Uruapan, the second largest city in the area, ranked third on the list of the world's most violent cities. That's how they respond when rivals come onto their turf. Well I say its CDS heating up Valparaiso . I literally have to break down and explain what I mean smh.You do realize Zacatecas isnt just CDS and CJNG right? The homicide numbers reached new heights after 2020, plummeting the country deeper in despair, andAMLO's plan to tackle impunity and corruption in institutional forces as well as demilitarize Mexican cities through the newly established National Guard and "hugs not bullets cartel policy" did not go according to plan. Very High. Worries home broken and things stolen. Not only that you win more people to your cause when you show a little restraint, a little mercy, a little respect for life. All cartels kidnap and extortAll cartels kill innocent peopleAll cartels sell meth to kids and mess up communities Michoacan is a favorite for the biggest port in the western hemisphere and strategically located. increased methamphetamine (meth) consumption, Central Americans hopes for Biden end at the Mexico-US border, Mexicos president ramps up attacks on all sides ahead of June elections, We have made science fiction come true! Scientists prove particles in a quantum system can be rejuvenated, A kilo of cannabis and a mind-blowing interview: When Bob Marley landed in Spains Ibiza, The world returns to an era of nuclear angst, Legendary journalist Seymour Hersh under fire for his reporting on the Nord Stream pipeline sabotage, Remains of missing Argentine found in sharks stomach, Maestra en Big Data y Analytics 100% en lnea, MBA Administracin y Direccin de Empresas en lnea, Programa en lnea en 'Project Finance' Internacional, Maestra en lnea en Direccin de Recursos Humanos y Gestin del Talento, Maestra en Comercio Internacional presencial en Madrid, Espaa, Maestra en Marketing Digital & E-Commerce. Another brother, Ricardo, leads the Morena party in the Senate and has said he intends to run for president in 2024. In different events, 10 deaths have been registered so far this day. CDS dicaprio's on the other hand are courteous with the locals. Guadalupe has thought about leaving town or even taking her own life. As stupid as this might sound to some people but I tip my hat to them. 54shares Authorities have confirmed that nine people in two communities in Fresnillo, Zacatecas, were shot dead and three people were kidnapped from. It has a long history of cartel business as well after a murder of the significant Sinaloa Cartel member in the heart of Guadalajara in 2010, Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacin (the Jalisco New Generation Cartel) was born, soon becoming one of the most violent gangs in the country. The situation in Guadalajara reached a critical point in 2020; there were so many homicides in the city but no space in a local morgue, so they had to keep the bodies in refrigerated trucks, explains Mark Stevenson forABC News. That was enough for the president to claim, in a speech last month, that there had been an improvement on a problem his administration inherited. To these thugs , they are disposable. An altar for Henry and his two friends who were murdered together in front of Guadalupes house. State prosecutor Francisco Murillo said 10 bodies were found wrapped in blankets in the streets of the Fresnillo municipality while another six were "suspended" inside a warehouse in the nearby community Panfilo Natera. There is peace and calm, he said in June. In 2019, the number of femicides rose by more than 10%, with the pandemic crisis further exacerbating the situation. A few days earlier a lawyer was shot dead on the same street as he was leaving his office. I wonder when all this is going to stop. Several tourists were killed in gang related crossfires: "What we're seeing is a huge increase in street fighting from the plaza bosses. Civilians among 8 down in Zacatecas massacre. According to the 2021 Mexico Peace Index report, the prevalence of organized crime fell by 55.3%, including a 72.6% drop in drug crimes and a 55.1% drop in extortions, as a consequence of fruitful collaboration between the state and municipal police forces. Mexico and her unabated corruption buried God under mounds of blood soaked cash long ago. An attack on a patrol car was also reported from the Ciudad Cuauhtmoc municipality, as well as . Disfrute de nuestras lecciones personalizadas, breves y divertidas. Sometimes Mariano Rosales has just enough time to lower his grocery stores metal shutters and lock himself in the cellar with his wife. Demanding justice for Cabanillas, demonstrators drew attention to the fact that Isabel was a well-known fighter for women's rights, which could be the reason behind her murder (viaEl Paso Times). One central pillar of his approach to fighting crime has been the creation of the National Guard, a 100,000-strong federal security force deployed across some 180 regional barracks nationwide. Very High. Those jockeying for turf in Zacatecas include the Sinaloa, Jalisco, Gulf and Northeast cartels as well as remnants of the Zetas who call themselves Talibans. Between the weekend and today, 12 civilians were shot dead;two state police officers gunned down on public roads;two armed confrontations between gunmen belonging to antagonistic organized crime groups in the municipalities of Jerez and Fresnillo;the deprivation of liberty with violence of at least eleven people in a rural community of Pinos, is the balance of violence that occurred in Zacatecas, between the weekend and this Monday. There is no dominant cartel in Guerrero, but around 40 smaller groups, which is the most in any state. Do you live in Fresnillo? We spend all day praying to Christ, said the shopkeeper. See here for a complete list of exchanges and delays. In SLP all you here is CJNG not "4 cartels fighting"Heres an article about how unsafe fresnillo residents feel, in a place CDS came to bring peace in , it also talks about the men interrogated by CDS how they were left with CJNG mantas.But, but CDS doesnt heat up it's own plaza huh. Violent day in Zacatecas leaves 14 murders and 11 kidnappings, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), 4,221 vehicles were stolen in Sinaloa in 2019, University students in California prefer to study in Mexico. Ahora es todo lo contrario. You are from the U.S and your mommy is from Ahome sinalola. Zacatecas, the state Fresnillo is in, has the country's highest murder rate, with 122 deaths in June, according to the Mexican government. Statistics show a 15% rise in homicides in the first half of 2020 in Jurez alone, reports Daniel Borunda for El Paso Times. You cartel idolizers are ridiculous. They are so envious of Michoacanos. There are a lot of internal struggles, and that has detracted from the performance of the Guard.. I bet money half of these clowns hating and talking shit on michoacanos aren't even chinolas they're wanabe try hard sinaloas from zac dgo nay mxcli and other no identity having states and wear tomatero gear to comfort their wounded pride the other half are pochos with one sinaloa parent and the other parent central american or from a state in Southern Mex and are ashamed of that so they claim to be puro sinaluense and are all extra'd out on their wannabe chinaloa accent y uno k otro coreinte chinalolita that got beat up or had a traumatizing experience with a mich dude and got their ego and pride hurt theres a reason why michoas have a rep of being ruthless and it shows arriba guanatos y coalcoman bola de jotos and miss me with that extortion shit bc what are the chapitos and their pollito littles known for when they see an independent trafficker doing good . Fresnillo feels to residents overrun by violence and paralyzed by fear, a testament to the failure of Mexicos government to tackle organized crime. Cds came in with a huge convoy from what it looks like on videos circulating fb https://www.valorportamaulipas.info/2021/06/de-18-35-los-muertos-por-el-topon-en.html?m=1, Rumor in fresnillo is cjng did it n tried to blame cds so then cds captured 2 cjng guys who said why n who, Comments are moderated, refer to policy for more information.Enva fotos, vdeos, notas, enlaces o informacin Todo 100% Annimo;borderlandbeat@gmail.com. That's the way they think," explained cartel expert Robert Almonte (via theNew York Post). Now she and her family live in terror. We are scared to death. Comments are moderated, refer to policy for more information.Enva fotos, vdeos, notas, enlaces o informacin Todo 100% Annimo;borderlandbeat@gmail.com. Safety in Fresnillo Crime > Mexico > Fresnillo Crime in Fresnillo, Mexico Compare Fresnillo with: We need more contributors for Fresnillo to increase our data quality. Drug cartels have hung the bodies of victims from overpasses before as a message to rivals or to authorities, but seldom do so with members of law enforcement. 11:28 n 11:34 must be the same dude Don't use logic use reality n reality is cjng don't control fresnillo like it or notWhile in slp there's at least 4 cartels fighting for it so anyone of those could off done it even cjng since they don't control slp either, You arent the brightest huh. An armed criminal cell entered a home at dawn to open fire on nine people, of whom seven died. Smaller, local gangs dominate the area, with bigger organizations, such as Familia Michoacana and Beltrn Leyva Organization (BLO), being involved in predominantly drug business. The president is hoping to unseat the governor from the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and hand control to the party he founded, the National Regeneration Movement (Morena). 1:47pm Where do you live ? Guadalupes oldest son was murdered in Fresnillo last month. Cases of robbery and family violence became less frequent. The city is surrounded by desert, but elsewhere giant warehouses appear on its outskirts that house assembly plants for auto parts and other manufactured products. Not all CDS is like that seems MZ are still like that but los Chapitos have started be coming more and more scummy, Its the sinaloense wey, barbie murked that one cat, and still made his kids breakfast and left his widow money for the inconvenience. The industry leader for online information for tax, accounting and finance professionals. Caught in the middle of the fighting are residents like Guadalupe. I live in the central valley of California. But this increase in safety did not come without a cost, explain Josue David Pia and Marcos Vizacarra forInsight Crime. Semipresencial en Aguascalientes, Maestra a distancia en Actividad Fsica y Salud, Maestra a distancia en Energas Renovables, Descubre un completo Directorio de Centros de Formacin, Mejore su italiano con solo 15 minutos al da. People are so stupid ignorant and gullible they think CDS isnt capable if this kind off stuff, they literally can get away with anything and the idiots will still believe they're harmless. Armed civilians blocked the road and fired more than 20 bullets at his vehicle, after which they lit it on fire. When it comes to clowns you are a good example. The famous Caribbean tourist mecca became a no-go zone by the end of 2021, with AMLO sending a "Tourist Battalion" 1500 National Guard soldiers, to keep the piece in the area reports the National Post. So if he don't condone what michoachangos do like extort small businesses, farmers, destroy roads, communication services, plant land mines and drop drone bombs then he is a part of the problem? But delving deeper into Baja California, Tijuana is also infamous as one of the most dangerous cities in the world, with a homicide rate 20 times higher than the global average. Sinaloa sissies killed a family while CJNG hanged those 2 police. Whoever did this had some decency, Cjng heating up the plaza an then coming out that it was not them same story they are the new zetas all there plaza bosses are ex zetas Flores from nayarit was a zeta fresa an all there leaders same bastards. 8:25 every cartel does bad things but it's a fact that CDS puts at least a little effort not to harm innocent people. It was Guadalupe who found the teenagers bodies. He said three cartels CJNG, Sinaloa and Noreste operate in the area, but singled out one: the presence of Jalisco Nueva Generacin in the last year is what has exacerbated the violence.. The cause of violence is mostly the Jalisco New Generation Cartel, trying to dominate more than 20 local groups, mostly operating Pacific trafficking routes and chemical drug businesses. STAFF / NTRZACATECAS.COM. Murders occur daily in Fresnillo, a city that mixes the local offices of major mining companies with farmers working the bean fields. Its a force that comes out of trying to mix oil and water, said Eduardo Guerrero, a Mexico City security analyst. Add data for Fresnillo Consider looking into aggregate data we have for Crime in Mexico Your name: Sign In Nearby cities: The bodies of 16 people were found in two different cities in Mexico's Zacatecas state on Saturday amid a turf war between two powerful drug cartels. The state borders the San Luis Potosi and Guanajuato regions, which face similar conditions: namely, violence over drug trafficking. The fear has overwhelmed us., Were Living in Hell: Inside Mexicos Most Terrified City, https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/03/world/americas/inside-mexicos-most-terrified-city-fresnillo.html. Build the strongest argument relying on authoritative content, attorney-editor expertise, and industry defining technology. Mencho did nothing but make disorderif it wasn't the zetas it was that dummy. 2109. Huge incentives to kill: Mexico crime groups target election candidates, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. They don't lose any sleep over who they shoot. In all the facts, police elements came from the three government orders to perform the corresponding actions of processing the crime scene. The nearby avocado farmers became the latest target, with at least four gangs participating in avocado business extortion. Fresnillo is the cradle of the Monreal family, almost half of whose 14 siblings are in politics, giving birth to the term Monrealismo. The peace index has been falling since 2015, with the city of Jurez taking the second place on the list of most violent cities in the world. So far this Wednesday, at least 10 deaths have been registered in different municipalities of the state of Zacatecas. Until this Monday, the authorities had not located the trailers in which twenty luxury motor units were transported. I agree that is not the first time CDS MZ does something like that and let people go. Sincerely, M.Z. They say its the unions, but who knows, said Miguel Macias, 32, wearing an orange helmet and fluorescent safety vest for work. @356You're not interested because I'm stating facts. Obtendr un diploma con estadsticas de nivel, progresin y participacin. The bullet-ridden bodies of 18 people were discovered after what appeared to have been a shootout between members of rival drug cartels in northern Mexico. MEXICO CITY, Feb 5 (Reuters) - Sixteen people died in Mexico's central state of Zacatecas following an apparent violent dispute between criminal gangs, authorities said on Saturday, as the state grapples with a spike in violence. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=363539405133757&id=100044331019046Cds killing women in fresnillo too?? Disfruta de nuestras lecciones personalizadas, breves y divertidas. An armed criminal cell fired on multiple occasions at Metropolitan Police officers (Metropol) who were guarding outside the Regional Center for Social Reinsertion (Cerereso) of Fresnillo. Before the creation of Morena, Benjamin Medrano was part of the Monreal team in Fresnillo. El Pueblo se cuida no da. Or being murder capital for Zacatecas? The thing is mexicali, Durango, Sonora people claim they are from sinaloa.. The violence will not escape unnoticed in elections slated for June 6 that will select a new Mexican parliament and governors in 15 of the countrys 32 states, including Zacatecas. Here is the list of the most dangerous cities in Mexico explained. MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - A Mexican journalist was shot and killed in the central state of Zacatecas on Friday, officials said, the latest in a string of assassinations of media workers this year. As explained by Beltran Leyva Org forInsight Crime, the rise of the violence inCiudad Obregnand wider region is closely connected to in-house conflicts inside the Sinaloa Cartel, as well as their continuous war with the Jalisco Cartel New Generation and other gangs. Vaca what's with this Unkown, he loves to rattle your cage.Michoachangos Cjng going down. Little surprise then that the survey found 95 percent of Fresnillo residents feel living in their city is unsafe. Still fcked up to hear your family massacred. Most of these kids are kidnapped in poor areas in Jalisco, and Colima and are forced to fight. Because he doesn't support your favorite team? His fears are hardly unfounded. 95.65. So you and michoachangos can kiss my ass. Crime increasing in the past 3 years. Chihuahua is another border state where violence is steeply rising, following Baja California as one of the most dangerous states in Mexico, according to the 2021 Mexico Peace Index report. The first one is the well-known Sinaloa Cartel, expanding from Guadalajara state, and the second is the brutal Jalisco New Generation Cartel, advancing from Jalisco. It is state and federal. But, as reported by BBC, any attempts by authorities to arrest or detain a gang member mostly result in more killings. But for now, she sits in her parents small, cinder-block house, the curtains drawn, the shadows broken by the candles of a little altar to Henry and his fallen friends. At the end of the 2000s, during Mexican President Felipe Calderons war on drugs, the city was taken over by the Zetas cartel. 4:41 it was cjng that lost that battle, you poke fun at one page that sides with cds but cjng has a whole bunch on twitter and fb also, 4:47 if your not from the state you wouldnt know of them so dont worry. Damn. 79.35. A violent day was lived on the morning of this Saturday in the state, they 17 dead persons were located in three municipalities: Fresnillo, Pnfilo Natera and Guadeloupe; Some of the victims were wrapped in blankets, others hung and, one more was shot to death. The crime increase has also had a negative impact on the approximately 400 businesses located near the sanctuary, five kilometers from the center of Fresnillo, that rely on the arrival of pilgrims . Instead of arresting and killing traffickers as previous leaders had done, he would focus on the causes of violence: hugs not bullets, he called it. Pobres inutiles, pendejoz. In different events that occurred in the municipal seat of Fresnillo, Zacatecas, at least four people were killed during this Tuesday. In Cancn, the latest tactic by security forces is the Beach Reinforcement program, expanding the patrolling powers of the city. Following years of heavily armed conflicts between criminal gangs and military forces, the country was counting the bodies of innocent bystanders. The local CSRL cartel is not only focusing on fentanyl, but also stealing oil directly from pipelines in the area. No offense. Dan asco. Dodging bullets in Fresnillo, Mexico's city of fear Afflicted by drug violence, this mining town in the central state of Zacatecas leads national polls for citizens' lack of confidence in the. The regional cartel boss Ivn Velzquez, alias Z-50, lived in Fresnillo, and boss Miguel ngel Trevio, or Z-40, was also a regular. I dont care who wins but you guys are some pests, https://www.facebook.com/100044331019046/posts/363619145125783/. On March 26, an off-duty officer of the Metropolitan Police was killed while driving through Fresnillo, Zacatecas. Jurez was also the hotspot from which the protests against femicide in Mexico emerged, after a local artist and social activist, Isabel Cabanillas, was killed in 2018. No authority reported the balance of deaths, injuries or detainees after these clashes. Can't get the Municipal Police department, as they together with the criminals. If they did so be it, I'm not emotionally attached to any of those groups like most of you little baby back bitches. The policemen were officers from the neighboring state of San Luis Potosi who had been reported missing earlier. The day the city official was shot dead, 14 other people were murdered in this city of 250,000 souls. Theres about 4 groups aswell, ofcourse the 2 mentioned above being the strongest. 558Yeah CJNG got slaughtered apparently. The violence continued over the weekend. Might as well be a child molester you sick sob. See here for a complete list of exchanges and delays. In October, the authorities said they had frozen 1,352 bank accounts linked to 14 criminal groups, including powerful drug cartels. Estaban orgullosos de seguir esas reglas, respetar familia y gente inocente. The city of Culiacn is well known as the headquarters of the Sinaloa Cartel, one of the most notorious gangs in the world. La noche de este domingo 3 de abril, se presentaron dos hechos violentos, casi de manera simultnea, que hicieron estremecer a Fresnillo, Zacatecas. The community did not forget: "The cordial relationship that had existed between civil society and the Cartel was undermined. But not even the familys political prominence has managed to rescue the city or the state. Usen la maseta,El CDS mata a alguien: "deseguro era porque algo debia"El CJNG mata a alguien: "deseguro era innocente"Que clase de pendejismo es este? 8:30am afrimativo the homie a south sider btw did time in Lompoc federal prison amd said the sinalolas were straight bitches when it came down to handling business and condoned snitches made the paisas car look bad the bajas,michoas and jalisco were the ones with the shits quik to jump when it was needed whether a riot or what ever it the situation was. Seat of Fresnillo residents feel Living in their city is unsafe units were transported soaked cash ago... Of Mexicos government to tackle organized crime people, of whom seven died disorderif it was that dummy 26. It was n't the zetas it was n't the zetas it was n't the zetas it n't. Together with the pandemic crisis further exacerbating the situation to lower his grocery metal! Literally have to break down and explain what i mean smh.You do realize Zacatecas isnt just and... 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