
In Sargents view Olson, primarily a researchbased scientist, had witnessed in the field how his arsenal of drugs, etc. In the wake of theNuremberg trialsin the late 1940s the United States could not afford to be exposed as a sponsor of the sort of research it had prosecuted the Nazis for undertaking. Erics mother Alice was sleeping down the hall. Youre kidding, Kreh said. My effort was not to hold on to the issue, but to put it behind me. THE DAY THE BUBBLE BURST (With Max MorganWifts) Care is required to insure that no wound or condition not attributable to the fall is discernible after death. Some of these people would become regulars with me in my future exhumations. You didnt apply for SO, you were chosen. My deepest thanks to him. He severely limited many if not most of his projects and activities. According to the hotel switchboard operator, who had listened in, it was a short conversation consisting of only two lines: Well, hes gone, a man in the hotel room had said. Or, to use the words of CIA terminology that we would later discover, he was dropped.. You stopped taking any initiative, you stopped gathering evidence., For Eric, the D.A.s dumping of the Frank Olson case was yet another in a long line of betrayals by the state. Mulholland, a hard-nosed skeptic, was right at home investigating the paranormal. Our sights were therefore particularly set on that portion of his anatomy. (3.00). But the darkest episode may well have been one in which John Mulholland found himself personally involved during the very first year of his MKULTRA work: the death of Dr. Frank Olson[44]. If anybody with bad intentions got hold of the things we had, it would be disastrous., By Thomas OTooole At the time, the United States feared a shadowy global enemy, organized in secret cells overseas and on U.S. soil Communists. New York: Baltimore Sun Nevertheless, in getting to the truth, I was greatly helped by two professional intelligence officers: Joachim Kraner, my late father-in-law, who ran an M16 network in Dresden in the post-World War II years, and Bill Buckley who was station chief of the CIA in Beirut in the 1980s. written all over it. From behind a tree in the middle of the lawn, a huge mountain lion emerged. Rinkel, the man responsible for first transporting LSD into this country, supplied the drug to Hoch and Abramson in that same year. Collecting the facts has been difficult enough, but there has been something even harder. The most likely source revealing such a happening was Olsons head. Beyond that, he says, it fits with what they were trying to do in New York: to assess, from any direction possible, how deepthey were in with my father, and to try, again by any means possible, to fix it and save their own butts.[59], Frank Olsons son is not the only one to suggest that Mulhollands conjuring-related knowledge and skills were being put to use to interrogate and influence the biochemist. Cameron won his post-graduate diploma in psychiatric medicine at the University of London before joining the staff at John Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, in 1926. As I have found in other states the Maryland statutory provisions governing exhumations are haphazard, spotty and unclear. Eric had brought a ghetto blaster down to the poolside and he tuned it to National Public Radios All Things Considered because the legendary reporter Daniel Schorr was about to deliver a commentary about him. California passed its anti-LSD laws in October 1966. Department of Philosophy. The second agent went into a deep hypnotic trance with only light medication and was interrogated for well over an hour. Frank Olson often uses the Air Force to test germ warfare in the field, for example on the Caribbean island of Antigua. As part of this experiment, Olson unwittingly received some 70 micrograms of the hallucinogen. On his arrival the secretary informed him that a call had just come in concerning the admission he had discussed the previous day. My father was a writer and magician, Dr. Gibson said. Bullshit. Click image or button bellow to READ or DOWNLOAD FREE Inefficient Markets: An Introduction to Behavioral Finance. When successfully executed, it causes little excitement and is only casually investigated. For a while, indeed, it looked as if the CIA flirtation with LSD was over. Upon my inquiring about the conversation between him and Dr. Lashbrook on the morning of Olsons death, I was stunned to hear yet another conflicting account from Lashbrook of the occurrence. The Colby documents state, as does William Colby in his 1978 autobiography, that Frank Olson was not an Army scientist, but, rather, a CIA employee, a CIA officer., The key witness changes his story 46.24 On the low table facing us Dr. Gibson had spread out the materials I had sent him, which included the chronology of this long affair. He received them pleasantly but conceded nothing. That had to be avoided at any cost. There was no explanation in these pages, for example, about why the C.I.A. He said, that he was going to leave. Was there a reason for your Dad being killed by the CIA? During this period (1953/5), Dr Sargant had met several more times with Dr Ewan Cameron, both in Washington and in Montreal, Canada. Yesterday, from the same picnic table, Eric Olson, now 57, spoke again to reporters, this time saying he knows how his father was killed, and why enough answers to allow him to move on. This impression is strengthened by information we now have that proves that the purpose of Presidential apology our family received in 1975 was to deflect our intention to sue, which might have led to our discovering the true nature of my fathers job. And it was deadly, a determination he made by testing it on animals. My fathers records from the Priory, which I obtained only recently, raise the suspicion that he may have been subjected to the CIAs MK-ULTRA mind depatterning technique, which combined massive electroconvulsive therapy with drug therapy. His written report came back to me in two parts, with the LSD testing considered separately from other therapeutic or abused substances. This version of events comprises the core chapter of John Marks 1979 book,The Search for the Manchurian Candidate. His recommendations against hospitalization had been voiced when Dr. Lashbrook had insisted that Olson was then no danger to himself or to others. Are they checking me for security?'' The offensive potential was unstated, but the aim was clear: to create what later would be known as a Manchurian Candidate. The term would come from the title of Richard Condons 1959 best seller about a plot to take an American soldier captured in Korea, condition him at a special brainwashing center in Manchuria, and create a remote-controlled assassin programmed to kill the President of the United States. We could never prove it was murder, says Saracco. Although all outside contractors I were to be notified of Gibbons ban, the testing nonetheless went on. At no point do the documents describing this weird scenario mention a security problem. At the end of the film, Luther nails his 95 theses to the door of the castle church in Whittenburg, officially severing his ties to the Catholic Church. And yet some things in this tightly woven tale that led to my fathers death must have occurred by mere chance. Falls before trains or subway cars are usually effective, but require exact timing and can seldom be free from unexpected observation. Whites particular area of expertise was the testing of drugs on unwitting human guinea pigs. Given what we knew about Lashbrooks immediate reaction that night, I thought a straight-forward uncomplicated interpretation was likely to be the correct one. Olsons drugging suggested a CIA motive similar to the possible one in my fathers caseconcern about the targets planned course of action. Others interviewed on the program disputed the likelihood of suicide from a closed window with the shade drawn, and in fact Olson has spoken calmly to his wife on the telephone a few hours before. In another sub-project of MK-ULTRA code-named MK-NAOMI, the CIA had bankrolled SOD to produce and maintain vicious mutant germ strains capable of killing or incapacitating would-be victims. Among the few matters on which we can only speculate is the likelihood that the traditional view (at least since 1976) of Dr. Olsons exiting the window glass, shade and all is scientifically and realistically plausible. Clearly, in its post-mortem investigation, the CIA had attempted to conceal the fact that Olson was one of its own. His talk there, wrote Forrest Robinson, featured a highly literary rendering of a psilocybin trip that he took with Timothy Leary a year earlier. And one of the phone numbers that Lashbrook carried that fateful night was for George White, the man in charge of the program, whose alias was Morgan Hall. [28]Memorandum for the Record,MKULTRA, Subproject 15, Expansion of Scope,op. If their demurrals are to be trusted, then this particular program constitutes one of the least cost-effective deployments of taxpayer dollars in the history of the U.S. government, which is rife with non-cost-effective dollar deployments. Hundreds of names, places and dates were blacked out. And when we were leaving he said, I guess you guys want to see Disneyland, right? In his autobiography,Flashbacks, Leary, who would dedicate the rest of his life to turning on and tuning out, described Murray as the wizard of personality assessment who, as OSS chief psychologist, had monitored military experiments on brainwashing and sodium amytal interrogation. Everyone knows that to be the case, he said. Whether the programs accomplishments reached that peak will probably never be public knowledge. The immediate cause is that my health does not permit me to do the necessary work. This secret was so immense that even twenty-two years later the White House had been enlisted to maintain it. The Americans are concerned about the Soviets biological arsenal. All others received a Ph.D. from the Department of Psychology. We did not use anthrax, we used bacillus globigii which is very similar a spore as Anthrax is. As Mulholland wrote Gottlieb on November 11: The manual as it now stands consists of the following five sections: 1. Not the Rockefeller Commission, not the CIA, not the White House. The remarkable example of Evan Thomas failure to see what he himself placed in front of his own eyes on page 212 ofThe Very Best Menis not the only case where an author has blinked when faced with the Frank Olson story. Probably the most unsettling, even unnerving moment in my conversation with Dr. Gottlieb occurred toward its close when he spontaneously sought to enlighten me on a matter of which I might not take due noticeso he thought. The Division had three primary functions: assessing the vulnerability of American installations to biological attack; developing techniques for offensive use of biological weapons; and biological research for the CIA. A certain minimum of anatomical knowledge is needed for reliability. However, we were not to be blessed by such good fortune, since his fingerprints if they had ever appeared in his military records had been destroyed long ago. The image that was presented to us, Eric said, was fraternity boys out of control. Walter said he assumes the initials in the log sheets were shortened by someone who knew the source of the new sub-strain of anthrax never went by his formal name. A Voice for the Dead: A Forensic Investigators Pursuit of the Truth in the Grave Lashbrook also had hotel bills and papers with phone numbers, including those for Vince Ruwet and Dr. Abramson. Just a desire to know the truth, sighed Eric. Not only had the elite government scientist whose death was in questionnotdied in the manner officially described, his body did not bear the injuries stated in his autopsy report. To the contrary, he appears to have been extremely skeptical of its practicality, dismissing many exhibitions of hypnosis as merely magic shows.[61]Moreover, the Agency had access to a wide range of individuals with true expertise in the area. I dont know if work at TSS deserves to be as hush-hush as is presented to us here, but it is certainly a special place. While we had no reasonable doubt about the identity of these remains, we decided to go one long stride forward with new technology still on the scientific cusp to attempt a computerized superimposition of the skull to known photographs of Frank Olson. Thatmemorandum, together with the urging of others, persuaded New Yorks District Attorney, Robert Morgenthau, to re-open the investigation. 4. Starrs is not sure that Olson will be able to do so. I have a speculation about it though. He believed he would return in time for Thanksgiving dinner. That was the key conclusion of the Pentagons Committee on Biological Warfare in a secret October 1948 report on covert biowarfare. He had been to Scandinavia, Germany, and Britain, that was certain. ''What's behind this?'' The Olson children grew up saying that our father died of a fatal nervous breakdown.. Leo Jones, a friend of White, owned the company that installed the bugging equipment at the apartment. First objects filmed: Big Ben and a parade on the Mall. That dose might have catapulted him to his death. I cannot comment on that, except to say that his memory was obviously very selective, sometimes showing crystal clarity and sometimes mired in opacity. Despite this new evidence, federal prosecutors refused to pursue the inquiry. Not only had Mulholland made a living from the execution of these skills, he had gained a reputation as conjurings most accomplished teacher. John did not have a political agenda, says George Gordon, a close friend with whom Mulholland would later writeThe Magical Mind. Eric Olson is the founding chair of the Department of Molecular Biology at UTSouthwestern. A third bioweapons veteran, William C. Patrick III, confirms two of the cases but says he is not sure about the third., Anthrax gets stronger as it goes through a human host, said Walter, now retired in Florida. Reach out to us for more information on getting involved with our research. This answer also explains why Lashbrook and Olson stayed in the Statler Hotel, rather than in the safehouse that was available to them in Greenwich Village, ten minutes away by taxi. But Thomas never connects the two subjects. Some Jews are deep in tradition like my family, which is half religious-orthodox, half socialist typically Jewish, ha, ha but some Jews go in the other direction. Infinitesimally small amounts of LSD can completely destroy the sanity of a human being for considerable periods of time (or possibly permanently), stated an October 1953 CIA memo. analyzing the documents obtained by the Olson family from CIA Director William Colby in June 1975 But there was nothing he could do about it. degree at NYU, his Ph.D. at UC Berkeley, and carried out postdoctoral studies at MIT. Thomas, whose books include a 1988 study of the CIAs forays into mind-control,Journey into Madness: Medical Torture and the Mind Controllers, says Sargant told me that he had urged the British government to distance this country from it. A couple of young girls, tourists, wanted to have their picture taken with Feldman. Morganthau agreed, assigning the task to his cold case unit. In 1953, Frank Olson, a key member of the CIAs brainwashing programme MKULTRA, plunged from a New York hotel window. Increasingly boisterous, they soon could not engage in sensible conversation. A new autopsy confirmed Eric Olsons impression and entirely contradicted the findings of the first inquest. Sargant believed that for the first time Olson had come face to face with his own reality. Theres some principle of reverse-morale here. Some Paperclip scientists, such as the famous rocket specialist and Nazi Party member Werner von Braun, went to work in the U.S. space program. But the sensational notion of LSD administered by the CIA served wonderfully to conceal this gap. We asked the DAs office to reopen the case. He had either fallen or jumped, but young Eric could not understand the full importance of what that meant. In 1976, Erics sister Lisa, her husband, and her two-year-old son took off from Frederick in a small plane, bound for the Adirondacks, where they planned to invest Lisas share of the settlement money in a lumber mill. My name's Marc and I'm a sophomore in Pfoho, originally form Framingham, Mass. (Psychology Today,poster 5.). This section was not considered inmy original outline and was suggested subsequently to me. 35.54 ''This was a world-class intelligence.'' Why was Robesons health such a concern to the government, and why is the FBIs information on it still being withheld? In the search for truth, Eric had to tear his father's body limb from limb. 27.38 Having been in the hotel business for the last 36 years and witnessed innumerable unfortunate incidents, your husbands death disturbed me greatly due to the most unusual circumstances of which you are now aware. Usually this will require the subversion of a unit of an official guard at a ceremony, though a skillful and determined team might conceivably dispose of a loyal gun crow without commotion and take over the gun at the critical time. Certainly going through an open window would be one feasible explanation, because if it had been closed, it is reasonable to expect that the glass would have cut his skin at some place or other. The Agency has deflected the question of national security homicides in a double maneuver. Our rate and the Russian rate was the same about 7 kilograms of dry anthrax a week.. In 1951, Allen Dulles, later appointed director of Central Intelligence, received a report from military sources that the Russians had bought 50 million doses of a new drug from Sandoz Pharmaceuticals in Basel, Switzerland. ARTICHOKE had involved extreme methods of interrogation and an attempt to develop a way to produce complete amnesia in questioned subjects or in agents who had seen too much and could no longer be trusted. These figures compare quite favorably with Cohens estimates for patients in psychotherapy: 1.8 psychotic episodes per thousand patients, and 1.2 attempted suicides and 0.4 completed suicides per thousand. And it was Gottlieb who travelled to Cuba to slip poisons into Fidel Castros cigars and his diving suit. [43]. Rumsfeld and Cheney, heads of the White House chiefs of staff, at the time recommended to President Gerald Ford that he apologize to the family in the name of the government, and to support retribution. In 1995 we were contacted by, But if the Colby documents fail to discuss security issues, other internal documents that we obtained do mention this issue. The two politicians who collaborated in the conspiracy in 1975, Rumsfeld and Cheney, are back in power. Was that the CIA agent reporting that he had solved the Frank Olson problem in the Hotel Pennsylvania? The commission report said that all the drug program records were ordered destroyed in 1973, including a total of 152 separate files.. By look and demeanor, the magician fit the Agency mold. Budiansky, Stephen, Erica E. Goode, and Ted Gest. This textual nature of this task is one reason why literary theory and psychoanalysis have had such a rich cross-fertilization in recent decades. One of the documents obtained by the House subcommittee, a December 1953 memo that had been on file at the Eisenhower Library in Abilene, Kan., shows that the Army believed at that time that 610 Army people and 300 Air Force personnel were still being held prisoners by the North Koreans, five months after a prisoner exchange between the United States and North Korea. The CIA would purchase all of Sandozs potential output of LSD. They slipped him LSD? From 1949 to 1969, at the jittery height of the Cold War, the division tested the nations vulnerability to covert germ warfare and devised weapons for secret biological attacks if the United States chose to mount them. On other occasions the remains of persons long dead have been exhumed and surprisingly, even startlingly, seen to be fully fleshed and well-preserved although mummified. Are you a gangster? they asked. 20.44 It then becomes clear that the real target of mind control was not Frank Olson. I heard stories about him. But you cant quite make out what it is.. Eric Olson. (Erics own collages often featured images of men tumbling from buildings.) And they got angry because you wouldnt tell em what was going on., When Pannier hitchhiked to Fort Detrick to take up his new assignment in 1946, he saw so many guard towers that he thought he had been sent to a prison. Mulholland was born in Chicago, Illinois, on June 9, 1898. He was a CIA man too. Then we looked for trace elements in the excised tissue that might resolve some of the mystery as to how and where it came in to being. Of course, such rumors do come to me in the large from Arnie Rosen, and Im not sure hes always to be trusted. Here, for example, a soldier was expected to assemble a rifle while under the influence of the hallucinogen. My friend said he saw an analogy between my fathers murder and the order given to Francis Gary Powers to kill himself rather than allow himself to be captured by the enemy. The proposed CIA work on drugs and mind manipulation was to remain one of the Agencys deepest secrets. But whether that glass was the window glass of room 1018A or some foreign piece of glass of infinitesimally minute size that had been lying about on the 7th Avenue sidewalk of the Hotel Statler are equally possible, and that issue is a conundrum not answerable by scientific means. and tell Harold that we cycled all the way from, She said, These people are very smart. The cottage itself was only a quarter of mile from where we were sitting and Railey told me how to find it. Me to do the documents describing this weird scenario mention a security problem he had either fallen jumped! Him to his cold case unit on animals describing this weird scenario a. Very similar a spore as anthrax is well over an hour in time for dinner! 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