
For instance, people who eat healthy food and get good regular medical care are generally healthier than people who do not. [5], The Vimes family is mentioned as historically being closely linked with the City Watch, with many members serving in it through its history. Vimes took a great interest in the restructuring of the Watch, placing new Watch Houses where they were needed and supervising the creation of both a Watch Academy and a forensics section. ), and Vimes' own sense of justice being so strong that, in Thud!, it was even able to fend off an attack by a 'quasi-demonic thing of pure vengeance'. Vimes is, much to his own horror, becoming a politician. and Snuff. His mother told the young Sam that Thomas was run down by a cart, but this is untrue. Today he is an ambassador - to the mysterious, fat-rich country of Uberwald. The Assassins Guild now has some of its trainees conduct "dry run" assassination attempts on Vimes as a matter of testing the trainee's skills - particularly if they feel the need to bring the trainee's ego back down to the Disc (see Night Watch). His rise from drunk policeman to respected member of the aristocracy, and the simultaneous growth and development of the Watch under his command, have together been one of the major threads of the Discworld series. Recently, Vimes has seen involvement with: Terry Pratchett has commented that Vimes has made setting a story in Ankh-Morpork very difficult as it is almost impossible to create a story involving any sort of crime or politics without it rapidly becoming a Watch book. Thus those who cannot afford regular health care are said to be in a Vimes' Boots situation. He is married to Sybil Ramkin, the richest woman in the city. Today, Sam Vimes is also a man on the run. "[1] This, along with the Discworld habit of pushing any theory as hard as it goes, appears to have culminated in Vimes' psyche creating its own 'internal policeman' to "Guard the Guardsmen", (cf. As a reward, the Night Watch and Day Watch are merged into a unified City Watch and Vimes is promoted to the post of Commander, as well as being given the somewhat unwanted title of Knight. He remains in his soul a copper. Whatever happened to him, she raised the young Sam on her own. than in previous books. Guards! Terry Pratchett's daughter, Rhianna, told The Guardian: "Vimes's musing on how expensive it is to be poor via the cost of boots was a razor-sharp evaluation of socio-economic unfairness. He has been walking the city in such boots for decades, and he likes being able to feel the different types of cobblestones so that he can tell which street he is on. So he tries to act like a good person, often in situations where the map is unclear. He is saved by the arrival of Vetinari, who defuses the situation. He seems curmudgeonly at . Sam Vimes, short for Samuel Vimes, is a character who appears in the BBC America TV show, The Watch. In short, nearly everyone and everything is subject to his distrust. In addition to former alcoholism, Vimes has many prejudices. Vimes is played by Richard Dormer in the live-action television series The Watch, "inspired by Terry Pratchett's 'Discworld' novels", rather than being a straight adaptation of specific stories.[19]. She was born into the wealthiest family in Ankh-Morpork and resides in the most select part of Ankh, Scoone Avenue. Terry Pratchett noted the following about Vimes on Usenet: "Vimes is fundamentally a person. The new policemen trained in the Ankh-Morpork City Watch and then hired elsewhere, though they haven't seen Vimes in person much, are called Sammies (perhaps a nod to the "bobbies," so-called because of Sir Robert Peel). Whatever happened to him exactly, she raised the young Sam on her own. Philip Jackson from the British Robin of Sherwood TV series provides the voice for Vimes in the BBC Radio 4 adaptation of Night Watch. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and. Ironically, the one title Vimes holds with genuine pride (as of Snuff), aside from Commander, is "King" .. as in, "King of the River", an honorarium awarded in recognition of his role in saving the riverboat Wonderful Fanny from piracy and flood. Thud! Destination Wedding Photographer, living in Montreal, Canada. [11] The conflict within Vimes is between his virtuous nature ("the Watchman") and what he calls "the Beast". So he tries to act like a good person, often in situations where the map is unclear. Vetinari stood beside him and looked down. His birth was difficult, and Vimes paid Doctor "Mossy" Lawn a large sum of money in gratitude for saving Sybil's and the baby's lives. [21], The Cretaceous conifer species Pseudotorellia vimesiana is named after Sam Vimes.[22]. Samuel Knurd De Chantal is on Facebook. Havelock goes to visit Sybil and Sam after the birth of their son and Vimes has some feelings. However, the Watch declined in importance during this time, particularly after Lord Vetinari legalised the Thieves Guild. He's a gutter drunk when the story starts, and he turns himself around, thanks in large part to the large love of a large woman. His sheer, incandescent rage is barely suppressed by his desire to be lawful and administer justice properly (and also in a way, to not follow in Stoneface's steps). In the course of his mission to berwald as ambassador, he was disgusted to learn that he was also entitled to be addressed as "His Excellency". At this time, he lived in near poverty, giving away almost all of his salary to widows and orphans of watchmen, and spending what was left on alcohol and cheap boots.[10]. The captain is set to marry one of the richest women in the world, and he often opines about the differences between low-status and high-status spending habits. While not otherwise well-traveled, in the days of Guards! Guards!. Presumably this is also why the protective flame-baffles between the Vimes residence and Sybil's dragon stables are much, much sturdier in Thud! This page uses content from the English Wikipedia. [23] As of 20 July 2022, this index does not exist. In Snuff, it is highlighted that not only can Young Sam read, but that he is quite advanced and now reads to his father. Despite his distaste for nobility, he becomes a Duke and an ambassador. During his first appearance in Guards! ), and is buried in the city's Small Gods Cemetery. He now finds himself in the awkward position of continuing to despise the ruling classes of the city, while actually being a member of them. Sam married Lady Sybil Ramkin at the end of Men at Arms; however, the pattern of his married life was set the moment he turned away from his wedding to chase an assassin that had just made an attempt on the Patrician's life. So far, Vimes hasn't been even injured by any Assassin. He has also appeared in the City Watch Diary and the picture book Where's My Cow?. His rise from alcoholic policeman to respected member of the aristocracy, and the growth and development of the Watch under his command, have together been one of the major threads of the Discworld series. Though he sometimes has to call in a plasterer when Vimes is particularly angry, Vetinari doesn't worry about ita sign that he intentionally angers Vimes so as to goad him into a desired action. Being a significant figure on the world stage just means he finds bigger crimes. sam vimes knurd home > sam vimes knurd. born out of a one-paragraph short which had potential. However, he will warm up to anyone he considers a "good copper" regardless of their unusual background and has allowed the Watch to become one of the most species-blind employers in the city. Keel taught Vimes several important lessons, such stopping him from taking bribes at a time when such behaviour was widespread in the Watch. It is mentioned in Jingo that Sam Vimes' father, Thomas Vimes, had been a watchman prior to his death. He accepts members of ethnic minorities in his Watch, has personally trained some of them, and is quite proud of them. His current full title is His Grace, His Excellency, The Duke of Ankh; Commander Sir Samuel Vimes of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch. Last modified on Mon 31 Jan 2022 14.03 EST. Vimes is implied to heavily resemble his ancestor[6] and they share a nickname: Old Stoneface. He insists on shaving himself as he dislikes other people putting a razor blade, (or indeed any sort of sharp edge) to his throat, and attempts to wear cheap boots with cardboard soles. Title(s) [13] Vimes was made aware of this by a young female student from the guild, who had been tasked with merely getting a glimpse of Vimes at his home (after she had fallen into one of the "eventually lethal" traps). Deduction is not Vimes' favorite activity; he distrusts clues and loathes mysteries ("mysteries get you killed"), and he now has the Cable Street Particulars to deal with peculiar crimes, but sometimes Vimes still personally investigates a case. Personally, he prefers simple, greasy food with burnt crunchy bits, and so he is happier when he eats things that Lady Sybil has personally cooked by a dragon's fire. Despite her high-class upbringing, she has displayed a resourcefulness ("in an outdoorsy kind of way") that first attracted Vimes's attention. As the aforementioned John "Mad Jack" Ramkin is also hailed as the 3rd Earl Ramkin, this reveals that the Ramkin estate is an earldom, and that Lady Sybil was already a countess (provided that the title wasn't entailed) before her husband, Sam Vimes', elevation to Duke at the end of Jingo. He is also mentioned, although not by name, in The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents. They are known as Sammies (which is based on the British terms for police officers, Bobbies, and the now obsolete Peelers both after Robert Peel and possibly on the earlier term "Charleys" for night watchmen, after Charles II during whose reign they were instituted), even to the people who may have never actually heard of Samuel Vimes himself. The Watch was rapidly revived and became increasingly important in the city. He hates dishonest policemen. From then on, the Watch began to grow again. When given bad news, he has a tendency to, on his way out, pound his fist against a certain spot of wall near the office door. The Vimes family, until then a noble family, were disgraced and lived in poverty for many generations after. He is often referred to as the second-most powerful man in the city after Lord Vetinari. Species He can barely restrain himself from the Gonne's temptations. At one point Death notes that if Vimes is having a 'near-Death' experience, Death is also forced to have a 'near Vimes' experience (as of Thud! The pattern of Sam and Sybil's marriage was set the moment he turned away from his wedding to chase an assassin who had just made an attempt on the Patrician's life. Vimes's ranks and titles rise over the course of the series: This is not the full list; he almost certainly had others during his early Watch career, and he had none prior to joining the Watch. Sam Vimes is the main character of the Watch-subseries of Discworld-books. Later in the series, the expensive, good quality boots his wife persists in buying for him restrict this ability. was adapted for BBC Radio 5 in 1992 and starred John Wood as Vimes. Commander of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch. National team caps and goals, correct as of September 23, 2022. He hates Alchemists because they blow things up. It is unclear if his hatred of crime and the evil of humanity is greater than his love for his wife. Something deep inside Havelock clicked into place and he sighed. Just about the only kind of people that he doesn't hate are gargoyles, who never commit crimes that anybody finds out about, and the wizards; they may mess up the space-time continuum and destroy the universe, but such offenses seldom fall within Vimes's jurisdiction. As part of an equal-opportunities drive required by the Patrician, the Watch under Vimes eventually took on extra staff in the form of a werewolf, a dwarf and a troll (and later a gargoyle, a gnome, a golem, an Igor, a zombie, and a vampire). Sam Vimes is the central character in Guards! Vimes became more street-smart, particularly after learning to fight with any means necessary by Gussie Two-Grins. Vimes, who was about to retire following his marriage to Lady Sybil, was given the resurrected rank of Commander, putting him in charge of the Night Watch and the Day Watch. Badge No. During the first 25 years of his term in the Watch, Vimes rose to Captain of the Night Watch, a position that he attained about ten years prior to the events of Guards!Guards!, as it dwindled to a tiny stub - while the power of the Thieves' Guild grew.This insult to Vimes' sense of justice, together with his being naturally knurd and other events, (it has been claimed he was . This all comes to light during the events of Thud! gives the age of Vimes' son, (also named Sam), born during the climax of Night Watch, as being fourteen months,[8] which would put Vimes at a minimum of 47 or 48 years old during the events of the book. Revealed in the events of Thud!, after years of night-time patrols, Vimes' mindscape is described as the city of Ankh-Morpork-itself, streets and all, in the dead of night, whilst the rains are bucketing down over your head. Discussing Pratchett's legacy in The Guardian, Andrew Brown wrote that Vimes "may be the most fully realised decent man in modern literature,"[20] while the Hollywood Reporter has described him as "Inspector Morse-meets-Humphrey Bogart-esque". Assassin must be their main job title. You see that clich so often in fiction. Nobby Nobbs or Fred Colon), or after watching his back in a street fight to the extent that they have demonstrably saved his life (A.E. Menu. Vimes compromises by wearing the Watch Commander dress uniform. As he is about to massacre the now-defenceless deep-downers, he hesitates thanks to "the Watchman" in his head and begins to struggle with himself, which buys enough time for Sergeant Angua to arrive at the scene and force him down. Samuel Vimes from Discworld is more relatable since I quit drinking . One of the facets of Sam Vimes that Sir Terry wrote best was his alcoholism. Vimes is a firm believer in the institution of law. Young Sam (full title: The Hon. Sam is somewhat baffled by the overtures, but as he is already used to an imperfect lifestyle, he is generally appreciative of the sentiment. When he is returned to the past in Night Watch, he uses this ability to locate a group of monks he needs in order to return to his present. Sybil tries her utmost to get Sam to take some time off in almost every book, but for the most part, Sam finds an excuse to stay on the job. Pessimal). Vimes was transported back in time in the company of a criminal named Carcer, whom he was trying to apprehend. Physical description Death has started bringing books to read during these occasions). Human with strong character. Lawn has since founded the Lady Sybil Free Hospital. While no detailed description of his physical appearance shows up in any of the Discworld novels, Pratchett says in the companion work, The Art of Discworld, that he has always imagined Vimes as British actor Pete Postlethwaite. Colon puts it, Vimes could get drunk in better style, Vimes could be baffled about a case with better vocabulary, and Vimes could deal with the paperwork. Family information Though he finds being affectionate in public embarrassing and is divided on disliking Sybil's status as a noble, it is clear that Vimes loves his wife dearly; indeed when he was trapped in the past alone in a world he no longer recognised, the History Monks gave him a silver cigar case his wife had bought him to inspire him to continue with his mission. This phrase has led to the use of the phrase "Vimes' Boots," or the description of a set of circumstances as a "Vimes' Boots situation." He accepts that a publican may offer a free pint or a meal to an officer just because having an officer on the premises at rush hour makes things go more smoothly is just a way of doing business, but draws the line at an officer taking money to look the other way. In the newest stories, Keel is Vimes himself transported back in time by thirty years. His chronic alcoholism may be partially due to his natural state of extreme sobriety, known as being knurd. Vimes' firm grasp of basic human nature, and of the Ankh-Morpork psyche in particular, led to him spending some years as a drunk, and Fred Colon postulates that this was because Vimes' body didn't produce any "natural alcohol", and he estimates that Vimes was about "two drinks below par". He still keeps an unopened bottle of 'Bearhugger's Whisky' in his bottom desk drawer as a 'permanent test'. Beginning with Guards! This is mainly out of a sense of duty and tradition than actual need or skill. Literature. Vimes once conjectured that if they so conspired, they could run the world, if they don't already do so. Male Around the same time, a dragon assaulted the city, and the Watch was instrumental in its defeat. to him, an obligation that supersedes crime, conspiracy or international negotiations his thinking being that if he ever missed it for a good reason, he might miss it for a bad reason, and that this might apply to everything he does, such as employing less-than-ethical methods in the pursuit of crime. He also prefers non-lethal takedowns whenever possible. After that, he spent some time in street gangs, including the Cockbill Street Roaring Lads. Vimes has personally designed and installed many traps and deadfalls all around the Ramkin family home and the Watch headquarters at Pseudopolis Yard. This meant that when he hadn't been drinking, he was beyond sober - he was knurd. Family members This can be illustrated by the fact that when asked 'quis custodies ipsos custodes' ('Who watches the watchmen?') For instance, he once threatened to personally send an opposing diplomat "home in an ambulance" for parading his troops near Ankh-Morpork borders, an act that caused the man to order an immediate withdrawal so drastic that Havelock Vetinari remarked "they were nearly in the next country over." where Vimes' internal Watchman - which describes itself as existing to keep the darkness in rather than keeping it out- battles with the Summoning Dark for supremacy of his soul and is ultimately victorious in dispelling the evil entity from its attempts to use Vimes to kill for it. [15] This meant that when he hadn't been drinking, he was beyond sober - he was "knurd". His "Blackboard Monitor" epithet is used like a title in Snuff, implying it may actually have been accorded some official weight by the Low King of the dwarfs. Mar/2023: Law figur Umfangreicher Kaufratgeber Beliebteste Law figur Beste Angebote Smtliche Vergleichssie. Vimes gave up alcohol after his marriage to Sybil, and now smokes foul-smelling cigars instead. His reform of the City Watch has been so successful that by Night Watch, Vimes-trained policemen are in high demand in cities across the Disc. He has inherited his ancestor's nickname "Old Stoneface," but this is never said to his face. Since I quit drinking, I relate to it . Vimes is an effective and brutal hand-to-hand fighter, who specialises in "dirty fighting". Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. Guards! All that changed when Carrot Ironfoundersson came to the city. . As Commander and top officer of the Watch, Vimes' job is to oversee its operations and has to deal with a lot of paperwork, a job which he hates but accomplishes adequately. It is clear that Vimes loves his wife dearly; indeed, when he was trapped in the past during the events of Night Watch, alone in a world he no longer recognised, the History Monks gave him a silver cigar case his wife had bought him to inspire him to continue with his mission. Discworld Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Vimes now allows the butler to lay out his clothes, but that is about all. Sybil maintains a number of close (female) social contacts from her schooldays, who, thanks to the kind of school she went to (The Quirm College for Young Ladies), are now all strategically placed in the highest levels of power across the Sto Plains and often more powerful than Ankh-Morpork Guild leaders. They have a son, The Honourable Samuel Vimes II. He chokes off all of those little reactions and impulses, but he knows what they are. With a nod to the late Terry Pratchett and his wonderful imagination - here is Sam Vimes! Later adventures include a journey to berwald in The Fifth Elephant, a journey back to the days of the Glorious Revolution in Night Watch, making peace between dwarfs and trolls in Thud! Feb/2023: Call of duty figur - Detaillierter Produkttest TOP Call of duty figur Beste Angebote Smtliche Preis-Leistungs-Sieger Dire. Guards! In the days of Guards! Samuel Marqus Lloyd "Sam" Vines (born May 31, 1999) is an American professional soccer player who plays as a left-back for Belgian Pro League club Antwerp and the United States . As an officer with the Night Watch in the city of Ankh-Morpork, Vimes is on his feet all night, every night, and has a lot of time to think about boots, especially because his are usually leaking, full of holes, and held together by tape and cardboard. Vimes joined the Night Watch shortly before the birth of the Glorious People's Republic of Treacle Mine Road during the Glorious Revolution. In truth, Vimes has seen too many bad things in his line of work, and now finds it difficult to have a good opinion of anything in general; he is far too cynical (and yet depressingly sometimes not cynical enough). In his expanding international and diplomatic role, Vimes appreciates the fact that police officers from Sto Lat to Genua have been trained to salute him, and remain in unofficial contact across the Disc. Vimes' involvement in preventing a pointless war with Klatch in the novel Jingo led to his being once more rewarded with an unwanted title, in this case, Duke of Ankh. Occupation As a result of his reputation, the word Sammies has become a nickname for watchmen trained in Ankh-Morpork. Height: 5'10" Weight: 160 lbs. 5,630 notes. As Vimes's long-time close friend Sgt. Vimes stumbles. He still tries to go on patrol whenever he has a chance; to him, walking the quiet streets in the dark is a calming, almost relaxing activity. [12] Although in Guards! Later in the series, the expensive, good quality boots his wife persists in buying for him restrict this ability. Both are effectively 'good' characters who nevertheless secretly fear the darkness inside them, and constantly strive to control the darker side of their nature. Being a significant figure on the world stage just means he finds bigger crimes. BBC America's The Watch is gearing up for action.. The book features a City Watch commander named Capt. Sam Vimes was born in Cockbill Street, in the Rimwards part of the Shades (the poorest area in the city). However he still keeps a bottle of 'Bearhugger's Whisky' in his bottom desk drawer as a 'permanent test'. sam vimes knurd grown ups 2 ronnie . He is also fiercely anti-authority, possibly a facet of his character which he inherited from Old Stoneface. Born into poverty, he is now a highly reluctant member of the nobility, having been made both a knight and a duke. Fred Colon sometimes calls him by his first name when he's worried. The conflict within Vimes is between his virtuous nature ("the Watchman") and what he calls "the Beast". He has few good opinions on people in general, and even fewer on the nobility, the guilds, Vetinari, vampires, the city of Ankh-Morpork, monarchy, democracy, newspapersand the list goes on. But he'd never bought a bottle since he got married, and Carrot and Fred Colon keep an eye on him, as well. Samuel Vimes Description Mid forties or possibly early fifties (due to temporal anomalies). When Vimes is angry, doors of some of the houses (the more angry he is, the more doors) will open. Samuel "Sam" Vimes is a fictional character in Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. But he doesn't just fall in love and craving a drink suddenly disappears. explain the fiction more clearly and provide non-fictional perspective, Learn how and when to remove this template message, who was responsible for summoning the Dragon, all of those little reactions and impulses, The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents, "The Annotated Pratchett File: Feet of Clay", "Richard Dormer leads cast in comedy thriller The Watch", "Without Terry Pratchett, the world is less magical", "Terry Pratchett's Discworld: The Cinematic Universe That Never Was", "Terry Pratchett estate backs Jack Monroe's idea for 'Vimes Boots' poverty index", Samuel Vimes article in Discworld & Pratchett Wiki, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sam_Vimes&oldid=1134227623, Ethnic tensions between dwarfs and trolls in, Ethnic tensions between humans and goblins in, Tensions between dwarf factions over the Clacks and the new railway in, This page was last edited on 17 January 2023, at 16:40. Categories When given bad news, he has a tendency to, on his way out, pound his fist against a certain spot of wall near the office door. The Annotated Pratchett File notes that Suffer-Not-Injustice Vimes is closely modelled on Oliver Cromwell, and that the name of his supporters, the Ironheads, is a portmanteau of Roundheads and Ironsides, Cromwell's faction and regiment, respectively. Why, that would be Captain Samuel Vimes, of course! Guards!, he is the Captain of the (useless) Night Watch. When he witnesses a crime occurring, he abandons everything and chases the miscreant.

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