
See the notes for the regular minimum wage for details. In some states, the information on this website may be considered a lawyer referral service. Utah excludes from coverage any employment that is subject to the federal Fair Labor Standards Act. Staff San Diego enacted its own minimum wage in 2016 by city council ordinance. Other states require employers to provide rest breaks, meal breaks, or both. Annual increases may occur on July 1 of each year based on the percentage change in the CPI-U, if certain circumstances apply. If the employee's shift lasts for 12 hours or less, the employee may waive the right to take a meal break. 1:16. California's drive toward a 15-dollar minimum wage for all employers continues. Annual increases based on the July-to-July percentage change in the CPI-W, St. Louis metropolitan area, rounded to nearest 5 cents, beginning 1-1-2019. Amusement parks and recreational establishments are only required to pay 85% of the regular minimum wage. The city ordinance specifies the following schedule: $10.00, effective 5-5-2017; $11.00, effective 1-1-2018. Malibu enacted its own minimum wage in 2016 by city council ordinance. Lawyer Referral Services in California. Annual increases based on the August-to-August percentage change in the CPI-W, U.S. city average. For living wage employers who provide at least half an employees health insurance coverage, the living wage rises to $13.90 an hour. Santa Fes minimum wage law is similar to living wage laws in other cities that require any business under contract with the city government to pay a determined living wage. Santa Fe, however, extends this requirement to any business granted a business license to operate within city limits. A class action lawsuit is a court case brought on behalf of a group of employees who have similar legal claims against their employer. Annual increase based on the August-to-August percentage change in the CPI-U for the Midwest region, rounded to the nearest 5 cents. The micro business minimum wage is $10.75 as of 7-1-2022, with $0.75 increases every July 1 until 2028, when the macro minimum wage applies. Employers with fewer than 51 employees are subject to a separate increase schedule. However, it would also lift 900,000 from poverty . Currently, in 2022, the minimum wage in California is $14/hr for employers with less than 25 employees and $15/hr for employers with more than 25 employees. The District of Columbia has the highest minimum wage at $16.10/hour. How Can I Enforce My Wage and Hour Rights? * The UC Berkeley Labor Center keeps a detailed national list of local minimum wage ordinances. Same as the regular minimum wage. At that point, tipped employees will receive the regular minimum wage before tips. The federal standard minimum wage of $7.25 has not increased in more than a decade. The change will apply to businesses that have 26 or more employees. The minimum rose to $14 an hour on Jan. 1, the fifth annual increase under a 2016 law. *In September 2018, the Michigan legislature adopted an initiative scheduled to be on the November ballot that would have raised the state minimum wage to $12.00 by 2022 and set it to be adjusted for inflation every year thereafter. Nevada$9.75 $10.50 july 1, 2022 no overtime paid for hours worked over 8 hours in one day if an employee does not make 1 1/2 times the . NELAs Find-A-Lawyer Service. endstream endobj Check the website of the, If your company does nothing to address your concerns or breaks the law by firing or disciplining you for asserting your rights then its time to talk to a lawyer. Employers doing business in North Carolina are required to pay at least $7.25 per hour to all employees (agricultural and domestic employees are subject to the federal minimum wage). Annual increases based on the July-to-July percentage change in the CPI-W, U.S. city average, rounded to nearest 5 cents, beginning 1-1-2021. Annual increases based on the August-to-August percentage change in the CPI-W for the San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose metropolitan area. The ordinance specifies that service charges must be paid directly to the nonmanagerial, nonsupervisory workers who perform the direct service to customers. Employees have the right to an additional 30-minute unpaid meal break after working for ten hours. On July 1, several cities and counties will increase their minimum wage. Because this is higher than the federal minimum wage of $7.25, employees in The Golden State must be paid at least $15.50an hour. The law provides the city council with the ability to temporarily pause the raises in the event of significant reductions in statewide employment or state retail and use tax receipts. County IHSS Wage Rates. $12.75, effective 1-1-2024 / $14.75, effective 1-1-2026 / $16.50, effective 1-1-2028. Prior to July 1, 2019, these tipped minimums were set as percentages of the regular minimum. Illinois 20 th. Also Thursday, supporters of a proposed ballot measure to raise California's minimum wage to $18 per hour announced having submitted more than 1 million signatures far more than the about 623,000 required to land it on the November ballot. The tipped minimum wage is set at 40% of the regular city minimum wage. To help inform policymakers and other stakeholders, the UC Berkeley Labor Center is maintaining an up-to-date inventory of these laws, with details on wage levels, scheduled increases, and other . *Tacomas city minimum wage was superseded by the state minimum wage on 1-1-2020. Businesses with fewer than six employees, and those engaged in seasonal employment, are subject to a separate increase schedule: $12.93, effective 1-1-2023; $13.50, effective 1-1-2024; $14.30, effective 1-1-2025; $15.00, effective 1-1-2026; half the difference between $15.00 and the regular minimum wage, effective 1-1-2027; parity with the regular minimum wage, effective 1-1-2028. Annual increases based on the annual percentage change in the CPI-W for the South census region. How Can I Find a Wage and Hour Lawyer in California? The St. Louis ordinance went into effect on May 5, 2017, raising the citys tipped minimum wage to $5.00. *On March 30, 2017, Iowas governor signed HF 295, a bill that nullified Wapello Countys minimum wage ordinance, including all future increases, and preempted any local government in Iowa from establishing any minimum wage higher than the state minimum wage. If you are considering filing a wage claim or lawsuit, you may want to speak to a local wage and hour attorney. Policy choices have tilted the playing field toward the rich and corporations. Beginning 1-1-2023, small businesses (those with 25 or fewer employees) will be required to pay the regular state minimum wage after previously having a lower minimum wage. Annual increases based on the percentage change in the CPI-U beginning July 1, 2022, capped at 2.5%, rounded to the nearest 5 cents. $37.72 /hr. Am I Entitled to Paid Sick Leave, Family Leave, or Vacation Time in California? If you are eligible for overtime, you are entitled to 1-1/2 times your regular hourly rate for each overtime hour worked. Annual increases based on the percentage change in the CPI-U beginning July 1, 2021, capped at 2.5%, rounded to the nearest 5 cents. State law establishes separate minimum wage rates for New York City and downstate counties. The citys ordinance set an initial lower minimum wage for nonprofit organizations, but as of January 1, 2020, the same minimum wage applies to all employers. Annual increases based on the January-to-January percentage change in the CPI-W for the Los Angeles metropolitan area, beginning July 1, 2022. Tennessee has a promised wage law whereby the employers are responsible for paying to the employees the wages promised by the employer. The minimum wage goes up July 1, 2021, from $12 per hour to $12. More wage floor increases will. San Leandros minimum wage was superseded by the higher state minimum wage on January 1, 2022. *On March 30, 2017, Iowas governor signed HF 295, a bill that nullified Linn Countys minimum wage ordinance, including all future increases, and preempted any local government in Iowa from establishing a minimum wage higher than the state minimum wage. Annual increases based on the lesser of 3.5% or the annual percentage change in the CPI-W, U.S. city average, rounded to the nearest 10 cents. Annual increases based on the calendar year percentage change in the CPI-W for the San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose metropolitan area. Missouris minimum wage does not apply to public employees. $15.00, or $2 above state minimum wage, whichever is greater. $8.40, effective 1-1-2024 / $9.00, effective 1-1-2025. Many states exclude very small businesses, such as those with fewer than five employees or those with gross annual revenue below a specified threshold. *The Missouri state legislature passed a law in September 2015 preempting local governments from adopting minimum wages above the states minimum wage. In 2017, the legislature passed a law that undid the scheduled increases in the tipped minimum wage, instead setting it at 50% of the regular minimum wage. * If the ordinance had not been preempted, the Linn County minimum wage would have increased to $9.25, effective January 1, 2018,* and $10.25, effective January 1, 2019.*. Orange County Living Wage (OCLW) announced a new annually adjusted living wage of $15.40 an hour, effective January 1, 2021. Vermonts tipped minimum wage is set at 50% of the regular minimum wage. Minimum wage depends on the city where you work. On Jan. 1, the state's minimum wage will go up to $14 an hour, as part of the step-by-step plan to get to $15. Businesses with fewer than 26 employees are subject to a minimum wage equal to $1 less than the large business minimum wage through 2023. The New Hampshire tipped minimum wage is set at 45% of the effective regular minimum wage. Exploring how race, ethnicity, and class intersect to affect economic outcomes in the United States. *On March 30, 2017, Iowas governor signed HF 295, a bill that nullified Polk Countys minimum wage ordinance, including all future increases, and preempted any local government in Iowa from establishing a minimum wage higher than the state minimum wage. (Most cities and counties dont have their own minimum wage laws.). San Mateo enacted its own minimum wage in 2016 by city council ordinance. What McDonald's minimum wage raise says about fast-food franchise future Published Sat, Jul 10 2021 9:10 AM EDT Updated Mon, Jul 12 2021 7:50 AM EDT Willem Marx Annual increases based on the percentage change (August-to-August) in the CPI-W, U.S. city average, rounded to the nearest 5 cents. Tips don't count against the employer's obligation to pay the minimum wage. Find the address and phone number of the nearest office of the California Department of Industrial Relations at https://www.dir.ca.gov/dlse/DistrictOffices.htm. *Generally the tipped minimum wage is the same as the regular minimum wage. Some states and local governments allow employers to pay tipped employees a lower minimum hourly wage; others don't. Businesses with fewer than 100 employees are subject to a separate increase schedule: $13.50, effective 7-1-2022; $14.50, effective 7-1-2023; $15.00, effective 7-1-2024. Employers may pay 85% of the minimum wage to any employee under the age of 20 for the first six months of employment. $14.65. In the absence of action at the national level, many states and localities have raised their own minimum wages. The minimum wage goes up July 1, 2021 . St. Louis enacted its own minimum wage in 2015 by city ordinance.*. The minimum hourly pay rate, set to increase by Dec. 8 to $13, will cost the city an estimated $143,800 in its first year. However, cities and counties in California are free to adopt their own higher minimum wage, and dozens of cities and counties across the country have done so. YUBA. Annual increases based on the August-to-August percentage change in the price deflator for national personal consumption expenditures (PCE), with a maximum increase of 2.5%, beginning January 1, 2018. Highest Housing Wage. Ohios tipped minimum wage is set at 50% of the regular minimum wage. In February 2017, the Missouri Supreme Court struck down the state legislatures 2015 minimum wage preemption law, effectively overturning the circuit judges decision. Whether a tip pool is legal depends on who shares in the pool, among other things. Phone: 202-775-8810 epi@epi.org OCLW calculates its living wage by using the widely accepted Universal Living Wage Formula based on the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) standard that no more than 30% of a persons gross income should be devoted to housing. Minimum Wage New York's Minimum Wage Overview All New York workers are entitled to receive at least an hourly Minimum Wage rate. The minimum wage in Orange County is $15.50 an hour, the state minimum wage. The macro value and schedule are listed in the tracker. The citys tipped minimum wage was set to be equivalent to the state tipped minimum wage policy, so the preemption of the city ordinance is irrelevant. Santa Cruz County. The DIR adjusts the compensation rates each year to . Washington, DC 20005 Checklist: Information and Documents You'll Need to File a Wage Claim. Annual increases based on the February-to-February percentage change in the CPI-W for the Los Angeles metropolitan area, beginning July 1, 2022. Annual increases based on the February-to-February change in the CPI-W for the San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose metropolitan area. Same as regular minimum wage. All others subject to federal minimum. Businesses with 26-99 employees are subject to a minimum wage of $16.07, effective January 1, 2023; and annual indexing each January 1 thereafter. If you were not paid the minimum wage in Orange County, CA, you may have the right to file a wage claim or complaint with a government agency. ), Same as the regular minimum wage. The governor allowed that bill to go into effect in July 2017, thereby lowering the citys minimum wage back down to $7.70 until a statewide ballot measure raised the state minimum wage to $8.60 in January 2019. Lexingtons Urban County Council enacted its own minimum wage in 2015.*. The tipped minimum wage in California is the same as the regular minimum wage: $15.50 an hour. $13.00 (no increase listed, several municipalities have opted out and are subject to IL minimum wage), eff. Cook Countys tipped minimum wage will be superseded by the state tipped minimum wage as of January 1, 2023. By adopting the initiative, the legislature removed the measure from the ballot. Authoritative, up-to-date data on the living standards of American workers. A 2021 report from the Congressional Budget Office found that raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2025 could lead to 1.4 million job losses. Malibu enacted its own minimum wage in 2016 by county ordinance. Annual increases based on the lesser of 3.5% or the annual percentage change in a CPI index chosen by the Sonoma City Council. Highest Housing Wage. Across the country, cities and counties have become laboratories of policy innovation on labor standards. Nonurban counties rate is then set to $1.00 less than the states base rate. Does My California Employer Have to Give Me Breaks From Work? Annual increases based on the August-to-August percentage change in the CPI-W for the West census region, rounded to the nearest 5 cents. The 2021 State Income Limits are on the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) website at $4.35 to $4.92, effective January 1, 2017 (reverted to $4.35 in March 2017)*, The Wapello County tipped minimum wage reverted to $4.35 in March 2017 due to state-level preemption of the county ordinance (see Notes). For these reasons, it often makes sense to talk to an experienced wage and hour lawyer to make sure you know all of your options, understand the strength of your claims, and decide how to proceed. The following information is provided as a link to Section C., Publication of Individual and Contracted Provider Rates of Personal Care Services, of the State of California State Plan Amendment under Title XIX of the Social Security Act titled: Reimbursement for Medi-Cal Personal Care Services. As of 2014, it is set at the fixed amount of $3.63 per hour and will no longer automatically go up as the regular minimum wage increases. In California, you are entitled to take a ten-minute rest break, with pay, for every four hours (or major fraction of four hours) you work. For example, if a mother in Orange County is the primary provider for her son, who qualifies for 283 hours per month of IHSS protective . The North Carolina minimum wage is set equal to the federal minimum wage by statute. $4.35 to $4.95, effective January 1, 2017 (reverted to $4.35 in March 2017)*, The Linn County tipped minimum wage reverted to $4.35 in March 2017 due to state-level preemption of the county ordinance (see Notes). If the employee's shift lasts for six hours or less, the employee may waive the right to take a meal break. *In October 2016, the Kentucky Supreme Court ruled that cities do not have the authority to raise the minimum wage, and the Louisville minimum wage was rolled back to $7.25. Annual increases based on the August-to-August percentage change in the CPI-W, U.S. city average, beginning 1-1-2021. Fremont enacted its own minimum wage in 2019 by city council ordinance. 1225 Eye St. NW, Suite 600 Annual increases to the states base minimum wage are based on the March-to-March change in the CPI-U, U.S. city average, rounded to nearest 5 cents. *Prince Georges Countys minimum wage is superseded by the higher state minimum wage. Note: There are 18 states (AK, AZ, CA, CO, DC, FL, ME, MN, MO, MT, NV, NJ, NV, NY, OH, OR, SD, and WA) that currently have scheduled annual adjustments for their minimum wages based on varying formulas. State law establishes separate minimum wage rates for the Portland Urban Growth Boundary area and designated non-urban counties. Divide that total amount by the total number of regular time (not overtime) hours you worked to earn that money. axcvmZ9*Uca|t q*0,DXZ1?VqjOe`q\p#` Increase scheduled for 2017 did not go into effect due to state-level preemption*, No upcoming increases are scheduled and Polk Countys tipped wage remains equal to the state tipped wage due to state preemption of the county ordinance. In most cases, it makes sense to hire a lawyer to pursue your overtime or unpaid wage claim. Virginias minimum wage law stipulates that the increases to $13.50 and $15.00, scheduled to occur in 2025 and 2026, must be reauthorized by the legislature by July 1, 2024. As reflected in the chart below, in 2021, minimum wage will increase in more than two dozen states, with most of the changes set to take effect on January 1. . *On March 30, 2017, Iowas governor signed HF 295, a bill that nullified Johnson Countys minimum wage ordinance, including all future increases, and preempted any local government in Iowa from establishing any minimum wage higher than the state minimum wage. xc```c``X ,`}1A The minimum wage as of July 1, 2022 will be: Annual increases based on the August-to-August percentage change in the CPI-U, U.S. city average, rounded to the nearest 5 cents. SeaTacs minimum wage applies only to hospitality and transportation workers within the city. California's minimum wage is about to hit a milestone in the coming days when new laws kick in for 2022 and give a pay raise to the state's lowest-paid workers. Fast food industry workers in NYC - $15.00 Fast food industry workers outside NYC - $15.00 Long Island & Westchester County - $15.00 All NYC employers - $15.00 Tipped workers - rates vary by region. @EE QZMg2 @G&\?F)6o5|Y:qJh~3EL'qa|11T/CJmzs3a/x2XD*< The minimum wage is the least you can be paid per hour, by law. Seattle enacted its own tipped wage in 2014 by city council ordinance. This situation has prompted smaller jurisdictions to pass a flurry of new minimum wage laws over the past few years. The Albuquerque tipped minimum wage is set at 60% of the regular minimum wage. Emeryville enacted its own minimum wage in 2015 by city council ordinance. Businesses with fewer than 26 employees are subject to the listed minimum wage one year after the effective date for larger businesses. Flagstaff enacted its own minimum wage by ballot measure in 2016. The Department of Industrial Relations does not monitor or verify this list but includes it here as a reference for the public: UC Berkeley Labor Center Inventory of US City and County Minimum Wage Ordinances December 2022 Typically, you must qualify for legal aid based on your income. *The Missouri state legislature passed a law in September 2015 preempting local governments from adopting minimum wages above the states minimum wage. Cupertino enacted its own minimum wage in 2016 by city council ordinance. Regions minimum wage to be set at $1.25 greater than the states base minimum wage when indexing begins on July 1, 2023. Orange County Living Wage (OCLW) adjusts the living wage annually to keep pace with rising rents. And, because most lawyers work on a contingency fee basis in these types of cases, you wont have to pay the lawyer unless you win. Orange County's newly updated 2023 living wage for hourly workers is $16.60 an hour, or $15.10 for employers who pay at least half of employees' health insurance costs. For businesses with 11 to 50 employees: $14.50, effective 7-1-2022; $15.00, effective 7-1-2023. *On March 30, 2017, Iowas governor signed HF 295, a bill that nullified Polk Countys minimum wage ordinance, including all future increases, and preempted any local government in Iowa from establishing any minimum wage higher than the state minimum wage. Businesses. Base minimum wage for the state. St. Louiss ordinance was originally thought to be grandfathered in; however, a circuit judge struck down the St. Louis measure in October 2015. This rule implies a minimum wage of $13.20 for the upstate area for the 2022 calendar year. Not every state has a wage claim procedure, however. The citys minimum wage was superseded by the state minimum wage in 2019, when the state minimum wage rose above the level set by the San Diego ordinance. 114 /wk. Tipped employees must be paid 38% of the regular state minimum wage. Your employer must allow you to take your break in the middle of that work period, if practicable. $13.50, effective 1-1-2025 / $15.00, effective 1-1-2026 / Annual indexing beginning 1-1-2027. North Carolinas tipped minimum wage is set equal to the federal tipped minimum wage by statute. * If the ordinance had not been preempted, the Wapello County minimum wage would have increased to $9.15, effective January 1, 2018, and*. Some states that allow a tip credit set the minimum tipped wage amount at $2.13 an hour, like federal law; others have established a higher tipped minimum wage. September 22, 2021 1 Report on New York's Minimum Wage Increases Scheduled for 2022 Introduction As provided under NYS Labor Law 656, this report is intended to provide insights into the impact of recent minimum wage increases on the health of the New York State economy in each of the three regions defined under the law, i.e., Chicagos tipped minimum wage is set at 60% of the regular minimum wage. And, you almost always have the option to go straight to court and file a lawsuit instead of filing a wage claim with a government agency. The countys lower minimum wage for employees receiving health care or child care benefits at an annualized cost of $2,500 or more is also negated by the higher state minimum wage. Let us support these employers by giving them our business and our thanks for making this critical investment in their workforce., https://orangecountylivingwage.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Yeargans-scaled.jpg, https://orangecountylivingwage.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/logo-padded350.png, Orange County Living Wage Rises to $15.40 An Hour In 2021. The minimum wage for these workers is: $10.50, effective 1-1-2023; $12.00, effective 1-1-2024; and $13.00, effective 1-1-2025. This lowered the effective tipped minimum wage in Johnson County from $6.06 down to $4.35. Nonprofit corporations are exempt from the citys minimum wage law. Santa Clara County. Employees guaranteed a monthly compensation of $2,000 or more are exempt from the state minimum wage law. The St. Paul minimum wage ordinance establishes separate minimum wages and increase schedules for businesses of four different sizes: macro (more than 10,000 employees), large (101-10,000 employees), small (6-100 employees), and micro (five or fewer employees). The federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) does not require employers to provide any breaks, and many states follow the same rule. What Are My Rights to Pay for Work in California? 75 in . Minimum wage workers . Los Angeles County, California's hourly minimum wage will rise from $15.00 to $15.96, according to a March 8, 2022, media release issued by the county's Department of Consumer and Business Affairs. This includes managers and supervisors. Annual increases based on the July-to-July percentage change in the CPI-W, U.S. city average, rounded to nearest 5 cents, beginning 1-1-2024. 1y?)4,r* .Ji+)_T!s Hotel employers in the city should also keep an . The local minimum wage applies to employees working two or more hours per week within the geographic boundaries of Redwood City. Ask your manager or your human resource representative about the problem, or file a complaint using your companys internal complaint process. *In October 2016, the Kentucky Supreme Court ruled that cities do not have the authority to raise the minimum wage, and the Lexington minimum wage was rolled back to $7.25. Must be paid 38 % of the effective date for larger businesses a index... Lawyer in California state minimum wage Prince Georges Countys minimum wage does not to... 2 above state minimum wage applies to employees working two or more hours per week within the geographic boundaries Redwood... Wage ; others do n't count against the employer 's obligation to the! With 11 to 50 employees orange county minimum wage 2021 $ 10.00, effective 7-1-2022 ; 15.00. Increase their minimum wage in 2016 by city council ordinance. * of. 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