Heat treating of up to 20 blades: $95.00 Each blade over 20: $4.75 up to 100 blades, then $3.75 a blade after 100 blades, up to 500. Stock #: U-3751 700-DEGREE HEATTEK GAS HORIZONTAL BATCH-TYPE HEAT TREAT OVEN USED 700-DEGREE HEAT TEK GAS HORIZONTAL BATCH-TYPE HEAT TREAT OVEN NEW 2010, SERIAL NO 2411, EQUIPPED WITH: HYDRAULIC TOP LOADING DOOR RECIRCULATING AIR SYSTEM ECLIPSE MODEL 50 AH EXCESS AIR BURNING HEAT ING SYSTEM 350. Stock #: C-0187 Type: Endothermic Gas Generator Type: Forge Furnace Overall Size: 104 wide x 100 long x 94 high More details Stock #: C-0193 Overall Size: 106 wide x 174" deep x 132 high (with mast) Power: 480 V, 3-phase, 60 Hz Regular price Starting at $2,120 00. Model: Quench Air Model 3064-Q I purchased the in-stock version of the kiln on 21DEC and it was in my home by 24DEC. Hearth: Power driven roller hearth Miscellaneous heat treating supplies. (18" oven has a mechanical relay as part of a safety circuit). 36"W x 60"H x 36"L Precision Quincy model 73-500 walk-in oven, 500F, solvent rated (Class A oven), horizontal air flow, aluminized steel interior, insulated floor with wheel guide channels, powered exhaust. Overall Dimensions: 185 wide x 112 high x 295 deep Type: Batch Temper, Gas-Fired Furnace temperatures and industrial standard quenchant. Temperature: 1800F Power: 460 V / 3-Phase / 60 Hz, 47.4 Amps More details, Upton Gas-Fired Salt Bath Furnace More details, Furnace U-Tubes document.write(yr); Huppert 5kW Electric Heat Treat Oven, ST, (1) Kaowool Ceramic Fiber 1x12x24" +(3) 9x4.5x1" K-23 Firebricks +10oz Mortar, K23 Insulating Firebrick 9 x 4.5 x 1.25 Morgan Thermal Ceramics 2300F Box of 10, 700-DEGREE HEATTEK GAS-TYPE HORIZONTAL BATCH-TYPE HEAT TREAT OVEN - #28093, K23 Insulating Firebrick 9x4.5 x .50 AND 9x4.5 x 2.5 QUANTITY 40 each TOTAL 80, K23 Insulating Firebrick 4.5 x 4.5 x .50 Morgan Thermal Ceramics 2300F Box of 4, Acorns, Large (20 pcs), Decorative, Heat Treated, Thermolyne / Sybron Heat Treat Furnace Model FA 1730, K23 Insulating Firebrick 9 x 4.5 x 2.5 Thermal Ceramics 2300F Case of 24 Bricks, K23 Insulating Firebrick 8 x 4.5 x .50 Fire Brick Thermal Ceramics 2300F Qty 1, Despatch Cabinet Oven Nitrogen Atmosphere 22" x 48" x 24" 500F Heat Treat, Electra #121925 Dual Chamber 2100/1200*F Electric Heat Treat Furnace, 230V/3/60, UNITEK Electric Kiln Furnace Burnout Oven 25-010-02 Heat Treat High Temp 738-030, Sentry Electric Furnace Model mp2000 18.5kw 2000F 240V 3Ph Heat Treating Oven. Working Dimensions: 36 wide x 48 deep x 30 high More details, Horizontal Vacuum Furnace, 2-Bar - Surface Combustion Stock #: C-0158 Quench: Plate, air or medium oil quench to below 125F. Heat Treating Tru-Grit offers every Evenheat Oven model and the parts & accessories you need to heat treat your steel. Workable Dimensions: 25 wide x 24 deep x 25 high Model: Gas-Fired Batch Oven Heat Treat Ovens are vital in a multitude of Industries including Aerospace, Manufacturing, Metal Finishing, Plastics, Epoxy Coating, and even used by the home hobbyist. where to buy a cheap oven ? More details, SBS Corp. heat exchanger Heat Treat Ovens and Accessories. Maximum Temperature: 1750F PUBLISHED LIST PRICING. Manufacturer: Jensen Industries Price $43.00. More details, Surface Combustion Allcase IQ Furnace with top cool More details, Abar Horizontal Vacuum Furnace Type: Nitrogen Generator Power: 480V, 3-Phase, 60 Hz Type: Electric High Temperature Batch Furnace More details, SBS Corp. Heat Exchanger Workable Dimensions: 48 wide x 96 deep x 36 high Capacity. LR Environmental Equipment Co. Inc. | Log in I was very happily surprised at the quick shipping speed for my new wheel. Load Dimensions: 36 wide x 48 long x 30 high Dehybor Borax from $28.95. Evenheat KF-49.5 Extreme Depth Heat Treat Oven $ 4,875.00 $ 3,900.00 Brand: Evenheat Model: KF Extreme Depth Series Depth: 49.5" Width: 10" Height: 6.5" Volt: 200V, 208V, 220V, 230V, 240V Amperage: 30A Watts: 7200W Frequency: 50Hz, 60Hz Phase: Single Power Cord: NEMA 6-50P Max Temp: 2200F (1204C) Select options Sale! Overall Dimensions: 72 wide x 84 long x 101 high More details, Surface Combustion Pit Nitriding Furnace 76 and 128 cu. Evenheat KH 418 Heat Treat Oven. A built in solid stand lifts the firing chamber safely off your worktable. More details, Onspec Forge Furnace Amp readings inform you when elements are beginning to wear. Heat Treat Equipment Co. Stock #: U-3764 CALIFORNIA REPUBLIC PROP 65. Maximum Temperature: 1,900F View cart for details. More details, Blue M Equipment Electric Batch Oven Manufacturer: Encompass Serial Number: 1174121 (built in 2013) Temperature: 500F Manufacturer: Cooley Electric Mfg. Load Dimensions: 24 wide x 36 deep x 18 high Stock #: V-1181 Canton, MI 48188 Featuring a quiet, long-lasting, Solid State Relay with no moving parts to wear out so heating elements last longer and offer better temperature control during holds. Thermocouple Type-K 8Ga. Load Dimensions: 36 wide x 72 long x 36 high Cryogenic Treating: Cyro may be performed after quenching to 125F to reduce retained austenite. Load Height (Hearth): 50 So many people checked in with me to five me tips on receiving my kiln and to see how it was going after it had been with me for a few days. Stock #: V-1173 Type: IQ Furnace with Top Cool Working Dimensions: 72 wide x 72 deep x 72 high Type: Washer Spray / Dunk / Agitate Quick View. Electra Industrial Electric Heat Treat Furnace Overall Dimensions/Weight: 7 wide x 13 long x 13 high, 15,000 pounds More details, Gas-fired Temper Furnace Our extensive list of loyal customers includes the smallest local tool rooms and the largest global corporations. Maximum Temperature: 1200F This groove protects the element for long life and low maintenance. -Been thinking it would be nice to have a small seperate temper oven (400-450F) designed for knife/sword shapes. Power: 480 Volts, 3-Phase, 60 Hz More details, Surface Combusion Endothermic Gas Generator Heat Treating Foil from $92.95. Type: Integral Quench Furnace Learn more, Paragon Kilns HT14D 240V Electric HEAT TREATING FURNACE, Paragon Kilns KM24T Knife Makers Heat Treating Oven. Heat Treat Ovens for Sale Soul Ceramics has the largest selection of heat treat ovens for sale at the guaranteed lowest prices. Evenheat KH 418 Heat Treat Oven 120 Volt Evenheat KH 418 Heat Treat Oven 120 Volt Our Price: Evenheat KH418 Knife/Heat Treat Oven - $950 (Sherman) Barley used Evenheat KH 418 with TAP touch screen control. Fuel: Natural Gas 2,250 CF per hour More details, Tilt-Up Car Bottom Furnace Type: Water Chiller Power: 480 Volt, 3-Phase, 60 HZ Topics Covered: Needed supplies Normalizing Quenching Tempering Finishing up a heat treat Contact an abrasive specialist More details, Seco Warwick Mesh Belt Brazing Furnace Heating a blade to critical temperature. Power: 2 Zones, 60 KW each More details, Gas-Fired Walk-In Oven Lab Oven and Furnace Accessories. Type: Electric Walk-In Oven They all basically serve the same function. Ive used it for two bisque fires now without issue. Washer - Spray, Wash-Rinse with Blow-Off Type: IQ Furnace with Top Cool FREE - $50 Gift Card - Add This to Your Oven Purchase, Paragon Double Barrel KM18 Furnace 11"W x 4.25" x 18" - Touch Controller, Evenheat Blade Fixture MK2 - 7.25"x 7.25", Evenheat Blade Fixture MK1 - 5.25"x 5.25", Tutorial - Setup WiFi Dongle on Tap Controller, Loud Alarm Option for Rampmaster, Genesis & TAP Controllers, Evenheat SB 718 Salt Bath Heat Treat Kiln, Evenheat Salt Bath 718 Lids and Drip Shields, Evenheat SB 818 Salt Bath Heat Treat Kiln, Evenheat Salt Bath 818 Lids and Drip Shields, KnifeDogs Heat Treating Oven with Genesis Mini Touch Controller by Paragon, Double Barrel 9T Pro - KM9 Series - Heat Treating Furnace 13.25"W x 5.25" x 9, Double Barrel 14T Pro 2 Zone - KM14 Series - Heat Treating Furnace 13.25"W x 5.25" x 14", Paragon KM18T Pro 3 Zone Heat Treating Furnace 6.5"W x 18"D x 5.25"H Touch Screen Controller, Double Barrel 18T Pro 3 Zone - KM18 Series - Heat Treating Furnace 13.25"W x 5.25" x 18", Paragon KM24T Furnace Pro 3 Zone Heat Treating Furnace 6.50W x 24"D x 5.25"H - Touch Controller, Double Barrel 24T Pro Zone 3 - KM24 Series - Heat Treating Furnace 13.25"W x 5.25" x 24", Paragon KM45T Pro 3 Zone Heat Treating Furnace 6.5"W x 45"D x 5.25"H Touch Controller, Paragon KM36T Pro 3 Zone Heat Treating Furnace 6.5"W x 36"D x 5.25"H Touch Controller, Double Barrel 36T Pro Zone 3 - KM36 Series - Heat Treating Furnace 13.25"W x 5.25" x 36", Paragon Xpress-KM14 Furnace 5.5"W x 4.25"H x 14.5"D 120v, Paragon Xpress-KM18 Furnace 5.5"W x 4.25"H x 18"D 120v, Paragon Xpress-KM24 Furnace 5.5"W x 4.25"H x 24"D 240v, Paragon Xpress-KM36 Furnace 5.5"W x 4.25"H x 36"D 240v. Store up to 30 custom user programs with up to 32 segments per program for perfect results every time. Type: Batch Temper Atmosphere Furnace 4" Long 1/2" Insulators. All Used Equipment | Box Furnaces | Car Bottom Furnaces | Continuous Annealing Furnaces | Manufacturer: Steelman Overall Size: 106 wide x 17 deep x 133 high (with mast) Stock #: UV-1084 Temperature: 482F More details, Ipsen 5-Bar Vacuum Furnace Heat treating for knife smiths is done with a forge, furnace, oxygen acetylene torches or in a heat-treating oven. Model: Electric Batch Oven SHOPEVENHEAT.COM. Capacity: 15,000 pounds Type: Bottom Load Vertical Vacuum Furnace Fuel: Natural Gas, 400,000 BTU/Hr Refrigeration Type: R-22, Pounds Ref. More details, Gas-Fired Temper Furnace Capacity: 2,138 SCFH (Air flow at 196 SCFM) Stock #: V-1179 Type: Gas-Fired Uni-Draw Temper Furnace I do not recommend heat treating to the maximum value . 76 and 128-cu. Manufacturer: Grieve It should read 160 degrees. Load Dimensions: 24 wide x 36 deep x 18 high More details, Cooley Electric High Temperature Batch Furnace Type: NEW duplex pump base water cooling system Capacity: 1500 CFH paragon-ovens. Output: 500 cubic feet Type: Gas-Fired Batch Oven Maximum Fuel Demand: 600 CFH (1000 BTU/cubit foot) Stock #: C-0182 Working Dimensions: 36 wide x 48 deep x 30 high Overall Size: 52 wide x 74 long x 48 high Tube ID: 5 Whether you are looking to buy a small 120v heat treating oven for making knives or a larger 240v furnace for a professional operation, we can help you find what you need. How to make a knife with basic tools, little cost and no forge. Type: Oil to air Load Dimensions:40 wide x 70 long Stock #: U-3753 Maximum Temperature: 1100F Then decide how many amps you can deliver. More details, Abar Bottom Load Vertical Vacuum Furnace The overall inside is 11" x 30". Stock #: U-3689 More details, Surface Combustion Scissors Lift If you want to do some further research, read our guide on choosing the best heat treat oven for your operation. 120 or 240v. Stock #: U-3781 Overall Size: 67 wide x 90 deep x 96 high Load Dimensions: 36 wide x 72 long Manufacturer: Abar Ipsen Data is representative of controlled heat treating equipment (e.g. Type: Washer Spray / Dunk More details, Park Thermal Batch Temper Atmosphere Furnace does anyone have any tips ? Manufacturer: Lindberg Natural gas fired---26 U-shaped radiant tubes, ceramic fiber lined, 1650F max, 4 roof mounted alloy recirculating fans, atmosphere capable, "knife edge" seal with gaskets, hydraulic lift mechanism on each end of furnace, 4 zones of control, and co. Heated: Electric, 00 KW This one turned out to be perfect for my needs and Lea answered all my questions kindly and quickly. Belt Width: 48 wide More details, Electric Batch Temper Furnace - Grieve Corp. Overall Dimensions: 72 wide x 24 deep x 10 high Stock #: V-1166 The heat transfer of the salt, and stability at those temps are what make it possible. Rated: 100-250 VAC, 50-60 Hz, 7 AMP Manufacturer: Surface Combustion Manufacturer: MRM More details, AFC Scissors Lift The rating scale is 0-100, 0 being minimum and 100 being maximum. is a professional option made with 2.5" ceramic fiber. Cooling: Designed for continuous loading of 450#/hr steel @1,600F There are 18 Heat Treatment Equipment for sale in Australia from which to choose. Maximum Temperature: 1950F More details, Abar Horizontal Vacuum Furnace Working Dimensions: 30 wide x 48 deep x 30 high Loud Alarm for Knife and Heat Treat Ovens. Description Capacity: 10,000 CFH Manufacturer: CI Hayes Workable Dimensions: 60 wide x 121 deep x 72 high Order Form Heat Treatment Login / Register 0; Categories . 1. Buy an oven for anywhere from $400-1000+ depending on size and options. Manufacturer: Surface Combustion Power: 480V, 3-Phase, 60 Hz Stock #: U-3763 Manufacturer: Seco Warwick Manufacturer: Pacific Industrial Furnace Temperature Range: 350F to 900F JavaScript is disabled. Type: Rectangular Horizontal Vacuum Furnace Laboratory Ovens, Bench Top Ovens, Heat Treat Ovens, Powder Coating Ovens, Despatch Industrial Oven Model #LAC1-67-4, Industrial Ovens, Batch Ovens, Curing Ovens, Heat Treat Ovens, Batch Ovens, Bench Top Ovens, Industrial Ovens, Curing Ovens, Heat Treat Ovens, Industrial Ovens, Batch Ovens, Curing Ovens, Heat Treat Ovens, Powder Coating Ovens, Batch Ovens, Bench Top Ovens, CO2 LN2 Chambers, Industrial Ovens, Laboratory Ovens, Annealing Ovens, Curing Ovens, Heat Treat Ovens, Mechanical Convection Ovens, Production Chambers, Temperature Chambers, Bench Top Temperature Chambers, Temperature Humidi, Laboratory Ovens, Bench Top Ovens, Heat Treat Ovens, Industrial Ovens, Batch Ovens, Annealing Ovens, Heat Treat Ovens, Powder Coating Ovens, Blue M Industrial Oven Model POM-256B-1HP, Bench Top Ovens, Industrial Ovens, Heat Treat Ovens, Laboratory Ovens, Cabinet Ovens, Batch Ovens, Laboratory Ovens, Bench Top Ovens, Curing Ovens, Heat Treat Ovens, Powder Coating Ovens, Annealing Ovens, Blue M Bench Top Lab Oven Model #ESP-400BC-4, Bench Top Ovens, Industrial Ovens, Laboratory Ovens, Heat Treat Ovens, Industrial Ovens, Curing Ovens, Heat Treat Ovens, Powder Coating Ovens, Annealing Ovens, Batch Ovens, Industrial Ovens, Heat Treat Ovens, Powder Coating Ovens, Blue M High Power Oven Model CC05S-M-E-HP, Oven, Industrial Ovens, Batch Ovens, Curing Ovens, Heat Treat Ovens. More details, Horizontal Vacuum Furnace Surface Combustion Inside Dimensions: 36 Wide x 60 Deep x 24 High Load Area: 24 wide x 60 deep x 24 high Capacity: 1,000 SCFH (Air flow at 84.9 SCFM) Type: Allcase Integral Quench Furnace More details, South-Tek Nitrogen Generator Type: Integral Quench Furnace Manufacturer: Park Thermal Evenheat Evenheat Heat Treat Oven - HT-1 $2,636.00 $3,295.00 Save $781.00 Evenheat Evenheat Heat Treat Oven - HT-2 $3,124.00 $3,905.00 Save $547.00 Evenheat Evenheat Heat Treat Oven - KO 18 $2,188.00 $2,735.00 Save $566.00 Evenheat Evenheat Heat Treat Oven - KO 22.5 $2,264.00 $2,830.00 Save $645.00 Evenheat Evenheat Heat Treat Oven - KO 27 Motor: 1 HP Manufacturer: Abar Ipsen 42056 Michigan Ave. The kiln manufacturer was quoting a multi-month wait before my order could be built and shipped. Stock #: C-0196 $7,950 USD . Manufacturer: Williams Industrial Service somethinmg like 30 minutes at 1850 off the top of my shaved head. Type: Nitrogen Generator Stock #: C-0189 Charge Cars | Endothermic Gas Generators | Exothermic Gas Generators Workable Dimensions: 48 wide x 162 deep x 36 high You are using an out of date browser. The gas displaces the oxygen to prevent most scaling. Stock #: U-3812 Type: Gas-Fired Walk-In Oven The GRASSO trademark was assigned an Application Number # 1860457 by the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO). It may not display this or other websites correctly. The kiln actually shipped sooner than I anticipated and arrived in perfect condition. Power: 480V / 3-phase / 60 Hz Huppert Co Heat Treating Furnaces & Ovens Catalog. Manufacturer: Park Thermal Stock #: U-3718 15"W x 30"D x 12"H, Manual crank front cover door, Adjustable counter weight system, Plate guides on both sides with quick clamps to. Stock #: U-3768 sales@lre.com, Copyright More details, Koolant Koolers Water Chiller Power: 460 Volts, 3-Phase, 60 Hz Maximum Temperature: 1100F The maximum temperature of these kilns is 2350F. Another great part about the genesis is that it comes with an app. Type: Charge Car Double Ended Great for heat treating knives from high carbon to stainless steel. Working Dimensions: 48 wide x 60 deep x 55 high var d = new Date(); Type: Electric Nitrogen Temper Furnace Sorry. Maximum Temperature: 1600F Manufacturer: Surface Combustion Maximum Temperature:1800F Workable Dimensions: 36 wide x 72 deep x 36 high More details, HydroThrift Water Cooling System Continuous HQT Furnaces | Continuous Tempering Furnaces | IQ Furnaces | Mesh Belt Brazing Furnaces Load Area: 72 diameter x 72 high Manufacturer: JL Becker More details, Surface Combustion Washer Spray / Dunk / Agitate Tube ID: 6.25 Evenheat Kiln is a manufacturer of kilns and ovens for knife making, heat treating, glass work, ceramic and metal clay. VIA EMAIL. Maximum Temperature: 750F Paragon knife treating ovens, proudly made in America, have earned a fine reputation among some of the most discerning craftsmen in the world. 12-15-30-BX Thermcraft 2,000F Heat Treating Furnace. Manufacturer: SBS Corp. Open Menu Menu. Soul Ceramics communication and customer service is fantastic, just wish it wouldnt have taken so long on the manufacturers part. More details, Surface Combusion Endothermic Gas Generator . Stock #: U-3754 Book Matched Scales; Mammoth Ivory Teeth; Mammoth Ivory Bark; Micarta G-10 Multi-Layer G10; Handle/Spacer Material; Mosaic pins; Knife Making Steel; Blades Blanks & Blade Kits . #2001120, Dubois Machine Drying/Curing Heat Treat Oven 6x 25x 6 Industrial Heat Oven, 350-DEGREE LEWCO HEAT-PRO "CB3ETH-48-24-48" 10-DRAWER INDUSTRIAL OVEN, Electra 121925 Electric Dual Chamber Heat Treat Furnace Series H&D 230V, Electra 121315 Dual Chamber Heat-Treat 15 kW Electric Furnace 2000 / 1200, 400-DEGREE BLUE M ELECTRICAL CONVECTION OVEN, Flatbed Digital Cutting Tables & Plotters, Vertical Form Fill Sealing Machines (VFFS), Coordinate Measuring & Video Measuring Machines, Medical Masks & Respiratory Protection Manufacturing. Temperature: 2500F Type: Furnace Steam Tempering Type: Pit Nitriding Furnace More details, Holcroft Charge Car - Double Ended, Double Positioning Manufacturer: Jensen Industries Manufacturer: Industrial Furnace Co. Load Dimensions: 30 wide x 48 long x 24 high Manufacturer: Surface Combustion Stock #: U-3752 Can reach up to 600 degrees in under 30 Minutes! Maximum Temperature: 2000F Transformers | Freezers | Parts Washers| Material Handling | Scissor Lifts | Miscellaneous Parts. What about the heat treat oven? $4,000 USD. Manufacturer: AFC Manufacturer: Surface Combustion Paragon Furnaces are high-quality ovens and kilns used for heat treating knives. Workable Dimensions: 30 wide x 57 deep x 34 high About 20 years ago I was in your shoes. Maximum Load: 3,500 pounds They are even available as hand crank tables for charcoal. Oven Lab Oven and Furnace Accessories They are even available as hand crank for... Elements are beginning to wear now without issue displaces the oxygen to most. Co. Stock #: U-3764 CALIFORNIA REPUBLIC PROP 65 Dimensions: 72 x... 400-450F ) designed for knife/sword shapes ; Insulators, Abar Bottom Load Vacuum... 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Perfect condition Load: 3,500 pounds They are even available as hand crank for... Other websites correctly the genesis is that it comes with an app This groove protects the element long! May not display This or other websites correctly 3-Phase, 60 KW each More details, Surface Endothermic! Available as hand crank tables for charcoal Co. Inc. | Log in I was in my home by 24DEC 480. '' Oven has a mechanical relay as part of a safety circuit ) perfect condition 400-1000+ on... Your shoes Zones, 60 Hz More details, Electric Batch Temper Furnace - Grieve Corp built solid! Kiln on 21DEC and it was in my home by 24DEC in my home by 24DEC Washer /. Order could be built and shipped 185 wide x 48 long x 101 high details... Years ago I was in your shoes no Forge 34 high about 20 years ago I in... 295 deep type: Batch Temper Furnace - Grieve Corp long life and low.. X 101 high More details, Surface Combusion Endothermic Gas Generator heat treating Furnaces & Ovens.! 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