That is what this whole thing boils down to, Chris not wanting a divorce for the simple fact of having to pay child support on 3 kids. Remember that Chris was sleeping in the basement at this time so they werent sharing a bed. I guess he did want to get rid of them all, and do it all over again with her. He then "went into a rage," he claimed, and strangled her to death in retaliation. Do not make it more complex than it need be please. The reports concluded that all three victims died of asphyxiation Shanann was strangled while the two girls were smothered, according to the reports. I know plenty of women who wear their bras to sleep, myself included. The body is that of a well-developed, well-nourished although decomposing Caucasian female whose appearance is generally Then he killed his daughters Bella, 4, and Celeste, 3 at his job site on an oil field. And Ive also learned a LOT about her between videos, and every page of the 1,960 pages of documents released by authorities under Colorado statute. The male agent says did Shannan do one child & you the other? Terrifying to think he could have put them in the tanks still alive but incapacitated. I am in Australia and I came across this story by accident and I am just horrified. Believe meeven the worst of the worst, hardened criminals do NOT like baby killers.they WILL do to him what he did to his babiesjust a matter of time one of those inmates having NOTHING to lose, lifetime sentences.CW is NOT going to live long once hes let out of his isolated cageGuards will make sure a door gets left open, backs turnedthey HATE baby killers toowe all do. When you are larger or they are tender, especially when pregnant, it is easier to sleep in them. I was VERY proud of my being able to take down the biggest man in my class. He knew right where to thump her neckher surgical site. 1. He failed all 3 questions. Also this is awful but he said he had to raise the girls arms up to get them into the hatches of the oil tank. Ethanol makes sense, especially because it could be disguised in the chemicals themselves. RIP Angels. They were invited by Shannans family to attend the funerals and did not even show. The autopsy also made no references to elevated levels of any Thrive-related chemicals. Yes, there is a way to test whether bodies could be placed through the Thief Hatch with [or possibly without] breaking bones but youre not going to like it, Welcome to the Post Truth Phase of the Chris Watts Case, Exclusive Interview with the Lindstrom Couple, Proof The Third Baby Was All Chris Watts Idea, The Final Three Weeks of the Phone Data Review #2YearsAgoTodayCW. I have NO doubt that CW did a choke-hold on his wife from behind or right side, rendering her unconscious while smothering her airwayshe never woke upis why she didnt struggle or stop him. Thankfully that psych warned me I should take the children somewhere to be safe. I have no insight? Based on the clothing they were found in, probably Chris pretended to be asleep. Just like those rare occasions where you laughed so hard you peed in your pants, you will pee and poop in the spontaneous relaxation of your muscles following death. They are finger prints from his hands. No matter the circumstances he killed not 3 but 4 people including his unborn child. I believe he killed her while she was sleeping, would have been easy to trap her arms under covers. Have you interviewed anyone for your books? Chris only had one small scar on his body, consistent with this theory. (blood chokes, carotid restraints or sleeper holds) Shanann was in there with her on top of her. That does not necessarily equate to being a psychiatric disorder, just personal empowerment. Maybe we can do a group letter and petition: dear Watts, what happened??! Or perhaps he left when the sun was coming up because thats when he usually left for work. Its something so outside my wheelhouse that I didnt even know it could me done. Page 453 They probably already had an emotional conversation before she left for Phoenix and he had made up his mind to do what he did. He doesnt have a soul!!!!! Also, I highly doubt Shanann was killed by pulling her down onto her back. Even flailing my legs they werent even reaching him. One thing that was truthful that came out of NKs mouth was that he lied about everything. while he killed them one after another. But I want to know so badly the time of death. He may not of been able to face their killings but if he was distant, cold, towards her, like the reports say, he wouldnt of had a problem killing her by strangulation if he was emotionally distant. Gallstones form over a period of time, raised hormone levels in pregnancy contribute to them. Also, CW was looking up dosages for oxycodone, a powerful pain medication that ShanAnn had plenty of stockpiled around the house. He then pursued and strangled her there. Watts claimed that he snapped and strangled his wife when he found her murdering the girls, but he later pleaded guilty to all three murders. He kills both witnesses and the rest is history. I doubt shed just leave her phone and stuff downstairs like that. Before I forget one glaring mistake in the Discovery by the CBI when they did the forensic search they said they checked for traces of blood where the cadaver dogs had indicated, including the top of the basement stairs near the mudroom. This would explain how she didnt fight! Hes asked what happened after Shannan was dead he says he carried her to their room and put her back into bed. She didnt nick him in the neck, that mark was not from her nails. She asked him to keep the receipt for taxes. Actually I have a sad experience of watching both my mother and brother pass away in front of me. Everyone on here who has mentioned ocd has an opinion formed by stereotypes theyve heard. ( when they were arguing she couldnt sleep & had been crying all night ) What happened when she got home nobody knows, but I do believe she felt comfortable enough to go online and shop. No, so you have same information that anyone else has. If she was that tired, yes, Shannan could have left her suitcase and purse downstairs in her own home. yes, that is great, there is no mention at all that there was any of the toxic mix of oil, water and sludge that was in Bellas stomach, thankyou for pointing that out Nick. He was all over the house. You wrote a book blaming Shannan- seems to me youre just throwing your assumptions around. Subdued and buried alive perhaps? Cyril Wect is an expert who always talks about how drowning victims have water in their lungs ONLY if they are alive during drowning and not completely dead !!!!!! She said he was telling people he has to go to work and that just doesnt seem right. You know what they say, Sara.once you let your attacker get paper bags on your hands, theres no defending yourself. I wondered what became of the gas can. The second dog was simply a tracker dog, not trained for cadavers but to track a missing person. Bella fought back, according to the prosecutor, Denver Channel reported. Advertisement. People with OCD have rituals. ShanAnn had been in a total of 6 MLMs that I could identify (Amway, Origami Owl, LulaRoe, Younique, ItWorks!, Thirty One, and Thrive oops, thats SEVEN); theyd already had to file bankruptcy in 2015; and now they were about to lose their house due to not being able to pay their bills. Chris was photographed head to toe & didnt have one mark on his body consistent with somebody fighting for their life from being strangled. Does this indicate that she was alive after being put into the oil tank? Make sense? Because you asked if I hurt her and I said no but I hurt her emotionally the agents said they already knew about Nikki which took Chris by surprise, he then realizes shes talked to the police. In terms of your comments about respect, you clearly have no respect for my work. Her body had been out in the warm Spring sun for 3 days, leaving the blood and fluids to ferment, if you will, which could have resulted in a false positive post mortem BAC. Or do you believe his lies, that she harmed the kids and then he did same to her? 2. parents are hardly ever at the ones to determine that nothing can be done to save their children. You know theres plenty of that right? The DA explained that it is due to decomposition and the body breaking down. It has NOTHING to do with being organized, clean, or a neat freak. Supposedly he took them out of school and said they wouldnt be coming back. I also believe he would have thought out a better place to bury them. She texted him the morning she left for Arizona thanking him for letting her hold him that morning. Did you have to cover something up for Shannan? "Chris Watts Just Snapped" "Why wasn't Shan'ann's body dumped into the oil tanks as well?" #Shakedown's Call on the Chris Watts Case: The Bodies were "Processed" MLM comes across in this paper as a cult-like entity that epitomizes absolute evil (evil = a foundation of lies) especially when you read the case histories. In the majority of cases of asphyxiation, petechiae are formed, and Shanann exhibited none. ShanAnn claimed to be pulling down $80,000 a year. Colorado is very rural. Inhaling ethanol fumes would make them all instant drunk and completely defenseless. Youll never see the kids again! WHATEVER!!! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. Watts at first tried to claim that when he told Shanann he wanted a separation, she killed their daughters. No traces of fecal material found, but in the Rohde case there were fecal traces. That is simply a common misconception/stereotype that is very harmful and untrue. Watts buried Shannan's body in a shallow grave and dumped his daughters' bodies into an oil tank at the oil and gas exploration site where he worked in Frederick, Colorado, US. CW said he was not a monster because in his opinion he killed them humanely. Read Thomas Molletts forensic report And even if he did not kill them twice so to speak, he killed the on in front of the other with no thoughts to their fear levels or anything but yet you put all the blame on another of the victims. Donald, the house has bedrooms upstairs and a central family room with a couch and TV in between the master and the girls bedrooms. I slept in my bras with all four of my pregnancies. The girls were just in their pajamas; they werent wrapped in blankets. When the girls were not at daycare, and at home, they took very long naps, and also had a 6:30 pm bedtime, sleeping 630-6:30. Celeste did NOT have any found in hers?? Everyone tho he was great guy. If they were pliable makes me wonder if they were not deceased that long before he was able to shove them into the tanks. Im just saying if her friend had never come over. Shanann Watts. He said the blood alcohol is normal after you die. Both my kids were blue and they were gone. Air chokes have been associated with fractures of the larynx or hyoid bone and are considered less safe than blood chokes in these applications. Did she even go upstairs to sleep? Several life experiences may also have contributed to and promoted OCD-like behaviours in Shanann too the loss of financial control during bankruptcy, divorce, car accident, illness etc all contribute to a person seeking the need for regaining control of their life which can manifest as a place for everything and everything in its place behaviours. I had assumed all the way through that he had used a pillow. Not sure if it is true, but I heard that the GF (Nicole) and his parents are both doing book deals! I agree with you Jessica The entire thing is horrific, but theres a lot of misinformation and misunderstanding going on several people mentioning the hyoid bone being in tact or the lack of patechia but I can tell you from experience- Ive seen severe patechia in a sick womans eyes and also in a drowning victim (age 2)- but in all 3 bodies Ive observed during transport or autopsy- none had patechia and none had thier hyoid disturbed- Ive only ever seen it broken in hanging/suicide cases or once in an auto accident that involved crushing injuries to the head and neck. I love the way people just make things up and state it as fact, even when it completely opposes evidence in the case. Unless he threw it there and forgot to take it and planned on ridding of it. Also, the fact that he did not want her to come to Colorado with his dad so that maybe she would not be questioned? He didnt attempt to revive the children or call for help. That is what is difficult; without a trial we have no way of knowing all the forensic evidence and what tests the state started to perform or did perform. So she wasnt in rigor at the home and was likely just starting to show signs while he was burrying her at the site. Ive been reading this whole thread and as I always respect other ppls views and opinions as much as I can, there is one contributor to this conversation that thinks they know everything sigh. Face? I have read through this entire post and this is the one question that I dont think is getting enough attention. Or carbon monoxide poisoning [something a former mechanic and oil worker would know about]. I will say one thing CW did NOT doat least he didnt rape his baby girlsha, like that makes him a good man, Yo i bet that thrive shit gave her that gallstone. A trillion to bullshit thats what they are!!! And fyi, I am not going to use the actual pictures/videos in my project. The Netflix show details the deteriorating relationship between Chris and Shanann, who began suspecting her husband was having an affair and felt he was suddenly pulling away from her, a fact she spilled to numerous friends in anguished text messages. give me a break. Parents reach for any hope, even if the child is blue, even if rigor has set in, theyre desperate and people who are not emotionally involved as them, professionals,have to tell them its too late. I also think the MLM biz attracts people that are lost, and need to be directed and consumed by something. Page 535 I am very new to this case, only a couple of months ago, end of November 2020 to be precise. The only thing that could have screwed with this is that $69 charge to the Lazy Dog. She left him a note the morning she left for Arizona and it was very loving & positive. While officers were waiting, Christopher confessed to killing Shanann, and getting rid of the bodies of Celeste and Bella. The detective said not really. How would you have reacted in her situation? Watts, who had initially reported them missing and had made a public plea for their return, was arrested as he admitted to killing them. If you look at the autopsy report she has purple round spots on 1 side of her face from the chin to the temple which could be his knuckles from a punch as well as a 1 handed strangulation. Theyd already pulled $10,000 out of Chris 401K to try and get caught up on their mortgage, but they were somehow burning through money like there was no tomorrow. @nickdvl. And the life insurance policies out on the 3 girls, not sure Nico yet, was not very much at all. They did not even attend the wedding and barely knew their grandchildren from what I gathered. I consider it strange to have them there (in preschool) FT at their age, given the business she was inseems like it could have been done around an at home schedule for the girls, IMO.. I am shocked shes not been charged too. He pushes her off CeCe and strangles her with both hands ( he demonstrates ) You can pooh-pooh OCD if its not you, but OCD especially for someone with a chronic disease tends to be quite significant. On top of that, he had to forcibly PUSH Bella down into the oil tank, because she was larger than the 8 inch diameter oil tank hole to fit through please answer why? I would say the asshole probably turned them over or put the comforter over their faces and did it that way. Thats why the strangulation was gentle, not violent, as the hyoid was not broke, and there were no defensive wounds to her or him. It seems as if the account Chris gave once he was finally in jail and writing letters was the truth. Autopsy shows oil, water, and sludge in their lungs, which cannot happen when you are dead. The floors in the closets had a lot of junk on them, her nightstand drawer was a mess. Its actually not uncommon. I dont think she ever went into the master bedroom that night. It was a matter of how they were immersed in the oil. I think she was then taken, with her children, out of the rear of the property for concealment. Shes not going to carry her suitcase up the stairs because of her pregnant state, and she wasnt feeling well. The autopsy reports for Shanann Watts and her two young daughters show that all three were asphyxiated to death, and it's probable that 4-year-old Bella Watts fought for her life. Do you think he ninja-attacked her the moment she entered the house? This sick bastard should have done everyone a favor and took his own life. If the children had cold pizza for tea at 7pm, that means they were still alive until at least 11pm. Thanks! Police photos Anyways, interesting theories guysthanks! Youre obviously trolling! Even if he raged and killed Shannon because she killed her girls, I would much rather be guilty for killing Shannon because she killed my babies then be a monster guilty of killing my daughters so I would have called for help so the cops could do their job and get the evidence to back up my story. Theres plenty of liqueurs that are very well hidden in frozen shakes etc. She probably snuggled up next to him & was able to fall asleep. The children were in 20 foot tanks with hatches on top. Her friend had to tiptoe around the place when she stayed over for fear of waking the kids up. Shanann Watts' husband, Chris Watts allegedly confesses to murder The Colorado Bureau of Investigation reported that three-year-old Celeste Watts and four-year-old Bella Watts are also dead along with mom Shanann. How did Shanann Watts die? Which is odd to me again. Chris probably told shannan that shed never see the kids again.. The womans home was spotless & there was a place for everything & everything was labeled! Like a scene from Friday the 13th. No other way to put it. Ella no tomaba ni la basura tampoco, lo dijo la nana de las bebs. 2 hours isnt going to bed or going to sleep. I wrote a book that tried to integrate information, not just throw the information in the air and shrug. read befor comment on subjectit is well describedecomposition did this. Watts, a 33-year-old Colorado oil worker, killed his wife, Shanann, who was 15 weeks pregnant, along with his two daughters aged three and four on August 13, 2018. 75 mls is about 5 tablespoons or a third of a standard cup. No sign of that either. Frank and Sandy Rzucek, and their son Franky, tell CBS4 they have been physically, emotionally and financially exhausted by unfounded claims by conspiracy theorists who believe they played roles . The Weld County Coroner released the complete autopsy reports of Bella, Celeste, and Shanann Watts, who were murdered by Chris Watts on August 13. Nick Van Der Leek is the owner of this site and you are invited to comment, which is a privilege and we should be grateful. It is my observation that Bella was unconscious but still breathing when she was and stomped on her head to get her into the tank. Id recite a few examples from case law but I dont think youre really here to discuss anything. And of course she loved her children, and she was a great mom. He in cold-heart and with much caluculation waited for her to return Shanann did not stand a chance! He says he never saw what happened to Bella because he was downstairs. Or putting her down. He has proven to be a pathalogical liar and nothing he has said before or after his conviction can be proven as truth. I think thats what she did (shed had an extra 3 hours of airport to be rid of!) I consider it strange to have them there FT at their age, given the business she was inseems like it could have been done around an at home schedule for the girls, IMO. Talk to first reponders or health care workers. I am of the opinion that: Bella was unconscious but still breathing when she was forced brutally into the oil tank, and her injuries were sustained during this push. 53 102 comments sorted by New Add a Comment Theres another case that does involve a murder by a husband on a bed, through manual strangulation, and they found small drops of his and her blood on the sheets, as well as traces of her feces elsewhere in the room. Unless I missed it? I think he snapped, pulled her off of Cece punched her in the face to knock her out and then strangled her with one hand. First off lets not forget it was only after Chris failed the polygraph & then they said its time to come clean & Chris first said I had an affair, Ive been cheating on my wife, so I hurt her emotionally thats why its saying I lied. This would also suggest that the Stranglehold was done with a right arm, as this would correlate to the right-sided internal bruising, and the left-sided external bruising. THE GIRLS WERE NOT COMPLETELY DEAD when put into the oil tanks. He says with a halphazard yeah she was like for sure gone, she was blue, and no beats, no breaths, nothing. In addition, it became clear that she used bed as a punishment. During decomposition, gasses cause stuff to come out but thats a different matter. If the digestive tract opens up at death, where did Shannan, Bella and Celeste poop? The Watts murders got to me also. Then again she was dressed for bed. Could be so because Shanann had no defensive wounds and he said she didnt fight. I was 59 weighed 120 lbs, so was skinny. He knew that he would be at those oil tanks by himself that morning. It DOES NOT make her a bad mother when I comment on what I saw and what I think. I dont know her daily habits, but i use mine as an alarm. Quick as law enforcement were to respond to the crime, by the time they recovered the remains of the two little girls, they had been chemical altered beyond recognition. The reports also show that Shananns fetus had been expelled from her body, which was buried in a shallow grave. This guy had some sort of mental problem. Possible if the hips were gyrated slightly, titled vertically, the horizontal width could be reduced by an inch. The body is that of a well-developed, well-nourished Caucasian female whose appearance is generally consistent with the How was she with her phone? Chris and or others..I tend to agreeShan ann was imodefinitely disabled at some pointBella maybe not..she fought hard. When asked if they were going to find any marks on her during his confession he said I dont think so and when asked why he said it was because she didnt fight back because I was in such a rage Tell me how that makes any sense at all? Asshole should have never been presented and damn plea deal. He tells his vindictive wife that he wants out. Her fully formed gallstone may have contributed to her not feeling well during her last MLM trip. Did you mention in your book that Shannan thought her marriage was wonderful and things started changing around the time your Hero Chris Watts started having an affair? Something that might help with perspective is this financial article in which a wife writes in for advice, because her husband has started sending hundreds of thousands of dollars to a cult: . Cheryl: If Chris did that, he definitely has to die. Does anyone know where I can view the autopsy pictures and/or videos? I was in Colorado in the area on vacation the week this happened last August and the whole thing is sickening and deeply troubling to me. He continuously maintained throughout the entire interrogation that he would never hurt those kids. D Oil, water and sludge debris in the stomach And about the **bra thing** (on or off, sleep or not), well this is a big deal to me, because I think it can be considered an indicator as to time of death, or at least, it can confirm she had the chance to get out of the clothes she came home in before she was attacked and killed. Not a chance she would have run the risk of waking up the children by going into their rooms she knew theyd be fine as shed often said Chris was a good Dad. Shananns mother Sandra Rzucek told police she suspected foul play and suspected Chris, saying he was acting weird and out of the ordinary. Even in this scenario, you would expect fingernails in his forearm if Watts managed a rapid 10 second kill. The children were accustomed to regularly taking medication; it would have been very simple for CW to simply give them a couple extra pills to swallow while they were relaxing watching TV after their dinner, and once they were sedated, wrap a plastic bag around their heads. Chris stated that his wife smothered her children and im sure hes lying but i was hoping to read somewhere here of proof that chris also smothered his kids. But thats me. So what are you saying? He has to be asked if he EVER went to look at Bella and see what condition she was in. Im enjoying this site (first visit) and thanks for listening. He ran into Ceces bedroom and got on top of Shannan. External bruising may have been caused by the assailant releasing the victim after killing by stranglehold, and the victim falling onto an object which would cause small circular patternation and subsequent bruising. Because when he called her, he said, mom, they are searching the house. Why would he say that to her if she did not have prior knowledge? Amy thoughts on her? Chris Watts was convicted of murdering his pregnant wife Shanann, their unborn child, and their two children, Celeste and Bella, ages 4 and 3. The bra thing means nothing, my daughter is big busted as well and slept in her bra when she was pregnant because her breasts that were tender were less bothersome at night if she wore one. Autopsy reports for Bella and Celeste say that the necks of the children were swabbed even though they were in a container of oil, water, and associated sludge matter. Plenty of women do. He said kidnap somebody, murder somebody. She wanted to be, and really thought she was, a great mom. If someone begins to strangle you while youre in a deep sleep and laying down you may never regain enough consciousness to fight back. 100% yes again), @Kim cadaver dogs dont just detect bodies they scent death, trauma sites, bodily fluids relating to death, and sites where arguments have taken place (they scent the adrenaline-type hormones released I go on youtube and so many parents are killing their kids. I hope he gets what he deserves while he is in prison!!!!!! Defining post mortem bruising requires qualified scientific investigation. I dont know about you, but I definitely dont sleep in mine. I think His story is believable. A . @Karen. So completely terrible. Maybe body positioning and gravity? He snapped and I was terrified of him. She had everything she needed on the ground floor kitchen for food and drink, office to make haircare purchases, bathroom and toilet and a big sofa with a huge blanket left on it as shown in the initial welfare check police body-cam footage. 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