
For instance, clothes are still worn basically to keep people warm and dry in winter and cool in summer. Fashion has evolved over the decades. The numbers of fashion models have grown dramatically in the last decade. Q. Although I am convinced that clothing companies are interested in their bank account and use fashion as a way to attract potential buyers, for some it may be a rescue. I advocate the latter group at least for two main reasons elaborated below. Many people buy brand name clothing because they like the style. No pun intended. Fashion trends give you new ideas and innovations in the world of fashion but its just up to you to decide whether you have to try it or ignore it. So, they might go to buy fashionable clothes, but then try to be happy with the body they have. Fashion trends change in every season and it is merely a tactic to sell clothes. TV celebrities have influenced fashion, TV ads have altered consumer behaviour, and quiz programs have increased the curiosity of many youngsters. All they ever needed was a piece of clothing to cover and protect themselves from the harsh weather the Mother Nature had to offer. Popular hobbies and interests change over time to time and are more a reflection of fashions and trends than an indication of what people really want to do in their spare time. Immaterial and digital fashion offers opportunities for brands to exert creativity, and connect with consumers through a different medium., In TV series The Expanse the post-apocalyptic look is scavenged street wear (Credit: Alamy). The development of technology has enabled people from different backgrounds to store and spread knowledge on the Internet freely. You should say: what it is when and where you bought it what it looks like and explain why you bought it. I would say a balance between both, i.e. Currently, she is guiding students who are appearing for IELTS General and Academic exams through ieltsmaterial.com. I think women also dont mind spending money as long as its their boyfriends or husbands. For example, purchasing every latest seasons fashion item will, of course, blow the budget of many young people. (This model answer was written by - Mahdi Naeini). People keep changing their hobbies under the influence of fashion they of new ones without having any interest in them I completely agree with the statement that it is due to changes in fashion and in my perspective it has an adverse effect on their psyche and to get name and fame they pursue new activities by replacing the old ones. Some could be stylish and fashionable which may reflect their personality as being creative. In conclusion, Thus people change their hobbies and taste owing to getting up to date, remove monotony and doing something exciting and adventurous. Clothes and fashion are not that important to me. 1. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. In my opinion, this is a natural result of corporate and cultural globalization and is broadly negative. Often people will buy something because it looks like what a favorite movie star or singer wears. Whenyoutravel to cities such asShanghai or Dalian, you can really see the influence of foreign fashion here in China. When the workers or students dont feel that they have to keep up with someone elses clothes or style, they are able to concentrate on work or study. People nowadays judge others by their clothes and fashion sense, and not for who they really are. The fashion industry is thriving like never before, and the fashion trends change very frequently these days. In a nutshell, it is of utmost important that people buy clothes which are more wearable and in-line with their lifestyle. spending money so that the children look presentable and making them learn that in the end, it is what is inside, that is their skills and attitude is what matters. In the modern world, many people have started doing different kinds of activities that were not done earlier by them | Band: 8 Some people believe that pursuing this trend is a good way of improving peoples lifestyles, while many others argue that people should dress something more comfortable. One language sets you in a corridor for life. Besides, in my culture, people are judged by the clothes they wear, and I would like to be judged positively. 3. One can find, teenagers searching for those new looks that their favorite actors are carrying and try to imitate them. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Here in China my boots are very reasonably priced. During the early days of civilisation, clothing was nothing more than a simple need of every human being. Take some time to learn more about these traditional forms of dress from various cultures. Model Answer 6: We can tell a lot about a person based on what he wears and how he wears it. Secondly, fashions trends are set to benefit industries more than to the consumer on the monetary base. It protects our body from germs that are present in the atmosphere and also helps to maintain proper hygiene. A very common IELTS Speaking Part 3 questions is to ask about 'changes in your country'. By this, they adopt the culture, interest, trend, and hobbies of their peers. But of course, I also dress up for special occasions, cloth, typically produced by weaving or knitting textile fiber, I live in the tropics, so people in my country usually wear clothes with light fabrics, For casual attire, a pair of jeans or short pants and a shirt for men or blouse for women are common, hard-wearing trousers made of denim or other cotton fabric, for informal wear, She was wearing blue denim jeans and a jacket, There is nothing more comfortable then a new pair of pants and a brand new shirt, a light piece of mens clothing covering the torso and arms, with buttons down the front and usu a collar, Jeff himself had changed into a clean shirt and trousers, As long as youre tidy, clean and presentable you should be sorted, Her whole dress was very untidy, and looked dirty and slatternly, I dislike wearing untidy and eccentric clothes, He was wearing a pair of old tearing jeans, clothes worn in accordance with rules of convention or etiquette; suitable for or constituting an official or important situation or occasion, neat, conventional, yet relatively informal in style, especially as worn to conform to a particular dress code, Think of a smart casual outfit as one that youd wear for a movie or dinner date, not casual, suitable for official or important occasions clothes, Large numbers of Manhattan women are also reportedly trading high heels for trainers, a thing that can be added to something else in order to make it more useful, versatile, or attractive, Women s accessories , such as scarves and purses , sold especially well , the company said, outer coverings for the feet, such as shoes, boots, and sandals, They are the timeless sneakers: relaxed footwear that is effortlessly stylish, if one thing matches another, or if they match, they form an attractive combination, Men may be seen dressed in formal, well-matched suits or sports coats, Her dress was very plain: a close straw bonnet of the best material and shape, trimmed, On the whole I find your new dress quite boring, to dress using a lot of cloths and accessories in a wasteful or excessive way, I like her style because she doesnt dress extravagant or offensive, Stores selling apparel and accessories , however , saw receipts fall 0.9 percent, Men arent afraid to be soft, girly, and foppish, a piece of outerwear for a woman or girl that hangs from the waist, to dress in the way that is popular among other people, or suggested by fashion designers and magazines, People follow fashion trends due to various reasons depending on their life style, a set of clothes that are worn together, especially for a specific occasion or purpose, She even bought a new outfit for the occasion to help make herself feel good, Moscow hipsters imitate Tarantino s nerdy, owl-eyed look, a close-fitting jumper with a high, turnover neck, I arrived ten minutes later and was scowled at for wearing jeans and a polo neck under the stipulated T-shirt, displaying good taste, a sense of style, or the latest fashions, One science teacher tried to convince me that his suit was stylish and expensive, to dress fashionable in a simple timeless way, There is classic-sharp business shirts and suits, being of the right shape and size for someone, Finally, I found well-fitted jeans in the local store, I bought this because I wanted somethingbrightly coloured for winter, Dressing in a way that is traditional and familiar; cautious about change, Because Egypt is a Muslim country , dress should be conservative and women should not wear revealing clothes, All boys in jeans, sloppy T-shirts and the usual expensive trainers, It is already warm, and I am wearing shorts and a loose shirt, This shirts a bit see-through when its wet, I like vintage, no love vintage and retro, and most things about fashion I dont limit myself to one style, A pair of jeans and a shirt would be perfect. He subscribed to all the leading magazines. A person who usually wears a t-shirt and shorts on the other hand, signals that he/she is laid-back and easygoing. Hence they have changed their hobbies in order to earn name and fame and I think which is not a bad thing in itself but taking part in these out of ones interest are futile endeavours. Even today, as years pass, fashion continues to change. Writing Correction. Causing difficulty; hard to do or deal with. Were finally seeing the digital industry revolutionise age-old practice and evolving over the next 20 years, says Rachel Stott of The Future Laboratory. The last item of clothing that I bought was a pair of boots. At the same time, the technology that goes into clothes themselves is galloping ahead. However, it can be argued that the main purpose of wearing clothes is for more functional reasons. Introduction In today's world, fashion means the styles of dress that are currently popular. Weve opened up a world of taking chances with styling, without leaving a negative footprint on the world, Morten Grubak of Virtue Nordic, told iDs Jake Hall, at the time. Apparels and accessories which are in trend are generally very costly and sometimes pinch a hole in ones pocket. But, if the thought of operating so completely online makes you jumpy, there are more concrete applications for the tech. [ This model answer was written byRajaganapathy ]. Secondly, it is a fact that certain people are measuring someone based on his physical and clothing appearance. The question is about, You can remember these three changes as G.U.T or GUT. IELTSassistance.co.uk is registered under Kristof Abrath IO: 07420609, 542 04, Bernartice 161 Czech Republic. And in one manifestation, the clothes wont exist at all. A very common IELTS Speaking Part 3 questions is for the examiner to ask about 'changes in your country'. During my parents time, there was the fashion for long saris but now it has shifted towards the ones smaller in length. Norwegian retailer Carlings launched a digital collection in 2018, paving the way ahead (Credit: Carlings). Learn more about our Cookie Policy & Privacy Policy. Shop the trend: Rosamosario Lace-Up Satin Bustier Top $546 Have a look at what are the different Writing Task 2 Questions, how to answer them and how to structure your essay accordingly. A group of persons tends to believe that interests, as well as hobbies, are changed over time because human beings want to enjoy their lives according to their own method of living and trends. Some people think it is consumptive to follow the latest style since people must buy clothes more often. the film industry and the fashion industry working so closely. Even more, the style of jeans and pants has changed. So they continuously change their hobbies. No pun intended. I bought them when I went to the Silk Market on my day off. A good friend of mine who works at a call centre spends seventy percent of his monthly salary on the wardrobe shopping and following fashion trends. In my honest opinion, although this lifestyle and additionally being on trend is not a bad habit, unfortunately, it is an against the values and norms of a number of communities. My friends all tell me that if I went to Europe or America, my boots would have cost me an arm and a leg. For some, it may be a tool for expression. I get to see her from time to time as she also lives in my neighborhood. Fashion trend in our clothes has reached a level of craziness now. Fashion the industry it once was no longer holds the cultural imagination or kudos it once did, she says. Below is a sample Speaking Module with responses. I buy only when I dont have anything new to wear or when it is a special occasion. I prefer wearing simple yet presentable clothes. As Dr Mark Summer from Leeds University School of Design wrote, in Fixing Fashion, this year's report by the Environmental Audit Committee: fashion satisfies consumers psychogenic needs and any solution has to recognise and maintain these benefits. India is a nation of customs and traditions. Have a look at what kind of letters you have to write and how to write them. and why you like shopping there. In the past people stored knowledge in books. I believe it is time for us to stop following the fashion herd and be ourselves. How has fashion changed through time? Copyright 2021-2022 IELTS Material. All materials on this site are just for helping students prepare for the IELTS test. ALL The Answers Of the Questions on this site send by Students and some data taken from the internet , Popular Hobbies and Interests Change Over Time to Time, Sample Answer of Popular Hobbies and Interests Change Over Time to Time, Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window). For example, a sales manager might meet many potential clients, and he must have a great confidence in convincing his customer and one of the ways would be to wear a stylish dress. Brands without some kind of sustainability strategy are in trouble., Smartphones already play a major role in the fashion industry (Credit: Getty). You should write at least 250 words. In conclusion, Thus people change their hobbies and taste owing to getting up to date, remove monotony and doing something exciting and adventurous. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Some might disagree. I think it helps reduce competition in the work or school area. So, you would find them reading fashion magazines and checking out the latest fashion shows. I just cannot see how it can continue. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a14df92adc06939 You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. However, there are some other human beings who have enjoyed the same hobbies and interests as they did in their past time such as reading, jogging, cycling, swimming and so on. How has fashion changed in your country in recent years? Write at least 250 words. I think many Chinese feel better about themselves if they dress more fashionably, especially for young people, the way they dress is like their status. Required fields are marked *. A handpicked selection of stories from BBC Future, Culture, Capital and Travel, delivered to your inbox every Friday. These are: You can remember these three changes as G.U.T or GUT. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages? I quite agree with the statement because there are several reasons for it. This is primarily due to the fact that clothes were traditionally worn to protect people from climatic conditions. Finally, fashion certainly gives us a sense of confidence and pride in our appearance. Let me talk about a friend who dresses very well. However, there are some other human beings who have enjoyed the same hobbies and interests as they did in their past time such as reading, jogging, cycling, swimming and so on. Do you know what a foreign accent is? task-1-academic-change-over-time-model-answer task-1-academic-change-over-time-samples Often men will shop less and only because they need new clothes. What was in vogue yesterday becomes obsolete today. 6. It's gone a level out of hand, according to me. Companies such as Dolce & Gabbana, Levis, Tommy Hilfiger are some brands that have been dominating the market with fashion trends bringing in millions of dollars in revenue annually. . What kind of clothes do people wear to work in your country? Fashion has evolved over the decades. Although she is not in the fashion industry, she dresses fashionably. 4. Download ANKI flashcards and take advantage of spaced repetition method. I will elaborate causes in the following paragraphs of this essay. 1. Even more, teenagers are more active than before. Spoken English or IELTS Teacher Job in Dehradun, Job for Reception / Telecaller / Front office staff at Dehradun, CUE CARD Describe a popular/well-known person in your country, CUE CARD Describe a thing you did and succeeded, CUE CARD Describe a person you only met once and want to know more about, CUE CARD Describe a skill that you learned from older people, CUE CARD Describe a time when you missed an appointment, IELTS Cue Card -Describe a conversation topic you were not interested in, Fly to Canada on a Study Visa* during Pandemic Support Letter, IELTS CUE CARD: SITUATION WHEN YOU HELPED AN OLDER PERSON, IELTS WRITING TASK 1 # MAP Before and After, IELTS Writing Sample Answer # Technology For Communication. As an example, one of my cousins allocates more than fifty percent of his income to the latest attire instead of saving it for his future life. some people say that this information may be relevant and useful. Workers in their factories make subsistence wages and are notoriously mistreated, while the countries in question often have lax child labour laws as well. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Talking about changes: globalisation, urbanisation & technology (GUT), A very common IELTS Speaking Part 3 questions is for the examiner to ask about 'changes in your country'. -I am not much worried about it actually. An amphitheatre for concerts now takes up this space. This service helps students prepare for IELTS exam. Fashion industries have no doubt revolutionised our dressing standards by making us look more stylish and versatile after wearing designer outfit. Some people believe that watching TV and film make children more creative. She holds a degree in Master of Arts Creative Writing, Oxford Brookes University, UK. People who are not really in favor of sharing kno, Education play a tremendous roles in everyone life but different people different opinion about the way education delivered the content of the curriculum. Human being the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages interest, trend, not. And in one manifestation, the clothes they wear, and i would like to be judged positively certainly us... To do or deal with sell clothes civilisation, clothing was nothing more than simple. Hobbies of their peers time as she also lives in my neighborhood foreign fashion here in China more stylish fashionable. To your inbox every Friday latest seasons fashion item will, of course, blow the budget of many.! More than a simple need of every human being say a balance between,... Paving the way ahead ( Credit: Carlings ) 'changes in your country Abrath IO 07420609... Clothes more often happy with the body they have in length more functional reasons a person based on his and! 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