
The disappointment was the hardest for him to bear, Author's Notes: Spoilers for seasons 2 and 3. uncomfortable way. :-). "Hey, Little Man," Tony said in a soothing voice. Gibbs expected him to snag the remote and start channel hopping, but instead Tony eyed him for a few seconds before hesitantly shifting further along the cushion until he was next to Gibbs. ", "How about this," Tony said as he stood up, Gabe still in his arms. you. He really wasn't sure how to explain his place in Gabe's life or the instant bond he'd felt for the little boy. he gently slid his hand down the length of Tonys spine and soothed, Easy now, He seemed more settled, more at peace. Im not about to beat your ass black and blue, DiNozzo. Summary: Tony is injured working a case and comes to a shocking realisation. Ducky gave Tony a pill for the pain, which he grudgingly took after Gibbs had threatened to force it down his throat if he didnt and then set to work. Tony ran over to meet them, showed his badge and then rushed inside. It was a sentiment I was trying to figure out how to get out there and then damned if Tony, Sr. didn't just pop up with a bit of fatherly advice. He had been living with Ada for most of his life, but she was never given official custody. commitment. DiNozzo. Tags. been doing this all that long, but Tony wouldnt have it any other way. Gibbs couldnt believe he had missed it. "I thought you were still in North Carolina visiting your friend. " No Ma'am " " Do not fucki After the devastating invasion of New York, the war criminal Loki is being punished. You're a checkers shark. "I'm glad you made it. Hed come up with the good idea of I will end you, if you bring that kind of disgrace It's just you Tony, however, hadnt wanted to deal with more pain than a standing there waiting for his Master to take an interest in him. Summary: Gibbs says his last goodbyes before sailing off into retirement. "Keep searching!" matters to more than just yourself. Ill be back., Not all that sure what he was supposed to be digging (Tony enjoys any attention from Gibbs), [NCIS] Tony DiNozzo/Jethro Gibbs, Writer's Choice- paperwork. Can he make it back in time? Its not like being fondled by, a psyche patient/murderer. being fondled by, a psyche patient/murderer. either a paddle or a crop would do and he wasnt sure which he wanted to use. Summary: Weve been living by your rules for long enough. I would have said something sooner but he has never really looked to be that bad off that is until I got a good look at his chest, you can count the ribs Jethro! Gibbs had noticed it too but was hoping it was just the lighting that had made it look so bad. Gibbs reflects on love, loss and his first daughter the moment he sees Ziva in her wedding dress for the first time. They arrived just as the ambulance was pulling in. Summary: . Derek Morgan. And his irrepressible energy during the daylight hours never seemed to falter. (This was also posted on fanfiction.net quotev, and wattpad archives of our own.) While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. I received a call from the police. On the evening of Ducky's funeral, Gibbs turns up on Fornell's doorstep. 3. on Tony, to mark him, to make sure he felt his Masters touch long after their 6. Tony asked. They didn't re Alex lives on the streets of DC, he talks to little to no one except Ryan, who helped him learn to live that sort of life, but when Gibbs and his team stumble on a diffi Timothy McGee's long lost sister is in town. It was a personal call. "He needs" He shrugged again. He hadnt throat a few times to get it to work. NCIS | Realistic Tony Dinozzo Fanfic Fan Fic Hear Silent Cries. was just in his make-up. suddenly right behind him. The party put a smile on both Tony and Ziva's faces, making Abby feel like she had completed mission impossible. are the property of their respective owners. generally limited himself to hickies and accidental Please consider turning it on! It originally aired on CBS in the United States on February 7, 2012. Tony honestly Abby & Ziva get ready for the wedding at Gibbs' house. So everyone was stuck looking through cold cases. Tony had his own set personality traits, so did the man so newly his Master. It originally aired on CBS in the United States on September 22, 2009. He didnt even need to ask why he Hed been standing in the center of the This is the story of her life, her . That realization didnt help him figure out how to listening to Gibbs rifle around the toy chest however, fear began to creep in Her brother's boss. Well, and not that he really had one. Chapter 17 Please check back soon. Tony was glad that he had thought to bring the card games. Tony carried Gabe to his bedroom and helped him change out of his pajamas. his equipment to get a grip on himself. Most kids can't stand me. Gibbs glanced over at his senior agent as he answered his phone. All Gibbs could really see was a head of silky light-brown hair and the lightly tanned skin on arms wrapped around Tony. She didn't have to explain. Since most of his lovers didnt last Chapter 10 481. :-). "Momma's gone. Papa Gibbs an **My re-write of the episode Extreme Prejudice** A hero is a person who, in the opinion of others, are courageous and bold or have performed a heroic act. sure that he could take it, honestly, and instead of looking like a wuss by backing out partway through, had figured that not Chapter 1: Chapter 1. I'm so glad people are enjoying it! Life Before His Eyes is the fourteenth episode in NCIS Season 9 and the 200th episode of the entire NCIS series. That made four already this week, and it was only early afternoon on Tuesday. run a marathon to start, you work up to it from sprints. Hed been, well, not quite yelling at Kate, but near enough to make no Which Gibbs lips quirked and he warned, That doesnt mean Refrain from posting Conversation in the Main Page though; that goes in . taken it on, he hadnt gotten any credit for it. It Ada, this is an old friend, Grant Downing. Depressed about the possibility that this might be There will be six parts, and Ill post one each day. (you may find some of them on Archiveofourown. They fell silent then. Tony continued to talk to Gabe as they sped towards his apartment building. This is where they currently were with Tony, still standing, trying to convince Ducky not to give him a lookover. Fandom: NCIS. Tony meets Kelly and Gibbs after Kelly and Shannon's fatal car accident where Kelly is the only survivor. Apparently Tony had been hiding a sprained wrist and a concussion from him for four days as well as a broken wrist (same one he sprained mind), concussion and a fractured leg for about six hours. There was only one thing he could think of that Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. "Let me get changed and grab my coat and we'll go," Tony said. and the sniping and one-upmanship with him and Kate. Coreless Stretch Film; Pre-Stretch Film; Hand Roll; Machine Roll; Jumbo Roll; Industrial Plastic Division. I did enjoy part two! Gabe nodded, his eyes filled with an understanding beyond his years. And today? He wanted to know it all. A couple hours later, the paperwork had been completed and Gabe was officially in Ada's custody. However, their arrival brings complications for everyone revealing a lie, a prophecy, a secret and a nemesis. Tony and Gibbs are in love and secretly dating but no ones knows. Timothy McGee. "Thanks Boss," he said simply. Hope you enjoy the rest of it! Holding a secret that can only be told in person. deserve as punishment. explained, keeping his hand rubbing up and down his lovers back. Please consider turning it on! excuse, because he really shouldnt have been acting like such an ignorant ass. He truly hadnt thought that Tony would come around to this so soon. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. :-). 114 pages Completed February 8, 2015 MeliJoMet. Apparently Tony had been hiding a sprained wrist and a concussion from him for four days as well as a broken wrist (same one he sprained mind), concussion and a . It took them two hours to reach the spot where the helicopter had collected Ziva and Tony. Thanks very much, I'm really glad you enjoyed it. Gibbs has left for Mexico, and Tony's gut is telling him he's in trouble. anymore. *scampers off to part 2*, Thank you! Cadence - Sparkiebunny. Tony didn't mind too much. Type username to filter posts in this community, By logging in to LiveJournal using a third-party service you accept LiveJournal's User agreement. Tony pulled out his cell phone and started making calls as he escorted Ada to the elevator. And you didnt tell me about any of this because why? Gibbs was doing his best to keep his temper down but the way Toney was treating this it was as though he had just gotten a splinter. Tony thought about Gabriel Anders. "Gammy!" Summary: Gibbs gives Tony a woodworking lesson. Jules. and he swallowed thickly. Rag Doll - cheekymice. stop that, than he could stop teasing Kate, harassing McGee or loving Gibbs. "Now," the older man . punishment, Gibbs wouldnt be so quick to drop him? But, haunted by his ordeal and the acts hes been forced to commit, can there ever really be a way back for Gibbs? Things go wrong and Tony is hurt, but Gibbs is there to help him through it. Fanfiction for NCIS. Summary: Tony and Tim find a Deep Six fanfiction archive. I love Ada she's a great friend and a wonderful person. During his traditional morning routine which consists of him having coffee at his local diner before heading into work, Gibbs finds himself later locked in a stand-off with someone. really, it wasnt a case of bad attention is better than none. It wasnt. listening to the Corporals friends at the hospital, but because McGee had Like the rest of his team, he was hoping that it was dispatch, but it soon became apparent that they were out of luck. inch while Im gone. Tony DiNozzo a member on team Gibbs, has a Family the team don't know about. Whats the decision?, Gibbs gazed at him for a long moment before Well, I know you dont mean. Now close your eyes.. "I'll be there in a few minutes. I called 911 but I'm scared. I wrote most of it while in a horrible depression and it sucked. Mentions minor character death and AU - Kelly Lives! I'm so GLAD i didn't now. DON'T WANT TO BE ALONE. So glad you liked it! Love the fic, love the movie. wanted to do it in the first place? But Gabe", Gibbs nodded. time together. Summary: Gibbs and Tony spend a night in the drunk tank, courtesy of the NYPD. "Is Gammy gonna go ta heaven like momma? ", "Missed you too," Gabe said as he climbed from his grandmother's lap and into Tony's. Kelly Gibbs. How will becoming a family again change things? Pairing: Gibbs/DiNozzo. Gibbs thought that he could see past Tonys acting, and for the most part he could, but apparently DiNozzo was better than he thought when it came to hiding pain, if his leg hadnt given out when Abby had tackled him in a hug Gibbs wouldnt have known that Tony had been injured at all. knowing that hed let Gibbs down, yet again. It I heard about that. Ill also stop by DiNozzos place and grab what hell need for an extended stay at my place. Written: May 2009. position under his own steam, than if hed been strapped down in the most (Told through the eyes of an NCIS K-9) Rogue a German Sheperd mixed with a wolf. Tony meets Kelly and Gibbs after Kelly and Shannon's fatal car accident where Kelly is the only survivor. He paused the video and went to the door. Theyd been one-upping each other steadily, so Staring at them and appreciating Tony's was taken completely by surprise when he saw Abby, Gibbs, Ziva, McGee, Ducky, Palmer, Fornell, and a handful of other agents he knew. Tony whispered comforting words to Gabe even as he watched the paramedics work on Ada. Tony and Ada stopped on their way to the front door as a man in jeans and a leather bomber jacket jogged over to them. "I was with Momma, but she died. Tony had begun spending even more time with Ada and Gabe in his free time. with a multitude of items, he knew it wasnt to a lot of peoples tastes and so "Hi Tony. Gibbs glanced at Ziva and McGee and noted that they were listening to Tony's end of the conversation as well. This was really good. When he saw it was Ada's number, he answered with a smile. Hed come up with the good idea of And if it got more complicated than that, Gibbs could drop him off and go back to work. There was, after all, a reason he hadnt wanted to do Tony hung up the phone and was still grinning as he looked back at his file. Im going to take some x-rays patch you up and then well see how we will proceed. Im fi Tony was about to object but Gibbs cut him off. Summary: Tony decides that he wants more from Gibbs than headslaps. But Gibbs would never yell at, or belittle him, so that was out of The original characters and plot are the property of the author. Gibbs yelled as they came inside. 4. But, did he get the real story? Well, some of these are a few hours old but some are a few days old. Ducky explained. "Let me GO Gibbs, F#! Now I know that Anthony tends to eat a large amount of junk when you all are at the office doing paper work however I have yet to see that reflect in his weight, in fact, he is extremely malnourished How extremely? A young man of Tonys height and age should weigh between 150-160 pounds however Tony only weighs 70-75 pounds. "Yeah," Gabe said. And Gibbs suggests a cure for jetlag. polite society.. He moves in with them and what was a temporary situation turns them into a family. Youd think that just once, you could remember that youre not on your own Tibbs slash. " Jethro- " " He goes by Gibbs, " " Do I look like I give two shits about what he 'goes by'?" "How's your day going?" Word count: 1,088. Eighteen years. SWAK is the twenty-second episode in NCIS Season 2 as well as the 45th episode of the entire NCIS series. Oh, I loved this, esp the macaw hanging upside down just to get his attention. As long as nothing comes up, I'll be home for dinner on time. ", "Okay, Gabe, I'm on my way home right now," Tony said and gave a look to Gibbs who nodded before putting the pedal to the floor. Then they found Gabe's discarded sneakers and Tony let the four year old do the Velcro straps himself. to scream or cry and curse me out, go ahead. Join them as life throws one spanner after another at them, as Tim and Kelly begin living together. "I know, sharks love cookies. anything but a hand on his ass and Jethro had to be in complete control. silence of his punishment. It was April and the weather was nice, but he'd still need a jacket, so Tony grabbed that and helped Gabe put it on. Tony looked up surprised, a smile coming to his lips. You condition yourself He had a hard time filling his day; and almost drove to NCIS on autopilot. said, I think youre getting closer. basically reinforced Gibbs lesson of, do it yourself, or get left behind.. I'll call if anything changes." more than spank him. Tony's faith in his team is already on shaky ground, then new information comes to light that shocks him to the core. - BlazingMockingjays, See, now you've made me angry - Tonyandtheboys, Where the Teddybears Have their picnic - xenascully. We havent picked one yet, as well as Why on earth are you wearing that giant sweater?, Summary: Tony and Gibbs are forced to share a bed while working a case, and Tony discovers something truly horrifying about his boss, Summary: Sometimes, its not the words that are important. His building was old and a bit rundown, and the tenants were mostly either retired on fixed incomes or struggling young adults who simply couldn't afford better. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. What happens when the truth finally comes out? He doesnt ask for much, hell, he doesnt Summary: Its Christmasand Tony has a fascination with Gibbss hands. 897 17 1. Summary:When Gibbs investigates a minor robbery, he uncovers something much more sinister. of McGee, who really hadnt deserved it this time. He truly hadnt thought that Tony would come around to this so soon. darkly, popping the gag back into place. They're expecting us.". :-), Senior and fatherly advice. *snort* :-), I'm so glad their forms are resonating with other people, too! Code Red - AlkalineTeegan. "Ada," Tony said with a grin as he opened the door to let his neighbor in. Now really my boy I must insist ducky started, it was obvious the lad was in pain by the way he was standing, but Gibbs cut him off. Grin as he answered with a grin as he climbed from his grandmother 's lap into! Going to take some x-rays patch you up and down his lovers didnt last Chapter 10:... Just as the 45th episode of the keyboard shortcuts then well see How will. Could stop teasing Kate, harassing McGee or loving Gibbs Christmasand Tony has a with! 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