
This publication was developed by the Small-scale and Part-time Farming Project at Penn State with support from the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Extension Service. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Probably, you have already seen such potatoes when you store some potatoes in the kitchen for too long. Because drip irrigation provides complete control over the amount of moisture applied, it is also an excellent method for applying precise amounts of nutrients. Potatoes can be grown in almost every places around the world. Step 11- Use antifungal spray if any infection is found. Plant each piece of potato but make sure- cut side down with the eyes pointing up, every 12-15 inches with the row spaced three feet. Editor's Note: This continues the seventh installment in our Focus on Spuds series. Use seed rate of 800-1000 kg/acre for small size tuber, 1000-1200 kg/acre for medium size and 1200-1800 kg/acre for large size tubers. adElem.style.position = 'fixed'; During summer, my kids are with me almost every day while I work, and that is something I really enjoy, says Kerns, whose wife, Holly, works in town as the Baker County planning director. } Spacing varies with potato variety, soil type, amount of moisture available, fertility and the amount of fertilizer applied, and potato size desired at harvest time (closer planting yields smaller potatoes). An average yield is 10 pounds harvested to 1 pound planted (10:1). Crop insurance is available for potatoes, but individual crop insurance coverage is not available for all vegetable crops. Potatoes are best grown in rows. Potatoes are best grown in rows. Empowered Zambezi potato farmers improve their yields. Some farmers may have much higher yields, and some much lower. Farmers are producing approximately Rs 1.5 lakh to 2 lakh of potato production per acre and potato production per bigha will be higher while doing the cultivation of potatoes per acre. A. Adamik, E. E. Gantz, and J. K. Harper. Separate a bunch of disease free potatoes for seed purpose. Potatoes are naturally gluten-free, which makes them an excellent food choice for people with celiac disease or a non-celiac gluten sensitivity. There are about 4,000 varieties of potatoes available throughout the world. The potato farmer, Rakesh Kumar, has harvested 108.8 tonnes of potato per hectare and set a new world record in potato production, Nalanda district magistrate Sanjay Kumar Agrawal said on Monday . Please enter your email address below to create account. Wheat is not terribly profitable up here, but it grows pretty well behind potatoes because potatoes leave a lot of nutrients in the ground, Kerns says. The northeastern states combine for around 100,000 acres each year; Pennsylvania potatoes supply both the processing (primarily for potato chips) and fresh (or table-stock) markets. For the sell prices, I have found some data in the game files and I think it represent the . If the price was $1.98 per bushel and the yield the same, the profit would be $5.56 per acre. Common Pests and care needed in plantation: The potato must harvested at the right stage of maturity when leaves turn yellow and dry. 45,000 per acre, you can get the best carrot harvest of about 20 tons. adElem.style.zIndex = '21'; This is the only weakness I have. Potato Diseases in Pennsylvania. At a cost of $15 per kg, we received a minimal price. Your email address will not be published. You can start planting 1-2 weeks after last spring frost, if you live in the northern areas. Crop rotation can help for preventing this pest. Monitoring insect populations by scouting is critical in determining when you should use insecticides and which materials you should spray. A box sells at Sh. 1.6 lakh from 1-acre sweet potato cultivation. Chemical fertilizers are also essential along with organic fertilizer for maximum growth. Dunn, J. W., J. K. Harper, and L. F. Kime. This would make: start growing potatoes for making profits, Growing Peas Commercially is Highly Profitable, Eucalyptus Farming Business Guide For Beginners, Ginger Farming Business Guide For Beginners, Wheat Farming: Best Business Plan For Beginners, Rice: Sustainable & Versatile Traditional Staple, Bamboo Farming Business Guide For Beginners, Best Pans For Cooking Fish: Top 5 Fish Cooking Pans, Best Dog For Apartment Living: Perfect & Top 5 Breeds, Exercise And Weight Management in Dogs: Dos & Dont, Preparing Your Pets For Emergencies And Disasters, How to Pick The Perfect Farm Dog: Best 10 Tips. I have never seen villagers giving water to their farms here the atmosphere plays a key role. Processors are not likely to contract with small-acreage growers. At the same time, farm income was forecast to increase nationwide in 2020 (see Farm Income and Wealth Statistics for details). "I sell the produce in Marikiti, Kisii and Sirare markets but sometimes the brokers (middlemen) come up to the farm to collect the produce," said Rutto. You can start commercial potato farming business if you follow this guide carefully. Well pulverized bed should be prepared for commercial potato cultivation. Informa Markets, a trading division of Informa PLC. Never again. Potatoes can be grown in different types of fertile soil. Commercial potato farming business has many advantages/benefits. Cost of retail clones is $ 4 -$ 7 each, so costs minimum $ 6000 - $ 10500 per acre. Rather curiously, farm land may he said to be worth per acre in the corn belt just as many dollars as it will, one year with another, produce bushels of corn per acre; thus, if the land will only grow 25 bushels of corn to the acre such land is not worth oxer $25. >not since we voted out of the EU. Planting Depth: Dig a trench of 6-8 inch deep and plant 1 piece of potato with eye pointing up. The potato belongs to the family of "solanaceae" and genus of "solanum". Don't forget to reduce your investment including electricity bill. By the early 1600s potatoes became the staple food of the Irish, with the majority of the people depending on them for their existence. If diameter of tuber ranges from 2.5-3.5 cm, use planting distance of 6015 cm where as if diameter of tuber is of 5-6 cm, use spacing of 6040 cm. Here we are shortly describing about the top advantages of potato farming business. Each year, Kerns and his family raise about 200 acres of Russet Burbanks. After removing leaves from the farm field, potatoes on top soil is collected. Remaining 1/4th dose of nitrogen should be applied after 30-40 days after planting at time of earthing up operation. During your first year of cultivating potatoes, a good yield would be 25 tons per hectare or 10 tons per acre (22.000 lbs. Remaining potatoes graded according to size and stored in shade to avoid sun injury. These handling practices require an inspection from a designated third party and there are fees associated with the inspection. This will loosen the soil and allow the plants to become established more quickly. 650,000 In a year, say you plant twice, you make a clean Ksh. At a price of $7.6 per cwt gross income would be $3,914 per acre. Early harvesting can be done but only if there is high demand in market. Potatoes are delicious, versatile and easy to add to your diet. Five gallon bucket of hemp oil costs around $150 and potential returns for hemp fiber range from $170 (low yield) to $759 (high yield) per acre. Sprout development// Sowing potato slices//Vegetable growth// Tuber initiation// Tuber bulking// Maturation. Step 4- Final ploughing and rotavator is carried out usually at evenings or at night day before seeding. During your first year of cultivating potatoes, a good yield would be 25 tons per hectare or 10 tons per acre (22.000 lbs. Consumers and restaurants often seek out these "fresh" or "new" potatoes, which often bring a premium price. Exposure to direct sunlight is also essential. Apply 3/4th of nitrogen fertilizer and whole dose of phosphorus and potash at time of sowing. The fertility value of a legume crop grown the previous season should also be considered. Demand and price of potato are good. The crops grown in rabi season require cold climate with dry conditions for their best growth and good yield. The overall average size increased by 1 acre to 444 acres per farm. The potato plants are highly susceptible to some pests and diseases. Stop irrigation 10-12days before harvesting. First it is one of the most demanding vegetable in the world. So, you dont have to worry much about marketing your products. How does a farmer accumulate 3,000 acres of debt-free farmland? Some factors to consider in the fertility program are the method of fertilizer application, crop use (fresh or processing), variety, length of the growing season, and manure applications. So, taking additional care of the plants is a must for good growth of the plants and maximum production. Bed technique in potato farming. The average profit for a one-hectare plot of potatoes was 1,039,702 MZN (16,272 USD), using . Orzolek, M. D., W. J. Lamont, T. Elkner, K. Demchak, E. Sanchez, J. M. Halbrendt, S. J. Fleischer, L. LaBorde, K. Hoffman, and G. San Julian. designer stroller caddy The ban died out and nowadays, China is one of the top producers of A. European . Thats all about commercial potato farming business. During your first year of cultivating potatoes, a good yield would be 25 tons per hectare or 10 tons per acre (22.000 lbs. Marketing potatoes is very easy. Potato farming profit per acre. The cells outlined in red automatically calculate your revised totals based on the changes you made to the cells outlined in green. Aphids and beetles are the most common pests of the potato plants. 2,07,000 - Rs. This technique increases water using efficiency of the crop, helps in absorbing nutrients and smoothens the aeration facility of the crop which ultimately gives good results. The use of different colors adds to the visual appeal of potatoes on display and can attract attention at a retail outlet. Wheat will yield 1300 to 1800 kilograms of straw per acre. Price also varies. Potatoes have very good demand and value throughout the world. . adElem.style.height = ''; Dehaulming means cutting of foliage close to ground at fix timing or date. Is farming potatoes profitable? (Behind cattle, potatoes are the second-leading agricultural commodity in Baker County, with annual sales hovering around $12 million.). Maintain relative humidity at 85 percent or higher to help prevent shrinkage and pressure bruising and to keep the potatoes firm. Try boiling, baking or steaming them and consuming them with the skin intact. With seven acres under the crop, he harvests 2,800 boxes. Drip irrigation is always best for any farming it is also useful to save water. Experienced farmers after years of practice can achieve yields from 40 to 70 tons per hectare, or from 16 to 28 tons per acre. The area grows really good potatoes; the quality is fantastic.. The crops grown in rabi season require cold climate with dry conditions for their best growth and good yield. Cooperatives, such as the. You can do so by ploughing the land once up to 20 to 25 cm deep. Every acre of cantaloupes needs 75 gallons of 800,000 Cost of production is about Ksh. CSAs strive to provide the greatest variety over the longest season, and potatoes are a good match for other crops such as winter squash and root crops for fall and winter sales or markets. October to March is the best season for these crops but it is not fix, this may change for different regions in the world and it depends on their local climatic conditions. It is a good source of vitamin C, B6. Local retailers (individual grocery stores) are another possibility, but you must take the time to contact produce managers and provide high-quality potatoes when the stores require them. Potato plants grow well in cool weather. It takes much longer to prepare and harvest a potato field than other crops (although I think sugarcane might be worse). Due largely to eliminating preemergence herbicides, plasticulture greatly simplifies the production of organic potatoes. How to start Geranium Plant farming | geranium agriculture with Profit Step by Step Guide Introduction to red or white. Take two or three harrowing after ploughing operation. Among the active volunteers is Baker County FB member Eugene Hawes, a fifth-generation farmer and rancher who raises hay, cattle and wheat. Step 13- Potatoes are loaded to tractor and transported to storage. Meru dove farmer turns childhood hobby into a profitable farming venture . They originated in the Andean region of South America and were first brought to Spain, where they were marketed as early as 1576. adElem.style.display = 'block'; Mulching is very helpful for retaining moisture in the soil and also for controlling weeds from the soil. The yield of potato actually depends on many factors. Farmers are producing approximately Rs 1.5 lakh to 2 lakh of potato production per acre and potato production per bigha will be higher while doing the cultivation of potatoes per acre. I will endeavor to put into practice your advice. The potato plants give best yield when grown under well drained sandy loam and medium loam soils with rich organic content. Today, the United States produces more than 420 million hundredweight (cwt) of potatoes annually on around 1.1 million acres with an approximate value of $3.5-4.0 billion. Consuming potatoes have many nutritional benefits. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Note - This is the potato yield per acre in India, potato profit figure may change as per the cost of cultivation of potatoes accordingly. The sample budgets included in this publication summarize the costs and returns for table-stock potatoes grown both conventionally and in a plasticulture system. They are rare species of potatoes and are found of the French Atlantic coast in the bay of biscay. Finally, the USDA Farm Service Agency has a program called the Non-insured Assistance Program (NAP) that is designed to provide a minimal level of yield risk protection for producers of commercial agricultural products that don't have multi-peril crop insurance coverage. Ridge and furrow method, and flat bed methods are generally used for planting potatoes. If hilling is delayed, be careful to minimize root damage caused by tillage. Timely and proper watering is very important for commercial potato farming business. Grading of potatoes is done before packing it into sacks. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Lavender farming can produce above-average profits for small growers, as it is such a versatile crop. Now, approximately 40 area farms grow potatoes, including Riverdale Potato Farm in Elkton, which dedicates its 1,000 acres to growing specially formulated varieties specifically for Frito-Lay. Like nearly all vegetable crops, potatoes require weed, disease, and insect management. It has higher yields and is more nutritious than white rice. The idea behind these programs is to ensure a safer food system by reducing the chances for foodborne illnesses resulting from contaminated products reaching consumers. Commercial potato cultivation can be a very good business idea for the educated unemployed people. Its a terribly, terribly expensive crop to grow, Kerns says. But it should still provide you with an understanding of the system as well as a general idea of the prices. Some popular potato varieties for commercial cultivation are Katahdin, Kennebec, Elba, Irish Cobbler, Norland, Mountain Rose, Viking, Blue, Red Pontiac and Chieftan. } else { Sweet potatoes were profitable on three of the four farms, providing a net income range of $0.56-$1.35 per pound at those three farms. A year's worth of soil preparation and planting is folded around the field's six-week spring windfall. var rect = adElemSticky.getBoundingClientRect();
Most chipping potatoes are grown by larger farming operations on a contract basis. They are now packaged in 1.5-pound clamshells or in quart baskets as a ready-to-use product. adElem.style.height = rect.height + 'px'; The seed potatoes are actually not seeds at all. : Potato Association of America, 2010. 320,000 per acre in three months, especially if you are able to do proper timing. But it is mainly used as vegetable and also used for making chips and other food items. NAP coverage is available through your local USDA Farm Service Agency office. All Rights Reserved 2021 Theme: Prefer by. Harvest crop 15 to 20 days after dehaulming at proper moisture in soil. Be sure to consult an agricultural engineer who is familiar with the construction of potato storages when building a new potato storage facility or renovating an older facility. Plant each piece of potato (cut side down, with the eyes pointing up) every 12-15 inches, with the rows spaced 3 feet apart. Is potatoes farming profitable? For more information about GAP and GHP, contact your local extension office or your state's department of agriculture. The soil should have a pH of 5.5 to 6.5. window.onscroll = function () {
Required fields are marked *. Plastic bulk containers are recommended for storing larger quantities of potatoes because they are much easier to clean than wooden ones. Water well Place the pots in the warmest where make sure that it should have 84 to 91 degrees is ideal for Sprouting at lower temperatures are going to be very slow and your rhizomes may even rot instead of sprout. The potato is a profitable crop in tropical countries. Table 1. adElem.style.zIndex = ''; A step by step guide to vegetable Farming Profit Per Acre in There are plenty of natural methods to reduce the effort of weeding, such as mulching, (using a thick layer of organic substances such as seaweed or grass clippings to not only keep the weeds down but also to feed the growing plants). The potato plants can be grown in acidic soil. You will need to have any water supply used by your workers or for crop irrigation and pesticide application checked at least twice each year. Equipment: tractor (50 to 75 hp); boom sprayer; potato harvester, Equipment: tractor (50 to 75 hp); boom sprayer; plastic mulch layer; mulch lifter; irrigation system; rotary mower, Agricultural Economics, Sociology, and Education. Copyright 2023. It is after subtracting Ksh.16790 in extra or other expenditures such as crop insurance, field visits, transportation charges, and other contingency costs and mistakes are all included. while if it will produce C. 5. Half the time, a grower will net about $950 per acre. Bohl, W. H., S. B. Johnson, eds. Here we are shortly describing about the caring process for potato farming. Which can also be a very good business idea. Generally Potatoes need between one-two inches of water per week. Over half of the total wheat crop in Idaho is soft white wheat. When should one stop watering potato plants. per acre). Cultivation- Cultivation is done by the help of animals like couple of ox, were used for the process. The sale and processing of sandalwood is fully under control of the government. Bamboo is one of the most profitable crops to grow per acre. Potatoes are excellent source of many vitamins and minerals. These budgets should help ensure that you include all costs and receipts in your calculations. 2nd ed. The acreage of chipping potatoes grown in Pennsylvania is still significant but has been declining for over twenty years. The potato is a profitable crop in tropical countries. Yield per acre varies from year to year in different states. Some growers sell to local restaurants. You can use the red Clear Form button to clear all the information from your budget when you are finished. For example, if you plant the Arizona variety, you can expect an average yield of 16 . Planting shangi potatoes in one acre, the potato farming profit per acre yields a net profit of Ksh.105,610 per season. It could be $20,000 . In addition, the state government also provides a loan of up to Rs. In conventionally grown potatoes, the amount of nitrogen applied typically ranges from 160 to 200 pounds per acre depending on the variety. The highest quality sandalwood variety can fetch a price of up to Rs 10,000 per kg. Despite this, production levels remain very low. Potatoes stored longer than three months for the fresh or tablestock market should be held at 38 to 40F. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Profitable Tomato Farming in Kenya: BY SMART HARVEST - Nicholas Njagi's seven acre tomato farm located in Igamba-ng'ombe, Tharaka Nithi County, produces 400 boxes of tomatoes per acre and this season is no different. Even if you read discussions on this topic it is hard to pinpoint what agricultural crop is most . Irrigation for Fruit and Vegetable Production. And you can make good profits from potato cultivation business. Remaining irrigation should be given as per requirement of soil and crop need. Fresh-market potatoes are sold loose, in containers, and in 3- to 50-pound paper or poly bags. NAP is designed to reduce financial losses when natural disasters cause catastrophic reduction in production. Commercial potato farming is very easy and simple. Production costs is moderate, and ROI is good. May 24, 2016 #1 I was recently told it costs 2000 per acre to grow a crop of potatoes so if you get 20 tonnes to the acre good enough to sell you would need 100 per tonne to break even, breaking this 2000 down surely a large portion is labour/rent and machinery? This variety goes back to the 1920s. The middle 57% of Potato Farmers makes between $43,083 and $46,908, with the top 86% making $54,988. Spread the manure over the garden before folding it into the top six to eight inches of soil with a plow, rotary tiller hoe or shovel. Another sign of change in the potato industry is in the marketing of "B" size potatoes, which were once discarded as too small or kept for seed. . Magnesium is recommended when soil levels of magnesium are low or potassium levels are excessively high. St. Paul, Minn.: APS Press, 1993. Cut the plants at ground level eight days prior to the date of harvesting. Knott's Handbook for Vegetable Growers. Bulletin #1092. Wireworms are a particularly difficult pest that can be monitored using field-corn-monitoring stations. Over size tubers have great demand and value in the market, and they are very useful for chips making. There are crop insurance programs designed to help farmers manage both yield risk and revenue shortfalls. Even the beginners can also start growing potatoes for making profits. Potato farming project Report - If you will ask me whether potato farming is profitable farming or not then I would say "YES" it is profitable. Studies have shown that potatoes are among the most filling foods. Celiac disease or a non-celiac gluten sensitivity the profit would be $ 3,914 acre. 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