to collect. For free time terms valid until 30.09.2022, please refer below downloadable attachment. When registering a dispute, please include the shipment number, container number, and a detailed description of the dispute including the applicable service contract number if pertinent to the claim. This does not include terminal storage cost. ******PLEASE NOTE, IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING ISSUES WITH INTERNET EXPLORER ON THIS SITE. Expiry Date: Until further notice Direct Delivery to and from a rail truck is allowed except class 1.4 UN 0012 (road haul only). Maersk Empty Return Changes. Country: Canada 15 Jakarta / 021-4401592. Or if the amendments are done after a specific time at origin. Tampa - first 8:00 AM following vessel departure. Free time: Calendar days MCC Transport Philippines Inc. (MCCP) is a joint venture between Sealand Maersk Pte Ltd, Mercantile Ocean Maritime Co (Filipinas) Inc, and 2GO Group Inc. . If your container is not on the Empty Container Return Exceptions list, please click on the Empty Container Return Location link to find the empty container delivery location details. Shippers owned tank with IMO cargo follows free time & rate of IMO. If they are amended in any way, please ensure you contact Maerskline for us to update the system on your behalf. The following charges are penalty surcharges when agreed free time has been exceeded and appear on applicable Import shipments to South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland. Book your shipments online via SPOT at a fixed price and with a loading guarantee to know when they will arrive. Honolulu. Please refer to agreed DEMURRAGE & DETENTION FEES at the moment of booking placement for SPOT (available also on the booking confirmation). Good orders only. DEMURRAGE: Compensation payable when the Merchant holds Carriers Container inside the terminal, port or depot beyond the agreed amount of Free Time (the compensation includes terminal storage costs). ** We request to return empty units these are discharged to Ylport to same discharged port. Please refer to CMA empty return and dispatch information ANL Singapore Date: Wednesday, March 01, 2023 please return 40' flatracks to Maher Terminals Return High Cube Reefers to Maher B-64 Return 45' Empties to Fleet Street Berth 64 20' Dry, 40' Dry, and 40' High Cubes are Returned to Fleet Street - Berth 64 Empty Return Information Demurrage excludes terminal and CY storage, Submission of Release Request Instruction for Store Door Delivery, Final CY Hub (regardless if mode is CY or SD). Applicable on top of the standard documentation fees. For Demurrage and Detention applicable for SPOT, please click here for Maersk SPOT. Choose the Place of Delivery (POD) of your shipment. Submission of release request instructions . Long Beach - first 3:00 AM following container discharge *Ambarl Blgesi: Hasar tespit edilen ekipmanlarn KLM Depoya braklmas gerekmektedir. Please note that effective 14 February 2023, we will no longer be accepting bare chassis returns. Based on customers request Maersk can provide these documents based as a 3rd party Value Added Service. Equipment Control. Please check with MSC-EQC for the gen-set availability prior sending drivers to terminal for the reefer shipments**. Not allowed to be stacked at the terminal. Container Stuffing Service - Export Cancellation. Damaged boxes to Arrowhead Edgerton, Good order DCLI set ups only. Daily update of empty receivables permitted at pier 400. Ends on the day that the full container is gated-out for delivery from the last port or terminal. This is the minimum cost, knowing that the cost of shifting can be induced and will be passed in full to the goods. 300 USD per container + extra costs associated. Commences on and includes the day that the full container is discharged from a vessel. Contact us and we will respond within the next two working days. An invoice will be sent after inspection has been completed, and payment must be received prior to shipment release. Contact Customer Service Chassis Lookup Tools TRAC Chassis Lookup Click the button below to retrieve: Chassis Lookup | Specifications | Registration TRAC Unit Lookup Click the button below to retrieve . g( d xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels ( Mk0$22njvm3KS(%b}}5'QeT/w. Applicable calculation methods may vary by country. For special deals: Please bear in mind that the calculation method of charges for special deals (free-time granted > tariff free-time) is progressive and the lead off rate slap(s) will be reduced by the number of days in excess of tariff free-time. We spent years Poland inland services page can be found here. The waivers must be filed before the cargo arrives at its port of discharge. Navigation Menu. * ALL - Damaged containers & Sound containers, If Haulage Instruction provides different location, please follow this information and return empty container to mentioned depot. Change of destination fee Extra Restows (CED) effective as of 15thJanuary 2018. Application: The free time & charges applied will be those in place on the origin price calculation date (PCD). Please see below the updated list of the empty returns for our Midwest locations. While we always do our utmost to take good care of your cargo, things can go wrong. Commences on and includes the day that the full container is gated-out for delivery from the last port or terminal. Detention: Compensation payable when the Merchant holds Carrier's Container outside the port, terminal, or depot beyond the agreed amount of Free Time. Return location. NOR (non-operating reefer) is considered as Dry Container. These days will be countable days within the free time period for detention. Starting September 2019, an appointment will be required to pick-up/drop-off empty containers. To avoid any EDI failures with merchant shipments please be sure to update your Transporters/Truckers Details in the Release Container to field when requesting the Delivery Order. Waiver certificates or Cargo Tracking Notes (CTN) are compulsory for the maritime export to a number of African countries. Contact us and we will respond within the next two working days. For Shippers own containers (SOC) at non NWK locations, we have a single SOC DMR rate (no matter cntr/cargo type). Adopted in May 2007, Evergreen Line is the common trading name for the Evergreen Group's container shipping companies that comprise Evergreen Marine Corp. (Taiwan) Ltd. , Italia Marittima S.p.A., Evergreen Marine (UK) Ltd., Evergreen Marine (Hong Kong) Ltd., Evergreen Marine (Singapore) Pte Ltd., and Evergreen Marine (Asia) Ptd Ltd. An e-mail to Maersks equipment team requesting an alternate location to return the equipment. Examples of special chassis are (amongst others) Tipping/Tilt-chassis or Side-loading chassis, facilitating the loading/unloading of cargo into/from the container. 30% additional of inland tariff per container. Waiting time for Inland haulage after the free waiting time of 2 hours, Late payment fee will be applicable when payment has not been remitted within 7 days from the invoice due date, or later than otherwise agreed payment terms., Charge applicable for change of prepaid payer or payment terms after the first prepaid invoice, Charge applicable for change of collect payer after the ETA of the final vessel. Dec/24: Closed. Currency: EUR. Currency: EUR PLEASE USE GOOGLE CHROME, OR MOZILLA FIREFOX BROWSERS. Free time for carriers equipment commences on the day equipment departs from carriers container yard. Free shipping for many products! Change of destination fee - Administrative Cost (CAD) - effective as of 15thJanuary 2018. Assist with audits, MCS-150, safety certificate applications, IRP tags. This service covers the additional operational expenses incurred at Origin for handling heavy cargo that weighs more than the standard limit for a shipment. (Scope: Austria, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland to Middle East and Far East Asia) At the request of the customer, subject to acceptance by Maersk. We will provide feedback on your dispute within 5 business days of receipt. Effective Date: 15th July 2022 Country: Poland Charges for other delivery countries are different. Auto Billing is ON. (20/40 reefer / opentop ve flatrack konteynerler hari Bu konteynerler Krfez Kara Depoya dnmelidir.) Valid for German ports. 15.03.2020. Website Maersk. This service covers the creation and processing of all standard transport documents (e.g. Fix admin fee of 250 USD per container plus USD 75 per day (DRY, IMO, OOG) / plus USD 125 per day (Reefer), Manual booking amendments and manual request to receive delivery order. A service offered by the carrier to prepare customs clearance documents and handle formalities on behalf of the customer. Open Top in Gauge is considered as Dry Containers. Transport Document Amendment Fee - Export. Read more . Read more then select the "region" for notification. sYC~0q &s$+=|i3u PK ! As a result, Return Location LLC, its affiliates, members, contractors and subcontractors cannot and do not confirm or guarantee the validity of the . By Teis Jensen COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - The owner of the world's largest container shipper Maersk Line, said its computer systems were among those hit by the global Petya cyber attack, causing it problems processing orders and delaying cargoes. Maersk: 1-800-321-8807 or email: CA.Empty.Delivery(at)maersk.com. Charge per document for B/L delivery countries Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium and the Netherlands. Please search the Empty Container Return Exceptions list to locate your empty container delivery location. FREE TIME: Free Time is the period agreed between the Carrier and the Merchant for which Demurrage and Detention shall not be paid by the Merchant. Currency: EUR, Effective date: 15th January 2020 Maersk Spot now also includes extendable Free time options. Ends on the day that the empty container is gated-in at the agreed port or terminal. Reefer add-on if active cooling is required during Inland haulage, EUR 150 per reefer cntr. Please choose Shipping Line MAERSK SITC CK LINE CMA-CGM/APL COSCO EVERGREEN HAMBURG SUD HAPAG-LLOYD HEUNG-A HYUNDAI. Value Protect provides alternative carriage terms that offer higher recovery limits on claims. Electronic Cargo Release Service - Import. Certifacte issued regarding vessel age, vessel conditions etc.). Meat (Applicable to operating reefer cargo for the commodity meat at all U.S. ocean terminals except Baltimore, MD, Boston, MA, Jacksonville, FL, Mobile, AL, Newark, NJ, Port Everglades, FL, Staten Island, NY). Prior to vessel arrival, we will email to the consignee (or appointed customs broker) the following documents. Dec/31: Closed. Shipper or consignee is charged with cleaning/repair cost if container is damaged or returned dirty/with residue material. A.P. With an APMTerminals.com account you can: An APMTerminals.com account enables you to save containers to your Container Watchlist, set daily Watchlist email notifications, and subscribe for Terminal Alerts. Application: The free time & charges applied will be those in place on the origin price calculation date (PCD). Note that SPOT terms are those accepted at the time the booking is confirmed and are not necessarily aligned with the standard tariff. NOTE: For all Canada delivery cargo discharging in USA, Canada Customs is cleared on final inland carrier's bond/manifest. Notes: Kindly note that empty returns should not go directly to MIP without valid pre-advise. Maersk Runs Back To Russia For Empty Containers. Your complete guide to shipping to and from United States of America. Please check your emails if you have not yet activated your account. However, actions often remain at the level of myKN; . Thank you for your business. To be paid to terminals directly. MAERSK HMM EVERGREEN HAMBURG SD CMA CGM . Denmark's A.P. News & Customer Info. Full Time. At competitive prices and all in a single place. Empty return locations can change any time without notice. Detention: Compensation payable when the Merchant holds Carrier's Container outside the port, terminal or depot beyond the agreed amount of Free Time. Skip To Content. Look up rates for new shipments and inland tariffs. It does not cover regular stuffing or other services done offsite at Container Freight Stations. Combined Demurrage & Detention: Free time period and charges for utilization of equipment inside and outside of terminals or depots. Please note, as per Ports request, we will be updating NAVIS with the Driver details as provided by you - the driver name, cell phone no, vehicle reg and wagon no. An analyst/researcher in qualitative and quantitative modelling of social-technical systems, specialized in logistics & supply chains. Each daily screenshot must be time stamped and show no appointments were available for all shifts and as far into the future as the terminal system allows. Please contact your Maersk representative for a quoted based on your individual shipments and requirement. ** MNHPI PIER 16 and SUBIC: All Empty Pre-advise request via PHIEQUFLW@maersk.com should be confirmed first before proceeding to this port ** BATANGAS: All Empty Return to proceed to TROY DANIEL for inspections and Empty Preadvise. All Empty Pre-advise request should be sent to PHPREADVISE@maersk.com and will be confirmed thru e-mail before proceeding to for ATI SOUTH (Double Transactions). Demurrage disputes for U.S. shipments can be raised by: For cargo after pickup, through our website maersk.com in the MyFinance section. Full Time. https://www.abainsuranceagency.net. Origin Dangerous Cargo Service (Inland Haulage). Maersk MSC (Med) MOL-America NYK Line ONE Line OOCL . **Iskenderun Region: Damage detected all equipment must be left to Ardep Iskenderun depot. All import containers that have not been customs cleared and all necessary documentation has not been lodged with Maersk. The Importer shall be liable for revalidation of the return Orders from the Shipping Line when the Container is returned after the prescribed validity date. Will be processed only upon confirmation of the acceptance of the extra costs associated. Jacksonville - first 8:00 AM following vessel departure This charge includes the cost of having the carrier inspect the empty container to make sure it meets the requirements. Inland location Applies if T/S port remains the same, amendment related to the final port of discharge. Instead of uploading Cargo Dues proof of payment you can tick the Cargo Dues Indemnity checkbox and thereby acknowledge that all cargo dues have been settled. Get up-to-date local information about import procedures and restrictions, demurrage and detention, container drop-offs and more. Destination Dangerous Cargo Service Inland Haulage, Dangerous cargo additional for Inland haulage, EUR 75 per container (dangerous cargo only). Bremerhaven (inside terminal): 250 EUR per container Port Everglades - first 7:00 AM following vessel departure Please also visit our global Surcharge Definition Glossary, Road Limitations max. Check the address of Maersk Primary Depot for Empty Container Return at MDDC Website. Marport port or Evyap / DP world yarimca port, Mersin port / Iskenderun port / Izmir port / Gemlik port. **Krfez region: Equipment with damage must be left to Krfez Kara Depo Depot. In exceptional cases and after confirmation by the carrier, empty containers may be returned at an alternate location against payment of a drop-off fee as per tariff below. Los Angeles - first 3:00 AM following container discharge Shipper's own containers (SOC) are not subject to detention and are subject to demurrage. Detention disputes for U.S. shipments can be raised by: For cargo after return, through our website maersk.com in the MyFinance section. Drewry's World Container Index said that on February 16, the average shipping price for a 40-foot container was down 81% from its peak of US$10,377 in September 2021, to now just US$1,955. **As of 01/01/2020, for import retun occurences different then mentioned above chart 60 USD refund fee (extra cost) will be charged. MSC Acapulco 302S/307N - Amex - Split Call in Cape Town, Maersk Vallvik 305S/308N - Cape Town Terminal Change, Upcoming Elections: Communication update II from Maersk Nigeria, MSC Korea 313N & Maersk Vilnius 314N/Amex Slide, Document Stamp Tax Export (DSE) - Cameroon to World, SARS Release Status can be now be viewed online while processing the Delivery Order, No more uploading Cargo Dues receipts. In the event of any discrepancies between the below and our public tariff, the public tariff prevails. Hazardous classes 1, 7 and 9, are all subject to approval before acceptance. Invoiced: Per container, per calendar day, per container type Reefer demurrage includes plug-in/electricity charges. Ends on the day that the empty container is gated-in at the agreed port or terminal. Important request from Grindrod Bluff Road and Gale Street for those who are collecting seals for direct turn in Durban Terminal turn-in. If the cargo is at a railhead, we will provide the consignee or customs broker with a pick-up number to be used by the trucker. Cargo Control Number is a combination of the Carrier Bond Number + the transport document Number. These days will be countable days within the free time period for demurrage and detention. The fee covers B/L amendments requested via manual channels (phone, e-mail and chat), when same could have been done through our e-channels. Pricing structure in Turkey consists of one element; 1. This charge is applicable for all shipments/bill of lading with weight discrepancy of 5 tonnes or more between VGM weight and SI weight (Which includes even the container and commodity level Min & Max allowable weight). Get up-to-date local information about import procedures and restrictions, demurrage and detention, container drop-offs and more. This will be our process going forward as well - please ensure that all driver details issued are correct. Check port website address to access Online gate-pass at port (availability depends on each port) Equipment Repair. **FOR DETAILED INFORMATION, YOU CAN CONTACT CUSTOMER SERVICE, MAERSK MAERSK (0850 288 88 80) & SEALAND (90 0850 288 88 77) & HAMBURG SUD (0216 666 92 37). **Mersin Region: Damage detected all equipment must be left to Ardep Mersin depot. These documents are updated regularly to reflect the current situation. Ends on the day that the empty container is gated-in at the agreed port or terminal. Under this service, the carrier provides and/or installs hanger beams inside a container for garments to be hung for smooth transportation. The e-mail must be sent prior to the first day being requested for a waiver and be sent to. Genset additional - Cooling service provided at Origin by the carrier to supply a generator (or any other cooling service) set to power reefer containers during inland moves for carrier haulage. It covers the administration cost to arrange the transfer of a container to a bonded warehouse. It covers the service of stopping to additional places to unload additional cargo during a carrier haulage import move (from the terminal to the final stripping point). Reefer container with IMO follows Reefer. Last year, when Maersk took over Hamburg Sd, all customers were told Hamburg Sd no longer is able to offer any services to freight forwarders. We can assist with the following: DOT Registration & DOT record upkeep. 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