Compared with the other retriever breeds, this loyalty is what makes Chessies such good watchdogs. To be clear, just because its listed at No. The Labrador retriever is one of the most popular gun dogs. 6. Some evidence even suggests that the qualities that hunting dog breeds brought to the Stone Age helped allow our ancestors brains to devote less capacity to sensory functions, clearing the decks for intellectual growth. German Pinscher: For people who prefer larger dogs, this sleek breed has proven a reliable vermin predator for centuries. You may find yourself looking over your shoulder to see if the cops are coming. Theyre not too big to be a house dog. And yet to refer to the breed in the singularas the setteris problematic. Many kinds of dogs are adept pest exterminators, and breeds like the Rat Terrier dont leave much doubt about the dogs specific area of expertise. Even though the dog is not a large one, it is strong and has enough stamina to take on hogs all day long. Farmers and ranchers widely used them for protection and herding. Groundhogs, also known as woodchucks, usually are viewed as nuisance animals for homeowners and farmers. Polish Hounds are used during deer hunting as well, and the dogs baying varies between hog and deer trail. Therefore, they have the necessary attitude and skills written in their genes. American foxhounds hunt by scent, and they are relentless. The tallest of the spaniel breeds, Irish Water Spaniels have noses that sniff out all types of feathered game. Dog breeds that are also magnificent hog hunting dogs are: We have written an article regarding how dangerous hogs are to dogs that we think you would like. Hawking and earthwork are her passions, and the dachshunds are ideal dogs to aid her and her hawk in the field. If you purchase a product through this article, we may receive a portion of the sale. Biddable, versatile, easy to train, and excellent retrievers, shorthairs naturally work in range of hunters on foot. That the pit bull can be a fierce, fearsome, to-the-death fighter is indisputableas is the fact that they can be loving, gentle family companions. You just have to be willing to tolerate a little more water in the blind. Dogs belonging to the seven breed groups have a wide range of professions, traits, and personalities that pet owners adore. I have spent the last 10 years training and hunting with dogs. Though many of the larger guard breeds such as German Shepherds and Rottweilers could also instinctively protect their families from vermin, often the smaller dogs are better at hunting and killing the creatures more efficiently. One thing to keep in mind if you are considering this breed be it for hunting, companionship, or even as an adventure buddy is that they require a lot of exercise and can become restless if they don't get it. Thats a pointer in the hands of an inexperienced trainer. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates. Itll enhance his performance afield, too. These dogs are surprisingly non-aggressive in their role on the hunt and stay calm, but can be very protective of family members and wary of strangers. Almost any good squirrel dog will tree a groundhog every chance they can. Hunting over other breeds is like driving the family sedan; hunting over a pointer is like getting behind the wheel of a Ferrari. The purest should have tan spots over their eyes, and their roots reach back to the bleu de Gascogne hounds of France and the venerable English foxhound. Moreover, their droopy ears can easily develop an infection unless theyre properly cleaned. Thanks to their exceptional sense of smell, Rhodesian Ridgebacks are also perfect for tracking both small and big game. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Rhodesian Ridgebacks are huge dogs historically used to hunt lions in Africa, so there should be little surprise that they are excellent hunting dogs for hunting hogs! Some people say the ancestors came from Europe. | Use a toy or a rope to distract them and reward them only after release. 6. Hunting style: Tracking dogsTemperament: highly enduring and even-temperedHeight: 22-27 inchesWeight: 50-70 pounds. And theyre very sweet. Johns water dogs and dubbed it a Labrador retriever. Another pick for hunting larger quarry is the Karelian Bear Dog. When a good English pointer faces a bird, marvels Guy de la Valdne in For a Handful of Feathers, he does so with all but one foot on the coals of hell.. Theres no better flushing dog for grouse and woodcock (its the cocker, after all), and until youve hunted snipe with one, your education is incomplete. The little dogs can even get stuck down . Hunting Dogs . The dogs would silently track the lion, baying only, when the animal was cornered, alerting the hunter of their position. When solo hunting, the dog is trained to always check with the handler about the next move. Giant Schnauzer. Due to the high risk involved in hog hunting with dogs, Dogos dont work alone. Theyd run too far ahead and flush birds way, way out of range. After another 15 minutes, Danger zeroed in on the action and pulled hard against her leada 50-pound dog dragging a 250-pound man up a mountain. Their agility and intelligence would keep the lion in the perfect position for the hunter to dispatch the animal. Groundhogs ( Marmota monax) belong to the squirrel family Sciuridae, a large group of 285 rodent species including tree, ground, and flying squirrels; chipmunks; prairie dogs; and marmots. In a strange way, pest-control work with these dogs is fun. To familiarize your dogs with hog hunting, its preferred to use small domesticated pets. Likewise, fencingsuch as chicken-wire fences can provide a more permanent solution. We stood and listened as the baying intensified. 1. Theyre happy in the truck, in the kids room, and on the sofa. Hunters have used dogs for hunting wild hogs since ancient times. Yes, groundhogs are territorial animals, these animals create their burrows with 2 entrances, the second is to flee from any situation or predator that manages to enter the burrow, but before fleeing, the groundhog will attack anyone who tries to enter. Sometimes shortened simply to "Pointer," the English Pointer stands out from the setter trio with its short, dense coat. From there we went in pursuit of wood ducks, woodcock, marsh hens, and quail. In this case, youd want to have 4-5 catch dogs and only 1-2 tracking dogs since itd be pretty easy to spot. Blue Lacys are among the most famous breeds in the hog hunting world. My Labrador retriever loves hunting and killing rats and mice. Temperament and behavior are also shaped by raising and training. Drahthaars are bred and tested for the versatility that originally defined the breed. He has taken care of household mice x3 and 1 rat in Chicago thus far. But what keeps us going is their passion. The wirehair is also a dog youd like to have by your side in a fight with anything: They are tough dogs and protective of their owners. I wanted a working dog breed that was small and easy to keep around the house, and a friend suggested a JRT as a small dog with a large-dog personality. If you have young kids in your household, dont leave them unattended with a Black Mouth cur as they like to play quite rough. David DiBenedetto, Though cats have long been celebrated as the greatest mousers, many dogs were bred for the exact purpose of killing rodents quickly. Nevertheless, here are several types of hunting dogs in the pointer category: Wirehaired . Dog breeds from A to Z with pictures. Its hard for the average sportsman to wrap his mind around the idea that a creature so photogenic and glamorous can be a serious gun dogone thats capable of pulling double duty in the marshes and the uplands. In fact, hogs are the second most hunted animals in Florida after the white-tailed deers. If youre looking for a pet to live inside, dont consider Redbones. I started taking her in the woods with me, and I remember how much she loved to chase the turkeys. All drahthaars are death on small mammals, including cats, and they are also relentless trackers and retrievers. Just the idea of watching this dog that youve trained run out there and hold that point until you come up and flush the bird, and then bring the bird back to you after youve shot it, thats very satisfying. Phil Bourjaily. These dogs can weigh up to 60lbs and reaching 25inches tall, these dogs are fast, strong, and intelligent. He looks rough, but ol Major is a sweetheart, said the young Cajun who listened with me to the hog chase in the woods. A state dog of Louisiana, Catahoula Leopard Dog, is considered a herding dog, but his true purpose in the old days was hog hunting, and many people still keep the tradition going. What do you do when your dog bays up or catches a hog? T.D. Once they turn about 3 or 4, they settle in to what your relationship is like and they know the boundaries. Only when they find prey will this breed bark to alert you to the find. Birdy, brainy, biddable, and with a nose thats second to none, this hunting dog breed is a great choice for roosters anywhere, but especially in heavy late-season cover, such as cattails and switchgrass. Not that this comes as news to anyone whos tried to slip past his dog carrying a shotgun. Badgers are the most significant and most challenging of the Dachshund's prey, and this would be a bloody battle, with the dachshunds' injury or death very likely. A field-bred cocker is a cover-shredding perpetual-motion machine, ears flying, legs churning, stubby tail a blur as she buzzes here, there, and everywhere in her quest to get game. Dont leave just yet! "The show world getting ahold of my dogs scares the crap out of me," says Reed. Risk for Dachshunds while Hunting Badgers. Therefore, its important to have catch dogs in your pack. They are actually large squirrels. But on those 10 days Bailey is in the woods, woe be unto the bunnies. I just love getting out and hunting with redbonesnot so much the killing of the bear or the raccoons anymore as much as the pursuit and watching the dogs work. Javier Pardina / Stocksy. These massive mutts are supremely strong, athletic, easy to care for, and very smart. This athletic dog romps and plays hard. Jack Russell Terrier. Download this e-book for guidance on these questions and other important factors to consider when looking for a puppy. He is cold and wet, but ready to hunthappy to vault toward a bird as many times as you will send him. Blue Lacys are among the most famous breeds in the hog hunting world. Im still looking for the perfect hound. 13 Hunting Dog Breeds with Spots (with Pictures). We depend on their skill and artistry and we admire their tenacity and courage. However, Yorkies were once relied upon as some of the most persistent pest-hunters in centuries past, and they have not lost their killer instincts. They are not very suitable for small children, due to the amount of energy. When socialized early, they are perfect pack-hunting dogs. 1. By any name, the pointer defines high performance. What it boils down to is that the former hunting dog breeds label is preferred by those who register their dogs with the Field Dog Stud Book, and the latter by those who register their dogs with the American Kennel Club. They do not possess a sense of smell as strong as other dog breeds but are capable of following a scent. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. The early pioneers made their way to the hills and hollows of the Southern Appalachians and Ohio River Valley with flintlocks, black iron pans, forged axes, and seed corn. Lacy dogs are among the very best hunting dogs for hogging. Walker Coonhounds are descended from English and American foxhounds and, as their name suggests, they have often be used to hunt racoons. Keep in mind that there are dogs that are specifically bred for pest control. This ability is why they are being used to locate lost game animals. These friendly dogs come in a variety of sizes and were originally bred to flush out birds and waterfowl. Hog hunting is an exciting, breathtaking, and dangerous sport. However, if they successfully spotted a hog, theyll tirelessly follow it until its cornered, no matter how long it takes. They are very protective, and when trained are great hunters and guard dogs. Otherwise, theyll prefer to follow their nose and leave you behind. 4 American Pitbull. Despite being Coonhounds, Walkers dont have a cold nose. Both tenacious and energetic, Jack Russell Terriers inherited their speedy chase tactics from instincts from their fox hunting ancestors. Plott Hounds are classified as Coonhounds, but they are not linked to Foxhounds. There are 15 species of marmots found throughout Europe, northwestern Asia, and North America, all of which are heavy-bodied diurnal animals with relatively . The really good news for sportsmen is that cocker breeders have continued to keep their eyes on the ball and produce dogs with a wealth of natural abilitymeaning that you dont need a lot of equipment or expertise to train one. We knew that somewhere above us two of Parkers other dogs had treed a bear, but from our spot low on the ridge we couldnt hear their baying through the thick Maine timber, and the mountains and heavy clouds kept us from pinpointing their position with GPS. Possibly even more than we do. Despite their big size, they have lots of stamina and can maintain a fast pace for the whole day of hunting without losing a beat. With its "intelligent nature and affinity for sports such as agility, tracking, herding, and sledding," the Belgian Tervuren has certainly earned its place among the . On the trail, Walker Coonhounds will pursue a scent with all their energy, doing everything they can and exhausting themselves to find the hog or other hunted animal. Yep, theyre good dogs. There we have it, the 10 best breeds of hunting dog for taking down hogs. The Jack Russell was bred for vermin hunting . 1. The Golden Retriever does have longer hair than the Lab and sheds frequently but is also considered the more sensible of the two breeds. The unlearned may see these compact, often bobtailed, houndlike dogs and think, There goes a mixed-blood, mixed-breed whole bunch of nothing. They always look like they just finished an epic battle with a big game that left bloody stains on their mouth. The bear hunting dogs nearly died out in the early 20th century, as the rural pleasures of running raccoons and squirrels gave way to small-town life and the day-to-day grind of a postwar workweek. Its certainly far from the traditional kind of hunting sport, but its still an old style of hunting. These dogs are very powerful and make great protectors and hunters, perfect for hunting hogs. Owning this kind of dog is not for the faint of heart, however, as they require plenty of regular exercise. There are some breeds which might be more likely to chase and corner a groundhog. Sixty years ago, having been born to high social station and great wealth, I found myself riding on classic foxhuntshorses, dogs, and alland am in fact a blooded hunter, which is another story. You can avoid some negative traits by choosing an ADULT dog from an animal shelter or rescue group.With an adult dog, you can easily see what you're getting, and plenty of adult Newfoundlands . 9 Best Hog Hunting dogs. It never gets old. But as with any dog, its important to consider the seven to nine months of the year when you wont be hunting. He tracked a running covey of Huns through cover so sparse youd have sworn it couldnt hide a mouse. Answer a few simple questions and find the right dog for you, Compare up to 5 different breeds side by side, Browse the AKC Marketplace to find the right puppy for you, Browse our extensive library of dog names for inspiration, Find out the best and worst foods for your dog and which to avoid. Recently, rat terriers were admitted to the AKC. David E. Petzal, I have spent thousands of hours hunting hogs and training hunting dogs, but Im always learning new stuff and really happy to be sharing them with you! Night hunts with these dogs sure are exciting. Trained well, Redbones are very determined dogs that will not give up on a quarry, tracking across hills and even water if needed, Redbones are generally very friendly, making them good as family pets as well as hunting dogs. After getting far enough, tie it to a tree. The BMC is a medium to large breed, depending on the working lines, and its distinctive feature is a black mask around its muzzle. Bob Parker sorted through the hounds in his pickups dog box until he found a graying old Plott named Danger. Say English pointer south of the Mason-Dixon Line, and folks will look at you funny. These noble, medium-sized dogs have been pointing out game of all sizes since around 1650 when they were first developed in England. T.E.N. Ive been around treeing walkers ever since I was 8 years old. Weimaraner. Theres no quit in a good golden retriever. If youre interested in how to scare away wild hogs I highly suggest reading this article on djursajten. Cocker Spaniel. How do you find a reputable breeder? So wiener dogs are literally groundhog hounds, and will courageously chase them down woodchuck holes to do battle. Yorkshire Terrier: Yes, this long-locked beauty is best known for her lively spirit and pampered ways. Just like Redbones, Walkers bay uniquely when they corner a prey. Then, they should bay to inform the hunters, and other dogs, about their location. The pack can easily corner wild boar, but well-trained dogs should not approach the animal. First things first, your pack must include both catch and tracking dogs for maximum efficiency. With her burnished mahogany coat like a distillation of autumns essence, the Irish setter may be the most beautiful hunting dog of all. Nowadays they are mainly used as gundogs but are also good for hunting larger game like hogs. Lacy dogs were bred for the express purpose of hunting wild hogs in Texas in the 1850s and are the perfect breed for the job of hog hunting. When on the hog trail, the Polish Hound bays, alerting the hunter on the position of the hog. It shouldnt be surprising that American Pitbulls and Pitbull Terriers feature on this list of top hog hunting dogs. Then, take your dog to that area and encourage him on tracking the scent. AmStaff is a very loyal dog, and it makes a good guard dog, protecting the family and his territory from strange people and other dogs. They have incredibly expressive, often comical, faces, and a sensitive nature, which belies their impressive work drive and tenacity. Like most Boykins, she had a strong prey drive, was a little too smart for her own good (a.k.a. Location: Central Illinois. Hunting style: Mainly tracking dogsTemperament: Amiable and eager to pleaseHeight: 22-27 inchesWeight: 45-70 pounds. Just to put a cherry on top, Ernie pointed one of the singles while he was retrieving another Hun. Once a Lacy is on the hog track, it will not give up until it finds the animal and corners it, holding the hog as long as it needs to for the hunter. The 11 Best Dog Breeds for Duck Hunting. Join Ian and I here in western NY as we hunt down nuisance groundhogs (woodchucks). Their lower jaw is usually longer than the upper, a bite known as a reverse scissor bite. This way it is easier for you to know some dog breeds Should You Put Your Dog in a Layout Blind? Theres something about this dog that appeals to the romantic in us, recalling bygone days when sportsmen traveled in posh railcars, took the field wearing bowler hats, and witnessed game in such abundance as we can scarcely imagine. Labs have been parting the waters like Moses ever since. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.Privacy Policy. Then you wait at the truck while they strike a trail and eventually tree the coon. Originally cattle dogs, Florida Cracker Curs have a history that extends before America was colonized when the Spanish brought them over. I remember also its great courage. A large groundhog can be up to 15 pounds, usually in September when it has eaten all . The breeds partisans will tell you an Irish setter is every bit the gun dog the English setter is, and theres plenty of evidencebulging gamebags, satisfied smiles, diehard allegianceto support the claim. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. After all, the breed had been developed in England primarily for underground work, with a little rat killing on the side. As highly intelligent dogs, Catahoulas learn very fast, and after few years of training, they dont need guidance anymore. We picked our way over deadfalls and mossy granite for an hour before Danger perked up her ears. AKC is a participant in affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to For dedicated duck hunters, be sure to consider the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever. Living to be between 10 and 13 years of age, the Weimaraner is a great hunting breed for smaller game. The usual pattern for a hunt was: The Master of Hounds would take the pack to an area where a fox was known to be, and they would cast for scent until they got it, and then it was off to the races. English Pointer. Their determination and athleticism make Pit Bulls great for hunting hogs. Therefore, we can agree that a pack of Black Mouth Curs will track and catch hogs on their own. The one constant is this: If you aspire to be a setter hunter, youd better have a philosophical bent. A well-versed hunter who knows his dogs should recognize the ton of baying and know which animal his dog is after. Differing in style from scenthounds, some other hounds use sight and speed as their main hunting aids. He knows why he is here. Though many of the larger guard breeds such as German . Their fox-like looks means that ducks often think that the red-coated pups are actually foxes. I prefer to train my pups on live raccoonsrather than placing a caged one in a tree, which can cause the dog to jump and flip at the tree, trying to grab the cage. Their skills are far better than that of a simple guard dog. Dyane Baldwin, owner of Pond Hollow Chesapeakes. Its a big dogthe males go from 65 to 75 poundsnotably sweet-tempered and, I was told, worthless as a watchdog. They are very protective of children and often step in between parents and kids. Theyre extremely energetic with a high urge to use their noses in tracking, which wont be available in apartments. Hunting Hibernating Bears in Alaska: Everything You Need to Know, Can also be an excellent family dog and is good with kids. Having grown up in Northern California with 4 siblings, Esther was bound to have a plenty of pets in her childhood. For example, tracking hogs in the piney woods of texas might be difficult, so you may require 3-4 tracking dogs and 1-2 catch dogs.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'huntingpup_com-leader-2','ezslot_10',120,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-huntingpup_com-leader-2-0'); On the other hand, there are hogs that can weigh up to 700 pounds. He nailed it dead to rights, then picked off the scattered singles so neatly it was as if the birds GPS coordinates had been downloaded to his brain. In fact they are one of the few breeds able to trace old scents as well as fresh ones, known as cold-nose scent hounds and so are very versatile when out on a hunt. The most popular dogs used for hog hunting today are. I was sure my next dog would be a Labrador retriever, but my wife, Jenny, had different thoughts. And reward them only after release, way out of me, quot!, usually in September when it has eaten all artistry and we admire their tenacity and.! Their impressive work drive and tenacity is good with kids are the second most hunted animals in Florida after white-tailed. Dispatch the animal was cornered, alerting the hunter of their position droopy ears can easily corner boar... Pointer in the woods with me, & quot ; says Reed house dog a pack of Black mouth will! Skill and artistry and we admire their tenacity and courage many times as you send! Woodchucks ), traits, and the dachshunds are ideal dogs to her... 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