
Aside from the conventional role of lieutenant generals as corps or field army commanders, said billets also include senior staff positions under the authority of the four-star chief and vice chief of staff (such as the director of the Army staff), high-level specialty positions[k] like the judge advocate general,[56] chief of engineers,[57] surgeon general[57] and chief of Army Reserve,[58] deputy commanders of four-star Army commands and the commanders of the Army service component commands. (1959 ) Promoted to general, 2018. However, Army Chief of Staff Peyton C. March had alienated many members of Congress by unilaterally reorganizing the Army without their input and his enemies blocked every effort to honor any officer but Pershing with higher rank. [45] As such, three-star positions can be elevated to four-star grade or reduced to two-star grade when necessary, either to highlight their increasing importance to the defense apparatus (or lack thereof) or to achieve parity with equivalent commands in other services or regions. Promoted from rank of brigadier general, 2017. Five-Star ranks are reserved for war-time use. Assistant Director of National Intelligence, Partner Engagement. First female finance officer in any service to achieve three-star rank. Of these, 177 achieved that rank while on active duty in the U.S. Army; zero were promoted after retirement; and zero were promoted posthumously. Congress extended similar rank in July 1940 to the major generals commanding the Panama Canal and Hawaiian Departments. Act of August 7, 1947 [Officer Personnel Act of 1947]. [21] For the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, and Space Force, no more than about 23%[c] of each service's active-duty general or flag officers may have more than two stars,[22] and statute sets the total number of three-star officers allowed in each service. Historically, officers leaving three-star or four-star positions were allowed to revert to their permanent two-star ranks to mark time in lesser jobs until statutory retirement, but now such officers are expected to retire immediately to avoid obstructing the promotion flow. Typically, a reserve component chief serves for two to three years. Each entry lists the general's name, date of rank,[a] active-duty positions held while serving at three-star rank,[b] number of years of active-duty service at three-star rank (Yrs),[c] year commissioned and source of commission,[d] number of years in commission when promoted to three-star rank (YC),[e] and other biographical notes. [134] The president may also reduce these requirements even further, or waive the requirements altogether, if he so chooses. Assistant Chief of Staff, Installation Management (ACSIM), 20162019. The list is sortable by last name, date of rank, number of years of active-duty service at three-star rank, year commissioned, and number of years in commission when promoted to three-star rank. Acts of August 5, 1939, and July 31, 1940. Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) Major General. Extensions of the standard tour length can be approved, within statutory limits, by their respective service secretaries, the secretary of defense, the president, and/or Congress but these are rare, as they block other officers from being promoted. O'Daniel got his star back five months later when France withdrew from Indochina following Navarre's defeat at Dien Bien Phu. Deputy Chief of Staff, Operations, Plans and Training. However, this did not make him the senior three-star officer in the service; instead, Nina Armagno, who had been promoted on August 17, 2020 had her date of rank backdated to August 6, 2020 to ensure her appointment as director of staff of the Space Force was chronologically senior to Saltzman's. Michael Hunnisett. (1961 ) Promoted to general, 2018. [122][123][124] The secretary of defense must also notify the House and Senate Armed Services committees and include a written notification of intent from the president to nominate the officer for reassignment. Assistant Secretaries and General Counsels of the Department of the Army, Navy, and Air Force (see note 6) Generals and Admirals (4-star) (see note 5) Chief Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals of the Armed Forces Judges of the U.S. Court of Appeals of the Armed Forces (see note 6) Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction By this time, we are sure that the list is already at the OP. Congress resolved all issues in Scott's favor once Davis left office in 1857, and allowed Scott to retire at full pay in 1861. (1959 ) Demoted to two-star rank in retirement. (1960 ) Married to Army three-star general. Each entry lists the general's name, date of rank,[1] active-duty positions held while serving at three-star rank,[2] number of years of active-duty service at three-star rank (Yrs),[3] year commissioned and source of commission,[4] number of years in commission when promoted to three-star rank (YC),[5] and other biographical notes. Donald Trump and Mike Flynn. Matthew P. Easley [4] U.S. Army. The ratio of officers in the military . [41], Unlike the temporary general and flag officer ranks of World War II, the 1947 ranks were attached to offices, not individuals, and were lost if an officer was reassigned to a lesser job. [6] [60], About 20 to 30 joint service three-star billets exist at any given time that can be occupied by an Army lieutenant general, among the most prestigious being the director of the Joint Staff (DJS), principal staff advisor to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and historically considered a stepping stone to four-star rank. The commander of the American Expeditionary Force, Major General John J. Pershing, was immediately appointed emergency general, as were two successive Army chiefs of staff, but no emergency lieutenant generals were named for over a year because the armies they would command had not yet been organized. [17], The question of whether the lieutenant generalcy should be a permanent personal grade or a temporary ex officio rank was phrased in terms of the line of the Army, whose officers commanded combat formations, and its staff, whose officers performed specialized support functions. [39], The modern office of lieutenant general was established by the Officer Personnel Act of 1947, which authorized the President to designate certain positions of importance and responsibility to carry the ex officio rank of general or lieutenant general, to be filled by officers holding the permanent or temporary grade of major general or higher. Deputy Commanding General, Combat Development. The remainder after subtracting the allotted number of two four-star generals from the seven permitted appointment above the grade of major general. It ranks above major general (two-star general) and below general (four-star general). After the war, Brees and Short both applied to be advanced to lieutenant general on the retired list under a 1948 law; Brees was promoted but the administration specifically declined to advance Short, who had been relieved of command of the Hawaiian Department a few days after the defeat at Pearl Harbor. General Officers have pay grades of O-7 and above. [55], There are presently 37 three-star billets in the United States Army. Act of February 5, 1895. (1961 ) First black Army Surgeon General and first black Army female three-star general. However, the real limit was the so-called Stennis ceiling imposed by Mississippi Senator John C. Stennis, whose Senate Armed Services Committee refused to confirm general or flag officer nominations beyond what he considered to be a reasonable total, which typically was much lower than the statutory limit. Office of the Chief of Staff, Army 27 Jan 22. Only officers ranking at Brigadier General (Rear Admiral LH) and higher will be listed. Wiener, "Three Stars and Up," Part Four. After rising through the ranks and deploying to . Coffman, pp. (1966 ) Relieved for misconduct, 2015; demoted to one-star rank, 2016. However, this is extremely rare. Five men have held the rank of General of the Army (five star), George C. Marshall, Douglas MacArthur, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Omar Bradley, and Henry H. Arnold, who later became the only five-star general in the Air Force. Deputy Commanding General, Acquisition and Systems Management. [52][53] The latest of these cuts, as part of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2017,[54] reduces the present cap[j] further to 220 for the Army, 151 for the Navy, 187 for the Air Force, and 62 for the Marine Corps. (1956 ) Promoted to general, 2013. (1959 ) Promoted to general, 2016. [13] As a lieutenant general only by brevet, Scott remained in the permanent grade of major general but was entitled to be paid as a lieutenant general from the date of his brevet commission, resulting in a public tussle with Secretary of War Jefferson Davis over the amount of backpay Scott was owed. Notes include years of birth and death; awards of the. Only two four-star officers have been granted such a waiver in American history: General Lewis B. Hershey, who served as director of the Selective Service System from 1941 to 1970, and Admiral Hyman G. Rickover, who served as director of Naval Reactors from 1949 to 1982. Officers holding a temporary three-star or four-star rank typically step down from their posts up to 60 days in advance of their official retirement dates. Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense, Joint Force Headquarters Department of Defense Information Network, Combined Joint Task ForceSpace Operations, Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Deputy Chair of the NATO Military Committee, U.S. Military Representative to the NATO Military Committee, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology), Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller), Inspector General of the United States Army, Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel (G-1), Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence (G-2), Deputy Chief of Staff for Command, Control, Communications, Cyber Operations and Networks (G-6), Judge Advocate General of the United States Army, U.S. Army Judge Advocate General's Legal Center and School, U.S. Army Installation Management Command, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command, Joint Functional Component Command for Integrated Missile Defense, Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology), Surgeon General of the United States Army, Superintendent of the United States Military Academy, Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development and Acquisition), U.S. Marine Corps Training and Education Command, Commander, Naval Air Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet, Commander, Naval Surface Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet, Combined Joint Operations from the Sea Center of Excellence, Superintendent of the United States Naval Academy, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, Inspector General of the Department of the Air Force, Director of Staff of the United States Air Force, Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance and Cyber Effects Operations, Deputy Chief of Staff for Strategic Deterrence and Nuclear Integration, United States Air Force Judge Advocate General, Surgeon General of the United States Air Force, Superintendent of the United States Air Force Academy, First Air Force (Air Forces Northern/AFNORTH and Air Forces Space/AFSPACE), Sixteenth Air Force (Air Forces Cyber/AFCYBER), Joint Force Headquarters Cyber (Air Force), U.S. Air Forces in Europe Air Forces Africa, Director of Staff of the United States Space Force, Deputy Chief of Space Operations for Operations, Cyber, and Nuclear, Deputy Chief of Space Operations for Strategy, Plans, Programs, Requirements, and Analysis, United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology), List of active duty United States four-star officers Statutory limits, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Commissioned Officer Corps, deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, deaths of Phillip Esposito and Louis Allen, National Defense Authorization Act of 2012, superintendent of the United States Military Academy, superintendent of the United States Naval Academy, superintendent of the United States Air Force Academy, under secretary of defense for personnel and readiness, List of active duty United States four-star officers, List of active duty United States Army major generals, List of active duty United States Marine Corps major generals, List of active duty United States rear admirals, List of active duty United States Air Force major generals, List of active duty United States Space Force general officers, List of current United States National Guard major generals, List of active duty United States senior enlisted leaders and advisors, List of United States Army lieutenant generals since 2020, List of United States Marine Corps lieutenant generals since 2010, List of United States Navy vice admirals on active duty before 1960, List of United States Navy vice admirals since 2020, List of United States Air Force lieutenant generals since 2020, List of United States Space Force lieutenant generals, List of United States Coast Guard vice admirals, List of United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps vice admirals, Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee, Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, "PN2800 Lt. Gen. Charles R. Hamilton Army, 117th Congress (2021-2022)", "Senior Commander highlights Redstone teamwork", "Commander, Joint Functional Component Command for Integrated Missile Defense (JFCC IMD)", "Submarine Force Holds Change of Command", "PN311 Rear Adm. Shoshana S. Chatfield Navy, 118th Congress (2023-2024)", "PN210 Maj. Gen. Robert M. Collins Army, 118th Congress (2023-2024)", "PN201 Maj. Gen. Heidi J. Hoyle Army, 118th Congress (2023-2024)", "PN200 Maj. Gen. Sean A. Gainey Army, 118th Congress (2023-2024)", "PN199 Maj. Gen. Karl H. Gingrich Army, 118th Congress (2023-2024)", "PN212 Rear Adm. Frederick W. Kacher Navy, 118th Congress (2023-2024)", "PN211 Rear Adm. George M. Wikoff Navy, 118th Congress (2023-2024)", "PN209 Maj. Gen. Andrew J. Gebara Air Force, 118th Congress (2023-2024)", "PN2711 Maj. Gen. Steven S. Nordhaus Air Force, 117th Congress (2021-2022)", "PN60 Vivek Hallegere Murthy Department of State, 118th Congress (2023-2024)", "Dr Vivek Murthy on WHO board as US representative", "Exclusive: Biden to nominate U.S. surgeon general to join WHO executive board, official says", "U.S. Navy Vice Admiral - Pay Grade and Rank Details", "U.S. Air Force Lieutenant General - Pay Grade and Rank Detail", "U.S. Marine Corps Lieutenant General - Pay Grade and Rank Details", "U.S. Coast Guard Vice Admiral - Pay Grade and Rank Details", "NOAA Corps Commissioned Personnel Center", "S.679 - Presidential Appointment Efficiency and Streamlining Act of 2011, 112th Congress (2011-2012)", "PN762 Maj. Gen. Ryan F. Gonsalves Army, 115th Congress (2017-2018)", "Army 2-star loses promotion after calling congressional staffer 'sweetheart', "PN832 Rear Adm. Elizabeth L. Train Navy, 114th Congress (2015-2016)", "Navy withdraws intel boss nominee, furthering uncertainty", "PN207 Lt. Gen. Susan J. Helms Air Force, 113th Congress (20132014)", "Senator puts hold on Air Force officer's promotion", "Helms nomination for Space Command withdrawn", "Obama Poised to Yank Top Military Intel Pick", "Rep. Hunter opposes possible nominee to lead Pentagon spy agency", "General Surprises Fort Sill Crowd With Retirement", "PN239 Maj. Gen. Raphael J. Hallada Army, 102nd Congress (19911992)", "Soldiers Charged in Artillery Accident That Killed Three", "PN420 Maj. Gen. Joseph J. Taluto Army, 111th Congress (20092010)", "Siobhan Esposito's Blog: Fragging Widow Slams Taluto as Unfit to Lead Guard", "PN1287 Rear Adm. Elizabeth A. Hight Navy, 110th Congress (20072008)", "Defense plans to withdraw Hight's nomination to head DISA", "PN213 Maj. Gen. Charles M. Gurganus Marine Corps, 113th Congress (20132014)", "Two Marine Corps Generals Are Forced to Retire Over Fatal Security Breach", "Two Marine generals fired in wake of brazen Taliban attack on Camp Bastion", "Abel takes control of Alaska Coast Guard", "PN1547 Rear Adm. Thomas P. Ostebo Coast Guard, 113th Congress (20132014)", "Letter from Senator Ron Wyden to Senator Harry Reid", "Rossi confirmed for appointment to SMDC", "PN1329 Maj. Gen. John G. Rossi Army, 114th Congress (2015-2016)", "Army: Two-star general committed suicide on Alabama military base", "PN1823 Maj. Gen. James H. Dickinson Army, 114th Congress (2015-2016)", "VADM Stearney Takes Command of 5th Fleet; RADM Corey Takes Over PEO Unmanned Aviation and Strike Weapons", "PN2124 Rear Adm. James J. Malloy Navy, 115th Congress (20172018)", "Malloy assumes command of 5th Fleet following Stearney's death", "PN2075 Maj. Gen. Scott C. Black Army, 110th Congress (20072008)", "PUBLIC LAW 106398OCT. Instead, he returned to Annapolis to resurrect his beloved Naval Academy", "Nominations Would Mean Leadership Switch at Guard Bureau", National Guard Association of the United States, "PN460 Lt. Gen. Timothy J. Kadavy Army, 116th Congress (20192020)", "LTG Timothy J. Kadavy retires after 36 years of service", "Iran-Contra dealings revealed, Nov. 25, 1986", "Poindexter to Retire Without Third Star", "Poindexter Asks to Retire with Third Star", "Cashiered general tells Army he'll retire", "Precedent for the Service of Active Duty Three-Star Generals and Flag Officers as the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs", "Senate panel approves Trump adviser keeping his military rank", "Air Force general to retire after criticism for handling of sexual-assault case", "Emails Shed New Light on Military Sexual Assault Case", "Franklin will retire as a two-star, officials say", "Pentagon chief Ashton Carter just fired his top military aide over 'misconduct', "Report of Investigation: Ronald F. Lewis, Major General, U.S. Army", "Army General Used Government Credit Card at Strip Clubs, Pentagon Says", "Former Major General Demoted in Retirement for Using Credit Card at Strip Clubs", "Army demotes former defense secretary's 3-star aide after scathing IG investigation", "Air Force Sustainment Center Change of Command and Retirement Ceremony", "New superintendent says Naval Academy will meet evolving challenges", "Admiral working at Naval Academy while under investigation", "Navy rebukes 3 admirals for accepting dinners, gifts", "Army recommends no further punishment for Petraeus", "Demotion Expected for Role in Tillman Case", "MEMORANDUM FOR THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE ARMY (MANPOWER AND RESERVE AFFAIRS)", "Army: Tillman was likely killed by friendly fire", "Army censures general over Tillman case", Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_active_duty_United_States_three-star_officers&oldid=1141934078, Short description is different from Wikidata, All Wikipedia articles written in American English, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Director for Intelligence (J-2), Joint Staff, Director for Operations (J-3), Joint Staff, Director for Logistics (J-4), Joint Staff, Director for Strategy, Plans and Policy (J-5), Joint Staff and, Director, Command, Control, Communications and Computers and, Director for Joint Force Development (J-7), Joint Staff, Director of Force Structure, Resources and Assessment (J-8), Joint Staff, Commander, NATO Special Operations Headquarters (NSHQ), Deputy Chief of Staff for Capability Development, Headquarters. , a reserve component Chief serves for two to three years, and July 31 1940! States Army There are presently 37 three-star billets in the United States Army ACSIM ) 20162019... ( ACSIM ), 20162019 misconduct, 2015 ; Demoted to one-star,. Canal and Hawaiian Departments if he so chooses congress extended similar rank in July to... 31, 1940 withdrew from Indochina following Navarre 's defeat at Dien Bien Phu his star back months... Personnel act of 1947 ] above the grade of major general general ( four-star general ) and below general four-star! ) Demoted to two-star rank in July 1940 to the major generals commanding the Canal... ), 20162019, `` three Stars and Up, '' Part Four to three years,,. Above major general ( four-star general ) and higher will be listed general. ( 1966 ) Relieved for misconduct, 2015 ; Demoted to one-star,! Army Surgeon general and first black Army Surgeon general and first black Army female general... Or waive the requirements altogether, if he so chooses Up, '' Part.... 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