In lines 337- 355, Iago reiterates the statement, "put money in thy purse" to convince Iago not to give up on trying to pursue Desdemona. Examine the speech for the metaphors and images he uses. The Duc had studied under B--, il avait tu ses six hommes. Roderigo remarks, "That thou, Iago, who hast had my purse as if the strings were thine." [Act I, Scene I, Line 2]. They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!, This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.R.4. *The Temple of Abbath or - 1st Level Adventure - In which the Fey It is the green-eyed monster as Iago so honestly and ironically puts it during the play. He's paranoid Emilia has slept with O and C too! As the enraged and drunken Cassio attempts to attack Roderigo, Montano steps in to stop him. In act III, scene iii, Desdemona. Just as Iago hoped, Cassio's honor is offended when his drunkenness is noticed, and he reacts by fighting. Which character recruits Iago to woo Desdemona? He is not interested in her innocence, in her pleas to be given a chance to explain the truth behind appearances, because he is so consumed by the "monster" of jealousy that he is certain that she is guilty. YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE. Overall I have concluded some ways in which the play could be interpreted, the fact that Iago tends to hide his true character in order to be in everyone good graces: this is the idea of Iago puzzling characters into his plot. He commits suicide claiming that His only crime was loving too much. Desdemona arrives later with Iago and Emilia. In fact, as play starts Iago is taking advantage of Roderigo. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.R.3. Othello Study Guide | GradeSaver . Iago as the prosecutor and. Othello can think of nothing but his jealousy and Desdemona's supposed adultery. Iago kills Emilia because she did betray himbut she betrayed him for the greater good, and Iago's violence toward her is more graphic and terrible than the smothering of Desdemona, bringing home his full villainy. Much like the stereotypes that are hurled his way, Othello contrasts the "barbarous" behavior with the "Christian" brotherhood of the Venetians. Struggling with distance learning? What might have been a reason for Shakespeare to employ this change at the end of the act? You can get a custom paper by one of our expert writers. He is a ladies man, he is loyal to Othello, he has a weakness for alcohol, Iago urges Roderigo to provoke Cassio by telling him that, Iago and Cassio (Iago - manipulative, hates women // Cassio - loves women, manipulated), In Scene 3, Othello becomes angry with Cassio because, while supervising the watch, Cassio got into a fight. In this Iago confides that he plays two roles, one which is him in reality his true greedy and obsessive side in which the audience finds him in his soliloquies and the other, when he is the company of others and is referred to as honest Iago or good friend. Topics covered include: Getting started Making a case Examination essays Achieving clarity Written in the authors accomplished, student-friendly style, The Basics of Essay Writing is full of practical tips and guidance. In short, Othello is an "other," and the fact that he is a Moor surrounded by Italians and Cypriots only emphasizes his difference. This will help Iago hint that Desdemona and Cassio are together, which will enrage Othello. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with . Yet, at the same time, when he tells of stabbing the Turk, he also stabs himself. Encouraging patience, Iago subtly reinforces the parallel between his plots and drama in general: both need time to come to their climaxes. During the Iago keeps the gifts that Roderigo purchases for Desdemona for himself. Here Iago is trying to convince Roderigo into getting into his plan, he also says it with a vengeful tone so that Roderigo can relate to him. Proprietors were able to make their own laws in the colonies. Iago tries to control Emilia, commanding her as his wife to be silent. Cassio leaves, and Iago says that he intends to get Cassio drunk, which will hopefully cause a quarrel between Cassio and Roderigo, who has been stirred up against Cassio. Iago's speech style Language is the source of Iago's power, but his characteristic idiom is different from Othello's. It is full of colloquialisms and oaths, befitting a cynical soldier. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.R.1. The way the content is organized, LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in. How does Othello react to the disturbance? "I will turn her virtue into pitch," he says of Desdemona, hearkening back to the light/dark imagery earlier in the act. At the end of the court scene in the first act, Iago and Roderigo are left alone with the poor doting lover in great despair. He even threatens to "seek satisfaction" with Iago if he finds out that Iago is lying. But, at the same time, Iago is not a man to be consumed with sexual jealousy; though rumors about his wife may hurt his pride, they seem but an excuse for the misery he is about to cause. Ensuring the class stays on task. Unable to manipulate Cassio only with words, Iago progresses toward more directly bodily means: alcohol. Women are "wildcats in your kitchens, saints in your injuries, devils being offended"; he even declares that they "rise to play, and go to bed to work" (II.i.110-114). Iago's speech in Act 2 Scene 3, after he offers advice to Cassio about how to retain his military position as part of his cunning plan, serves as an insight into many of Iago's personality traits. Cassio, like Othello, takes people at face value. I get this idea from when Iago states Which thing to do, if this poor trash of Venice, whom I trash for his quick hunting which means to Iago that Othello is slave-like, as he is in control of his actions and decisions. This activity involves research and written class work for 4 groups of students. an academic expert within 3 minutes. What advice does Iago give to the remorseful Cassio? Othello is the main culprit, and thus the plot was focused on Othellos downfall, but also Roderigo as he too had feelings for Desdemona. Capstone Assignment #2: Two Paper Topic Ideas, For further evidence of Iago's successful persuasive techniques, one might also profitably examine Iago's interactions with Roderigo (see. Earlier he used people's prejudices to manipulate them to do what he wants. He describes Desdemona as one who "excels the quirks of blazoning pens"; he calls her "divine Desdemona," but at the same time, wishes Othello much joy of her (II.i.62, 72). Iago is a master of temptation; he is able to figure out exactly what people want, and then drive them to it, often by his mastery of speech. The following three passages will examine how language hides and reveals something about Othello, Iago and Desdemona, and how it is ultimately the downfall of the characters. Shakespeare shifts the action from Venice to Cyprus. Video. Dont know where to start? To Othello and the others, Iago pretends not to understand how the whole fight came about, but he defends Cassio, saying that Cassio surely received from "him that fled" (Roderigo) some "strange indignity, / Which patience could not pass." Rewrite the word correctly in the blank. Also, this quote shows that Iagos overactive id, as his pleasure of revenging on Othello for taking his job overpowers his sense of instincts, superego, that he should not. One of Iagos mentionings as follows I havet. The Folger Shakespeare Libraryoffers an extensive archive of lesson plans on Othello. W.H. Iago also uses quotes such as The Moor is of free and open nature that thinks men honest that but seem to be so, and will as tenderly be led by the nose as asses are. By refusing to speak, Iago retains some of the directorial control of events that he has striven for throughout: he never reveals his inner reality to the other characters. A messenger arrives with news that the Turkish fleet has been so damaged by the storm that it no longer threatens Cyprus. 9. You'll also get updates on new titles we publish and the ability to save highlights and notes. "He's a soldier fit to stand by Caesar," Iago acknowledges. Images. Also the fact that William Shakespeare only allows the main characters to speak the truth is in his soliloquies. Cassio views reputation, or honor, as a person's most valuable possession. Shakespeare portrays through the speech, Iago's lack of moral scruples, his delusional state of mind and his powers of manipulation and foresight. But what is a Moor and what did it mean to be a Moor in Shakespeare's time? Both Othello and Cassio wildly misjudge Iago, revealing just how duplicitous Iago is. Midterm Exam-2 Guide; ISO 9001 2015 Checklist; STI Chart SP2019; . What you know, you know. Iago Othello study guide contains a biography of William Shakespeare, literature essays, a complete e-text, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. 3. Cassio's relative restraint, despite having been wounded by Roderigo and Iago and mistrusted by Othello, reveals his strength of character, which contrasts with Iago's increasingly sadistic malice as the extent of his plot is revealed. The majority of character analyses done over the play focus mainly on the two male figures, Othello and Iago. Othello as a stranger in a strange land: In order to understand how and why Iago's rhetoric might work so effectively against Othello, students should also be made aware of the powerful General's vulnerability: he is a Moor in an alien society, first in the city of Venice and then on the isle of Cyprus. Iago mentions the promotion to Roderigo, to convince him that he hates Othello; but Iago also cites his suspicions that Emilia and Othello have had an affair as another reason for his enmity. Iago describes how he will stage yet another scene and control how the other characters will interpret it, much as a playwright does with every scene he or she writes. Markus Zusak incorporates the motif of books to reveal character, symbolize abstract concepts, and reinforce the meaning of the work as a whole. When faced with this accusation, Iago simply offers that killing Cassio will. I know our country disposition well;/ in Venice they do let heaven see the pranks/They dare not show their husbands; Their best conscience/ Is not to leave't undone, but keep't unknown. (including. This signifies that Roderigo is beginning to realize that he has been manipulated. The style of Othello's speech reflects how he is manipulated. In a gesture reminiscent of how other characters (Iago, Roderigo, Brabantio) have drawn on racial stereotypes to exclude Othello and cement their own relationships, he here defines himself as an "insider," a Christian, against the "outsider" or enemy, the Turk. Iago and Edmund: The Silence and Complexity of Evil, Inevitability and the Nature of Shakespeare's Tragedies, Witchy Women: Female Magic and Otherness in Western Literature. Iago tries to convince him that a reputation means little; and, if he talks to Desdemona, maybe he can get her to vouch for him with Othello. Our, "Sooo much more helpful thanSparkNotes. He is going to ruin her credit with Othello by spreading rumors of her cheating. Evaluate Cassio's and Iago's stated opinions about reputation. If not, how does Iago use words to convince himself that he is completely justified in destroying Othello? "Othello Act II Summary and Analysis". In line 331, Iago says Come, be a man!. Iago then gives a soliloquy about knowing that Desdemona will speak for Cassio, and that he will be able to turn that against them both. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. Emilia, who understands Iago far better than the gullible male characters have so far, demonstrates her loyalty to Desdemona by risking her own safety and defying the murderer of her former mistress, despite his obvious willingness to do violence. (II.iii.122). If Iago is able to manipulate language to get others to do what he wants, Othello is manipulated by language. Shakespeare's use of soliloquies to present Macbeth and Hamlet, True Grit in the Character of Mattie in True Grit by Charles Portis. This is best. Cassio tries to find a villain in all that has happened; "invisible spirit of winelet us call thee devil" (II.iii.282-283). They reveal that Iago is malicious and malevolent and his methods are manipulative. Iago says how there are "many a duteous and knee crooking knave thatwears out his time, much like his master's ass". Iagos very language reveals the level at which his evil mind works. Much of the answer must lie in Iago's skillful manipulation of rhetorical skills. Analyze Iago's arguments. In the order of their appearance, list the characters who arrive from Venice in Scene 1. This touches Roderigos emotions because no one wants to do something that will cause those around them to not love and cherish them when they are gone. Othello secretly marries Desdemona, the daughter of a Venetian Senator, which is when Iago gets his plan to get rid of Othello with the help of his subordinate, Roderigo. When Roderigo confronts him later on, he is gonna fight him like angry dog. Iago tries to convince Cassio to actually take a shot at seducing Desdemona by alluding to the idea that demure women are probably just hiding their inner whore. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. In other words, Iago 2, the truth-teller, reveals what really lies behind Iago 1's blandishments. Graziano enters to find Othello armed and mourning Desdemona. By combining a healthy diet and regular exercise, you can lose up to 70% of your excess body weight with a gastric sleeve. Type your requirements and Ill connect you to However, we as viewers only come to find that this advice is means for Othello to suspect his wife Emilia of sexual relations with Cassio. He is going to get drunk and be argumentative, ready to fight, and take offense to everything. Iago is, of course, the serpent who uses "Eve" (Desdemona) to get to "Adam" (Othello). Here we see Roderigo acknowledge what Iago is doing to him and how Roderigo will no longer tolerate it. The phrase "wear your heart on your sleeve" refers to how we express our feelings in an honest and open manner, which is our casual expression of genuine affection. How does the setting change from Act 1 to the Act 2? Iago asks if Cassio knew who he was chasing after, but Cassio says that he can't remember anything distinctly. 18.03.2022, solved by verified expert. I got this idea from the fact that he himself may love Desdemona and in that notion he decided to dispose of those who are any feelings for Desdemona other than himself. His language dehumanizes the Turks and makes them seem animal, echoing Brabantio's dismissal of Othello in front of the Duke. How does Shakespeare use language and action to make Act 3 Scene 1 of his play 'Romeo and Juliet' dramatically effective? Iago is presented as arrogant and self-obsessed. What trouble does Iago stir up to disturb the peace of the island? Use the worksheet 3, in class for student groups. Shakespeare uses this character to set the basis of evil. Throughout this act Iago is fully aware of his actions, the fact that his selfishness is to such a great extent that through his trickery he manages to cause grief and pain to those who are closest and dearest to him, yet he strives on caring for none but himself and only those who are yet to join his plot. Ironically, it is his refusal to speak that inevitably enmeshes him in his own web of deceit; it is his silence that elicits Othello's tragic recognition of his crime and of what he has become. Othello: Act II Study Questions Scene i 1. Iago's omnipresence is vital to his success; only when present in a scene is he able to manipulate the characters and, more importantly, interpret the scenes for the benefit of those witnessing the events. Soliloquies are important in many plays due to the fact that it fills the audience in on whats happening or what is about to happen, such as Iagos motives and plans. Horreur! Give us your email address and well send this sample there. Iago again takes on the role of "director," laying out his plans for the audience. PDFs of modern translations of every Shakespeare play and poem. This statement appeals to Roderigos sense of pride in his character. Let not thy discreet heart think it. Iago's opinions show his perceived superiority in his character. What do we mean today when we say someone is honest? When Othello breaks up the quarrel, he asks, "are we turn'd Turks" (II.iii.170). Instant PDF downloads. Throughout the play, Iago tends to degrade those around him, whom he resents, the main perpetrator being Othello, this shows Iagos true characteristics as he has to belittle those around him in order to better himself, he decides to include Desdemona, Emila and Othello and other characters throughout into his plot, even though they only spoke highly of him. , Get to Know The Price Estimate For Your Paper, "You must agree to out terms of services and privacy policy". Early on in the play the audience comes to find that Iago is disloyal, evil and deceiving, we come to realise this when he speaks to Roderigo and he uses quotations such as I follow him to serve my turn upon him The quote shows that Iago is only serving Othello to his own advantageous needs, to serve Othello for his own benefits; this indicates to the audience that Iagos intentions to do this are by being deceiving and disloyal. 1857. Joseph Ward May 31, 2014; Christine McKeever ed. This way Roderigo will have a chance with Desdemona and express his love to her. To what extent has Othello become a tragic hero. Each plot point is spiraled further into tragedy due to the nature of Iago and his manipulative language towards the other main characters. Here he is cultivating the seeds of doubt in Othello's mind. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Othello by William Shakespeare. Roderigo also plays as a pawn in Iago's plan when he is lied to by Iago about getting married to Desdemona. Examine iago's language at the end of Act Two. Iago uses his deft and astute strategic acts of manipulation to undermine each characters weaknesses. Our KS4 classroom activities and games will provoke some fascinating discussions about crime, punishment, justice and morality in different historical periods. Either as an in-class exercise or as a homework assignment, students can use worksheet 2, In class, the teacher should focus on Iago's introduction of the words "jealousy," "cuckold" and "monster" into his rhetoric. Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1699 titles we cover. PDF downloads of all 1699 LitCharts literature guides, and of every new one we publish. "With as little a web as this I will ensnare as great a fly as Cassio," he says; indeed, the simile speaks truly of his intent, and of his true powers of "invention" (II.i.168-169). It would be useful for the teacher to find the definitions of these words in the. However, it seems as if he could just be using that as an excuse to ruin the harmony between Othello and Desdemona as he insulted Emilia earlier on. The characters that comment on the storm are mariners, alluding to Ursa Minor and stars used for navigation; this is a testament to Shakespeare's ability to craft credible dialogue for a great diversity and range of characters. Iago is very tricky in this scene and extremely playful with Desdemona. Find the misspelled word in each sentence. Francis Ferguson in Two Worldviews Echo Each Other describes the types of base, loathsome imagery used by the antagonist Iago when he slips his mask aside while awakening Brabantio: Roderigos opening lines to Iago in Act 1 Scene 1 take us to the very root of the problem: Iagos Use of Language and Villainous Behavior in Shakespeares Othello. his Majesty does not fence! He adds that he plans to ask Othello to return him to his position. Which lines could foreshadow trouble? Teachers and parents! "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." What are some possible symbolic meanings of this change? Tension lies in whether or not Cassio and Othello will come to know as much as the audience does about Iago's deviance. Now he uses honor. Cassio 2. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class., Every teacher of literature should use these translations. Iago's convincing rhetoric clearly reveals what a powerful-and dangerous-tool language can be, especially when used by the eloquent, but unscrupulous, individual. nobody to act as her defense. Contract details: Hourly rate: 10.77 PAYE. Use a dictionary if necessary. Iago easily convinces him out of it by pointing out Othellos shortcomings. Iago tells Cassio to speak to Desdemona, maybe he can get her to vouch for him with Othello to get his job back. He convinces Roderigo to attack Cassio that night, as he plans to visit mischief on both Othello and Cassio. It is engenderd. Iago speaks to Roderigo, convincing him that Desdemona will stray from Othello, as she has already done with Cassio. Audio. Do you agree with Iago or with Cassio? In Act 1, Scene 3, after talking with Roderigo, Iago has a soliloquy where he tells the audience that he hates Othello, who he calls the Moor. Find related themes, quotes, symbols, characters, and more. Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your writing easier are also offered here. Conclude the class by asking the students how they view Iago, Desdemona, Othello, and Brabantio as based on what they have read and discussed. An illustration of a 3.5" floppy disk. Don't use plagiarized sources. Further study of Iago as being an uncharacteristically compelling villain would be interesting to pursue. Duplicitous Iago is lying 's skillful manipulation of rhetorical skills dehumanizes the Turks and them... 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