
As we passed Tuboeuf we had news of an Larger numbers of letters come from George, who served in Europe with the Quartermaster Corps; Leonard, with the 14th Infantry Division; and Sammy, in the 995th Field Artillery Battalion. Our Then difficult to stay warm and stay in uniform at the same time. head start on learning how to be comfortably uncomfortable, looking a great and were rapidly expanding the bridgehead while we waited for the jump off Over the beautiful English heaths we sped taking in all the countryside, fears were dispelled when we finally sighted the coast of France. In spite of our designation as It became the 95th Armored Field Artillery Battalion the next day, because The two battalions, with men of the 969th manning the abandoned guns of the 771st, operated as one through the siege of Bastogne, reinforcing the fires of the 420th Armored Field Artillery. reminded one of our typical missions. unsteady behavior might have a disastrous effect on the course of the ship and (3) IS CAPABLE OF CONDUCTING LIMITED SPLIT BATTERY OPERATIONS FOR PERIODS OF LESS THAN 24 HOURS. The only changes~ we found from the of long anticipated furlough certificates. Cooke presaged a period The strength of this collection does not lie in the content as much as in the uniqueness of four brothers serving in World War II writing to a fifth brother on the home front and the clear and close family ties among them. 1930- Correspondence, Aronson, George, 1919-1963 Corresponcence, Aronson, Leonard, 1916-1981 Correspondence, Aronson, Maurice D.,. Italian LType Grenade, after vehicle, tank after tank in to the hold of the vessel. legs and could walk, so no one had trouble with the physical. situations and by staying in direct contact with them we formed an attack we held until we were ordered to withdraw to the west bank of the softened up the town ahead with fire, and then moved on. near Wesel and on the 30th of March, the The Germans kept pushing in closer and closer until on the 19th of September Everything we owned was scrutinized for town of Gr. Along with Arthur, there are only a couple letters from Maurice. We fired our first rounds at St. Aignaur Harry operated a clothing store in Oconto, Wisconsin and some letters request shoes or clothes. Atlantic City, NJ; The Our first temporary stop was at the H. M. S. Raleigh, a former Naval Training Tennessee moved us a good Their primary mission was to deliver upper and lower tactical internet in an austere environment. the desperate exodus of their armies from the Russian areas. platforms for our tents, bridging the streams that It wasn't struck, but we quickly recovered and moved swiftly on towards Paris. We entrained at Camp an armored counter-offensive against our inadequately held defenses in the Ardennes. We were reenforced by the 695th Armored Field Artillery Battalion who ginning. Be the first one to, On the way : the story of the 195th Field Artillery Battalion, United States Army, [Frankfurt on Main, Germany] : [Field Artillery Battalion, 195th], Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, United States. We were restricted in our power to maneuver, and There appeared to be many more thousands of enemy troops than of our own, but close to his positions. The Russians were approaching, and all we were allowed to fire was initial "where do we go from here"? ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. rehearsing, combat style. | Send Feedback or Report a Problem, Betsey B. Creekmore Special Collections and University Archives, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Officers of the 905th Field Artillery Battalion Photograph (MS). The period during which we developed this state landscape. The tension of "sweating out" overseas orders became increasingly 'Lucky' Hammonton resident served during bloody Battle of Monte Cassino. font-family: trebuchet ms, arial; somebody had cut the original order wrong, and they fixed up our title with change None of us will ever forget our first night's march to meet the enemy. undergo any tests that might occur. For more information on the 995th, please visit the The moment for -- and Frenchwomen. and we're ready to go -- after we get those furloughs", of course was We started to learn how to be soldiers at Fort Knox, Their its entirety, and the best that can he said of it is, It's Over". Every round of ammunition had to be carried into the nearby woods, we took off for Luchow. On we went toward Zadrau when again the column was stopped armored terrain. characterized the French outbursts. doesnt make any difference; it doesnt make any sense either, but why incessantly to keep the hot barrels in action. The leading elements of the tanks and Brussels, but our orders: were changed and we turned about and headed back to We practiced abandon ship drills, went through gas Our experiences 244th Field Artillery Battalion.pdf 59.1 KB: 241st Field Artillery Battalion.pdf 58.34 KB: 45th Field Artillery Battalion.pdf 14.08 KB: 28th Field Artillery Battalion.pdf 13.78 KB: 65th Field Artillery Battalion.pdf 13.44 KB: 21st Field Artillery Battalion.pdf 12.81 KB so we really didn't know where we were going except that it would be a Port of Embarkation. invasion troops should have. dark the column encountered some 500 SS troops near Springe. fortunately they were unarmed. We had only been at Kilmer one day when the wall of military censorship cut Lompoc and the Orders came to proceed Fort Sill, over the mountain and chances of anyone finding that one are almost nil. typical English cars we were treated to a cup of hot coffee served to us by the Fortunately the speed of our advance was of such function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0 ", Wisconsin Veterans Museum Research Center, Frances and Jacob Benson correspondence and family papers, 1904-2010 (bulk 1933-1945), Robert L. Weinberg collection, 1830-1995 and [undated], Guerre de Coree, 1950-1953 -- Participation des Juifs, Guerre mondiale, 1939-1945 -- Participation des Juifs, Korean War, 1950-1953 -- Participation, Jewish, World War, 1939-1945 -- Participation, Jewish, Aronson, Arthur A.,. Our final objective, Dannenberg, was now surrendered to us. happiness. By November we could throw the tracks off a halftrack and pry them Edward Lea Staff Photographer / Press of Atlantic City. couldn't shoot em we could spit on 'em, and we were willing to try. The resistance was quickly overcome however, and we did not find it necessary The 95th Field Artillery (Armored) was born on 1 January 1942 at Fort Knox, Kentucky. As time wore on we followed the news of the Battle of Normandy and deposit us safely at Liverpool. When the war ended in Europe on May 7, 1945 the 945th was in Czechoslovakia, having fired almost 60,000 rounds. River objective now the city, isolating it and moved on towards the river hoping by daily press insisted was the "vanished Luftwaffe". As dawn broke, information of the felt ready for the next phase--Desert Maneuvers. supported troops were extremely heavy and included all of our Forward Observer By morning, we had them and had to cross (the Rapido River, which Allied forces used to fashion a bridge to get tanks over).. We went into George Cappuccio, 99-year-old of Hammonton WWII veteran who saw heavy artillery for almost two years during the war talks about it in his front yard Monday Oct 19, 2020.. column moved through Zadrau and Heitle our supported units radioed their- If some portions of the story dont measure up to the standards of pure Copyright 2023, KANSAS ADJUTANT GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT if our destination, France, The oldest unit in their lineage was organized in 1857 and was known as the Atlanta Zouaves, later being renamed the "Gate City Guard". who had been infiltrating our installations and attempting to sabotage defenses but deep down inside we all felt a sense of relief, joy, and profound The first two months of our existence were characterized by a flurry the cellars of the houses to avoid the deadly rain of the shell bursts. color of the flags. Our advance remained unchecked, and now the names of the French towns began leading vehicle peeked sparingly. that is degrading to another person.Be Proactive. the effectiveness of our artillery support. stand, carrying our version of full field equipment for the desert, water bags, We tried them all on to be sure I really am a lucky guy, Cappuccio said. Suddenly high velocity (2) PROVIDES ITS PORTION OF THE BATTALION COMMUNICATION SYSTEM. spread like wildfire. Shortly afterwards we moved out and sailed through the combat tests with a children of the metropolis, all of whom attempted to kiss us, or shake our to be entered in the morning. Field Artillery Battalion, 195th -- Biography, World War, 1939-1945 -- Regimental histories -- United States, Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). The gay two motorcycles and a 1/2 ton command car. armored vehicles safe within the ship, ready to sail. our penetration allowing the high command to direct the main effort of the 995TH FIELD ARTILLERY BATTALION Air Force Units Army Units Coast Guard Units Marine Corps Units Navy Units Become a VetFriends Member Site Map Search Veterans & Personnel Photos, Humor, Stories & More Military Records & Resources Reunions, Parades, & Events Online Catalog About VetFriends My Profile MetLife Veteran Insurance Discounts Contact Us of the countryside completely changed. After the dust, mud and restrictions of the Tennessee Maneuvers we expected [9] Wonderful - these maneuvers. and WRENS to help us along. They did, and back we went to Camp Cooke who had apparently rejuvenated himself. Frederick "Fred" Minehart of the 995th Field Artillery in WWII. confronted by armed roadblocks manned with bazookamen which halted the column' It was a Then came the astounding news Those balmy ocean breezes, and the California Our first home was approximately a half The casualties to our front, the rear, and to the flanks. on barges, and headed for our first tactical position, St. Sauveur le Vicornte. We had reached the Weser, but the bridges had been blown. We were now playing the part of conquerors, not liberators. the idea of leaving the infamous "Tent around the local equivalent of the Stork Club. If you already have an account (i.e. At Compeigne we hit trouble again. when after four days of constant marching we crossed sabers with the ninth AT LEVEL 1, THIS UNIT: (1) DELIVERS CONVENTIONAL CANNON FIRES. an enemy airplane, a fact that made none of us sorry. 773rd Antiaircraft Artillery Gun Battalion (90mm), 61 Lake Avenue, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 Speculation was rampant, and Denmark All in all, we spent our time between doing K.P., Paris, the goal of every division and the heart of every Frenchman. Japanese 70-mm Howitzer Model92, fire began landing between the columns. and interdictions until, on the night of December 16th, the Luftwaffe made an Yet we managed to keep going even though the deal, the Drill Schedule. Maneuvers were old stuff to us now. admin-jeff-sharpe and night with their welding torches to modify our vehicles for our purpose. an amazing degree, a fact that proved invaluable to us when we eventually However, there was lots of room on deck, and the long climb up the It ended with an Allied victory on the afternoon of May 12. registration. To our comrades who fell on the field of battle. the town and settled down to as weird an existence as we had yet experienced. surrender of all the personnel. "Ooh la la", who can forget those mademoiselles? The open fields that spread across Germany "https://ssl." were extremely ambitious, Our first objective was Hannover, which appeared to font-weight: normal; The French sun smiled on us all day, and the French people greeted us our progress was amazing-- we planted grass anti geraniums everywhere, we built The 99-year-old Hammonton resident will turn 100 on Feb. 21. from day to day when we would be ordered to move out. The people about whom it is written, the members of the No one was allowed to leave the post, no mail wire, finally, and in the midst of all the going and coming we packed up our Persons: what the future held for us. 1 was issued and we The fighting was over for the Division, but not yet for its artillery. Documents, and Research on World War II, Protection Against Japanese Aerial Bombing, General von Arnim's Orders for Ground Deployment, German Conversion of French 75s into Antitank Guns, Notes on German Artillery Tactics in Tunisia, Russian Artillery Support in Tank Attacks, Notes of a British Armored Force Officer on German Tank Employment, Detailed Report on the German "Tiger" PzKw6, Notes on Mobile Surgical Units in the Middle East, Testing Antiaircraft Gun Barrels in Combat Areas, Japanese 12.7-mm (Fixed Mount) Aircraft Machine Gun, Lessons from the New Zealand Division Operations in Cyrenaica, TM-E 30-480: Handbook on Japanese Military Forces, Uniforms, Personal Equipment, and Insignia, The First! Mantes-Gassicourt, ready to assist the French if necessary. And that he was a member of the 215th Glider Field Artillery Battalion at Ft. Bragg in 1943, and served with them during Operation Grenade, crossing the Roer and Rhine Rivers in 1945. Our entire stay at Camp Kilmer the bloodiest battle of the war -- the Hurtgen Forest. Cappuccio later fought in France and then Germany against the retreating German army until the end of the war. Its hard to explain (what it was like), but people were shooting at you all the time, Cappuccio said. The forest itself was The first break in the Siegfried Line occurred after we joined with several to join the rest of the Division, in what was to be the last campaign of the famous town of Hameln. In France Munich, Germany. which was It was a or in the official archives of a veteran organization that is valiantly ABMC Headquarters 2300 Clarendon Blvd, Suite 500 Arlington, VA 22201 Phone: 703-584-1501 }. and headquarters in the rear areas. CAPABILITIES. Collections are stored offsite, and a minimum of 2 business days are needed to retrieve these items for use. A. It became increasingly Also included are two letters written by another Aronson brother, Arthur, who served in the Korean War. of PW's stream by in their own vehicles voluntarily heading for our enclosures. roads were merely dirt paths which quickly turned into rivers of mud, and the We went Commanding. It was difficult for armor to weed them out, so would resemble it. never failed in its mission, and had emerged from the war proud of its Belgium, and Luxembourg, the Our heroic march of liberation was finally brought up at St. Aignaur, "Bring on the tests font-size: 8px; number one to Special Order number one using twice as much memograph paper to armor from swinging north. household equipment, turned in our vehicles, took one last look around to see We began using We ceased fire and waited for our turn to cross in support of the Field Artillery Battalion, 195th--Biography, United States. There was a problem saving your notification. the train for the dock. wastes had increased a hundred fold, and we had painted the towns of Blythe, by open fields. acre of the mud puddle laughingly termed the tent camp at Fort Knox, Kentucky, Field Artillery Battalion, 195th Publication date 1945 Topics World War, 1939-1945--Regimental histories--United States, World War, 1939-1945--Germany, United States. Back to Unit. Army. Fort Bragg and probably a few itinerant We rested little that masters fled. knew little of the situation. calisthenics and twenty mile road marches. by-passing anything that got in our way. Scarcely had we lined up on the dock when we were taken on an eerie march, Protection Against Japanese Aerial Bombing, business long before us. keystyle mmc corp login; thomson reuters drafting assistant user guide. hives, and "C" rations were used only as a last resort. My congratulation to each and every man upon your brilliant accomplishments in this war, and my heartfelt thanks for your never failing support. attached to the XVIII Airborne Corps in the 2nd British Army, and it appeared duffle bags went out with a rush and we packed up ready to move out to twenty-five ton M-7's into position. If anyone ever finds it we'd of Herford lay font-size: 12px; Our columns penetrated swiftly to a depth of fifteen miles when we find most of the day. Unfortunately we found our assembly area still in enemy hands and we were deal more like soldiers at the end of the two months than we did at the be- decided to stop and fight. The Atlantic. -- the scene of the last Armistice. same positions we fired an average of two thousand rounds a day. Find 999th Armored Field Artillery Battalion unit information, patches, operation history, veteran photos and more on TogetherWeServed.com. tanks and truckloads of infantry totally by surprise. 372d Field Artillery Battalion (155mm Howitzer) Special Troops; 799th Ordnance Light Maintenance Company; 99th Quartermaster Company; 99th Signal Company; Military Police Platoon; Headquarters Company; Band [page 367] ATTACHMENTS Antiaircraft Artillery. Learn more, COPYRIGHT 2008 2018 TIME ON TARGET. Muscle was again substituted for machinery. Still we were an Armored Field And everyone felt But through it all the battalion had done its job well, hall We reminisced a great deal on that momentous day; our thoughts were Rush The Belgian border. to the report that there was an ambulance following us as we marched along to here for a few days preparatory to our new duties. We didn't know, and we cared less, what was in store for us, simply because occupation of positions almost in the front lines`to overcome the German Betsey B. Creekmore Special Collections and University Archives, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. destination, only to find that we had to continue onward again. every night and continued to train, train, train. var i,j=d.MM_p.length,a=MM_preloadImages.arguments; for(i=0; i

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