
If you want to use Dr. Rife's original high RF frequencies then you will need to use a frequency generator that will output his frequencies from 139,200 Hertz to 1,607,450 Hertz. What Dr Rife claimed is that each microbe has its own resonance frequency. At the same time, many papers and photographs in Dr. Whereas the accepted science of that time believed only in, monomorphism, Rifenoted that the BX virus wasactually, (itchangeditsformbasedonitsterrain). Some of his technological inventions are still used today in the fields of optics, electronics, radiochemistry, biochemistry, ballistics and aviation. The views expressed on this website are those of our users. Rife had successfully researched and documented the MOR frequencies of numerous pathogens. The Institutes Advisory Board was composed of prominent members of the Southwestern US medical and business community. English Deutsch. Little reliable published information exists describing Rife's life and work. Rife develop his frequency generators utilizing plasma tubes and radiofrequencies. Upon discovery, Rife wanted a way to treat the virus, and as so with his microscope, created the Rife Machine. One should just have a realistic view. Rife experimented by introducingthe BX virus into rats, which caused the rats to develop tumors. We make absolutely no claims in any way of any cure for any disease. An analogy of this phenomena is that of an opera singer who uses his/her voice to shatter a crystal glass. We are making absolutely no claims of the cure of any disease using Rife technology. But Rife's discoveries did not remain buried. Moreover, the legal bills bankrupted Beam Ray Corporation. Despite the fame that she experienced as a glamorous actress, Lamarr was no exception to the rule. After studying at Johns Hopkins, Rife developed technology which is still commonly used today in the fields of optics, electronics, radiochemistry, biochemistry, ballistics, and aviation. In the 1930s, Royal Raymond Rife invented a device that emitted an electromagnetic field that successfully disabled disease-causing pathogens without harming the human (or animal) host. By 1939, the same group of physicians essentially denied Rifes existence. A Brief Look at the Life of Dr. Royal Raymond Rife. 4-6); being a new technology, they were expensive and difficult to manufacture. In the late 1940s, Dr. This was different from the electron microscopes which destroyed the viruses and bacteria. The Rife Frequency Generators have not been given approval by the FDA or AMA. In the end, Royal Rife died in 1971 at the age of 83. Rife's Universal Prismatic Microscope - How it works, An excerpt from Crane: Electron Therapy Research - A paper by John Crane ".detection and cure of cancer and related diseases.": Letter by Royal Rife - Brief history of the development of a successful treatment for cancer & other diseases. Each microbe has a natural frequency that it resonates with, so when Rife increased their natural oscillations, the organism became distorted and disintegrated from structural stresses. Now the internet blab among the usual click-bait unfounded conspiracy spinners is that he was another "holistic doctor murdered". William D. Coolidge, physicist, also become involved with Dr. Rifes research. He called his machine the Beam Ray machine. By 1933, he had built what was called the Universal Microscope. Dr. Rife was able to eliminate the tumors by exposing them to their MOR viahis ray-beam device. We make no representations, nor any warranties, nor assume any liability for the content herein; nor do we endorse any particular product, provider, or service. Billions have been condemned to die because of this chosenite decision if it continues to be withheld, with 50% of the population predicted to get cancer, and . Rife's primary focus. Determining the exact frequencies which would devitalize various pathogens remainedDr. After an appeal to the State Supreme Court, two of the three counts against Crane were reversed "because no specific criminal intent had been proven." He was a member of the American Medical Association, the Los Angeles and the Southern California Medical Associations, and from 1906 to 1933,a Director of the Pacific Mutual Insurance Company. Global Rife Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/spooky2/ It is reported that the police then entered his laboratory, ransacked it and took the rest of his research records. Dr. Dr. Royal Raymond Rife was an extremely intelligent inventor and a pioneer in curing cancer. The Rife Wiki is an encyclopedia about the microscope and resonance therapy, developed by Royal Raymond Rife, as well as their modern counterparts. Amidst this backlash, in late 1940, Dr. SiteMap | Royal Rife was not a partner of the Beam Ray Corporation. site which contains many Rife papers and also conducts the. Rife discovered that a simple electromagnetic wave was not enough to destroy a microorganism - but a radio frequency wave was readily accepted by the body if it was emitted by a gas within a glass tube. Dr. Rifes unique microscope design and his discoveries of organisms photon emissions brought him fame in the inner circles of the scientific community. Rife named the process Mortal Oscillatory Rate (M.O.R). Other videos [52] provide more background information. Here they were subjected to the frequencies recommended by Dr. Rife, Philip Hoyland, and a ray-tube machine (1930s). They asked him 137 questions, however, the deposition was not allowed as evidence. Rife Machine Reviews: http://www.spooky2reviews.com/. 1. Rettmann filed for bankruptcy in July 1998. Here are some claims made by loyal Rife supporters: Raymond Royal Rife, doctor of medicine, man of science. Rife, PhilipHoyland and their ray-tube machine were a front-page story in the San Diego Evening Tribune. [5], Rife also reported that a 'beam ray' device of his invention could destroy microbial pathogens. Rife found that more frequent sessions did not allow the lymphatic system enough time to remove the toxins releasedfrom the destroyed virus and remove them from the body. Dr. Royal Raymond Rife was an American scientist who was born on May 16, 1888, in Elkhorn, Nebraska and died on August 5, 1971. Rife redesigned his microscope with even higher magnification. He alsocampaigned against cannabis and herbal medicine (Hoxsey Therapy). Hoyland built most, if not all, of the early Rife ray-tube machines. On August 5, 1971, at the age of 83, Dr. Royal Rife diedofaheartattackinElCajon,California. Rife (in 1939), and at some point, a newer #5 microscope is sent. has information on Rife-Bare research and complementary health and nutrition plus info on DIY rife, an excellent list of links to suppliers of Rife components, and microscope information. Healthline: Medical information and health advice you can trust. Rife began research cancer in 1922, but it took ten years before he was able to isolate the VX Virus, which was a cancer microorganism . . Most Affordable Rife Machine: https://www.spooky2-mall.com/Global Rife Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/spooky2/Rife Machine Reviews: http://www.spooky2reviews.com/Dr. Members of the pharmaceutical industrial complex knew if Rifes ray-tube technology continued to develop and spread, it would eventually result. Dr. It was around thistime thatDr. It consisted of a nine-volt battery, wiring, a switch, a standard 555 timer chip and two short lengths of copper tubing meant to act as handheld electrodes, delivering a current which the author estimated at 1 milliamp at most. Rife. Everything has frequency.". The group, Novobiotronics , is taking Rife . Parents Remove Their Children From WiFried School ~ A Lesson for All, Deep Wifi Radiation Intensity Measured; Where We Live, Shop and Travel, Excellent Resource of Doctors Against Vaccination, Astrology; Free 6 month personal forecast. Most of these claims have no scientific research to back them up and Rife machines are not approved for treatment by health authorities in the world. In 1920, he began constructing his first microscope and patented a high-intensity lamp for microscope use in 1929 (Patent #1727618). Dr. Royal Raymond Rife, Jr., Ph.D. was born in Elkhorn, Nebraska on May 16, 1888. John Crane was put on trial in the spring of 1961. Rife and Hoyland formed the Beam Ray Corporation with the idea of making and distributing the machines to clinicians and physicians. These eventually became known as the Rife ray-beam device. In the Spring of 1961, the case of, The People of the State of California vs. John Marsh, Lallas Bateson, and John Crane. Rife wrote a report entitled, History of the Development of a Successful Treatment for Cancer and other Virus, Bacteria and Fungi. During the 1930s, he designed several optical microscopes that could observe the virus. [9] Dr. R. Seidel formally announced the Rife ray-beam therapy for the treatment of cancer in the Journal of the Franklin Institute in February 1944. All clinical records of Rife's frequency therapy were removed from the scientific archives after his passing. Rife began working with Lee de Forest, the father of modern vacuum tubes, and an important contributor to early radio technology. [6] Rife claimed magnifications of 17,000 or more for some of these microscopes. According to his surviving records, he determined the MOR for at least 24 microorganisms, including tuberculosis, anthrax, cholera, tetanus, B. coli, influenza, spinal meningitis, pneumonia, syphilis, gonorrhea, leprosy, streptococcus, conjunctivitis, bubonic plague, staphylococcus, diphtheria, and typhoid. Welcome to Be Hive of Healing - Wholistic Wellness Center in Agoura Hills, Ca. After studying at Johns Hopkins, Rife developed technology which is still commonly used today in the fields of optics, electronics, radiochemistry, biochemistry, ballistics, and aviation. Physicians in California using Rifes ray-beam therapy were threatened with loss of their licenses if they continued using the therapy. Reports are that doctors who defended Dr. In 1971, Royal Rife died from a combination of valium and alcohol at the age of 83. Henry Timkin and his partner, Bridges were so impressed with Royal Rife and his work that they set up a fund to finance a completely equipped laboratory at Point Loma, California and to carry the expenses of a research program in the laboratory. Your email address will not be published. [3][4][5] He also built microscopes that included polarizers. Along with the equipment, also taken were records, reports, engineering data, tape recordings, pictures off the wall, invoices and private letters. 1). and others which demonstrated organisms emitting photons. They have done everything they can to discredit his research and his machines and to attack anyone who makes any claims about Rife Machines. Rife may have at one time given some assistance to John Crane's marketing of function generators using square wave audio frequencies, but Rife's beam ray device was an analog RF plasma tube generator that was probably driven with a sinusoidal waveform. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. He who puts up with insult invites injury. Rife and his wife traveled extensively to and from Europe right before WW1. After Rife learned that Dr. Yale was altering the Royal Rife Machine and thus failing to get results, Rife and Yale had an argument which marked a permanent separation. Your Comprehensive Journey To Wellness. , built in 1933 and shown below, was the "Universal Microscope" which had provisions for polarized, bright field. This technology has been used for centuries to treat physical and mental health issues, from cancer to depression. "It is with deep . Fishbein continued to use his power within the AMA to halt any further scientific evaluation or studies of Dr. Most doctors gave up and went back to prescribing pharmaceuticals. If you want to know more about Rife or his theory, please click the link: Spooky2 is an array of devices based on the theories of Royal Raymond Rife (1888-1971), an American inventor. [8] Rife blamed the scientific rejection of his claims on a conspiracy involving the American Medical Association (AMA), the Department of Public Health, and other elements of "organized medicine", which had "brainwashed and intimidated" his colleagues. The information published here on this web site is for entertainment purposes only and is not in any way intended to dispense medical opinion or advice or to be a substitute for professional medical care, whether diagnosis, advice, or treatment, by a medical practitioner. This saved the company millions of dollars. $250,000 was an exorbitant amount then. In 1913, Dr. Many websites promote the Rife machine as a cure for cancer. Rife lost their research foundation grants - and even their hospital privileges. . [13] A Mount Vernon couple Donald and Sharon Brandt, who operated a clandestine health-care clinic[14] based on Rife's inventions has been convicted for a short imprisonment period. His records were also destroyed in the fire. [3][7] Rife claimed to have documented a "Mortal Oscillatory Rate" for various pathogenic organisms, and to be able to destroy the organisms by vibrating them using radio waves of this particular frequency. Today there are many chemicals that are carcinogenic or cause cancer. It is reported that some of his technologies are still used. Rife's work in a positive article entitled. Essentially, Fishbein sought to dominate the field of medicine by discrediting anything he could not directly control. Once Rife was able to determine the main oscillation rate for each organism, he would then try to destroy it with light frequency resonance. While Crane was sentenced to prison, Royal Rife died in 1971 from an overdose of Valium mixed with alcohol. No License, Registration or Insurance. Previous to that time, microbes were invisible, but using his own powerful microscopes, he was able to see them. The first was The Cancer Cure That Worked: Fifty Years of Suppression by Barry Lynes. The first man ever to cure cancer virtually single-handed. Sheordereda permanent injunction against them, and forced theAMA to print the courts findings in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Rife further developed frequency generating devices to emit resonant frequencies - which, he observed, would destroy the organisms he was viewing. Dr. Raymond Rife was born in 1888.He is one of the greatest scientific geniuses of the 20th century. 1996-2005 by Royal-Rife.com All Rights Reserved. Royal Raymond Rife, a scientist, started working in San Diego in 1915 and from 1920 invented a totally . The other 2 took 20 days longer. Using Rife's machine Dr. Royal Raymond Rife suggested doctors could kill . Royal Raymond Rife was a brilliant scientist born in 1888 and died in 1971. The Life of Royal Rife. Rife and Crane were arrested and released on bail. Rife built a special mount under the stage to accommodate these instruments, and through which he directed a powerful monochromatic beam from his patented lamp. Very few of the machines hadbeen built (ca. They had little success at first; but when Dr. Many of Dr. Rifes discoveries are now being validated by physicists and microbiologists. Analyzing various foods with his microscope, he pinpointed the cause: bacteria in her spice cabinet. TermsofUse | A similar fire also destroyed the Burnett Lab, which was validating Rifes work. Rife was thus able to see these otherwise invisible organisms and watch them actively invading tissue cultures. Dr. [17], In 1994, the American Cancer Society's journal CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians criticized Rife's methods and devices in an article titled "Questionable Methods of Cancer Management: Electronic Devices". Dr. During the 1930s, he designed several optical microscopes that could observe the virus. Rife turned to alcohol. Born in 1888, Royal Raymond Rife was an American inventor known for his belief that he could observe and render inert a number of viruses which he thought were causal factors in several diseases, most notably cancer. . He is credited in the book, "The Cancer Cure That Worked", as the man who discovered a cure for cancer and many other diseasessimply by using vibrational energy. According to Wiki, interest in Rife was revived in the 1980s by author Barry Lynes, who wrote a book about Rife entitled The Cancer Cure That Worked. This tube emits "the ray beam" and, unlike with plasma tube devices that do not use an RF carrier such as EMEM devices, it should not be touched more than briefly since it may cause RF burns. Rife found that both the plasma tube and the electronics played a crucial role in the ability of the device to create physiologic effects. The Washitaws! Rife, PhilipHoyland and their ray-tube machine were a front-page story in the, It took decades, but in 1987,Judge Susan Getzendanner found the AMA and others guilty of an illegal conspiracy against the, profession. During that same year, he married Mamie Quill. Reports are that he accepted an enormous grant from the American Medical Association which also bestowed on him their highest honors. After discovering which frequencies worked, he used them in clinical trials that were documented by the University of Southern California. The book claimed that Rifes beam ray device could cure cancer, but that all mention of his discoveries was suppressed in the 1930s by a wide-ranging conspiracy headed by the American Medical Association. 1). In a statement, Buckingham Palace said: "It is . In the 1930s, Dr. Rife was introduced to Dr. Milbank Johnson, the head of a regional medical board and affiliated with the University of Southern California (USC) medical department. Rife's honor, was about to announce the results of the 1934 study of the sixteen cancer patients who were reportedly cured. , infrared and ultraviolet imaging. This was reputedly executed without a search warrant. Disclaimer: The videos and other information on this website are for education purposes only, and are not intended to replace the medical advice, diagnosis, or recommendations of your physician or healthcare provider. At that time - and even now - tuberculosis was a huge global killer. Stan also hosts the "Rifers" listserver which is most suited for hardcore technical discussions of Rifing with no off-topic posts allowed. ), asquacks and members of an unscientific cult. Britain's Prince Philip, a stalwart supporter of his wife, Queen Elizabeth II, for over seven decades, died Friday. These two bacteriologists used Rifes Universal Microscope to confirm his theories. Your email address will not be published. "I did put myself to the school of experience," she said decades later, "where I sought to learn what things were most fit for a king to have, and I found them to be four: namely, justice . The American Cancer Society agreed to test it until they learned that Rife and Crane were not medical doctors. Yale had started his own clinic and apparently wanted to compare notes. With the help of those microscopes, he invented the theory of the Rife machine and successfully cured cancer on human bodies in 1934. Dr. Hence, Dr. Dr. The book claimed that Rife's beam ray device could cure cancer, but that all . Dr. Rife died in 1971 but remains one of the heroes of the fringe science underground, and blueprints for his microscopes and beam rays are highly prized. A mixture of valium and alcohol is lethal. -Proverb. Rife built a 2700 horsepower engine for Timkens speedboat. Though he died in 1971, interest in his research and. According to Wiki, interest in Rife was revived in the 1980s by author Barry Lynes, who wrote a book about Rife entitled The Cancer Cure That Worked. David Trebing is the owner and president of Vibrant Health. With the Rife technology, he bombarded the microbes with light frequency which matched that of the microbe at an intense level. Dr. That microscope was sent to Northwestern University for Dr. Arthur Kendall's use, apparently for some time in the 1932 time-frame. According to Dr. They feature the Phorle model PERL which was rated as a Class II medical device in Canada. Rife's supporters continue to claim that impulses of electromagnetic frequencies can disable cancerous cells and other microorganisms responsible for diseases. While some physicians went underground, and others retreated to Mexico, most abandoned their equipment rather than risk losing their medical licenses. It has been reported that in 1980, the American Medical Association was found guilty by a US Court of Appeals of "conspiracy to restrain competition. It is reported that his laboratories were among best equipped at the time he was working and included a room where he performed surgery on animals along with a pathology room equipped with all types of microscopes. The Occulted Meaning of St. Valentines Day, The Italian Mafia, the Jesuit Presidents Men, and the 9/11 Gold Heist, Legal Soul Revocation ~ The Clan of Martin Kenny, Who WE Are ~ And Where WE are Heading ~ Buddha and Christ The Sphere of the Bodhisattvas A Lecture by Rudolf Steiner, Boston Burbs DEW Attacks Subplot ~ Blame It On the Union Gas Strikers, Boston Suburbs ~ Had to be DEW ~ All About Space Based Power 2020, China AND USA Building Re-Education Camps for All Idealogical Dissidents, Excellent Proof ~ Flat Earth TheoCosmogony Throughout History Whirled Wide, A Beautiful Awakening to Flat Earth Truth by Martin Kenny, Cern + Dwave Supercomputer = AI Mind Control of the Masses. Lamarr was no exception to the rule, man of science by introducingthe BX virus wasactually (. Journal of the pharmaceutical industrial complex knew if Rifes ray-tube technology continued to use power... Any way of any disease using Rife & # x27 ; s frequency how did royal rife die were from! 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