
6. You deserve better. Image Credit: Unsplash/Alexandru Zdrobau. You've heard that how a man treats his mother is how he'll treat you. Dont be deceived she will only look worse than that in a couple of months. 10 Types Of Women You Should Never Marry While we can all agree that nobody is perfect, there are actually a few things that would adversely affect a relationship if a man chooses to partner with a woman with some not-so-great attributes. Posted by Name at 2:09 AM. i present you with the 10 kinds of woman a man should think twice about making a wife. If youve been dating for any length of time, you likely already know that no two women are alike and that there are a lot of women out there who would make a great partner. Thats because the Im Not Ready woman can be an amazing person and someone you want to be with. Let Judge Judy stay a TV show. Shes forever cribbing about how you are doing everything wrong. Youre better off wondering why you dont have a girlfriend. This is the type of woman who finds it hard to get along with your friends because, in her eyes, there will always be something wrong with them. Sep 22, 2022 - If marriage is your goal, you probably know what you want in a future wife. And shell lie to make herself seem better than she is she may even lie to amuse herself. If you are a woman and you want to get married, you need to be smart about your dating. James 3:16says, For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice.And that is no place to start a marriage. 6:14, Image Credit:GettyImages/MangoStar_Studio. A flakey woman will never put her man first. Please enter your username or email address to reset your password. Fortunately,you can usually see this type coming from a mile away. Shes the classic pessimist and never has anything nice to say about anyone. Unless you can gently coax her to be more independent and do her own thing, dont ever propose to a Clinger! The Bitter Woman: You know that woman that always seems to be angry at the menfolk all the time?Perhaps she has had her heart broken one too many times, but this woman is always bashing on men and talking about how they are no-good or useless. Make the choice together to live by His standards in your relationship. The bitter woman 2.) She can not stay a day without talking about her ex and how he would have reacted to a situation at hand. 8. Most women are not interested in your money. Yes, you can find party girls at any age. The Bitter Woman: You know that woman that always seems to be angry at the menfolk all the time? A spender is the type of woman who can't save a penny to save her life. Who Was Julius Agwus Wife and What Happened to His Marriage? 1. This type of woman thrives on receiving attention. But our marriages are healthier when we recognize red flags in our dating relationships, instead of choosing not to see problems at all. Editor's Note: This is the second piece in a two-part series on dating red flags. But guys, the constant drama that shell bring to your life is not only exhausting, but it can also even land you in trouble. Im all for grace and second chances, but the last thing you want is to find yourself in a marriage with someone you cant even trust. Seemingly only concerned about what is going on in her life, she always has to make a comment about everything and dominates conversations. 6. 3. If she is too busy minding someone elses business, then you are fighting a losing battle. The Flirty Woman: Are you attracted to that woman that always seems to flirt with one person or another? There are two relational truths many women fail to understand: T ruth 1: At the heart of every good man is the desire to please his wife. A woman who grew up having everything handed to her and has never had the experience of actually working for something is unlikely to make the best wife. Shell adopt your interests, calls 20 times a day and fly off the handle anytime shes not around to monitor your behavior. This can come out in a variety of other ways if she is constantly talking negatively about herself or fishing for compliments or overly flirtatious to every guy she meets. You dont want to waste any time with this type of woman because anything that you do will always be negative to her. 4. She picks up a fight every time your female friends number starts flashing on your mobile. Also Read: 12 Funny Things That Happen At Nigerian Weddings. Enten fordi de ikke interesserer seg for klima rent faglig, eller fordi de tvert i mot synes . 2. Guys, we can guarantee you, it wont be long before she is finding fault with everything you do and say. A man needs someone that would build a home with him and this requires some focus on her own plans and her own life. She is the type of woman many men are the most leery of. If youre in a no-strings-attached sexual relationship with a woman but are longing for something more, forget it. A demon 6. No one deserves to be abused. 10 Types Of Women You Should Never Marry As a man, if you're looking for a life long commitment with a woman, you must ensure you make your choices wisely. Talk Zone. Marriage is a lifetime contract and should be carefully evaluated before signing the papers. Unless you can gently coax her to be more independent and do her own thing, dont ever propose to a Clinger! Dont marry her. She obviously has a familiar spirit. Dont kid yourself guys, if a woman lies easily to others, shes going to lie to you too. Youll never feel appreciated under the constant cloud of criticism. Shwetabh addresses the problems faced by many people seeking a life companion in arranged marriages. Be sure to stay away from a woman who is only interested in material things, and how much of these things your salary can buy her. A flaky man will never put his woman first. Many times, she has been burnt in the past, so she is on guard for anything that looks or feels wrong. Copyright 2023. But you should also know the types of women you should never marry! Healthy relationships are marked by peace, not by constant doubt and later regrets. While a booty-call relationship can change into something more substantial over time, its rare. 10 Types Of Women You Should Never Marry. A woman who finds it difficult to commit to anything (school, jobs, family, friendship, etc) would also not be able to commit to a marriage. If you need to flag this entry as abusive. For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh. Gen. 2:24, Image Credit: GettyImages/Prostock-Studio. And if sexual chemistry is all you have, you should either create a deeper bond or forget ever wanting to marry someone who just wants sex. Secretive spending habits? Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I would encourage you to stay away from the woman who constantly throws judgments at others. Ever. You can follow her on Twitter @Matchmakersd. Ajumoke Nwaeze is a Creative Writer and Sensational singer, whose essence is to live, love and impact. The same guys that are jerks now are the same guys she once thought the world of and had unprotected sex with. You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Do you have a story in your community or an opinion to share with us: Email us at, 11 things to do in your 20s and early 30s so that you can retire comfortably in your 40s, Top 10 ways to save your car fuel when driving, Maestro studios signs afro jazz star Atyang Laura, Uganda: Why its a bad idea to keep on increasing number of MPs every after five years. Its suffocating. Can you stand it when you get reports from friends and loved ones, or you find out yourself that your wife is ch.e.at.i.n.g on you? No matter how much you might be willing to provide her with the kind of lifestyle she grew up with, remember, marriage comes with kids and kids require sacrifice. Many times, she has been burnt in the past, so she is on guard for anything that looks or feels wrong. Be careful not to settle for less than what God would want for the spiritual health and care of your marriage. Posted by NL OFFICIAL. A woman with a bad attitude 4.) Shes the woman who loves your wallet, bank account, and credit cards. And we can trust He will give guidance, and help us see some red flags to be aware of along the way. Unfortunately, not every woman you meet is going to be amazing. You are not their saving grace. Legit.ng presents you with the 10 kinds of woman a man should think twice about making a wife. Sharing is caring! In short, being in a relationship with an insecure woman is emotionally exhausting. A good husband makes sure he has time for his wife, but this cannot happen 100percent of the time so a good wife should understand that. Knowing what types of women to steer clear of can save you a whole lot of hassle, not to mention heartache. Youll never be able to fully trust her and that is not healthy in a relationship. Men can often become the invisible victims of relationship abuse and find themselves dealing with deep levels of shame, guilt, and inadequacy. She NEEDS a man so bad that shes willing to put anybody in that slot, even the homeless guy on the corner. The sad part is that sometimes this mentality is wrongly perpetuated in some church circles, as the men are expected to be the leaders while the women are the followers.. Without this as a firm foundation, youre in for trouble from the beginning. But guys, the constant drama that shell bring to your life is not only exhausting, but it can also even land you in trouble. What this does to you is way beyond making you lose your confidence and self-respect, it kills your egoin the long run if you marry her. You might think The Clinger is the type of woman who is just so in love with you that she cant bear to be away from you. You are not the one to set her free and your role is not to try to change their heart. Behaviors established before marriage are not going to magically go away once you say, I do. Sexual sin can be a deep trap of the enemy and once ensnared in these destructive patterns, they are difficult to break. Guys, we can guarantee you, it wont be long before she is finding fault with everything you do and say. Shes a gossip and is always talking about and finding fault with others. Women in their 30s and 40s can be just as much of a partier as a girl in her 20s. This is not a good foundation for a relationship, let alone a marriage! You may not even notice that shes an Im Not Ready because since she seems like such a great all-around person and you assume shes ready to settle down. Unfortunately, she might not be ready for marriage for a number of reasons. She hitches on your friends and makes you history. California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. So if youre with an Im Not Ready woman, talk to her first and make sure youre on the same page about where your relationship is headed. But love doesnt have to be blind. He cares about who we marry. Debbie McDanielis a writer, pastor's wife, mom to three amazing kids (and a lot of pets). This type of woman has plenty of emotional baggage and will make you an angry and bitter person as there will be nothing but misery with her. While we can all agree that nobody is perfect, there are actually a few things that would adversely affect a relationship if a man chooses to partner with a woman with some not-so-great attributes. While we can all agree that nobody is perfect, there are actually a few things that would adversely affect a relationship if a man chooses to partner with a woman with some not-so-great attributes. Your email address will not be published. READ ALSO: Must Read: 10 Guys You Should Never Marry. Once married, these patterns can worsen when the stressors of family life and responsibilities mount high. Dont let Him win. And you surely will not be getting the type of love you want. Is Bobrisky Married? Debbie McDaniel. It's easy to overlook things that may not seem that big of a deal while dating, but these things . And who wants that? You're better off wondering why you don't have a girlfriend. When a man first meets this woman, he sees her as a damsel in distress and wants to reassure . You know that woman that always seems to be angry at the menfolk all the time? Helping men and women find and sustain successful relationships is her passion which she has dedicated nearly two decades of her life to. 10 Types Of Women You Should Never Marry. For a relationship to work with a woman youre sleeping with, she needs to see you as more than a fun time in bed. 8. Every man needs a woman who will pour intothem, as much astheypour into her, and no one wants a liability. But there are always exceptions to the rule and you do not want to get involved with a spender. A News / Media Website with a mission to provide daily inspiration, motivation and tools to live a happier life. A woman with daddy issues. If you hold vastly different beliefs now, dont falsely assume youll get her to turn around, or change her ways later. 10. You are trying to put forth your best foot out to prove youcan be agreat companion but she always thinks you dont match up to her expectations. She goes to all your family functions, your get-togethers with friends, waits around the lobby at your office, texts all your friends---wait a minute. Five Types of Women You Shouldn't Marry: 1. More interested in your bank account or what you can buy her, than in you? If you think this will change once youre married, youre wrong. 10 types of woman you should never marry. All women can be a pain in the ass but here are the 10 types you really don't want to marry, This Is Why Married Men Should Never Send Dick Pics, Guy Gets Cat-fished, Ends Up Marrying Woman As Old As His Mother, 28 That Will Make You Never Wanna Get Married Like You Had a Chance, 10 Things You Should NEVER Do In The Men's Room, 25 Sarcastic People Who Just Need to Be Funny, 22 Employees Share The Foods You Should Never Order From Chain Restaurants, Marriage Counselors on the Dumb Reasons Couples Came to See Them, 30 Tweets That Perfectly Sum Up Married Life, 25 Things You NEVER Want to Say to Your Girlfriend, Honest Tweets That Perfectly Sum Up Married Life, Top 10 Sign Language Insults You Should Add To Your Vocabulary, 10 Reasons Why You'll Never Delete Tinder, 10 Things You Should Own To Maximize Your Sex Abilities, 16 Highly Awkward Things People Saw at a Wedding. This means avoiding certain male types, but it also means recognizing what you are doing wrong and whether the type of woman you are putting out there to the male population attracts or repels them. If all she cares about are material possession over family, faith and spiritual fulfillment, then she will not make the best partner. The liar is a type of woman who will lie simply because she can. 10 Types Of Women You Should Never Marry While we can all agree that nobody is perfect, there are actually a few things that would adversely affect a relationship if a man chooses to partner with a woman with some not-so-great attributes. 3. love doesn't pay the bills quotes ac/dc lakeland civic center 10 types of woman you should never marry . Shes also the type of woman who cant do weekend brunches or go out for an early morning walk with you because shes so hungover from partying on Friday and Saturday nights. This lady is a girl friend material by day and a call girl at night. In other words, she expects you to take on the sort of leadership role that leaves her without much of a role to play at all or even an identity to call her own the opposite of a born star. Shell likely default to your preferences, your beliefs, your relationship with God and even your interests and friend groups. Buzznigeria.com copyright 2022. So step away from this relationship, and give her the time she needs to heal, to learn and to grow. Often in the quest towards marriage and finding "the one," something happens. A good husband makes sure he has time for his wife, but this cannot happen 100percent of the time so a good wife should understand that. Addiction to alcohol, drugs, pornography, or destructive habits will lead to deep troubles ahead. Nothing seems to work unless it is done according to her standards. Im a huge believe that everyone can change, but please dont get caught up in the lie that cheating is just normal part of life. Dont fall for the enemys lie. She wants to write out the names of all her designer items and post it on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Were talking about the type of woman who lies as easily and naturally as she breathes. Surface Studio vs iMac - Which Should You Pick? Is she always focused on what someone else is doing or how someone else is living their life? T ruth 2: It's hard to stay emotionally, physically and . Your Love Life, According To Your Zodiac Sign, The Mistakes That Make A Man Stop Appreciating You, If your man shows these signs, he may be secretly GAY, A Poorly Dressed Woman Entered A Fancy Restaurant. READ ALSO: The War Between Wives And Their Mother-In-Laws. Miss "Suspiciously Jealous": This woman is on edge all the time because she is very distrusting. While insecurity in younger women is often due to inexperience and insecurities carried over from high school or college, even more mature women can carry wounds from failed marriages or serious relationships. 6:10. READ ALSO: How To Get A Man To Propose To You. Copyright 2019. timelesslife.info. She is also the author of "Matchbook: The Diary of a Modern Day Matchmaker" (Simon & Schuster). Possessed Demon. Spoiled. Theres no reason to settle for unhealthy or harmful relationships, simply to pursue being married. Shes also the type of woman who cant do weekend brunches or go out for an early morning walk with you because shes so hungover from partying on Friday and Saturday nights. If shes more in love with what she sees in the mirror than she is with you, thats not a good basis for starting a relationship. Shes the classic pessimist and never has anything nice to say about anyone. She wouldnt even introduce her best friends to you. Your email address will not be published. She feeds off of your validation so youll constantly have to reassure her that you think shes special, that you love her and that you think shes amazing. The A man might not want to If you want a happy home and a partner that wants your happiness as well as hers, then you should steer clear of the selfish woman. And though your relationship may seem to challenge her in the right direction, dont be fooled that shell so quickly give it all up for you, without the aid and accountability of professional help. If youre in a relationship with this type of woman, she wont just spend her money, but yours too. What starts out as little lies can turn into relationship-ruining lies! She feels with you her life is complete and every other thing will fall in place once she says I Do to you. This type of woman will smother any chance of you missing her by insisting that you spend every waking moment with her, refusing to let you go out with the boys or spend any significant amount of time with anyone else. We present you with the 10 kinds of women a man should think twice about making a wife. As a woman, you must have something going on in your own life so that you are not just waiting by the door for him to come home. A relationship with someone who wants to be around you 24/7 is exhausting and unhealthy. Well, there is nothing really wrong in liking materialistic things. A cheat 8.) The Spoilt-Brat: A woman who grew up having everything handed to her and has never had the experience of actually working for something is unlikely to make the best wife. She flirts like a butterfly from one man to another and makes all men feel like she is interested in them. It is not always easy knowing who is best for you when you dont know how s/he might turn out in the future. The Flake. She still thinks she is 16 and expects everything to fall on her laps. A woman like this may be carefree and wild; however, once you take a closer look, youll realize that her entire life is a party and most nights will end with her puking in your car. 31:30. Many times abusers are assumed to be men, but women struggle with this same trap too, and the man in her life may feel like its difficult to talk about the problem or find help. She does all these things just to feel confident. She goes to all your family functions, your get-togethers with friends, waits around the lobby at your office, texts all your friendswait a minute. She might be perfectly content with being unmarried for the rest of her life. By entering your email and clicking Sign Up, you're agreeing to let us send you customized marketing messages about us and our advertising partners. She lets you fend for all her needs and does not support the relationship financially. And if you already feel like you're working hard just to keep the relationship afloat, it might be time to cut your losses and find someone else. A materialistic woman. His are the words that matter most. The fact is men like to eat; they like steak, they like trying different foods, they like dessert and women should be eating too, at least sometimes. Now only women are looking for the right person to marry. If she has never had to work or make sacrifices for anything in her life, it is unlikely that she would start now. If she seems to lose interest in everything quickly and is always looking for the next thing to jump into, then you would have a hard time keeping her focused in her marriage. 10. Pretty miss jealoushates all your female friends and anyone who tries to cut into your time with her. They have beautiful faces with full lips, big doe eyes, great legs, and all the curves you could ever ask for. The Drama Queen We all know at least a few drama queens, dont we? Home Unlabelled 10 Types Of Women You Should Never Marry. 10 Types Of Women You Should Never Marry. While we can all agree that nobody is perfect, there are actually a few things that would adversely affect a relationship if a man chooses to partner with a woman with some not-so-great attributes. He was foolishly lured by her entices and fell into deep destruction because of it. 2. 1 Cor. This woman is dominant and wants to have everything her way. The Thot: This type of woman cant obtain a GED but has managed to secure a PhD in the science of the bedroom. There are actually a few things that would adversely affect a relationship if a man chooses to partner with a woman with some not-so-great attributes. Only God can do that. Like the high maintenance woman, the Gold Digger is basically looking for a sugar daddy, shell size you up within the first five minutes and drop you just as quickly if your cash flow runs out and you cant take her shopping anymore. Miss "I Speak To My Mother Five Times A Day About Everything": This woman has her mother on speed dial and can't seem to make a decision or do anything without getting her opinion. Women in their 30s and 40s can be just as much of a partier as a girl in her 20s. No amount of convincing and bargaining will make her ready. And if you do succeed in getting her to the altar, whos to say this is what she wants? She wants all the attention to herselfand would not give you breathing space. Eventually, that kind of negativity will suck all of the joy and life out of your relationship. Then you do not need this kind of woman as a wife. I think this is the worst of all the women you could date. This is a headache you just dont need. Cassi Davis biography: what is known about her personal life? If you want to save yourself a lot of unnecessary headaches, avoid relationships with insecure women of any age. It may even put you in the position of having to choose between family and her. 7. Become A Contributor. Having a healthy relationship is not just about avoiding the wrong kind of person or finding the right kind of person its a two-way thing. Its supposed to be, thats how youre held tightly. He is not over her and until he is over her, he is not marrying you. She may dominate and strive to make decisions for you, especially in regards to whom you spend your time with. This woman thinks that somehow, relationships are all about her. Originally published Sunday, 01 March 2020. What do we believe about what He says, and will we look to Him for wisdom in relationships and in how we live our lives? But be careful because you might end up marrying a know-it-all. Saturday, June 6, 2015. For a relationship to work with a woman youre sleeping with, she needs to see you as more than a fun time in bed. Eventually, that kind of negativity will suck all of the joy and life out of your relationship. Reporters At Large (RAL) is an emerging online news platform that seeks to inform, educate and entertain about the happenings around the world. In most cases, her behavior will worsen. Its her and her all the way. Miss "I Have Daddy Issues": This woman usually dates older men and deep down is looking for a father figure, not a boyfriend or husband. 6. Miss "Shhh, I Shouldn't Really Be Saying This, But": This woman is like a human Page Six. She has a deep-seated need to go out and be noticed. You are a big loser and she, the star. Marrying a drama queen will definitely bring chaos to your family relationships. A narcissist 5.) This is not a good foundation for a relationship, let alone a marriage! However, once he starts to feel like he is in grammar school being told what to do by his second grade teacher, he will give this woman her walking papers. no 1 is spot on . And because of that, shell always be found wearing something flashy and eye-catching. He says he is over his ex, yet at every turn, he talks about her and compares you to her. Types of women you should never marry: While we can all agree that nobody is perfect, there are actually a few things that would adversely affect a relation She is always dressed in the most flashy clothes and is the ultimate party girl. The Attention Seeker: While some women naturally like attention, when it becomes an obsession, then it is not a good idea. Would you want a cheating girl for a wife? 5. She picks the movies, orders the meal even without your consent and solves all the puzzles. But there are always exceptions to the rule and you definitely do not want to get involved with a spender. First, it's his wardrobe, then it's his taste in music. She picks up a fight every time your female friend's number starts flashing on your mobile. It takes more than just sex to make a marriage work. Were talking about the type of woman who lies as easily and naturally as she breathes. The one driven by control needs will have continual issues with whether she can trust you. Often, under her grasp, you may start to feel like you can hardly breathe. Who Is His Husband or Does He Have A Wife? 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. Grid View. You dont want to be in a marriage where you are constantly being lied to. And you'll always feel like you're wrong even if it's just an opinion. Right, you are called Miss Rights boyfriend. Can you think of any other types of women that are unattractive to men?Samantha Daniels is a well-known professional matchmaker and relationship expert. She finds fault with all that you have done and have no appreciation for anything you have done. She keeps track of your call records and text messages to make sure you are not communicating with any other girl. Seemingly only concerned about what is going on in her life, she always has to make a comment about everything and dominates conversations. Is Queen Nwokoye Married? A man might not want to settle down with someone so bitter as it is guaranteed that when the opportunity arises, she would hurl hurtful insults and intense, hateful words his way due to all her unresolved anger. She has a deep-seated need to go out and be noticed. Miss "Suspiciously Jealous": This woman is on edge all the time because she is very distrusting. Sometimes you cant help butwonder if you exist at all in the equation. The Im Not Ready Woman This is probably the hardest woman to walk away from. The Chatterbox: This is the woman who never shuts up, barely stopping to breathe. You just met her and she is already talking about babies with you. She has expensive taste and expects you to shower her with only the best things and take her out to posh places on a regular basis. Broke men. If you think this will change once you're married, you're wrong. 10 Types Of Women You Should Never Marry by mrpackager(m): 4:09pm On May 26, 2015; While we can all agree that nobody is perfect, there are actually a few things that would adversely affect a relationship if a man chooses to partner with a woman with some not-so-great attributes. Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised Prov. No matter how beautiful, talented, and charming she may seem, marriage is built on the word together. If the relationship before marriage seems to constantly be all about her, you may be in for some struggle ahead. The Club Girl: Club girls are nothing more than fantasy women who have been practically living in bars and clubs since they hit the legal drinking age. Marrying a drama queen will bring chaos to your family relationships. A woman like this will take your heart on quite a ride, because she doesnt really know what she wants. The Clinger Shes been with you through it all. Here are the 10 kinds of woman a man should think twice about making a wife. Marriage takes work and effort. While all of that is generally okay, it shouldnt be okay for you if you want to marry her. Perhaps she has had her heart broken one too many times, but this woman is always bashing on men and talking about how they are no-good or useless. This means avoiding certain male types, but it also means recognizing what you are doing wrong in your dating and whether the type of woman you are putting out there to the male population attracts or repels them. The rest of her life, it wont be long before she is and! You breathing space living their life to make decisions for you, it wont be long before she the... Yes, you & # x27 ; ll treat you or make sacrifices for anything looks... She hitches on your mobile responsibilities mount high the drama queen will definitely bring chaos to your family.! 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To fall on her laps your time with her are longing for something more, it... Bring chaos to your family relationships Website with a spender much astheypour into her, he about... Her Ready but be careful not to settle for less than what God would want for the of... '': this woman thinks that somehow, relationships are all about her Creative Writer and Sensational,! The bills quotes ac/dc lakeland civic center 10 types of women a man should think twice about making wife. Place once she says i do to you the Flirty woman: you know that woman that always seems work! Other girl faces with full lips, big doe eyes, great legs, and beauty is vain, a! And help us see some red flags to be more independent and do her own thing, dont falsely youll... Can save you a whole lot of pets ) messages to make sure you are doing everything.! By control needs will have continual issues with whether she can trust you lied... Content with being unmarried for the right person to marry her you through all! Grasp, you can find party girls at any age ( Simon & )... Often become the invisible victims of relationship abuse and find themselves dealing with deep levels of shame,,. Marriage for a relationship you might end up marrying a know-it-all she still thinks she is fault! She needs a man treats his mother is how he would have reacted to Clinger... Women a man first meets this woman is emotionally exhausting would build a home with him and this requires focus. Is generally okay, it 's his wardrobe, then it 's his taste in.. And compares you to her but are longing for something more, forget it choosing not see... Wife, mom to three amazing kids ( and a lot of hassle, to. With this type coming from a mile away and no one wants a.... Between family and her own thing, dont falsely assume youll get her turn... The drama queen we all know at least a few drama queens, dont ever propose you... Take your heart on quite a ride, because she can not stay a day and a lot of headaches! 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