WebFree Download Reiki Of The 13 Ascended Masters - Certified Master Course Published 3/2023 MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz Language: English | Size: 824.64 MB | Duration: 1h 10m Learn how you can improve your life with help of 13 Ascended Masters. The Ascension into Immortality through reunion with the God Self requires the consuming of at least 51% of the records and memories of "negatively qualified karma" as well as:[citation needed], It is believed that the "Individualized Flames of Perfection", emanating as lifestreams taking physical embodiment, can develop further attributes that express a unique Identity, and attain the fullness of the use of Light. With my wife Maria, and within our Mystery School training, we work closely with these light beings who usually lead the sacred initiations we share with our lovely community. WebTo ascend means to become one with our Christ Self. The Great White Brotherhood is highly structured and organized into many different councils with specific goals and tasks; all focused on raising humanitys frequency. It is believed that since the "fall of man" during the time of the incarnation of the Fourth Root Race, imperfection, limitations and discord increasingly entered into our world. [41], It is believed by Ascended Master Teachings organizations that the Master Jesus was "Chohan of the Sixth Ray" until December 31, 1959, when, according to Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Lady Master Nada fully took on that Office in the Spiritual Hierarchy. This leaves room to detach the Ascended Masters from the limitations. [citation needed] According to Elizabeth Clare Prophet, this Spiritual Hierarchy is a "Universal Chain" of Individualized God Free Beings fulfilling Attributes and Aspects of God's Infinite Selfhood. Barker, A. T., and Vicente Hao Chin Jr., eds. the pursuit of happiness as man understands the word; for the first step is sacrifice, the second renunciation. [81], Robert Todd Carroll in his book The skeptic's dictionary (2003) speculates that Blavatsky used trickery into deceiving others into thinking she had paranormal powers. There is more to this universe than what we can see & touch. In this book, drawn from the authors pivotal spiritual conference held at Mount Shasta in 1975, you will discover how the saints and sages of both East and West work together behind the scenes of life with seekers in every eld of human endeavor. [56], Sanat Kumara gained greater prominence when her follower Charles W. Leadbeater wrote that Sanat Kumara was the "King" or Lord of the World, and the head of the Great White Brotherhood of Mahatmas who had revealed the principles of theosophy. WebBut By Having These Ascended Masters Attunements, It Will Bring The Energies Of The Master Much Closer To You. Those Addresses (known as "Dictations") were delivered before gatherings of members in Conclaves held throughout the United States of America, published in the monthly periodical, The Voice of The "I AM", and some were collected and reprinted in the books of The Saint Germain Series. And now that you better understand Ascended Masters, you may want to learn who the 12 most famous ones are or meet 10 of the most powerful female Ascended Masters and Goddesses. Ascension is the process of becoming one with the Creator, the Source, God, or however you may call the Force that creates and pervades all. In all, 3,834 claimed Dictations from the Masters were received through Guy and Edna Ballard. These Mahatmas, she claimed, were physical beings living in the Himalayas, usually understood as Tibet: they are living men, born as we are born, and doomed to die like every mortal. [30] This Divine Being and Mind is considered to be above and distinct from all creation (in the sense of classical theism), transcending all creation yet interpenetrating all existence. WebFree Download Reiki Of The 13 Ascended Masters - Certified Master Course Published 3/2023 MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz Language: English | Size: 824.64 MB | Duration: 1h 10m Learn how you can improve your life with help of 13 Ascended Masters Free Download Reiki Of The 13. How to become an Ascended Master of Google-fu by nickpelling 30 Comments Because Google is like a jetcar with a 20-speed manual gearbox, first gear is plenty for most people. Besides assisting humans in accomplishing this goal, their earthly mission is to serve as teachers of the human race. He is the Self-determining Creator. All Life contains Will but only Self-Conscious Life is free to determine upon its own course of expression. They work everywhere in the universe with complete freedom and limitless power. More specifically, an individual can ascend when they have paid back a majority of their negative karma, thus purifying and synthesizing their physical body to the highest level and transforming their physical vehicle into light. These successive appearances of "emissarie[s] of Truth" are according to the Blavatsky writings part of the unceasing oversight of Earth and of its inhabitants by a physically hidden Spiritual Hierarchy, called Masters of the Ancient Wisdom. The chances are that you will probably hear it coming up in everyday conversations. Sound healer, channel, astrologer, and sacred geometry artist, Frederic is the co-founder of, 10 of the most powerful female Ascended Masters and Goddesses, Archangel Chamuel: Signs, Symbols, and Roles Of The Love Angel, Working With Goddess Kali For Self-Empowerment, Connecting With Archangel Raphael For Healing. And the results and feedbacks we get after each session are pretty extraordinary and sometimes hard to believe, as these beings truly are miracle makers. "[66] During the early times of the Theosophical Society, some members, misunderstanding the nature of the Mahatmas, would bring HPB some personal requests to ask of them. [16], "Only the Self-conscious Individual has ALL the Attributes and Creative Power of the 'Mighty I AM Presence.' Most of us have heard of the legendary 7 Habits of Highly Effective People as formulated by Steven Covey in 1989. In a letter Blavatsky explained: The Masters would not stoop for one moment to give a thought to individual, private matters relating but to one or even ten persons, their welfare, woes and blisses in this world of Maya [illusion], to nothing except questions of really universal importance. According to these teachings, they remain attentive to the spiritual needs of humanity, and act to inspire and motivate its spiritual growth. Then you, the 'Individualized Focus' of the 'Mighty I AM Presence,' begin your Dynamic Expression of Life. In Leadbeater's book, The Masters and the Path (1925), the Masters are presented as human beings full of wisdom and compassion, albeit still limited by human bodies, which they choose to retain in order to keep in touch with humanity and help in its evolution. You can call on them for assistance and guidance to overcome the struggles of daily life. "'When Jesus said, All these things I have done, ye shall do and even greater things shall ye do, he knew whereof he spoke,' continued Saint Germain. She was a Land of Great Light, ages ago, and will again come into her spiritual heritage, for nothing can prevent it. Free Download Reiki Of The 13 Ascended Masters - Certified Master CoursePublished 3/2023MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHzLanguage: English | Size: 824.64 MB | Duration: 1h 10mLearn how you can improve your life with help of 13 Ascended MastersFree Download What you'll learnWho Are The Ascended Receive free weekly energy upgrades, Mystery School information, and new healing tools to help you accelerate your spiritual growth and stay connected to Higher Realms. The first steps in your awakening were for you to become aware that what you were experiencing was unreal. [54], Sanat Kumara was mentioned briefly by the theosophist Helena Blavatsky. WebIt is the soul plan option for each of us to become Ascended Masters during this new 2,000-year Age of Aquarius. The shortcut to becoming a master of your craftObserve and collaborate. Its easy to go head first into something and there is nothing quite like just doing stuff for yourself.Work better, not more. Get feedback on your work. Read and watch, but make sure your information is solid. Question everything and break the rules. Be self-aware and empathetic. Keep learning. There is no shortcut. Wheaton: Theosophical Publishing House, 1977-91; See also CW 4:359-60. However, Mahatmas and Ascended Masters are believed by some to differ in certain respects. WebDo you know that you have an invaluable built-in dream team that wants to help guide you to your highest life calling? The first mention of Maitreya in a Theosophical context occurs in the 1883 work Esoteric Buddhism by Alfred Percy Sinnett (18401921), an early Theosophical writer. In the Theosophical view the Masters do not pay attention to personal desires. It is no wonder in the mythology of the ancients that their activities have been brought down to us in the guise of myth and fable. Guenon also speculated that Blavatsky had borrowed passages from extracts of the Kanjur and Tanjur, translated by the eccentric orientalist Sndor Krsi Csoma, published in 1836 in the twentieth volume of the Asiatic Researchers of Calcutta. [citation needed], According to C.W. Some may take another path in our vast universe. As our elder brothers and sisters, the [32] They believe that further instruction from the Ascended Masters and the rest of the Spiritual Hierarchy continued through new Dispensations with new Messengers, such as The Bridge to Freedom,[33] The Summit Lighthouse, and The Temple of The Presence. Maitri is Sanskrit for "loving kindness." You can connect with the Ascended Masters at any time through conscious contact. WebThe Ascended Masters The Assistance of the Ascended Masters must be given the individual through the Ray of his own Life which pours into the physical body from the From Theosophical texts and many other channels I came across, there are known as the seven rays of light. They have achieved liberation and have transformed their physical body into a light body, free from the density of the physical world. agreed with this when he wrote: "Wethe criticized and misunderstood Brotherswe seek to bring men to sacrifice their personalitya passing flashfor the welfare of the whole humanity. When man will make the effort to prove this to himself or within his own atomic flesh body, he will then proceed to Master Himself. WebThese are qualities of mastery we all hope to develop. This allows for the development of greater skills of creation and "Causal Body Momentums" of various "Divine Qualities". The Theosophical Maitreya has been assimilated or appropriated by a variety of quasi-theosophical and non-theosophical New Age and Esoteric groups and movements. [3][7] Other Ascended Master Teachings are contained in The Bridge to Freedom (1951),[8] Mark Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet's The Summit Lighthouse (1958) (reorganized as the Church Universal and Triumphant in 1975),[9] The Temple of The Presence (1995),[10] The Hearts Center (2005), the I AM University (2004), and various other organizations such as The White Eagle Lodge (1936) and the Aquarian Christine Church Universal (2006).[11][12]. Through the Ballards as "Messengers", the Ascended Masters were believed to have regularly communicated with the students of "The I AM Activity." It is a consciousness apart from the full Purity of God. This spiritual fraternitys primary goal is to raise humanitys consciousness in various ways. Free Audiobook Bedtime Stories; Ascension: The Shift to the Fifth Dimension, Vol. The term karma has become quite popular in modern culture. In the course of this series, focused on key principles that form the foundation of self-mastery, These spiritual beings exist in every religion, culture, race, and tradition. by asking questions and receiving answers in a process called the Torus technique. Shasta, who claims to be channeling the ascended master Saint Germain, has been releasing the ancient teachings in a more modern and simplified form, emphasizing the teaching that the Masters can work with those who have an open heart and the desire to benefit humanity. wrote: If we had the powers of the imaginary Personal God, and the universal and immutable laws were but toys to play with, then indeed might we have created conditions that would have turned this earth into an Arcadia for lofty souls. In many traditions and organizations, they are considered part of the Spiritual Hierarchy for Earth, and members of the Great Brotherhood of Light, also known as the Great White Lodge or Great White Brotherhood. They wield Tremendous God Power at all times because they hold with unwavering determination to the Great God Presence and hence all Power is given unto them for they are All-Perfection. [78], Ren Gunon wrote a detailed critique of Theosophy titled Theosophy: history of a pseudo-religion (1921). WebWelcome to Open Your Reality. Copyright 2019 - 2022 YourHigherJourney Part Of SoftwareBox Solutions Ltd. Reg No: 12205095. The Master Manifestor has been painstakingly gathered over 7 years, and compiled from hundreds of channeling sessions with the Ascended Masters, Archangels, and my own spirit guides! Ultimately, ascension is the highest destiny of every human being on Earth, as we are all in the process of a collective and personal purification, refining our beings at different speeds. This Light is the Universal Substance or Spirit, out of which all forms are composed. [73] The members of the Brotherhood may be known as the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom or the Ascended masters. According to these teachings, they remain attentive to the spiritual needs of humanity and act to inspire and motivate its spiritual growth. [75], Belief in the Brotherhood and the Masters is an essential part of the syncretistic teachings of various organizations that have taken the Theosophical philosophical concepts and added their own elements. [45], According to the Ascended Master Teachings,[46][47][48][49][50] Jesus was also incarnated as Joseph of the Coat of many colors in the 17th century BC/16th century BC (approximately between 1650 BC and 1550 BC), as well as King David (who lived c. 1037 BC until around 970 BC), and Elisha in the 9th century BC. The mission of Ascended Masters is to help humans in their movement toward enlightenment. Many spiritual beliefs hold that humans go through reincarnation (the rebirth of a soul in another form) at the end of their lives, at which point they begin to pay their karmic debts. Sinnett from the Mahatmas M. and K. H. in Chronological Sequence, p. 222. For Intelligence to act there must be Intelligence to be acted upon, and the Universal Substance, being like a photographic film, takes the record of what-ever quality the Individual imposes upon It through his thought, feeling, and spoken word. Lets now dive into the world of the Great Initiates! This becomes the Cosmic Activity of the Power of the 'Three times Three'. . WebWhat is an ascended master? Ascended Masters have lived as humans before, but have undergone a series of spiritual transformations. Theosophy teaches that the psychological ego is false, that the idea that we are this body, emotions, and mind is a mistake of perception and the source of sorrow. An an Ascended Master is a free soul; one who has completed his spiritual evolution and escaped from the wheel of reincarnation and the law of karma. However, the Mahatma K.H. Everyone is in the process of becoming an Ascended Master because humans can ascend to their highest level of divine self. Ascended Masters always know precisely what your being needs at every given moment to grow or heal, and they are always ready to share their immense wisdom, guidance, and healing gifts with us. Allowing Them To Better Work In Your Etheric /Energy Background. It is our unique and immortal True Identity, yet always sharing in the Allness of the ONE GOD. [14], Later organizations that used many of the teachings of Theosophy for their own purposes developed concepts of Ascended Masters which bear some important differences with the Theosophical one. WebFree Download Reiki Of The 13 Ascended Masters - Certified Master Course Published 3/2023 MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz Language: English | Size: 824.64 MB | Duration: 1h 10m Learn how you can improve your life with help of 13 Ascended Masters Free Download Reiki Of The 13. The Great White Lodge is part of the spiritual hierarchy, perfectly and harmoniously organized as ever-increasing levels of consciousness. One of these Ascended Masters, called a Chohan Theosophical texts posit that the purpose of this Office is to facilitate the transfer of knowledge about the true constitution and workings of Existence, thereby helping humanity in progression on a cyclical, but ever progressive, evolutionary path. These include the basic principles of karma, reincarnation, and ascension, which we will explain in the next few sections. Only He can know who and what He is, and express the Fullness of the Creative Power of God whenever He decrees, by the use of the Words, 'I AM.' For instance, one way of doing this is by asking questions and receiving answers in a process called the Torus technique. Mysterious Endings and the Legacy of the Violet Flame. Essentially, karma is an embodiment of the famous adage, You reap what you sow. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Intelligence is Omnipresent, and It is within the Electronic Light."[4]. Leadbeater and Alice Bailey beginning in the 1920s. Sunny had experimented with the form of the Coffer a lot in the past six months. [15], Originally presented by Helena P. Blavatsky in the 1870s, the idea of the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom or Mahatmas was adopted by people who at some point had had a connection with the Theosophical movement, such as Alice Bailey, Helena Roerich, and Manly P. Hall. So here we will share some knowledge about who they really are, and how they help humanity. Later on many other organizations, especially in the United States, developed the concept of Ascended Masters, which departs from the theosophical one in several aspects. These pour out constantly, into the 'Infinite Sea of Pure Electronic Light.' Melton, Gordon J.; Partridge, Christopher. It comes up quite frequently but is often mentioned in passing without any explanation as to what it really means. WebFree Download Reiki Of The 13 Ascended Masters - Certified Master Course Published 3/2023 MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz Language: English | Size: 824.64 MB | Duration: 1h 10m Learn how you can improve your life with help of 13 Ascended Masters. . Watson, Jacob L. "Initiations of the Aquarian Masters: The Theosophy of the Aquarian Gospel". The Masters of the Wisdom are not like the Ascended ones, who are said to become Godlike, all-powerful beings beyond the laws of nature. Also called the "Flame of Transmutation", the "Flame of Mercy", the "Flame of Freedom", and the "Flame of Forgiveness". wrote: "Bear in mind that the slightest cause produced, however unconsciously, and with whatever motive, cannot be unmade, or its effects crossed in their progressby millions of gods, demons, and men combined. [32] They believe that further instruction from the Ascended Masters and the rest of the Spiritual Hierarchy continued through new Dispensations with new Messengers, such as The Bridge to Freedom,[33] The Summit Lighthouse,[20] The Temple of The Presence, and The Hearts Center. According to Theosophical doctrine, one of the Hierarchy's functions is to oversee the evolution of mankind; in accord with this function Maitreya is said to hold the so-called Office of the World Teacher. [13], After Blavatsky's death in 1891, the concept of the Mahatmas was developed by her successors in the Theosophical Society leadership, Annie Besant and Charles W. Leadbeater, who described them in great detail and added Master Jesus and Maitreya. Mahatma K.H. Make no mistake about this. According to Ascended Master Teachings and Theosophy beliefs, all humans can go through 9 levels of spiritual development. 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