
Instead of the man behind the camera, we see him completely bare, exposing himself to the audience. He just tried to observe that and filmed everything as it is, while they I assume from the very beginning had agreed to be filmed in any state they are. It would be exceedingly difficult to make a documentary on a difficult subject such as alcoholism without the use of a subjects personal hardship. It is complicated to say if Paul Watsons techniques were successful in the making of the film, as there are arguments from both sides. In making Rain in my Heart I would need to film people with troubled psyches; people within which gremlins and monsters lurk producing psychological pain and miseries, miseries that often push them to self-harm. However, as I mentioned previously, Watson neither encourages nor halts the emotional stress of the patients, he simply asks them questions about their mental state and at times even asks the patients if they would prefer the camera to be turned off. Is it really more important that showing the dangerous of alcoholism by peoples moment who dying even ignore their life? It is not a pleastant sound. I feel he mistakes this forced friendliness by asking more and more personal questions as he continues to film her. This film must encounter with some ethics problems and Pauls observational style should instigated arguments. Check out our rain in my heart selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. Explaining hell it is! Watson had to exploit his subjects in order to create such an amazing film. There are some moments that I will have questions against this films moral or ethical problems. It serves its purpose of portraying the realities of alcoholism, and at times may seem harsh, but in doing so creates an ugly truth that otherwise wouldnt be seen. The film probably brought him a lot of attention (both positive and negative), which means hes profited from filming his subjects problems. 'Fires were started' (1943)may easily come across as simply a fictional film due to the stylistic use of non-diagetic sound and scripted narrative. Post Thanks / Like Thanks (Given) 0 Thanks (Received) 0 Likes (Given) 0 Likes (Received) 0 In The Cove (2009) we needed to see how they got the cameras where they did, but in this film I felt that Watson should have left his comments for the bonus DVD. At this point, i would say, at least, it demonstrates the serious damage of alcoholism to many people like me, especially for teengers. Play over 265 million tracks for free on SoundCloud. Directed by. Ive never seen alcoholism go to this extent. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. But all of these elements and attitudes of the filmmaker were performed in order to achieve a result of what alcoholism really is and of how serious and dangerous its consequences can be. The reason for all this was to make people aware about the phenomenon of alcoholism and surely not for attracting more audience. Director Paul Watson See production, box office & company info Add to Watchlist 5 User reviews Won 1 BAFTA Award 2 wins & 1 nomination total Photos Add photo More like this 6.7 17,029 pages were read in the last minute. Mr. Stark was okay, although he still had scars from the snap. Because the participants in the film are always in a very fragile state because of their problems, it makes the audience question can they actually give valid consent? At no point during the documentary did I feel that the filmmaker was exploiting the subjects, the recording of what can be described as personal and intimate situations felt more like a significant necessity with moral intentions towards bringing awareness towards the seriousness of the consumption of alcohol. Watching Nigel s family crying over his coffin is something that is upsetting and distressing for all. He says My job is to explain, not entertain. Watson himself, also repeats that whilst he is filming them he will not intervene; it is his job purely to observe. There were no moments where I thought Paul Watson was exploiting his subjects in the film, I simply viewed him as an observational documentarist that attempted to explain the real horrors of self-harming through the use of alcohol. Currently, Penny Parker's life was great. Thats exactly what I think about the film: it is extreme and crude in some scenes but this cannot be translated as exploitation but as accurate and careful explanation and evidence of a serious phenomenon such as alcoholism. The person who created this page shares thoughts of sympathy for Tonis family (who died during filming) and Vandas family who consequently died after filming. After drinking heavily, people are definitely not in a normal status, which lead to a question that in what situation Paul Watson get the consent from these alcoholics. Once Watson sees this he is distinctively appalled and shocked that Vanda, after promising in a previous shot that she would fight to stay sober in the future, has gone back on her words and is drunk again. In comparison to other hard-hitting and eye opening documentaries and coverage of alcohol/substance addictions, I think that Rain In My Heart is hardly exploitative at all. As for Nigel, it can be said that he was exploited less than others, because his wife was constantly present, therefore she could control the actions of the filmmakers. The filmmakers aim should essentially be to give a true representation of what they are filming and should present it with no bias to their views or their emotions toward the subject. We will package all of it up nicely into a docker container along with a UI and an API (in Flask) An . Music Video BOWY Rain In My Heart Featured In Album Beat Emotion BOWY Listen to RAIN IN MY HEART on Apple Music. 0 . Please log in using one of these methods to post your comment: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. I do not believe that Paul Watson was dealing with the accusations successfully, but I also do not believe that he was making this film completely selfishly. To illustrate, each of the documentary objects have had their own monsters in their heads, to my mind, they are in a sense weak or have a big weakness- alcohol, therefore Pauls use of characters (Vandas) confession about her monsters or at the same time the reasons why she might be came to drinking helps not only the filmmaker but us in getting closer to this unfamiliar woman and her story. Filmed over the course of a year, Paul Watson's camera follows them from Gillingham . On the other hand, I feel that some of the content included in the film did not have to be included. I feel like Rain in My Heart must be a controversial documentray in terms of how dealing with the ethics in this film. This for me was an awkward introduction to have with a subject you are going to see go through an emotional and dark period. However, that would ruin his fly on the wall style of filmmaking. 0. White envelopes included. Its an accrtate reflection of the film, filled out with music (sometimes exciting rock) atmospheric and stylized dramatic reconstruction of events, and many many many self-conscious and elaborate shots. I find it hard to imagine a way Watson could have made this film without the, sometimes unjust, use of the subjects. I doubt he would have filmed the subjects in these environments if he himself doubted they would drop their barriers. But while Watson explains he also interacts with the subject instead of just observing. Print this design in the 3.5 x 5" size. However, although Watson reveals his inner moral debates, it does not stop him using his observational and interview style to get footage and shots that exploit the subjects. Most Popular Now | 56,514 people are reading stories on the site right now. And the audience is living the pain through the subjects, and that is the best outcome to achieve, making the subjects exploitation almost worthwhile. If there was any moment in the film where you could perceive Watson as exploiting them it would be when he interviews and observes them whilst or after theyve been drinking heavily, of course Watson cannot control what comes out of their mouth, he does have control over what to show to the audience, however showing these moments to the audience ensures that Watson has observed in full, the effects of alcohol and his points of its destructiveness comes across. He found the only four people that were willing to take part in this film not to paint them in a bad light, but rather to show the general public what excessive consumption of alcohol could do to a person and how it can affect them physically and mentally, as well as their families. Watson edits and cross-cuts footage to emphasize reccuring themes across the alcoholics. As with the film, this documentary presents some uncomfortable and hard to bear realities. Perhaps the strong emotional shocked felt from watching it is more to do with fearing our own mortality. I can understand how to other viewers, this film may be seen as a breach to ethics within filmmaking, with how Watson gets so close with his vulnerable subjects, however, I feel that Watsons approach is what makes this film such a powerful observation. He made this film to show people about the effects of alcoholism, and I think he achieved his goal. Also just to confirm Gillingham is a pretty shitty place to grow up in, so the documentary comes across as very sincere. Rain in my heart is a really educational and impressive documentary film for me. This is just one example of the reaction that Watsons Rain in My Heart provoked; Not something that is watched and easily forgotten about. For example, when Vandas temper reaches a certain point and she slams the phone down repetitively, wanting to break it and smash it pieces. I particularly found the way that Watson asked questions respectable, when talking about the monsters in Vandas head she stated she didnt want to talk about it and he was reassuring and moved the conversation away from them. For I'm just a fool Who clings to his pride But when I'm alone I can hear The sound of rain In my heart Of the tears that I hide And it tears me apart 'Cause I keep them inside I can't get away From the sound of the rain In my heart How could I know, my love I was a toy Only a game to you? Rain in my Heart TV Movie 2006 1 h 40 m IMDb RATING 7.6 /10 105 YOUR RATING Rate Documentary Documentary on four alcoholics living in Kent, England. It is a difficult film to watch because of the subject matter it deals with. Before i didnt know that alcoholism could lead to such a terrifying state and even death. After watching this documentary i get shock of the people shown. Its probably doing far more good than bad, just in terms of getting the reality of alcoholism out there. Paul Watson does a good job at creating face and gives the appearance of being genuinely interested and sympathetic so in that way it is easier for us to lower our defensive walls and absorb what the documentary is trying to tell us. All Watsons subjects agreed to being filmed whilst they were drunk before the filming commenced, and so the question is not should Watson have kept filming?, but rather should Watson have included that part of the footage?. However, Watson once again denies accusations of exploitation for when he arrives at Vandas to see the door open and clarifies his reason for waiting by stating of course you wait, you dont just go in and more importantly, when the action begins to unfold with a drunken Vanda, Watson says that he must regain his job as someone there to just film what they do to their selves and reassures her that when she begins to talk delicately about her abusive past, that he will not use this footage in the future if she does not want to. Indeed, there are many moments when one questions the ethics of his filming, however I believe that it is simply a matter of distinguishing whether or not the capturing of such harsh realities is in itself, exploitative. Thus creating awareness, insight into the medical world and the rising figures of binge drinking, alcohol abuse and its rippling consequences. BBC - Rain in My Heart Watch now This powerful documentary from fly-on-the-wall pioneer Paul Watson provides a raw account of four alcohol abusers from the impoverished Medway towns of north. Revisiting Rain. I feel that to say Watson exploits his subjects within the film is unfair. Nigel died during the course of filming Rain in my Heart, leaving Kath and two teenage children. When watching the film, there various moments where I felt Paul Watson over stepped the mark, and exploited his subjects. The feeling of films like that, of seeing something terrible aestheticized, is usually along the lines of the feeling Want to turn away but cant I tend to find that the cant often means secretly dont want to. It is clear to me throughout, both when talking to his subjects and when talking to the camera itself that he becomes both emotionally involved and also continuously checks that he is keeping to his promises. Watson used creative techniques through editing of previous footage of Vanda. That both are now vulnerable because they/we are putting ourselves forward to talk about something that is often bypassed. 22/11/06 - 10:57 #8. A good example of his moral doubts is when he asks himself Am I an ambulance chaser? and is a clear way of showing how documentary makers may react with barely contained glee when they get material of extreme situation that can make good TV Although he felt a great need to capture this real footage, it was only when he almost invaded the subjects personal space (their homes) knowing they would be under the influence of alcoholic beverages, did they begin to open up emotionally and share extremely personal experiences. Frank SinatraCycles 1968 Frank Sinatra Enterprises, LLCReleased on: 1990-01-01Producer: Don C. Considering this film brings light to the mental conditions that tend to lead to alcoholism, then was Paul Watson in the right place to accept the consent from these people? This for me over steps the boundaries of ethical filming. I mean most people wouldntHer reaction to his question is also an example as she seemed to be in pain by his disbelief and lack of trust.she even said why else would she be in the state she is in if not because of the trauma she had been through? During the film one of the subjects Mark says If I am not a advert for not drinking then I dont know what is. How could you go, my love Without a thought https://www.facebook.com/pages/Rain-In-My-Heart-Documentary-In-Memory-Of-My-Dad-Toni-And-Vanda/233416877232. I also think that it is not Pauls fault that these people after having a huge amount of alcohol could not control themselves: their speech, actions and emotions. There are so many implicit positives such as the awareness it gives people of the truth about alcoholism, its broadcasting the problems in society like a fresh scar, so audiences cant ignore or forget what they have learnt. I felt that already Watson was too close to his subjects to represent them how he originally intended to. Troubled Toni, 26, merely laughs at warnings that continued drinking will mean death. Mutual-help groups are popular such as, Alcoholics Anonymous becaus, Alcoholics Anonymous In Nj Recoverycnt com, Weltpremiere des neuen Touareg live aus Peking. Watsons past experience in using the observational documentary style in his films means that he is well adjusted to the style. However, it doesnt justify the ignore her drinking even he had a chance to stop her. This is a bit more than just explaining the distress the subjects are going through. The documentary follows four alcoholics in an observatory manner. Once she confesses her heartbreaking childhood, Watson mentions that he will check with her tomorrow to see whether she still wants it to be put in [the final cut of the documentary]. I personally think he dealt with this extremely well. So I guess Im not satisfied with his attempts to explain himself during the film, but only because I think he didnt need to in the first place. Listen to Rain' in My Heart on the English music album Wonderful Soundtrack by Slim Harpo, only on JioSaavn. This can be seen when Watson is speaking to Toni about her addiction, something that Toni profusely denies she is. I did not really feel that Paul Watson uses his characters, unless he tried to observe the process of drinking, or returning to the alcoholism after abstaining from it. It is true that Watson recorded all of what the people he met were saying, even the most intimate and private details of their existence. Watson intrudes on his film, importantly (and rather unromantically, when we consider the idea of immersive movie magic) shows him forging all the social contracts with his subjects at the start. Also, i think observation style makes audience to get more shock by the scene without explanation. Although uncomfortable to watch this shed some light if not clarity into the source of Vandas drinking. Yes it does raise awareness, and the documentary was good, however, to feel taken back is not the sort of emotion one should try to evoke. I believe he does ask himself sincere ethical questions and that he answers them truthfully. I found the piece riveting but extremely disturbing. An example being Vanda and the way he gets to know her and in the end explores her painful past. This however does not detract from the fact that I believe some of what Watson did, did push the boundaries on what is ethical and moral within a documentary. Throughout the documentary there are cut ins of Watson discussing ethical implications during the filming process. Watson himself has said that he received criticism for not helping his subjects; this could be an argument of him exploiting his subjects. Kath now struggles on a severely limited income. Documentary which follows four alcohol abusers - Vanda, aged 43; Mark, 29; Nigel, 49 and Toni, 26 - from the impoverished Medway towns of north Kent. We as a audience get to see his family grieving him when he dies and more importantly we see his wife looking after him when he is in his worst state and also coping with his departure. I can see why he added this into the film but I think it did effect the overall tone and flow of the documentary. I thoroughly enjoyed this weeks viewing, I felt that it was very informative and educational to those who dont have much knowledge about alcoholism. It becomes less objective, and much more personal between him and Vanda. Overall, I see both sides of the argument. In Rain in my Heart she is living in a council flat. From a personal level I felt it was very moving and eye opening to me on this subject. Here I refer to when he would talk to the viewer/camera about how he felt at certain points of the film it drew away from the importance of what he should have really been filming and instead became self indulgent within the context. For one the subjects were extremely vulnerable which raises the question on whether they were in the right state of mind to consent to being filmed and telling their story. Personally, I would much rather watch Robert Winstons documentary series on the human body which ended with the filming of a mans death, from cancer, than go Watsons questionable film techniques. Frank Sinatra Lyrics "Rain In My Heart" My eyes are dry, my love, since you've been gone, I haven't shed a tear, I'll never cry, my love, though every day seems like a hundred years, For I'm just a fool who clings to his pride but when I'm alone, I can hear the sound of rain in my heart, of the tears that I hide, (http://www.theguardian.com/media/organgrinder/2006/nov/05/sheffielddocfestaredocument) It is important to understand that Watson is doing his job as a filmmaker and how this certainly does not make in inhumane to the situation. This is getting a lot more personal. But in saying all this we must remember that all the people in the film agreed to be in the documentary. When researching the film I found a web page (which is a old BBC one). There are certainly points in this film in which I believe that the subjects were exploited. We ask a lot of our hunters as many times we will pass 200 inch deer to pursue true giant deer. I felt as if Watson was genuine in the fact that he did care, he wanted to see the subjects overcome their problems, in a scene where he is at Vandas house, he stands with her and says although he cant stop Vanda from drinking, he doesnt want to see her do it. Also when he went to Vandas house and interviewed her, he didnt stop her to drink alcohol. On the positive side of the argument I agree that Watson, through the cut away shots he includes throughout the film, allows himself to be more personal with the audience. I think Paul Watson has exploited his subjects in some point. I felt as if he cared for her wellbeing. Several times in the documentary we see him struggle to make decisions on how he will proceed with the footage he has. The truth of this film is that it brings attention to parts of life that as a society we tend to stay quiet about and so by being a representation for people who go through something so scary, life changing and threatening it can never appear wholly ethical. Its a very tricky position for Watson. " "Before there is peace, blood will spill blood, and the lake will run red. These cut ins of his soul searching questions illustrate exactly his own empathy towards the subject at hand. By going that extra further he creates a relationship with the subjects. Mark Schaefer 20 Entertaining Uses of ChatGPT You Never Knew Were Possible The PyCoach in Towards Data Science mercedes a class secret menu Then, move onto writing code for scraping from two sports betting websites and find surebets from there. To argue my point further, there is a particular example from Rain In My Heart that exemplifies this problem. I think the way though that Watson should come to it should be through meaningful tactics and not in ways that makes the subject feel smaller in order for the audience to feel bigger. RAIN IN MY HEART BOWY Rock 1,125Shazams play full song Get up to 5 months free of Apple Music Share OVERVIEW LYRICS PLAY FULL SONG Connect with Apple Music. Overall, I believe that it is good to make the public known about situations like these, especially when it can have an impact on your image of alcohol. In order to inform and have an impact on the audience, enough to make them think before undergoing any dangerous activity illustrated in the documentary, the use of empathy is crucial. Thanos was gone. For Watson asks: What would you class as an alcoholic? Toni replies: Someone who cant go a day without a drink. Once this is said, Watson slowly zooms in on her face and responds: but you told me there are days where you cant go a day without a drink. Watsons response to Tonis statement could be stated as being overly dramatic for the audiences benefit, therefore, compiling with Ellis and most documentary critics argument that the director is always more concerned with how the potential audience will perceive the subject and story than the subject themselves. This was maybe to excuse himself for what he maybe shouldnt have been doing and to tell the viewer that yes he thought it was wrong, but he was doing it for a reason to explore a topic that most people are scared of exploring. I do agree he is explaining in a graphic way the torment of being addicted to alcohol and the consequences that excessive drinking does to ones body. This makes me feel as though he almost abuses his subject. It affected me emotionally and made me understand what an alcoholics reasons might be for drinking, and sometimes it might not just be that they want a drink. To this statement Vanda agrees and understands the relationship between the two of them. This means as subjects they must think the documentary will help. Outside, the sparrows on the roof Are chirping in the dripping rain.Rain in my heart; rain on the roof; And memory sleeps beneath the gray And the windless sky and brings no dreams Of any well remembered day. It is hard to be objective about this film because it is so easily relatable to me, I live equidistant from Medway hospital and Maidstone hospital, and most people avoid Medway because of its reputation. In many instances Watson reflects on his project and notes the issues he is creating by making this documentary; however it does not effect his ability to complete the film. The intrusion before we learn of sexual abuse is fitting because it prepares us for the horrible, rather than let the scene with Vanda play out suddenly for shock value. She then replies with a smirk, Obviously. It may not be a documentary, but to get at what Im thinking, look at this scene Join Date; 14th June, 2011. Ive found this good review of the film on the internet: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1661761/. I thought Rain In My Heart was a good example of a film that provokes thought about the ethical role of documentary makers. He witnessed some horrific scenes throughout filming and only once (that I can recall) did he step in to hand Mark a sick bucket and express disappointment to Venda for her choosing to buy a bottle of vodka. This is followed by a sequence of Claire crying at his funeral and shots of the casket. Maybe the subjects are letting Watson film them like this as a message to say this is a life you dont want to live and in saying that does Watsons exploiting of the subjects send a bigger message that in turn may help people going through the same things. Nigel, 49, has been dry for ten years, but the damage he has inflicted on his liver is irreversible. Therefore, maybe his techniques did actually work quite well, although flawed and subjective in places. In terms of consent, yes, the subjects were not in a stable state of mind to give fully informed consent, but I think Watson had to work with what he had. However i think he knew he was being somewhat intrusive. The attempts to deal with these accusations are unsatisfactory as the unethical conduct exhibited in this film were necessary for the desired effect. Raining in My Heart Lyrics The sun is out The sky is blue There's not a cloud To spoil the view But it's raining Raining In My Heart The Weather Man Says "Clear today" He doesn't know You've. I would have actually preferred for Watson not to comment on screen during the film. WEEK 4 QUESTION:Are there moments when you feel that Paul Watson has exploited his subjects in this film? Sign-in or Try it free for 3 months. Of the four, two die whilst in hospital and a third dies within five . No one feels comfortable at the hospital anyway without a camera crew to be there watching your pain and destruction (essentially). Half a bottle of vodka on the train to work at the age of 17 began Mark's journey into alcoholism. Maybe it could be argued that editing was used too much in this film as it told you how to feel at certain points. Mark is being exploited towards the end of the film when he goes crazy and starts crying, screaming, vomiting etc. Check out our rain in my heart selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. Even though there is not exact evidence of Kath saying this to Watson, I believe that if she had thought differently the scene would be cut out since it is such a dramatic and personal event. I immediately recognised the castle in the establishing shot in the opening sequence and was taken aback that this documentary was made literally where I have grown up and gone to school. Rain in my Heart Documentary which follows four alcohol abusers - Vanda, aged 43; Mark, 29; Nigel, 49 and Toni, 26 - from the impoverished Medway towns of north Kent. He just shined a light on a topic a lot of people often avoid. Ones initial reaction would be to strip her of the bottle however, Watson remains faithful to his observational aim and instead of forcefully stopping her he simply tells her that he is disappointed in her. I also at times found it hard to watch due to the harsh reality of the subjects lives. When he asked Toni to call and talk to his family, for example. However, I would not say these intimacies are exploitative of the sincere as they are constantly asked for permission as to what Watson is filming is ok by them. It brought more power to the issues of alcohol and their lasting effects on the psyche. For example, Vanda(I think its her name) points at her head and say it is there. The game uses a beautiful and funny graphics engine to make everything look. Agrees and understands the relationship between the two of them rising figures of binge drinking, abuse! 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