
Now the saint that has Christ Himself before him looks abroad with desires according to the activity of divine love. And with a lot of people, there is just a lot of bad experiences in the past. For I know that this shall turn to my salvation through your prayer, and the supply of the Spirit of Christ Jesus." The great saving truths of Christianity do not change; and we cannot hear them too often. True experience is still the great theme which the apostle has in hand here as well as in his own personal history. And any moment I could lose it. Then he turns to what had drawn out the epistle. Hence he says, "Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling." "Laboured" gives a wrong sense. The effect upon the individual is usually pride and the developing of a judgmental attitude.As the Pharisee who went in before the Lord and said, "Father, I thank you that I am not as other men. The Lord may inspire you to some good work that He wants you to do. However there is no other Scripture that teaches a difference in the resurrection of faithful and unfaithful believers. But Paul is willing to follow Jesus to the cross. So what do I do? Thus "forgetting those things which are behind" refers to the progress that we may make. Is it agreeing to differ? Let us then try to see what Paul thinks about when he speaks about righteousness. That which men call by this name is really the trial of what flesh is under law much more than experience of Christ. With all of my efforts I could never come up to that. ", And this nearness of Christ I take simply to be the blessed hope here made a practical power. It is not merely exalting His work, or His cross; it is not so much His blood, as Christ Himself. Verse 11. "The prize" is "the crown of They were rather miserable, but that does not stop you from rejoicing in the Lord. It was surely the best that she could do. WebMatthew Henry's Complete Commentary - Philippians 3:9-14. ". From one point of view it looked as if Christianity was a grim job. He had put all, as it were, into the hands of Christ, who had Himself given him His own comfort about it. In common language it was popularly derived from kusi (compare G2965) ballomena ( G906) , which means that which is thrown to the dogs; and in medical language it means excrement, (dung, as the King James Version translates it). "And not on him only, but on me also," (what a difference is made when love interprets!) But his spirit was as bright as ever, his joy perfectly fresh, deep, and flowing. I would like to know Him in the power of His resurrection. Philippians 3:14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Unless there were long periods when he never put pen to paper there must have been many more letters which are now lost. Practical Bible study on Philippians 3:1-11. The things that happened to him he could therefore judge calmly and clearly. "Let your moderation be known unto all men. ), . Please be aware that this might heavily reduce the functionality and appearance of our site. He was as desirous to know the power of Christ's death and resurrection killing sin in him, and raising him up to newness of life, as he was to receive the benefit of Christ's death and resurrection in his justification. What is right and what is wrong? But when I take the righteousness which is by Christ, it is an honest life, I can say, "Hey, I am not perfect, but I believe in Jesus Christ with all my heart. As it was a true though distressing part for Christ to judge religious evil, something akin could not be absent here; but at the same time it was by no means a prominent characteristic of Christ's task here below far from it. It is not the physical experience that saves, it is the spiritual: the death to the old nature and the old man in my heart, the reckoning of myself to be dead, and living that new life in the resurrected Lord. Does he question the assurance of his salvation? "For the same cause also do ye joy and rejoice with me. 12 Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:1114: Can I Really Have Assurance? The effect of it usually on the individual who has obtained such a thing: I keep the rules; I never do anything wrong; I always do what is good; I am a doo bee; I am just living by these righteous standards. WebFor we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit ( Philippians 3:3 ), Paul was constantly emphasizing that the physical rites had no value except there be a This is what brings him, if one may so say, into the dilemma of love. So it was right for him to anticipate good and not evil, not as in the authorized version and other translations, because "I have you in my heart," which would be no ground of assurance for them, but because "ye have me in your heart," which showed their spiritual feelings to be true and sound. Thus he anticipates the removal of the last trace of the first Adam; he looks for our being brought fully, even as to the body, into the likeness of the Second Man, the last Adam. But in truth it may betray itself in doctrine and practice in various shapes. In His name all must bow. It was God the Father that made Him Lord and Christ, but God the Father never made Him Jehovah. When the Jews wished to stress their special relationship to God in its most unique sense it was the word Israelite that they used. But ye know the proof of him, that, as a son with the father, he hath served with me in the gospel. This were to spoil all, because it would please the flesh. Hence he desired that their conversation should be as became such zeal; "that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel; and in nothing terrified by your adversaries: which is to them an evident token of perdition, but to you of salvation, and that of God.". That there was all this abundantly in these saints he did not doubt; they had just shown him the fruit of love personally. And he answered, "Who art thou, Lord that I may serve thee?" It is no rule, but an evasion. The Bible teaches that God will resurrect all people, believers and unbelievers, if they have died (e.g., Daniel 12:2; Matthew 22:29-32; Luke 20:37-38; John 6:39-40; John 6:44; John 6:54; John 11:25; Acts 4:2; Acts 17:18; Acts 23:6; Acts 24:15; Hebrews 6:2; Revelation 20:4-6; Revelation 20:13). ( 1 Samuel 24:14, compare 2 Kings 8:13; Psalms 22:16; Psalms 22:20). It is not the Lord at hand to succour one now and here from time to time. There were not very many Pharisees, never more than six thousand, but they were the spiritual athletes of Judaism. But how can this be unless the heart is perfectly at ease as to itself? Such is the thought that the apostle had before his soul of that which became the Christian. Why should such as they face the unmannerly officials that took advantage of the imperial government to treat with injury those identified with the gospel? This the apostle had his eye upon; this he would attain. It was the teaching of these Jews that, if a man wished to be saved, he must earn credit in the sight of God by countless deeds of the law; and, further that salvation belonged to the Jews and to no one else, and that, before God could have any use for him, a man must be circumcised and, as it were, become a Jew. but I follow after [I am pursuing], if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus ( Philippians 3:12 ). This is nothing to be surprised at. If by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead. This is, accordingly, what flows forth in praise from himself, and in calling out praise from other hearts. In God there is ample supply. The Message Update. He desired not anything for himself, but only what should abound to their account in the day of Jesus Christ. Why go in the way of crowds of soldiers or civil officers? Because these cookies are strictly necessary to deliver the website, refusing them will have impact how our site functions. So here he says, "I came to that conclusion--and I still think so. Their happy and bright state in Christ did not dim their fellowship with the gospel. He had experienced it at its highest point; and he knew that it was nothing compared with the joy which Christ had given. When Paul stated that he was of the tribe of Benjamin, it was a claim that he was not simply an Israelite but that he belonged to the highest aristocracy of Israel. Hers is a more delicate place than that which becomes the man, and one which a man attempting it would awkwardly fill. The Lord has laid down their places respectively with distinctness. To me," may each say truly, "to live is Christ.". And she thought, "Oh my, I didn't dream anything could cost that much." Always, we must be able to translate the past experience into the present relationship if it is to be a valid experience at all. If then, matter is essentially evil, the body is essentially evil and will remain evil whatever you do with it. And what is the result? It was this that so cheered the apostle's heart in his loneliness often, in his desertion sometimes, when the sight of a brother would have given fresh courage to his heart. Here I am, you know, come and I will teach you. "Reaching forth to those things which are before, I press," and the word in the Greek is agonizo. I tried to find it by strict adherence to the Jewish Law; but I found the Law and all its ways worse than useless to achieve that end. Close. All here below was plunged under the sentence of death through Adam's sin; and God's word could but seal it till redemption. WebPhilippians 3 Leaving Law and Pressing On to Jesus A. Philippians 3:4b-14. I am forestalling the plan of God. Thus with salutations of love he closes this most characteristic and cheering even of Paul's epistles. He too in love still keeps up the servant-character, and gives them as it were the Christ-character. From which we also eagerly wait for the Savior: As Philippians would eagerly await a visit from the emperor in Rome, even more so should Christians eagerly await the coming of their King Jesus Christ. Its basis is that the Christian lives for ever in the presence of Jesus Christ. My actions they may, but not my faith in Him. 3:10-11 My object is to know him, and I mean by that, to know the power of his Resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, while I continue to be made like him in his death, if by any chance I may attain to the resurrection of the dead. "Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ." He would have them realize the solemnity of the strife that is going on. notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached." Our citizenship isn't here. This is illustrated in several instances. If Paul had not attained to perfection (who had reached to so high a pitch of holiness), much less have we. Habitually, indeed throughout this epistle, we find the word " me," and a very different "me" from the "me" of Romans 7:1-25. Do with them as you will, they still defy you But if you will hand over the conflict to Jesus, He will subdue them; He will bring them under his strong, subjecting hand. There are two chief stages of His humiliation flowing out of His perfect love. Faithful believers only will obtain this out-resurrection and have abundance of joy forever. It is the apostle giving us what his heart was occupied with when he could not go forth in the activities of work, and when it seemed as if he had nothing to do. We love him because he first loved us,1 John 4:19. (i) "Beware of the dogs," he says. This is interesting, for it must mean that Paul had written other letters to the Philippians which have not survived. Not only do we have the excellency of the knowledge of Jesus Christ, but we have the privilege of gathering together and studying the word of God together. And the young girl went outside, and there was a limousine chauffeur, and they went down to I. Magnum's, and the chauffeur took the car up. "Let's not get too," Paul said, "involved in the world. It may well be that one of our faults is our desire for novelty. But the (trace of Christ wrought in them all; and that was the great joy and delight of the apostle's heart. The Jew placed his confidence in the physical badge of circumcision and in the performance of the duties of the Law. Women may have gifts as well as men. He had got a better righteousness, and he desired nothing so much as to be found in Christ, having that which is through faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith. (i) It means to know the power of his Resurrection. That was a thing which he never forgot. "Receive him therefore in the Lord with all gladness; and hold such in reputation" (he would turn it again to practical profit as to others): "because for the work of Christ he was nigh unto death, not regarding his life, to supply your lack of service toward me.". This epistle is therefore eminently instructive to those who could not have an apostle with them. The Jew in essence trusted himself ; the Christian in essence trusts God. She called the model over that they might look at it more closely and feel the texture of the material, and obviously she was very impressed with it. I. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Lord our righteousness, Isaiah 45:24; Jeremiah 23:6. Now here we have what is present; so that the passage presents some difficulty to souls because of intermingling the present with the future. "My joy and crown," "my dearly beloved." He and Wesley carried out a mission in Cornwall, near Land's End, and Nelson tells about it. He passionately longs to reach the final destination and, in no way presuming upon the grace of God, presses on towards that goal (OBrien 413). There is not one of these things but may in itself become the veriest snare; and so much the more dangerous because each looks fair. The name of Christ Himself is the true centre of the saints; unto this the Spirit gathers. The hope and prospect of it carried him with so much courage and constancy through all the difficulties he met with in his work. Hebrews 11:35 is instructive here. WebContext Summary Philippians 3:111 warns Christians about the influence of false teachers, particularly those who add legalism on top of the gospel. And why should our Lord adopt a correct form to the Sadducees (Luke 20:1-47 repeated inActs 4:1-37; Acts 4:1-37), and Paul an incorrect one to the Philippians? Had it been a question of his apostolic dignity, this could not have been; but an apostle even could, and did, and loved to, take the place of one that served others whom he viewed directly in their relationship to Christ. So Paul says that in the Christian life we must forget every past achievement and remember only the goal which lies ahead. Because I may blow my horn and shake my fist, but the Spirit will say, "Hey, don't you remember you have got a fish emblem on the back of your car? They really mean, this is worth my while, a well-known phrase in Latin too. "Let your requests," whatever they may be, "be made known unto God;" and not only so, but "with thanksgiving." Remembering that, we try to paraphrase this passage and to set down, not so much what Paul says, as what was in his mind. And He said, "I am Jesus. His intent is to bring to mind the resurrection, not of "all who are in the grave," but more specifically, the resurrection of the saved (1 Thessalonians 4:16). When it is used of Christians, it often means baptized persons who are full members of the Church, as opposed to those who are still under instruction. Little probable is it that the reading, . Now, Paul said in his Roman epistle, "I know in me, that is in my flesh, there dwells no good thing." "Our conversation is in heaven; from whence we wait for the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour" for this is the true meaning of it. They demanded that they be circumcised and they keep the law of Moses in order to be saved, which Paul called the perversion of the gospel of Jesus Christ.It is interesting that these people usually referred to the Gentiles as dogs. b. He associates Timothy with himself, not merely, as elsewhere, himself apostle and Timothy in some other relation, but here conjointly "Paul and Timotheus, the servants of Jesus Christ." Select a Passage. And did feel rather sorry for her. Again, Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended (Philippians 3:13; Philippians 3:13), ou logizomai. There is a certain indestructibility in Christian joy; and it is so, because Christian joy is in the Lord. But here is the proper experience of a Christian. Even he who knew them well marvelled that they were so soon shifting, not only from him, but from the gospel, after he left them. All Christians living and dead will be caught up when it occurs. Hence the conflict is never with internal evil, but rather with Satan. "I make this judgment of the case; I thus reason with myself." And one day when I am sitting, looking up in Jesus' face, just overwhelmed by His glory and love, I will turn to the fellow next to me, and I will say, "I finally have apprehended that for which I was apprehended. The internal evidence ( i.e. "I beseech Evodia, and beseech Syntyche, that they be of the same mind in the Lord. Here was a picture the Philippians could understand. Most preachers begin with the serious handicap that they have to say, not, "Do as I do," but, "Do as I say." No one denies this, which is, or ought to be, no new thing for a Christian. This verse does not contain a purpose clause, as the NASB translation "in order that" implies. WebPhilippians 3:611 The New International Version (NIV) 6 as for zeal, persecuting the church; as for righteousness based on the law, faultless. You see, there would be no security in that kind of righteousness at all. In modern speech that would mean that the body is an utterly evil and horrible thing; but vile in sixteenth-century English still retained the meaning of its derivation from the Latin word vilis which in fact means nothing worse than cheap, valueless. after a flea!" shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death. "The out-resurrection is a special reward which only faithful believers will receive. The apostle had his heart upon Christ as his righteousness. Therefore he intreated them to "do all things without murmurings and reasonings, that they might be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom they shone as lights in the world; holding forth the word of life." There was the very reverse in Paul's case. The hope of the Christian is that the day will come when his humanity will be changed into nothing less than the divinity of Christ, and when the necessary lowliness of mortality will be changed into the essential splendour of deathless life. The critical reading he owns has force and propriety; but he does "not see why . No man knew better from personal experience what Jewish religion was at its highest and most demanding. That he might be found in him (Philippians 3:9; Philippians 3:9), as the manslayer was found in the city of refuge, where he was safe from the avenger of blood, Numbers 35:25. out-resurrection). I like the power, but I don't like the suffering. But the weakest of saints (how much more this greatest of the apostles!) So the apostle lets them know that he owned their hearty love; "not," he says, "because I desire a gift." I just can't rise above it. THE ONLY TRUE CIRCUMCISION ( Php_3:2-3 continued), (iii) Lastly, he calls them, the party of mutilation. Quite suddenly Paul's accent changes to that of warning. They argued that a man could not be called complete until he had experienced everything that life had to offer, both good and bad. And what is this but the unfolding of the truth in the heart and in the ways of the Christian? The passive shines in Christ coming down; the active is realized by the eye that is fixed on Christ, who is actually in glory. Thus the difference between reconciliation and subjection is manifest. They were more obedient in his absence than in his presence. In other words, "Here I am, I am chained in prison, but I don't find it hard to write this to you. It is something that I could have never made for myself, but it was given to me by Lady Bountiful. Paul said. But unfortunately, since then, a lot of those things that they counted loss at that point, they picked back up, so that they are encumbered again. The resurrection of the dead. Not having my own righteousness, my works through the law, but now the righteousness which is of God by faith, that righteousness which is imputed to those who believe, that righteousness that Abraham had when God imputed his faith for righteousness.Now, I can endeavor to be righteous before God by my own works and efforts. . "Let your moderation be known unto all men," strengthened by this consolatory truth, "the Lord is at hand. So it is true with us. "That is why God apprehended you; He has a glorious plan and a purpose for your future. So what Paul says is, "If you have nothing to show but circumcision of the flesh, you are not really circumcised--you are only mutilated. By proceeding, you consent to our cookie usage. The use of the preposition ek twice in the phrase, the first usage being in exanastasin, suggests a resurrection out from a group not resurrected. "Let your moderation be known unto all men;" that is, the meekness and gentleness which bends to the blow, instead of resisting it in the spirit that ever asserts its rights and fights for them. Of course, the enemy would have desired above all and at any cost to lower such an one as the apostle Paul in the loving esteem of God's saints, more particularly where all had been sweet and happy; but, notwithstanding every effort, grace hitherto had prevailed, and these saints at Philippi felt the more for the apostle when he was a prisoner. Such was the apostle's faith. God, I thank you that I am so good," that pride and self-righteousness. Soul (14+ yrs) CY (11-14 yrs) Epic Explorers (kids) Universal Editions; Promotional materials; Translations; Booklets and tracts; Books; Shop by Type; Evangelistic Books; Philippians 3:11 by Grant Richison| Jan 16, 1996| Philippians| 5 comments Read Introduction to Philippians If, by any means, I may attain to the resurrection from the dead. In English, Paul appears to doubtthat he will rise from the dead. "That" (says he, after he had exhorted the Philippians thus to stand,) "I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain. Benjamin was the child of Rachel, the well-loved wife of Jacob, and of all the twelve patriarchs he alone had been born in the Promised Land ( Genesis 35:17-18). The great basic problem of life is to find fellowship with God and to be at peace and in friendship with him. Paul does not want his readers to misunderstand what he has just said. And now he would have them looking to Christ, that no damp should gather round their hearts from anything that might befall him, that nothing which happened, whether to themselves, to other saints, or even to the apostle, should interfere for a moment with their unclouded and abounding confidence in the Lord. Let me look at another as he is in Christ. ", Only he desires that their conversation should be as it became the gospel of Christ. The supply of the Spirit of Christ Jesus shows itself in dependence, and this expresses itself therefore in prayer to God. Sit at my feet and learn." Who have had more palpable witness that service may become the object rather than Christ? It is a description that might almost do for Christ himself, so high is the standard for those that belong to Christ. In the days of the early Church it is quite often used to describe martyrs. The one preach Christ of contention, not sincerely," nor was this all, but "supposing to add affliction to my bonds.". No; but "because that ye had heard that he had been sick." Not so Paul. "Therefore," says he, though I am in a strait betwixt two," as he had said before, "having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better: nevertheless to abide in the flesh is more needful for you. Their affections were right. It expresses expectation. Thank God for the experiences, but they are not valid unless they are translated into the immediate, present relationship, and I do count them but loss. And so they go back to the past, and they pick up the failures of the past, and they are discouraged to try anything in the future. should not of itself have the same sense as that conveyed, with more propriety of expression (and for that reason likely to be adopted in the early Uncial MSS. WebThe allusion is to the white line, or mark, which the runners in the Olympic games made up to, and to which he that came first received the prize; and by which the apostle intends the Lord Jesus Christ, who is ( skopov) , "the scope", or "mark", of all the thoughts, purposes, and counsels of God, to which they all aim, and in which they all The only boast of the Christian is not in what he has done for himself but in what Christ has done for him. We may enjoy the "fancy things" at meat times, but it is the basic foods on which we live. Verses 1-21. When God does not interpose, men are apt to allow reflections and reasonings. He must retrieve the glory of God in that very death which confessedly had brought the greatest shame on God outwardly. As far as the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, Paul had it. He had done everything that he was supposed to do according to the law to be righteous. Another view is that Paul was hoping that he would persevere faithfully in his quest to know Christ until he died. All error is founded on a misuse of a truth against the truth. And thus the name dog the Jews began to apply to the Gentiles. We fully respect if you want to refuse cookies but to avoid asking you again and again kindly allow us to store a cookie for that. Strange way of God! In other words, "I experienced it thirty years ago, and I had a turn-around in my life, and all of the past legalism and legal relationship with God, and all of those endeavors in my own flesh, the works of my flesh, I counted loss. It was by this name that the Jews called the Gentiles. We now heard what the apostle renounced; let us now see what he laid hold on, and resolved to cleave to, namely, Grace Evangelical Society Newsletter, November 1987, p. Yet they were the witnesses of Christ whom God had put forth at the close; for it was manifestly of Him. (ii) Here also Paul sets down what we might call the necessity of repetition. Is It Ok for Christians to Follow Zodiac Signs? We provide you with a list of stored cookies on your computer in our domain so you can check what we stored. What a God is ours, so to treat that which, connected with the world, Christ Himself calls "unrighteous mammon!" Thus the very suffering which unbelief might interpret wrongly, and regard as a severe chastening, and so cause the heart to be cast down, instead of taking comfort before God, the suffering for Christ's sake is a gift of His love, as much a gift as the believing in Christ for the salvation of the soul. (iii) We place no confidence in merely human things. We expect to eat bread and to drink water every day; and we must listen again and again to the truth which is the bread and the water of life. Because he lives, we shall live also; his victory is our victory. This is our conformity to his death. The apostle takes up, no doubt, the sweet affections of chapter 2, but then they are strengthened by the energy that Christ seen in glory imparts, as in chapter 3. 1. Who can understand why it should be "suitable to the persons addressed," on Dr. B's showing? Does this content our hearts? So, the exhortation in the scripture is always that of rejoicing in the Lord. "For all seek their own, not the things which are Jesus Christ's. They had little enough even to eat. You can also change some of your preferences. It is right that the patriot should love his country. When the distinction of the resurrection of the just from that of the unjust got lost in Christendom, and all were merged in the error of one general indiscriminate resurrection, one can understand that people would not feel the impropriety of substituting for (for as to , of which Dr. B. speaks, it exists in no document whatever). WebFee's commentary on Paul's letter to the church in Philippi. For the prize of the high calling. It was so with the apostle. It had always been so, as the apostle gives us to learn. It is perfectly possible for a man to go through an elaborate liturgy and yet have a heart that is far away from God. We may request cookies to be set on your device. And so, too, he could now read and interpret all things in that bright light around him. The doctrine of the resurrection was, in his view, that which distinguished the true religion, and which made it of such inestimable value Acts 26:6-7; Acts 23:6; 1 Corinthians 15:0; and he sought to participate in the full honor and glory of such a resurrection. a. There is no question that there will be differences of rewards at the judgment seat of Christ (1 Corinthians 3:12-15). And so Paul says, "Beware of those who would mutilate your body, for we are of those who are circumcised in the spirit." Father, I would that those who You have given to me, to be with me here, would also share with me in the Kingdom. But how can this be unless the heart and in calling out praise from other hearts 3:13 ; Philippians )! He never put pen to paper there must have been many more which. 'S letter to the Church in Philippi the Christian so much his,... Could not have an apostle with them for a Christian what a difference is when... 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Only let your moderation be known unto all men, '' on Dr. B 's showing in. Is ours, so to treat that which men call by this truth... A mission in Cornwall, near Land 's End, and Nelson tells about it we place no confidence merely. Life, or his cross ; it is not so much his blood as! Truly, `` the Lord well as in his work, or in it! Succour one now and here from time to time speaks about righteousness I beseech Evodia, and the word the. Which a man attempting it would please the flesh in praise from Himself, and flowing about. A God is ours, so to treat that which, connected with joy... A glorious plan and a purpose clause, as the NASB translation in! Caught up when it occurs and trembling. get too, '' `` my joy and rejoice me... Might heavily reduce the functionality and appearance of our faults is our for! Something that I could never come up to that of rejoicing in the?! 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