
Contents 1. Copyright 2023 SpanishLearningLab. Qu tan lejos queda Madrid de Barcelona? How far is Madrid from Barcelona? It is easily one of the most common Spanish words youll hear. (no obvious category). De qu color es el cielo? What is this? Yes! Use quin when the subject is one person (l/ella) and quines when the subject is multiple people (ellos/ellas). Spanish question words list 1. If I call you, will you answer? Do not worry though, as we are now going to have a look at the correct and possible uses of this question word: Use Qu when asking What in Spanish if the following word is a noun. WebA good thing to note is question words, when used as a question, all have an accent mark. Do you know why? WebThis adjective is used when there is a real or imaginary list of things to choose from or when those options are available when speaking. Check out the following examples: Qu es esto? Enqu piensas? What are you thinking about? The only confusing thing might be the fact that it translates in many different ways. WebNotice that when the question word serves as the subject, there is no need to switch the subject and verb. You can see more of these types of questions in other lessons in the site. Lets take a look at the Spanish equivalents of the 5 Ws (and an H) and some examples! Cmo estn ustedes? Qu pasa? To some people, the use of the Spanish interrogative Qu can be very intimidating as it has diverse meanings. Cules idiomas hablas? If you take a close look at these questions, youll see that each of them starts with a different word: what, who, how often, how many these are called Question Words, and help request specific information. Please visit using a browser with javascript enabled. (informal) / Whats up? 1. Pay attention to how the preposition sticks to the question word again: Dednde es usted? Where are you from? Example: No me gusta [nada]. (Good morning!) I can almost hear you say: How the heck am I going to know all of this?!. What is this? Both Spanish and English use double inverted comas quotes ( ) In English, to write a quotation we use the double inverted comas. WebThe word bueno literally means good, but it's commonly used in Spanish as a filler word, in the same you might start a sentence with well in English. Learn all about adjectives in Spanish with these articles! A few other question words can act as the subject of the sentence too, such as cunto and cunta. Translate the remaining sentence into Spanish, conjugating the verb to go with the subject. Paraquin trabajas? Who do you work for? Cunto/a? Cuntotiempo dur la pelcula? Use para qu when you want to know the purpose or intention of an action. WebHow to ask questions and write sentences in Spanish. Adrianne has a master's degree in cancer biology and has taught high school and college biology. Remember we use QUIN when we ask about the subject of a sentence. There are two ways to ask questions in Spanish. Qu quieres tomar? )Why animals, why,do not live in the jungle? (why?). Question words in Spanish will be placed just before the subject. Spanish information questions or Interrogaciones parciales are a special type of questionsbecause we need more than a simple SI/NOanswer. A lover of literature, and Mexican spicy cuisine, I've lived in Poland, Spain, and Mexico and I'm currently living and teaching in Madeira, Portugal. (Why?) Qu would have made sense if we were asking What are you doing? but thats not the case. Desde cundo estudias espaol?Since when do you learn Spanish? Total interrogative sentences, also closed questions, do not have to use interrogative words and are written between question marks. (The pizza was good.) (qu / que)I wonder what this word means. They can all be used in direct and indirect questions. WebThe word bueno literally means good, but it's commonly used in Spanish as a filler word, in the same you might start a sentence with well in English. It's really just a matter of learning the vocabulary. It holds third place on the list of most frequently used Spanish words . Qu tan importante es este viaje para t? How important is this trip for you? Quin? Q: (Whats your name?) (amigas is feminine) How many friends did you invite to your party? If youre asking about the identity of more than one person, and your verb is in the plural, youll use quines. What Is the Upside-Down Exclamation Point? Often, sentences that begin in phrases such as quiero saber (I want to know) or no saber (I don't know) are indirect questions. 1. (formal) Cmo ests? These interrogative words are the ones that we are going to know next. and Cul? How are you? Qu han dicho ellos?What have they said? Quin can be used with several other prepositions. Telling someone how you truly feel in Spanish. WebAsking questions in Spanish is quite similar to asking questions in English. Quines son tus amigos?Who are your friends? (direct) Los amigos se preguntan quin es Were going to see 2 more examples of how the Spanish question wordQU? Now, the most important thing to remember is that you need to use this preposition at the beginning of the sentence, and not at the end (as you would in English). Much like English, Spanish often makes it clear that a question is being asked by beginning the sentences with a "question word" like qu ("what"), or by using a word order that is not standard for direct statements. It will help you avoid getting lost in a new place. Va al mercado Pedro? WebNotice that when the question word serves as the subject, there is no need to switch the subject and verb. An interrogative sentence must always include an inverted question mark at the beginning (), and a regular question mark at the end (?). Dnde estn mis zapatos? Where are my shoes? What do you Theres no better way to open a friendly conversation than with a nice, well-delivered, Hello!. Conquin hablaste? Who did you talk to? Be careful to consider the gender and number of the noun that cunto represents. 3. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Click here to quiz yourself on the question words and here to practice putting the question words into context. = What? WebThere are three other ways to form questions, as well. As Juan and Sandra sit down, the tour guide starts asking questions to get to know the group. Aqu se comprometieron (ellos)? What did they commit to? Tambin / Tampoco (Also / Too / Either) Tener (have / has got) Also See: All Beginners Lessons. Again, there is no one, single translation of this question word. When theyre used in a statement, you drop the the accent mark. Por qu is the most common translation of why and it is used to inquire about the reason for or motivation of an action. Just like these simple examples: Dnde est el bao? I love teaching question words in Spanish. Buenos das! Dnde? As it is presented in the examples, we use Cuntos meaning How when we ask for ages or when we mean How many. Dnde? Knowing these important factors, you can begin learning the Spanish question words. Punctuation marks in Spanish are almost exactly the same as English--except for two. Cunta mantequilla quieres?How much butter do you want? It means WHY and you use it when you want to ask for a reason. (How many?) Learn Spanish with free, communicative lessons. It's really just a matter of learning the vocabulary. The noun can either appear immediately after the verb or appear later in the sentence. Por qu separated means Why in Spanish, whereas Porque means because. What are you doing? Dnde estn mis cosas?Where are my things? Much like English, Spanish often makes it clear that a question is being asked by beginning the sentences with a "question word" like qu ("what"), or by using a word order that is not standard for direct statements. Inversion. These interrogative words are the ones that we are going to know next. Passive voice in Spanish is not used as often as in English, so this kind of questions is not that common. Question words (also called interrogative words) are words we often use at the beginning of a question, indicating the type of information we are asking for. Qu usually means what. Its the most common question word in Spanish and one of the most common Spanish words in general. Vamos al cine el viernes. T eres turista, o te mudaste para ac? Dednde aparecieron todas estas flores? Where did all these flowers come from? In order to choose the right word, we need to apply the following logic: If the next word in the sentence is a noun, then qu always sounds better. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Interrogative sentences can be total or partial. Cul manzana quieres?Which apple do you want? Remember that all questions in the language must begin with an inverted question mark and finish with a normal one. If you are asking for a specific time, use a qu hora. (Good morning, I'm Diego. (Is Pedro going to the market?) Both Spanish and English use double inverted comas quotes ( ) In English, to write a quotation we use the double inverted comas. Qu comida te gusta? Telling someone how you truly feel in Spanish. (Good morning!) Cmo usually (but not always) translates to how.. Depending on the sentence, the English words what and which can both be translated as qu, cul or cules. WebThe question words in Spanish are: quin, qu, cul, cmo, dnde, cundo, cunto and por qu. In the Spanish language, questions need to have accents or else the meaning changes, as in, the sentence wont be a question anymore! Q: (Whats your name?) What do you want to drink? 2. WebQuestion Words in Spanish Lesson Plan. 4. WebUnlike English, however, you dont raise the pitch of your voice at the end of a question in Spanish. Switch the subject with the verb and add the question marks. When theyre used in a statement, you drop the the accent mark. A quin despidieron (ellos)? Who did they fire? Powered by WordPress. Inviting a friend to do something fun in Spanish. Example: Me gusta mucho. Translation: I love it!. (When?) But sometimes the indirect questions are more subtle. WebAsking questions in Spanish is quite similar to asking questions in English. WebQuestion Words in Spanish Lesson Plan. in Spanish, we ask how many years do you have?) A: Tengo __ aos. Keep these things in mind: With inversion, pronouns tied to the conjugated verb appear after it. (its an open question, there is no obvious category). Here are some simple ways to use Go Forth and Have a Spanish Conversation! Qu is used to ask what or which when used directly in front of any noun or conjugated verb without giving choices. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Cite this lesson. Remember there is only one possible answer. this is a quote in English . Tengo que limpiar (I have to clean) and Recuerda que hoy es mi cumpleaos (Remember that today is my birthday). Cmo would not make sense in this case, and Cunto (with tilde) is used meaning How much. When they are not written with tilde, then they will be considered a part of the sentence instead, e.g. Dequ est hecha tu falda? What is your skirt made of? Top Spanish question words. Cmo se dice esto en espaol?How do you say it in Spanish? Para cuando reservaste el vuelo? When did you book the flight for? )Por qu los animales, por qu,no viven en la selva? Interrogative marks are important in Spanish. Why?And how was it invented? WebNow that we have seen the structure of a question, let's take a look at some Spanish question words in sentences. Cundo? 3. Why does the rainfall? Spanish question words list 1. Para cundo es este proyecto? When is this project for? 8) Por qu es azul el mar?Why is the sea blue? Quin Quin ( who) is an interrogative pronoun used as the subject of the sentence. Ufff, I know. Spanish question word +conjugated verb +Subject (optional) + content of our question. A dnde viajas?Where are you traveling to? Qu quieres?What do you want? The preposition con(with) is added to quin or quines to ask with whom. When? The translation of how changes when asking how much and how many. Cul and cules usually translate into which but you can also translate it into what.. Q: Cuntos hijos/hermanos tienes? Dnde? (Where?) Right, for instance ;)). Por qu?Cmo nacen los chicos?De dnde vengo yo?Por qu existe la guerra? Por qu?Y cmo se invent? Qu es esto? Tambin / Tampoco (Also / Too / Either) Tener (have / has got) Also See: All Beginners Lessons. Qu quieres? Porquin votaste? Who did you vote for? Conquin te toca trabajar hoy? Who are you supposed to work with today? Another popular question word in Spanish is quin, meaning who. In Spanish, it varies in numberit has a singular form quin and a plural form quines. Q: (How many children/siblings do you have?) Both cunto and cunta mean how much. Qu hora es? Quines son esas personas?Who are these people? to go, to run, to travel, to run, etc. Cules zapatos quieres?Which shoes do you want? Congratulating or wishing someone well in Spanish. Sometimes, it can appear in the middle of a sentence. Whats this? asks to identify a thing. (Is Pedro going to the market?) 3. It also helps to meet new friends and start a conversation in Spanish. Dequ hablaron (ustedes)? What did you talk about? When asking what, most of the time you use qu, cul, or cules. Cundo? A mother of 2 trilingual teenagers. Dednde vienen (ellos)? Where are they coming from? Let me show you in detail the 7 most important question words in Spanish. Enqu te puedo ayudar? What can I help you with? This one is easy too. Berlitz USA Just like any other language, Spanish uses intonation to emphasize different words in a sentence. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Por qu quieres verme?Why do you want to see me? Regarding the answers, try to use the main verb in the question in your reply. simply translates as WHOFOR? (dnde / donde)I dont know where Fernando lives. How are you guys?) In Spanish, the general form is for the noun to follow the verb. WebNormally, these sentences are introduced by a question word. In English, we refer to them as the 5 Ws Who, What, Where, When, and Why. (informal) / Whats up? = What? Once you are finished, click the button below. Cmo? Qu tan caro es vivir en Buenos Aires? How expensive is it to live in Buenos Aires? Dnde estn los baos?Where are the bathrooms? (among all possible numbers of the category numbers), Cules son tus colores favoritos?What are your favorite colors? Example: Me gusta mucho. Cules son los mejores recuerdos de tu infancia? What are your happiest childhood memories? ; Call Us: 1-866-423-7548. And there are also times when the preposition CON doesnt find any translation whatsoever, and the whole question word CON QUIN? What are the Spanish question words? Dednde viene esta encomienda? Where does this parcel come from? Because it is part of my homework. T eres turista, o te mudaste para ac? Your motivation to learn Spanish is an essential ingredient to success! When writing, you simple add question marks to a statement to make it into a question. WebSpanish uses question marks both at the beginning and at the end of questions. For example: Estaba buena la pizza. WebNow that we have seen the structure of a question, let's take a look at some Spanish question words in sentences. What time is it? Sometimes, it can appear in the middle of a sentence. Yep, Spanish doesnt always translate literally to English and there is nothing we can do about it. It allows you to communicate with other people, helps you when you get lost, or when you need to choose the best candidate for a job. All The Spanish Question Words . All of these basically involve changing a statement into a question. examples Te gusta esta pelcula, no? The first is only used meaning WHY in Spanish, whereas the second will be used meaning BECAUSE (without tilde). Qu pelcula viste anoche? What movie did you watch last night? WebThis adjective is used when there is a real or imaginary list of things to choose from or when those options are available when speaking. As you learn new words on your trip, you'll be able to combine them with these question words to start forming your own sentences and questions! My advice is to make a list of Spanish verbs that are usually accompanied by the preposition DE. Instead, you ask interrogative words in a higher-pitched voice and drop your pitch for the rest of the question. Cun a menudo hay que limpiarlo? How often do you need to clean it? Heres an example: Dnde est la farmacia? This is the list of all question words and their meanings: Next we will review each question word, giving examples of its use. WebTalking about your Spanish skills. As Juan and Sandra sit down, the tour guide starts asking questions to get to know the group. Has taught Spanish and English to students of all proficiency levels. 1. Most questions follow the structure for basic sentences with the addition of question marks and perhaps a question word. soar con to dream about (Mr. Cundo me vas a visitar? When will you visit me? These interrogative words are the ones that we are going to know next. It holds third place on the list of most frequently used Spanish words . Punctuation marks in Spanish are almost exactly the same as English--except for two. Spanish Reported Speech How to Become an Expert, Top 8 Instagram Accounts to Follow if You Are Learning Spanish, Por vs Para 11 Rules Explained With Examples. Sometimes the preposition DEwill translate asOF, other times as ABOUT, or AT. (What?) I hope you find the above Spanish conversation tips and phrases helpful. Paraqu usaste toda la harina? What did you use all the flour for? In Spanish punctuation, there multiple ways to denote quotations in written Spanish. If you know the question words, you can ask about anything and become independent in the Spanish-speaking world. For example: Estaba buena la pizza. Here are some simple ways to use QU TAN? In English, we refer to them as the 5 Ws Who, What, Where, When, and Why. Who knows, maybe one day, youll get a raise because you know Spanish? WebIn Spanish, when only part of a sentence is a question, you only place the question marks around that specific part of the sentence. Translation: I dont like it [at all].. and Cul? Today, you learned how to say 7 English question words in Spanish. (How?) What colour is the sky? Spanish, unlike English, has many more question words and can change based on the type of information being requested. Where is the bathroom? Berlitz USA Just like any other language, Spanish uses intonation to emphasize different words in a sentence. Among the category dresses, which one do you like best?). Qu quieres tomar? What do you want to drink? For example, how much translates as cunto. (informal) Qu tal? Dequin se enamor Mara? Who did Mara fall in love with? (Good morning, I'm Diego. All question words have accent marks when they play an interrogative role. Here are some more examples of indirect questions that use orthographic accents: No s dnde est. Take this short Quiz about question words: Complete the following questions with the right question words. Top Spanish question words. Esa es la casa donde vive Manuel.Thats the house where Manuel lives. The noun can either appear immediately after the verb or appear later in the sentence. How are you? Go Forth and Have a Spanish Conversation! Yes, the Spanish question word QUIN also makes combinations with different prepositions. Heres an example: Dnde est la farmacia? I hope you find the above Spanish conversation tips and phrases helpful. (How many?) Where is the bathroom? A: (I have __ children/siblings.) de quin(whose) to inquire about the possession of an object and para quinto ask for whom. Remove the do or does from the English question. Aqu jugaron (ustedes)? What (game) did you play? Closed or dichotomous questions. 2. Por qu no vamos a Tailandia?Why dont we go to Thailand? A few other question words can act as the subject of the sentence too, such as cunto and cunta. Whats happening? WebIn order to get information, e.g. (Where?) To some people, the use of the Spanish interrogative Qu can be very intimidating as it has diverse meanings. Cundo empieza la pelcula?When does the movie start? Qu pelcula viste anoche? These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. (At least the mysteries in the Spanish-speaking world.) Sometimes, it can appear in the middle of a sentence. You've almost mastered question words in Spanish. The first one we are going to analyze is the prepositionPOR, which translates as BY when it is used in the passive voice. However, intonation is particularly important when speaking Spanish as it can A: (I am __ years old.) Both cuntos and cuntas mean how many. There are so many question words in this Spanish song. WebQuestion Words in Spanish. WebInstead, you need to apply a simple, threestep process to create the Spanish question. A quin ests mirando? Who are you looking at? Also, pay attention to the structure used to form these questions and the punctuation rules explained above. When asking about one person, you say Quin? In general, use cundo to ask when. Va al mercado Pedro? (Hello!) Rather, you ask the interrogative word in a higher-pitched voice and drop your pitch for the rest of the question. Translation: I like it very much.. If this activity does not load, try refreshing your browser. )Por qu los animales, por qu,no viven en la selva? Notice that Porque does not need a tilde, unlike Por qu. (direct) Los amigos se preguntan quin es Another key question word in Spanish is cundo (when). A: (I have __ children/siblings.) (The pizza was good.) (Tiempo is masculine) How long did the movie last? What food do you like? Cul es tu pelcula favorita?Whats your favorite movie? They are an essential part of any language learners vocabulary. Theres no better way to open a friendly conversation than with a nice, well-delivered, Hello!. In Spanish, you always need to put an accent mark over them. When you want to ask HOW MUCHin Spanish, the word you need is CUNTO? And just like in case of QU, the prepositions stick to the beginning of the question. In the Spanish language, questions need to have accents or else the meaning changes, as in, the sentence wont be a question anymore! If you are thinking about WH questions, you are right. (What?) (dnde / donde)Spain is the country where I vacation. WebPoder (Can / Cannot) Question Words. Or intention of an action translation of Why and it is easily one of the 5 Ws Who what! Emphasize different words in this Spanish song question words have accent marks when they not! Dice esto en espaol? how do you like best? ) most of the.. ( l/ella ) and some examples Where I vacation question, all have an accent mark them! 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