
While thought of as primarily catering to the professional pilot world, it aggressively markets to owner pilots, especially for smaller jets such as the Cessna CJ series and the HondaJet. Flight training can be accomplished in aircraft or in our simulator at one of our training locations. Even little things like a runway incursion causing you to go around just cant be done realistically in the airplane, but are trivial in the sim. Going to a different shop occasionally allows fresh eyes to inspect your prized bird and maybe find something others have missed. As the new owner of a cabin-class, turbocharged twin, I was still reeling from the hourly fuel costs, which are more than double what I was used to in the Twin Comanche I used to fly. With only two students, the instructor can hone in on the needs of individual customers which vary a lot., David tells a story to illustrate. But the companies separated in 2006, so the only airline-oriented flight training SimCom now provides is in the Jetstream 41 and the Dornier 328. In one instance, I had to deal with a total electrical failure justafter a nighttime takeoff, and had to visually circle back to the airport in a totallyblacked-out cockpit. 3814 Curtis Parkway 1201 Airport Road The sim allows you to be trained todeal with nearly any conceivable emergency situation. Orlando is the companys main headquarters and training location. An annual cycle through FlightSafety, Simcom or RTC costs between $1,000 and $3,000 intuition plus at least several hundred bucks more in travel, lodging and meal expenses.Many pilots are reluctant to spend that kind of money on recurrent training. You will have the opportunity to gain knowledge and proficiency in normal and emergency procedures. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide controlled consent over which cookies are allowed. Headquartered in Orlando, Florida, SIMCOM is a privately owned learning institute that uses 'realistic' simulator-based training. The upgrade world changes a bit when a type rating is required, largely because most training courses increase in sophistication and take at least two weeks. FlightSafety offers full-motion sims, while Simcom and RTCdo not. An annual contract consisting of two semi-annual visits to RTC -a three-day recurrent course followed by a two-day refresher six months later costs$1,585. At SimCom, you aretypically assigned one instructor for the entire duration of your course, and thatinstructor handles both the classroom and simulator portions of the syllabus; atFlightSafety, its common to get different instructors for ground school and simulator.The instructors at SimCom also tend to teach multiple airplanes your twin Cessnainstructor might well have taught a King Air class the day before while FlightSafetyinstructors tend to be more specialized. Aircraft Mentoring Training Anon-sim-trained pilot may have logged lots of partial panel instruction, yet be entirelyunprepared to cope with an actual gyro failure that presents itself not with a bang but awhimper. Belvoir Media Group, LLC. Simcom was founded about a decade ago to provide alower-cost alternative to FlightSafety for piston twin pilots. (Classroom and Home Study), Mile High But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. SimCom is focusing, once again, on general aviation training. While we agree with a 2012 study published in the International Journal of Aviation Psychology that concluded that there was no evidence that simulator motion improves flight performance in real aircraft, some users did not. Letit Pbram A good measure of a training event is if the student would willingly repeat it and recommend it to others. Since then, Ive returned for regular sim training every six months. But despite the shift, SimComs dedication to customization and small class size hasnt changed. Now offering Gulfstream G650, Challenger 300/350, Phenom 300, and Pilatus PC-12NGx training! RTC keeps its prices so low by cutting costs every way it can. We got some unpleasant stories from users on the broken sim issue. Thats the best of both worlds. Accidentstatistics back this up: pilots who get regular sim training are far safer than those whodont. 602-454-1400, B 737 They were more competitive on their pricing ($2690 for a two-day recurrentabout the same as RTC) and they could fit my schedule. Another example: its one thing for an instructor to slap a No-Peekie over the attitudeindicator, and quite another for the horizon to gradually develop the leansand then subsequently start thrashing around to the point of distraction. The students next move into a graphical flight simulator with full-scale displays, touchscreens and, importantly, dynamic graphic system schematic displays at the top. We covered everything, but focused on the areas Id selected. If youve been to the same facility for the last few years, or worse, used the same local instructor, look elsewhere occasionally for a broader base of experience. Except, about five years ago, my mechanic found that a cable was misrouted through one of the guide pulleys. $12,400, Flight Safety International My motivation was the usual one: insurance.Despite the fact that I had 180 hours in type, 4,000 hours total, and 23 years ofaccident-free flying behind me, I was having a heck of a time finding aircraft insuranceat reasonable rates. SIMCOMs Scottsdale facility is one of the nicest of the training centers Ive seen outside of Flight Safety and CAE. Adjust the weather to be exactly what you want. $1,995, Aeroservice Aviation Training Center 305-874-6000, A320 Type Rating 407-852-5300, 1555 W University Drive, Suite 108 I wrote a detailed chronicle of that experience (Trainingat FlightSafety) because it was a watershed event in my flying career. AVIATION TRAINING: ABARIS Training 5401 Longley Lane, Suite 49 Reno 775-827-6568: Advanced Composite Repair $1,995: Cycled 5 days: Aeroservice Aviation Training Center . 562-938-0100, Citation V I recently learned of a facility Id not previously known. Naturally, the flight nevergoes as planned, and you are confronted with various challenges: unforecast weather,aircraft failures, navaid outages, runway changes, ATC delays, etc. Every sim session at RTC is structured as an actual IFR cross-country flight. Consequently, RTCs trainingemphasizes proper cockpit discipline and making decisions under pressure. Why Is Area Forecast Discussion Important for Preflight Planning? Orlando, Fla. - SIMCOM International, Inc. is expanding and building a new worldwide headquarters in Orlando. We received input from a number of pilots regarding their experience with upgrade training. Dr. Brent Blue commented on his transition into a Cessna 340: My insurance required 10 hours of dual, then simulator-based transition training. When a fuel valve is moved, the display depicts just what that action has done within the fuel system. Mine requires it every two years for my twin-engine, pressurized, Cessna 340A. Plan on spending a bare minimum of $4000 for piston-twin upgrade training. Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a Flight Review and Instrument Proficiency Check (IPC). By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL cookies. OK Aviation Group has been a leader in flight training provision since 2006, receiving full EASA approval as an aviation training organization (ATO) in March of 2013. 40 hours per week $8,000, Pacific It now operates at five facilities in three different locations Orlando; Vero Beach, Florida; and Scottsdale, Arizona (as well as a simulator facility in Kirmington, England, that offers Jetstream 41 and Dornier 328 training only). Hinson openly discussed what is too often a dirty little secret in upgrade trainingwhile the syllabus may be standardized, much of the quality of the training is dependent on the quality and experience of the instructor. FlightSafetys piston twin simulators are exceptionally good. Although a number of flight schools throughout the United States use simulators intraining pilots for certificates and ratings, there seem to be only three companies thatspecialize in sim-based recurrent training for pilots of piston-powered aircraft:FlightSafety International, Simcom Training Centers, and Recurrent Training Center. Im encouraged by SIMCOMs new, more competitive pricing, so thats a win. Ferris State University Online Application. When the stars align and multiple clients are there for the same training, it is conducted in a small classroom seating up to perhaps six clients. But Imabsolutely convinced that its well worth the cost. Less than 5 percent of the students are self-funded, aspiring corporate pilots who dont already have a job. Some routes (e.g. By the time the threedays were over, I became convinced that anyone who flies a multiengine aircraft withoutthe benefit of regular simulator-based recurrent training is an accident waiting tohappen. For example, when FlightSafetyfirst shipped one of its two Cessna 300/400 simulators to its Long Beach (Calif.) learningcenter, the sim didnt have a motion base. Carlsbad, CA I managed to kill myself quite a few times during sim training and then when I had an actual engine failure four years ago in the airplane, it was pretty much a non-event (except for my wallet, of course)., Busch went on to point out something that we hadnt considered: The ground school portion helps with maintenance costs. By eliminating 15 or 20 hours of training flights a year, its easy to saveseveral thousand dollars in operating and maintenance expenses, not to mention wear andtear. SimCom is a much smaller company than its behemoth competitor, andthis seems to be reflected in a more informal corporate culture. OK Aviation It's tempting to decry the disappearance of the classic country airport. That answer is variable with each of us. 261 01 Pbram, Phone +420.318.690.644 A mechanic I trust once told me that its a good idea to take your aircraft to a different shop for the annual once in a while. Training by Legacy Flight Training can also be conducted at the owners home base. All rights reserved. Thus was born SimCom Training Centers. In large classes, he explains, the instructor has to teach to the lowest common denominator in the class. I went around and landed. All rights reserved. The training facility should have a viable plan B that is satisfactory to you and be willing to use it. But if you can fly the sim you can certainly fly the airplane. 800-441-5387, Flight Control Academy Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. SIMCOMs PC-12 transition courses are designed for the experienced PC-12 pilot to transition to a derivative model of PC-12 Series aircraft in fewer hours than an initial course. While there were some physical differences with a 340 that caused me some familiarization problems. Factor in that you do more in an hour in the sim and the sim gives you at least a four-to-one cost advantage. Knowing what to do and when to do it thats the value of simulator training. The pet scenario almost invariably involves flying the airplane at the edge of its abilities and will help you get to know the capabilities of the airplane. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Make sure you have time to talk with your instructor before things begin so she or he knows the type of flying you are planning to do and your background so that the course can be most effectively tailored to your needsyoure the customer. Carlsbad, CA Back in 1989, businessman Wally David made an interesting observation: Computer graphics technology was improving so dramatically that a whole new realm of simulator training was about to become possible. Ive concluded that they did. For example, two pilots can take the Cessna 300/400 recurrent course for $3,800 (i.e., $1,900 each), which represents a 37% discount from the $3,000 One Time tuition. Childs Associates LP, although David is still president and CEO. (Yes, its a 421 sim, but has profiles and swappable instruments for other Twin Cessnas. Simcom and the Orlando Economic Partnership officially announced the new facility, a $109 million investment, on Aug. 4. 700 Wyoming Balloons And Runway Calamities: Why Wait To Panic? Checking the logs, installation was at the factory, around 30 years previously. All rights reserved. Copyright 2022 SIMCOM Aviation Training. "For operators who cannot bring their aircraft to Orlando, SimCom will arrange for its instructors to go to the customer on an expense basis." Customers can get even more training in their. $10,495, West Air Aviation Because RTCs sims are generic ones that dont attempt tofaithfully reproduce the systems of your aircraft, the RTC curriculum doesnt spend muchtime on aircraft-specific systems failures the way that FlightSafetys and Simcoms do.Instead, RTCs training places its major emphasis on pilot decision-making and dealingwith the ATC environment. Helicopter Company Civil aviation and defence training services provider CAE has acquired a 50% stake in SIMCOM Holdings for $85m. There are a few things that a simulator doesnt do as well as an airplane. Readers should take note of the original publish date for each article. Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a flight review through the FAA Wings Program. Our experience and comments from aircraft owners and training facilities were consistent: If a pilot does not show up multi-engine and instrument current and comfortable and willing to single-mindedly work on the course, he or she will have difficulty completing the course in the basic time allotted. Visual systems offer an extremelyrealistic nighttime-only display, using infinity-focus collimated optics, (but most lackany capability for side views or daytime visualssee discussion below).These sims were built about 20 years ago (when piston GA was at its peak), and each costabout $1 million to build back then. For single-engine pilots (Beech Bonanza, Cessna 210, Mooney, Piper PA28 and PA32),RTC offers a two-day recurrent course for $785, or a two-visit annual contract for $1,335. Legacy Flight Training has two training facilities, one in Vero Beach, Florida, co-located at Piper Headquarters, and a second at Scottsdale, Arizona (KSDL). Stalls, slow flight, missed approaches and especially engine cuts can generatea lot of wear and tear on the equipment. For two pilots who want to train together, Simcom offers aGemini Program that gives the second pilot a 50% discount from the regulartuition (similar to FlightSafetys Partner Pricing Program). Consequently, Id answer those two points by saying that I would even enthusiastically return to SIMCOM only if they replaced the sim with one that worked properly. Click here for the PILATUS PC-12 Series Course Information Sheet, TO SCHEDULE YOUR TRAINING, OR FOR MORE INFORMATION. Grand Prairie, TX The reality is that just complying with the FARs will not be enough for your insurance companyit will require that you go through training at a program it approves, and most of those are simulator-based, something we applaud. Three? This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Initial SimCom has expanded and evolved over the years. These cookies do not store any personal information. My insurance agent suggested that if I was willing to take a Cessna310 course at FlightSafety International, he might have better leverage with theunderwriters. You cant afford to be sitting around and doing nothing during time youve set aside for training. I thought I was pretty competent after the dual until I got into the sim. Most ATD sims can be rented for $50 to $95 an hour. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Note: Minimum prerequisites for enrollment apply to each of the courses above. The cost-effectiveness of the SIMCOM technology means better value for our customers compared to other simulation training environments. $25 to $100 million (USD) Competitors: Unknown From our training centers located in Orlando, Florida, Dallas/Ft.Worth, Texas and Scottsdale, Arizona, SIMCOM offers business and general aviation pilots the best quality simulator training at the best prices in the industry. A three-day multiengine recurrent course (Beech Duke and Baron, Cessna Skymaster,300/400, Piper Aerostar, Navajo, Seneca, Aztec, Twin Comanche, Commander 500 and 680)costs just $995 at RTC, and includes 50% more sim time than similar courses atFlightSafety or Simcom. In an airplane, how many approaches can you fly in an hour? 702-293-7038, Community College of Southern Nevada At one point, SimCom was paired with the Pan Am Flight Academy, which provides more regional and commercial airline-geared flight training. But, I checked with them and found a somewhat different attitude. What value do you place on your life and the lives of your passengers? Cause failures you just cant (or shouldnt) duplicate in the airplane. Flying may receive financial compensation for products purchased through this site. Yet, quality recurrent training isn't cheap. For example, when I attended this training I was confident in my instrument procedures and aircraft systems knowledge. TO SCHEDULE YOUR TRAINING, OR FOR MORE INFORMATION. A sim that had been working properly would have provided a more complete and rewarding training experience. Aviation Services, Inc. The only thing that seemed different than the sim was all the firetrucks lined up and down the runway!, T310R owner Mike Busch said, Sim training is absolutely essential for anyone who flies a piston twin and doesnt have a death wish. In the case of RTCs generic AST 300 sims, its probably best to approach with amind-set of learning to fly a new aircraft, rather than thinking of the sim as a Cessna orPiper or Beech and then getting distracted by its lack of fidelity to the actual aircraft.In any case, by the second or third hour of sim training, youll find that youve prettymuch tuned out the differences between the sim and the aircraft and are fully immersed indealing with the meat of the training scenarios that confront you. $5,295, B737-3/4/500 SIMCOM training is top tier, but their business model recently seems to mirror the big corporate centers with pricing to match. Simcom Aviation Training is an Authorized Training Provider for the M350 and the M500. This provided a comfortable informal setting that persisted for the day and a half I was there. Composite Structures: Limits and Advantages. We strongly recommend upgrade training at a facility that has a sim that can replicate your airplane, and its avionics, as closely as possible. Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a flight review through the FAA Wings Program. As a side note, weve found Level D sims are able to remarkably, realistically duplicate flight operations and are possessed of superb displays. In January 1999 it was acquired by the investment firm J.W. Weve always tried to do things in creative ways to allow us to provide customers with more value, David explains. Eachoffers a completely faithful duplicate of the aircraft cockpit, because each is built fromthe actual cockpit of a wrecked aircraft, with all the instruments and controlseviscerated and replaced by servos. Training begins in a classroom where the student is introduced to operation day flow, which means they start using desktop simulators that mimic the jets avionics suite. Transition Training Most pilots whogoes through the experience of top-notch sim-based training become convinced that it isimpossible to remain proficient in a piston twin without this kind of training. That tells us that the procedures learned in the sim are directly transferable, even if the sim isnt a faithful replica of what you fly. Tucson, AZ 36th Street Same for single-engine IMC approaches. Many pilots, for example, are reluctant to ask ATC for all the help they need whenconfronting a difficult in-flight situation, and RTC instructors are quick to point outwhen you could have reduced your pilot workload by asking for assistance from the folks onthe ground. I also found them to be a bit less faithful in simulating variousaircraft systems failures. The prices quoted above are FlightSafetys 1998 One Time tuitions. Andthis seems to be trained todeal with nearly any conceivable emergency situation there are a few things that cable... 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