I left. A civil suit went forward, incited, funded and exploited by several anti-Scientologists with an avowed agenda to take out the Church and its leader. From 1982 to 2007, Rinder served on the board of directors of CSI and also held the post of executive director of its Office of Special Affairs, overseeing the corporate, legal and . [18] Rinder also stated that the prophecy of Hubbard's messiah like return after death to prevent an apocalyptic alien invasion in OT VIII (released in 1988, two years after his death) garnered a similar response, prompting many high-ranking Scientologists including Pat Broeker to leave the organization as a result. (If we do not have your size, please fill out the contact form with your size in the comments and we will consider . Mike Rinder, Board Member. And I think, once again, it shows his character as a father because there wasnt a single peep about his children. Prominent Scientology whistleblower Mike Rinder told a New York jury Friday how the Million Dollar Baby writer emerged as one of the Church of Scientology's top-three public enemies following. excel the chart data range is too complex. This is a man whose self-narrative has even been a lie, changing his story for personal profit. The year prior to the defamation lawsuit against Time magazine, the church was successful at shutting down the Cult Awareness Network (CAN) with these lawsuits. So, my mom had been injured by Mike Rinder, abused by him. [26], After the FBI raid, Rinder stated that fair game tactics had to be changed. "Few people understand Scientology like Mike Rinder does. Their stated goal was to net from the Church of Scientology all the casha hopeful $1 billionand all [Church] buildings in our hands, as well as obtain the copyrights to the religions scriptural materials for themselves. Along with Leah Remini, Rinder co-hosts the A&E documentary series Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath. Not until the Time magazine article, "The Thriving Cult of Greed and Power," and the litigation that followed did that end. And numerous, numerous surgeriesand including on his face to have to remove the cancer. Where can we go? His ex-wife Cathy signed the same. If I could do it at 52 years old and walk out the door and abandon everything I had, every friend, every family member, no money, no job, and start afresh, pretty much anybody can do it., A Billion Years: My Escape From a Life in the Highest Ranks of Scientology is published by Silvertail, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. In return for financial support and free housing from his benefactor, Rinder agreed to lead the charge as a voice of a spurious Independents movement., Rinder plunged into his role. In the end, months and even years after Rinder and Remini propagated the false reports, police closed all cases. [14] All communication with any Scientologist that "blows", or has an unauthorized departure as Rinder did, is immediately ceased. Its what happened. In one such attempt, in December 2020, Rinders expert testimony was jettisoned by the Los Angeles Superior Court: The [Rinder] declaration is filled with unsupported assumptions, foundational deficiencies, irrelevant matters, improper opinions, and arguments.. For the first time that I could remember, I wasnt answerable to anyone.. Based on him birthplace, He is Australian. The attempt failed as Benjamin refused to see his father, who had scarcely paid him attention his entire life. In June 2007, while on a probationary assignment in England, Rinder walked out and kept walking, without a word to anyoneincluding his wife and two children, whom he deserted. No words can take that away. People contact me every single day asking for help. Besides, he says, he wants to give his older two children the chance to think for themselves. And it backfired badly. He signed the organisations standard billion-year contract, designed to encompass all of his futures (since Scientologists believe in life after life; Hubbard told him he had probably run planets before). His eldest children have published an open letter, disowning him which rather undercuts Rinders explicit aim in writing, to reach out to his children. Isnt Rinders main aim really to bring down Miscavige and Scientology, which he insistently refers to with a lower case s, in a sort of grammatical emasculation? He was married to my mom for thirty years and had two kids. Heres whats important to me. In April 2010, Rinder, who lived in Clearwater, Florida, attempted to meet his son, who also lives in Clearwater, after learning he was diagnosed with cancer, but his son refused to see him. In 2020, he and Remini reunited to launch the podcast Scientology: Fair Game. Two days later, he flew back to Florida, and made contact with other former Scientologists who helped him slowly begin his new life. Rinder stated this was effective at silencing organizations from disseminating information critical of Scientology and credits them with why the public was relatively unaware of the information seized during the FBI raid. Mike Rinder's 'A Billion Years': A gripping takedown of Scientology and its leader Mike Rinder's 'A Billion Years': A gripping takedown of Scientology and its leader Tony Ortega Sep 28, 2022 32 8 There are many books about Scientology now, including some put out by major publishers. Yes you can never take away the fact that your biological children are something special to you. With Jack, however, it is not even remotely similar. Rinder says he plotted his escape for only three days before leaving. How old are they now? But it must have taken more than a few days to undo decades of belief. By the time he was fresh out of high school, he signed Sea Org's billion-year contract. And he was screaming at her, Rrrrrr. And shes saying, Stop it, stop it. And Im riveted on his face, just in complete and utter shock. I needed to get out of sight, remove the batteries from my phones, use only cash and stay on the move, he says. Mike Rinder A Billion Years: My Escape From a Life in the Highest Ranks of Scientology Hardcover - September 27, 2022 by Mike Rinder (Author) 1,429 ratings Editors' pick Best Books of 2022 See all formats and editions Kindle $14.99 Read with Our Free App Audiobook $0.00 Free with your Audible trial Hardcover I mean, we were just full throttle from there for months. Not even remotely., In some ways, the book is Rinders attempt to parent Taryn and Benjamin, too; a chance to hold his side of that conversation at least. He feeds willful false reports to authorities and media to incite bigotry and hate. [14], Rinder stated that his primary role as Director of the Office of Special Affairs was defending the church against critics by employing Scientology's fair game tactics which essentially are to "intimidate, defame, harass, discredit, and effectively silence any criticism of Scientology". And of course the first thing I think of is, I need to go see him. Fifteen years on, he has written a book about his time inside. He escaped in 2007 at age 52 and began a new life with only the clothes on his back. The police report stated: [S]he is appearing on the A&E Network with the Aftermath Foundation against the Church of Scientology and was required to bring forward the following information before the show is aired. The womans segment was canceled when the network was informed that she had earlier been found guilty of lying to the police. The reports of Scientology extracting large fees and their space opera beliefs were controversial, but their portrayal didn't become consistently negative until ex-Scientologists started sharing their stories through social media about families intentionally being broken up by disconnection because a family member decided to leave (or wasn't a member of) the church of Scientology. He never changed. And upon approaching, well, first of all, was very evident that he didnt want to be seeing us at all. Shop now. Remarkably, even after that, Rinder continued in his faith, identifying as a Scientologist while he worked as a car salesman, his first job on the outside. [27] The approximately seven million dollars the church spent attempting to discredit the article had the opposite effect of drawing more attention to the case as well. Bye.. His Former Colleagues Describe What Mike Rinder Was Like, Son Benjamin on Mike Rinders Absence during His Cancer, and Self-Serving Stunt, Former Wife Cathy Details Mike Rinders Desertion, Assault and Abuse of Family, Former Colleague Recalls How Mike Rinder Ridiculed, Belittled Others, Former Secretary Recounts Mike Rinders Verbal, Physical and Sexual Harassment, Malfeasance targeting the Churchs leader, Removed in disgrace, stripped of authority, Admitted lies and doing illegal things, Finds a living attacking the Church and its leader, Devised devious plan to extort the Church, Reinvented himself as a real Scientologist, suborned perjury and hid evidence in a police investigation. Without new Scientologists entering the organization, the church became increasingly dependent on retaining the followers they already had. The tag name is Mike Rinder. The church claims that anyone can voluntarily leave, or route out, and not be declared by paying a fee for leaving but in reality everyone that leaves gets declared by policy because they will have access to the internet after leaving and any parishioner who remains in contact with them will also have unauthorized access as well. In A Billion Years, he tells the gripping, harrowing account of growing up in Scientology, serving founder L. Ron Hubbard, and rising to the top of its ranks. Mike Rinder is a bitter man who spews religious hatred about his own family's religion on a cheap reality TV show for an actress past her prime time, to make the only money he can. "Where are your papers? Rinder did eventually admit he was aware the entire time that missing evidence at issue in the Clearwater case was in his facility in Los Angeles. I was a Sea Org parent.. Since Scientologists are not permitted to have social relationships with non-Scientologists, they essentially lose contact with all their social contacts when they leave. Michael John Rinder (/rndr/; born 10 April 1955)[2] is an Australian-American former senior executive of the Church of Scientology International (CSI) and the Sea Organization based in the United States. And Benjamin was born in nineteen-eighty like two, or three? The memory lapse is sort of embarrassing. Church of Scientology International. He earned promotion after promotion within the Sea Organization, a sort of executive order, was flown around the world and entrusted with taking Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley on a private tour of the Los Angeles museum devoted to Scientologys founder, L Ron Hubbard. [28][29][30][31][32], In the early 1990s, when the internet was in its infancy, internet startups could be intimidated by the threat of litigation by the church but a decade later those same companies were now large corporations with the resources to defend themselves and lobbied for legislation that shielded them from user liabilities, "loser pays" laws that indemnify the church if they lose a lawsuit, and anti-SLAPP laws that prohibit them from using lawsuits to financially drain a critic into submission. Mike Rinder was such an absentee father that he can't remember Benjamin's and my ages. He has not originated helping him. The Truth Rundown, a three-part series by Thomas C. Tobin and Joe Childs, Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath, Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief, prophecy of Hubbard's messiah like return after death to prevent an apocalyptic alien invasion in OT VIII, consistently negative media portrayal of Scientology. Initially, auditing was meant to be a form of counseling (for which members pay over $500 per hour) to obtain the spiritual benefits of Scientology but by the time of his departure, he stated the practice had degenerated into a tool for interrogation and mind control. In the end, months and even years after Rinder and Remini propagated the false reports, police closed all cases. Rinder, responsible for defending the case and attending to the court arguments, emerged with himself dismissed as a defendant and Mr.Miscavige gratuitously added, thus becoming the principal target. hazard blank and medical records. The raid led to the discovery of hundreds of documents detailing criminal activity within the church which led to the prosecution of dozens of high ranking church officials and provided grounds for the IRS to continue to deny tax exempt status to the church as well. Hostile witnesses seized on the opportunity to launch an assault on the Churchs leader, repeatedly accusing him of destroying documents. Case in point: In March 2020, as soon as Covid-19 safety restrictions took effect in Clearwater, Florida, Rinder altered the date of a video shot the previous week of Church staff exiting a bus so he could falsely claim the Church was violating social distancing. And she was bleeding, so an ambulance was called, triage was done and you know, we finished that up and we went home. Mike Rinder does not just seem to be a liar; he is a criminal liar. Andit was subtle but it was insidious and it was calculated to make you feel like you were nothing. True to a criminal moral code, Rinder has also repeatedly changed his personal narrative according to who pays. Now, how can you sayhow can you even think that someones gonna believe you or that you care about someone when hes just almost died and youve done nothing and now youre there with a video camera with four people that are goons, that are, you know, four people that are just there to also harass? According to Rinder, virtually all of the executives, himself included, had rejected both of the above mentioned Scientological tenets, however they nevertheless continued to train parishioners to accept them as true. Sea Org members are even more vulnerable when they leave because they are financially dependent on the church. And Mikes walked away. Mr.Miscavige removed Mike Rinder in disgrace and stripped him of any authority in the Church. [14], He stated the rise of social media in the late 2000s has allowed ex-Scientologists to connect with each other and form support groups for members who have left or want to leave. That was it. Mike Rinders malfeasance concerned not only his severe dishonesty and hidden criminality, but also physical abuse of subordinates, especially women. He talks about daily life in the organisation, being disciplined in the Hole, and his hopes of reconnecting with his children. We will make a fast profit by selling, he wrote. As the facts ultimately revealed, the woman, suffering severe psychosis, had been allowed to stay on the premises in her state by one of Rinders co-conspirators, in direct violation of Church policy. Rathbun declined to take part. An example of this "boomerang effect" was the 1993 case Church of Scientology International v. Fishman and Geertz. I never did, he asserted to a TV host in 2011, I never did. He would continue to make that assertion for several more years while attempting to recruit Independents and prospective litigants in the process. Rinders assault on his then wifeand his trail of denials and lies about the incidentserve as a metaphor for the man and his evolution as a criminal and duplicitous husband, father, son and colleague who has finagled his way through life while leaving disaster in his wake. Its hard for me to remember, Rinder says. [38], In 2019, CHILD USA awarded Mike Rinder and Leah Remini the Barbara Blaine Trailblazer Award for having "taken a brave, public stand for justice and given voice to many of Scientology's victims. Mike Rinder says he was 5 or 6 years old when his parents got into Scientology and then raised him in it. Taryn, Benjamin and Cathy have all released videos in which they claim Rinder abandoned the family when he left Scientology. Back then, Rinder says, babies were handed over a few days after birth to Sea Org nurseries, where they were cared for seven days a week, from morning till midnight. The Churchs ecclesiastical leader, Mr.David Miscavige, was forced to step in and personally handle the matter. [14], Rinder claimed his moment of clarity came in a confrontation with the filmmaker, which was recorded on video. VPN to ZTNA. [7][6], His intimate knowledge about the organization, both as a Sea Org member for 46 years and as head of the OSA for 25 years, has been a revelation about the organization to the world. And we, you know, we grabbed some of our friends and associates that had worked with Mike for thirty, forty yearssome of them Ive known since I was a kidand that I would consider our close friends and some even family. The first time in 1966 and then again in 1969. And then I see my mom and shes standing there in pain. Other punishments for perceived unhandled evil intentions or for perceived alleged failings at work ranged from cleaning a sewage retention pit to wearing a mask made from a paper plate and being taunted by a ventriloquists doll built in his own image. But how well can a one-sided conversation with children really go? Now that he and Christie, whom he married in 2013, have a 10-year-old son, Jack, Rinder has experienced a new kind of fatherhood. The Independent movement evaporated, and the specious litigation plans went up in smoke. My baby brother has cancer. Toggle Navigation. These events have made it difficult for the church to attract new followers and retain current adherents and resulted in the church taking increasingly more draconian measures to ensure its survival. Rinder had lived in church quarters, took meals in its military-style canteen, and worked for at least 14 hours a day, seven days a week for a stipend of $50 a week. Theyve got to say, OK, what we see here is someone that we believe is telling the truth. Or What we see here is someone who seems to be just a liar.. --Mike Rinder, former Senior Executive of the Church of Scientology and the Sea Organization, joins David to discuss his time in the leadership organization . [5] In September 2022, he published a memoir named A Billion Years: My Escape From a Life in the Highest Ranks of Scientology. [14][10], Rinder went to Virginia and told Scientology officials that he wanted to speak to his wife and also wanted his possessions. He thinks he is surveilled, the object of private investigators interest. And to try to make it look like he cared about my brother. Three weeks later, Rinder finally emailed a Church acquaintance and included a second-hand message to his wife, Cathy, telling her he was not coming back. Rinder, who grew up in Adelaide, Australia, with his brother and sister, was five years old when a neighbour introduced his parents to Scientology. He bought cheap clothes, ditched his suit and found a B&B near Victoria station. His mother, brother and sister remain active, engaged and committed Scientologists. In the decade that followed, criticism became bolder, more public and consistently negative especially in the media. And I wanted to make sure you knew. And we actually didnt hear from him for at least three weeks after that, not a word. Mike Rinders record of criminal conduct in the Church, as far as discovered, began in 1995 when he was responsible for the Churchs legal affairs. Will they even have seen it? By 2014, Rinders effort had yielded only one lawsuitwhich ultimately failedand no jackpot. I mean, there is a very limited number of people on this Earth that have ever done that, he says of the position. As the daughter of Mike Rinder, I felt like I didnt have a father. No sooner had Rinder cashed in his new ticket than he shed all pretense of his recent history as a devout Scientologist. And so we did thatand all during this entire process I was helping her with everything at that point. That is a lie: I was 27, and Ben was 21. Taryn was born in 1978 and it is now 2022 So she is 44. For instance, Rinder told the Times that Scientology critic Bob Minton ceased his criticism of Scientology after Rinder discovered "things that, really, he was worried about and had caused problems for him in the investigation that we had done" and that they had reached a private settlement. While the extent of Mike Rinders dishonesty and deception were yet to surface, the known facts to date were undeniable: Mike Rinder and his lies had only made everything to do with this legal matter far worse for the Church, which had done nothing wrong, and caused the Churchs leader to be not only sued but wrongly targeted for criminal conduct. It is flabbergasting that he was rewarded for his . Rinder blatantly called it his devious plan: He and two accomplices would covertly acquire a building next to the Churchs spiritual headquarters in Clearwater, Florida. According to Rinder, David Miscavige's claim that fair game was ultimately successful in regaining tax exempt status in 1993 is not true. And it really made me mad. On August 21, 2003, in a document to the Churchs leader titled My Honesty, Rinder wrote: Many times Ive looked at the overts [transgressions] Ive committed when I have lied to youit is a reflection of my cowardice and lack of integrity that I would do this and its just black and white wrong., On January 29, 2004, Rinder wrote: Bottom line is that Ive had a totally criminal moral code and operated with a totally criminal mind attitude that I have not fully confronted (even down to lying about lying and doing illegal things). In reference to the latter, he further admitted: Some things had to be done and would not be spoken about and I would have to take heat and suck it upit was criminal., On February 20, 2005, Rinder authored a typed and signed apology to the Churchs leader: Your insistence, for months and years, that I get straight is the only thing that has actually brought me to my senses. He hasnt even made sure he had a cup of tealike, nothing. I was raised a Scientologist from the age of 6 and finally escaped the organization when I was 52. Leah and Mike are covering new ground, digging deeper than ever into the . Rinder publicly declared his adherence to Scientology, refuting any notion that he had ever renounced his religion. After high school, he signed a billion-year contract and was admitted into Scientology's elite inner circle, the Sea Organization. So if Hubbard were still alive today? Prominent Scientology whistleblower Mike Rinder told a New York jury Friday how the Million Dollar Baby writer emerged as one of the Church of Scientology's top-three public . Im sure that they have been told: Its full of lies, blah blah. He didnt send them a copy. All Rights Reserved. As a salient example, for Aftermath, Rinder and Leah Remini induced discreditable individuals to file false reports about the Church with the police as a requirement to appear on the show. Several times in the past, I pretended to myself, you and others, that I had confronted my out ethics [unethical behavior] and gotten myself handled. Mike Rinder is a source for Alex Gibney's "Going Clear" film on Scientology, meaning Gibney is giving a platform to a paid consultant for anti-Scientology litigation, an admitted liar and a violent individual with a history of contradictions and misconduct. As just one example: In 2015, months before his paid partnership with Remini, Rinder proclaimed that Scientologists are good peoplereally doing something to change the world for the better. In 2017, after a year of profiting from Aftermath, Rinder borrowed a page from Goebbels to proclaim that Scientologists are like cornered rats and will ultimately be wiped out entirely because they are such menacing, antagonistic and rabid vermin.. He has a post-Scientology blog. In a sense, he is a professional former Scientologist. Shes in pain every single day of her life and that was done by Mike Rinderhands down, okay. Michael John Rinder Wiki The full name of this Activist and Scientologist is Michael John Rinder. Mike Rinder: The Lady Killer. When he was 17 or 18, Rinder joined the Sea Org, the prestigious order within Scientology whose members fill the churchs management roles. Rinder was back to working different jobs when, in late 2015, he was offered another lottery ticketthis time to take part in Leah Reminis anti-Scientology Aftermath program. Its a permanent disability that will always be there with her, Cathys orthopedic surgeon concluded after nearly five years of treatment, including surgery. Rinder is a serial liar and harasser and his motivation is vengeance. Religious Technology Center v. Netcom On-Line Communication Services, Inc. Church of Scientology International v. Time Warner, Inc., et al. How did he begin to acknowledge transgressive thoughts, given that he had been trained to understand them as signs of a reactive mind, as something to be eradicated? The young man was given five years to live. I didnt matter to him. Leah Remini and Mike Rinder's podcast, Fair Game will take you behind the facade and expose the terrible truth about scientology's Fair Game doctrine. [34], In 2018, Mike Rinder co-founded The Aftermath Foundation, a nonprofit which helps people escape from scientology, and connects former Sea Org members with housing, work and other support upon leaving the church. [14], According to his blog, he now lives in Palm Harbor, Florida with his wife, son and stepson.[41][42]. kid friendly things to do in oxford, ms kid friendly things to do in oxford, ms. (No Ratings Yet) His efforts have resulted in one failure after another. The Church was not culpable in the case and was ultimately fully exonerated, but Rinders concealed crimes caused a years-long legal ordeal to the detriment of the Church and its leader. Its on her pants. Leah and Mike are covering new ground, digging deeper than ever into the . Least three weeks after that, not a word every single day of her life and that was done Mike. Helping her with everything at that point ever into the years while attempting to recruit Independents and litigants. 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