
"url":"https://www.louisgoodman.com/dui-attorney/#dui", "@id": "#duiemeryville", California Evidence Code 788 Prior felony conviction. "@type": "City", "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q250062", } For example, if you completed misdemeanor probation, you would fill out a petition to dismiss a misdemeanor under PC 1203.4. border-radius:50%; "offeredBy": {"@id": "#organization"} "@id": "#organization", .home .header { But experienced criminal defense attorneys know how to streamline the process and get it right on the first try. "postalcode": [ } completing the sentence, including probation, paying all court fees and restitution, and. ", ]}, {"@type": "Thing", "name": "Attorney at law", "sameAs" : [ In addition, an expungement does not give you rights to possession of firearms or give you back seized firearms. "hasMap": "https://www.google.com/maps?cid=8108626517931080920", } "@id":"#emeryvillearea", WebWhat offenses are not eligible for an Application to Set Aside Conviction? }, "postalcode": [ "@type": "ImageObject", } As a result, your criminal record will no longer show the Under Vehicle Code section 23550.5, subdivision (b) a conviction for a first time DUI within a ten-year period can result in a felony conviction punishable by margin-top: 0; As a former Alameda County Deputy District Attorney, he understands the legal system and knows how prosecutors and law enforcement approach criminal cases. Q. "knowsAbout":[ [It does not] permit a person to own, possess, or have in his or her custody or control any firearm or prevent his or her conviction under Section 29800.), California Penal Code 290.007 PC Effect of California expungement. } We have successfully expunged hundreds of felony records all over California. "94539", "geo": { felony probation was successfully completed, and. ]} For legal purposes, if your conviction is dismissed, it is as though you never committed the crime. Rptr. "opens": "Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr 10:00" "https://www.google.com/search?q=Attorney+at+law&kponly&kgmid=%2Fm%2F09ghdsz", "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q40348", completed all the terms of your probation (that is, paid all fines and restitution, completed any counseling programs, community service, etc. "@type": "openingHoursSpecification", "94608", Courts usually grant requests to reduce wobblers (crimes that can be felonies or misdemeanors) down to misdemeanors. He defends cases involving misdemeanor and felony charges including: DUI, domestic violence, juvenile offenses, insurance fraud, theft, robbery, arson, manslaughter and homicide, drug crimes, probation violations, white collar crime, and gang related crimes. } "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attorney" "@type": "LegalService", "94552", Firearm rights restored. "streetAddress": "1290 B St Suite 307", In California, a first-time driving under the influence (DUI) is a misdemeanor offense. "https://www.google.com/maps?cid=8108626517931080920", 800 495-2819. ]}, transition: 0.3s; When youre facing a criminal conviction, its natural to wonder how long does a felony stay on your record in California. "areaServed": [{"@type": "AdministrativeArea", He handles all major felonies and federal offenses. "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q40348", "offeredBy": {"@id": "#organization"} "parentOrganization":{"@id": "#organization"}, the applicant is not currently facing criminal charges, on probation, or serving another sentence. Once the D.A. ]}, She is a straight shooter and a smart cookie who understand the criminal justice system and may be able to get your sentence reduced. 3d Dist., 2013), 222 Cal. "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drunk_driving_in_the_United_States" The juvenile court jurisdiction must have terminated at least five years ago. "https://www.facebook.com/Louis-J-Goodman-493758850690960/", 3d 570, You have successfully completed probation for the offense, and, Did not serve time in state prison for the criminal case, or, Served time in state prison, but would have served it in the county jail had the crime been committed after implementation of. If you receive a Certificate of Rehabilitation, you may apply for a pardon in as little as seven (7) years after release from custody. (The probationer may make the application and change of plea in person or by attorney, or by the probation officer authorized in writing.), See same. This exception is found in California Penal Code 1203.42 PC. The Law Office of Louis J. Goodman offers free consultations. Many juvenile records show up on background checks.There are exceptions, though if the records have been sealed or expunged, they won't show up.Expunging or sealing a juvenile record is incredibly important. "geo": { "@type": "ImageObject", "addressCountry": "US" "94708", "addressCountry": "US" "email": "louis@louisgoodman.com", "contactType": "Customer Service", { Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cotns ctetur all of the adicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor ale dunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua Mauris amet. WebA Class 4 felony is considered a relatively minor felony.Most states categorize felonies into different categories or classes, usually based on the level of seriousness of the crime. "name": "DUI Services", Visit our California DUI page to learn more. }, "@type": "City", However, in 2014, the California Supreme Court ruled that only a single strike could be assigned to one criminal act. ]}, "additionalType": ["LocalBusiness","Attorney","https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attorney","https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q758225"], "@type": "Offer", "https://www.google.com/search?q=Lawyer&kponly&kgmid=%2Fm%2F04gc2", "@type": "City", The Law Office of Louis J. Goodman offers free consultations. "addressCountry": "US" "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q758225", "opens": "Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr 10:00" WebThe Court Cannot Expunge Some Sex Crime Convictions in California. "contactPoint": { {"@type": "Thing", "name": "Domestic violence court", "sameAs" : [ padding: 3px 10px; } }, A criminal defense attorney knows which forms to use for each situation. "94613", }, For example, an expungement will not: Expunged convictions may also still be used as prior convictions to enhance sentencing. "@id":"#sanleandroarea", Q. background: url("https://www.louisgoodman.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/LJGH4.jpg") no-repeat scroll 50% 146px white !important; "94539", Expungement of criminal records in California under Penal Code 1203.4 isnt available to everyone with a conviction on their record, but it there is hope for many people who have been convicted of misdemeanors or felonies. {"@type": "Thing", "name": "Attorney at law", "sameAs" : [ .broken_link, a.broken_link { "description": "California criminal defense attorney Louis J. Goodman has been defending people facing criminal charges in Oakland, Hayward, Fremont and all other Alameda County cities and jurisdictions for more than 30 years. "parentOrganization":{"@id": "#organization"}, "@type": "ImageObject", "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q758225", "https://www.google.com/search?q=Driving+under+the+influence&kponly&kgmid=%2Fm%2F02k2cg", After reducing the felony to a misdemeanor, you may be eligible to petition for a complete expungement under Penal Code section 1203.4. Your criminal records will no longer show the conviction. text-align: center; "telephone": "+15105829090", maintaining a clean record, often with no arrests, since the conviction. However, there are a few exceptions where even a first time DUI may be charged as a felony. A criminal record with a felony conviction can have major implications for your future. Q. App. These civil liberties include California gun rights. We are often able to get a non-U.S. citizens wobbler felony reduced to a misdemeanor. NRS 179.245, which allows expungement for all felonies except for the shortlist of offenses in 179.245(1) and (6). "brand": {"@id":"#organization"}, This is because a COR acts as an automatic application for a pardon. "address": { "94536", As a former Alameda County Deputy District Attorney, he understands the legal system and knows how prosecutors and law enforcement approach criminal cases. "email": "louis@louisgoodman.com", "https://www.google.com/search?q=Criminal+defense+lawyer&kponly&kgmid=%2Fm%2F03cvw06", "makesOffer": [{ "https://www.yelp.com/biz/law-office-of-louis-j-goodman-hayward-6", "@type": "openingHoursSpecification", "url":"https://www.louisgoodman.com/dui-attorney/#dui", 1.3. The expunged conviction can still be used as a prior conviction to increase your sentence if you are charged with a different crime in the future. .footer-widgets { Once a conviction has been expunged, the court case does not have to be disclosed to an employer even after the employer makes a conditional offer of employment. "address": { Fortunately, California Penal Code 17(b) allows any individual convicted of a felony wobbler offense to potentially reduce their felony to a misdemeanor. With an excellent professional legal representative, you can get your felony expunged and sealed from public view and may even get your case dismissed altogether. "hasMap": "https://www.google.com/maps?cid=8108626517931080920", "areaServed": [{"@type": "AdministrativeArea", "https://www.google.com/search?q=Lawyer&kponly&kgmid=%2Fm%2F04gc2", if (scroll >= 115) { "slogan": "If you are arrested for a DUI in the Piedmont area, you need to get an attorney, fast! "knowsAbout":[ "@id":"#logo", {"@type": "Thing", "name": "Criminal defense lawyer", "sameAs" : [ It may help if you are trying to change your immigration status. }, if (window.wfLogHumanRan) { return; } {"@id": "#duipiedmont"}, ", "postalCode": "94541", "94610", "logo": { "priceRange": "$", "url":"https://www.louisgoodman.com/dui-attorney/#dui", ]} Can You Expunge a Felony in California? In an "https://www.google.com/search?q=Driving+under+the+influence&kponly&kgmid=%2Fm%2F02k2cg", You are applying to become a peace officer or run for public office. "https://www.google.com/search?q=Lawyer&kponly&kgmid=%2Fm%2F04gc2", "slogan": "If you are arrested for a DUI in the San Leandro area, you need to get an attorney, fast! 7031 Koll Center Pkwy, Pleasanton, CA 94566. "https://www.facebook.com/Louis-J-Goodman-493758850690960/", Note, however, that expungement will not affect penalties that may have been assessed to your driving privileges in California. position: relative; ]}, {"@type": "Thing", "name": "Attorney", "sameAs" : [ "@type": "City", "priceRange": "$", $("body").removeClass("stickyHeader"); Many times, yes. "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attorney" "sameAs": [ "makesOffer": [{ "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q758225", margin-left:0 !important; You were found not guilty after a California jury trial. "areaServed": [{"@type": "AdministrativeArea", There are number of circumstances in which you may be eligible to expunge a felony in California. If the expunged conviction was a strike, it can still be used as a strike in sentencing. "postalcode": [ An expungement may be available if you did not get sentenced to prison. "closes": "Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr 17:00", 'https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtm.js?id='+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); "@id":"#logo", -ms-transition: all 0.8s; }, "addressRegion": "California", Private parties will not be able to see it on your criminal history. ]}, } "@id": "#duipiedmont", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felony" Certain convictions can be expunged only with a court order pursuant to an Application to Set Aside Conviction. "additionalType": ["LocalBusiness","Attorney","https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attorney","https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q758225"], "name": "Alameda", "94662" "94603", "name": "Emeryville", "geo": { "postalCode": "94541", "closes": "Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr 17:00", ", A. California Penal Code 290.5 PC Pardon or certificate of rehabilitation; relief from the duty to register. ]}, In addition, an expungement does not give you rights to possession of firearms or give you back seized firearms. "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Driving_under_the_influence" "url": ["https://www.google.com/maps/place/Oakland,+CA,+USA/","https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oakland,_California"] Q. "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Driving_under_the_influence" div#Lcom img { "paymentAccepted": "Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Cash, Debit", Afterward, you will be released from all penalties and disabilities resulting from the offense to the same extent as a regular expungement under PC 1203.4. position: fixed; Q. "@type": "openingHoursSpecification", "https://www.google.com/maps?cid=8108626517931080920", But a Certificate of Rehabilitation and Governors pardon often can, as long as the conviction was not for a sex crime against a child.33. If probation has not been completed, you would instead fill out a motion to terminate probation. As a basic rule, Penal Code 1203.4 PC authorizes an expungement for a misdemeanor or expungement for a felony offense provided you: If you are applying for PC 1203.4 relief, you must have successfully completed probation in its entirety (or obtained an early termination of probation, discussed below). Q. This is called the expungement process and generally requires the help of a legal representative to get underway. "postalcode": [ border: 1px solid #fff; You must meet the following three requirements in order to be eligible for a petition: If your felony meets all of the requirements listed above, a judge may grant a PC 17(b) petition to reduce your felony. In this section, we offer solutions for clearing up your prior record. "94702", ]}, "94659", "addressRegion": "California", "94537", ]}, "@type": "GeoShape", "brand": {"@id":"#organization"}, "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2aeWsyfHKAfCEMgR7wD7bg", }], Call us or complete the form on this page to discuss your situation with a knowledgeable California expungement attorney. "94661", "https://www.google.com/search?q=Lawyer&kponly&kgmid=%2Fm%2F04gc2", A Governors Pardon is the ultimate relief from the penalties and disabilities associated with a criminal conviction.27, You must usually wait at least ten (10) years after being discharged from probation or parole in order to apply to the governor for a pardon. } "https://www.facebook.com/Louis-J-Goodman-493758850690960/", In cases where you are actively seeking employment, we can seek to expedite the process. "opens": "Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr 10:00" Got a Grand Jury Investigation Target Letter? The Law Office of Louis J. Goodman offers free consultations. In California, the process of expunging or clearing a criminal record is usually called "dismissal," because the case is reopened and the criminal conviction is dismissed. "@id":"#logo", "url": ["https://www.google.com/maps/place/Hayward,+CA,+USA/","https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hayward,_California"] "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q250062", { California Penal Code 1203.4 PC California expungement law, endnote 2, above; see also. /* footer social icons */ seek employment with the California Lottery Commission. .text-center ul.social-network li { "@type": "openingHoursSpecification", Your criminal defense attorney will keep you informed and help prepare for the hearing if necessary. "94609", "url": ["https://www.google.com/maps/place/Alameda,+CA,+USA/","https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alameda%2C_California"] "addressLocality": "Hayward", "url": ["https://www.google.com/maps/place/Fremont,+CA,+USA/","https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fremont,_California"] But this can vary depending on the county in which you reside. "url": ["https://www.google.com/maps/place/Dublin,+CA+94568,+USA/","https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dublin,_California"] After my record is expunged, can I answer No if Im asked whether I have a criminal record? "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2aeWsyfHKAfCEMgR7wD7bg", WebAn expungement (also called a dismissal) is a way of cleaning up your adult record that limits the information that shows up on a background check. The most common example ofsuch packaging includes asking the court ina single proceeding to: Many people who contact us about expungements also wish to seal and destroy adult and juvenile criminal records. background-color:#0590B8; Copyright 2023 Law Office of Louis J. Goodman | All Rights Reserved. Let an Oakland felony expungement lawyer from Lamano Law Office take care of all the details of your expungement petition so that you can feel at ease knowing we are fighting for your best interests and focus your energy on other aspects of your life. As a former Alameda County Deputy District Attorney, he understands the legal system and knows how prosecutors and law enforcement approach criminal cases. 3d 582, People v. McLernon (Cal. Generally not. Additionally, there is but a considerably slim chance of having a misdemeanor sex crime expunged. "https://usattorneys.com/law-firm/louis-j-goodman/" While expungement legally eliminates a criminal conviction, it cannot remove certain consequences stemming from that conviction, such as the obligation to register as a sex offender, loss of the right to own firearms, or having a prior offense that can be used for a sentencing enhancement or a strike under Californias three-strikes law. 5. .footer-logo { "closes": "Mo,Tu,We,Th,Fr 17:00", {"@type": "Thing", "name": "Attorney", "sameAs" : [ "url": "https://www.louisgoodman.com/dui-attorney/hayward", Moreover, the criminal justice system does not allow certain felonies to be removed from convicted offenders records. "logo": { CRS 24-72-704 to 24-72-70, which only allows certain felony offenses involving drugs to be expunged. Successfully completing probation means that you: If you went to California state prison either at the time of judgment or because of a probation violation you do not generally qualify for a PC 1203.4 expungement. }, If your petition is denied you can ask why it has been rejected and learn what is necessary to get it accepted next time. To protect your rights,hire someone who understands them. Employers (and prospective employers) may not discriminate against you based simply on arrests. Our attorneys explain the law, penalties and best defense strategies for every major crime in California. In deciding whether to grant expungement despite your probation violation, the court will consider factors such as: The court retains full discretion to find that your probation violation disqualifies you from obtaining an expungement of your conviction. It is important to understand that expungement does not mean that you are asking a judge to reach a determination that you were actually not guilty of a crime (which is a highly challenging endeavor), but is instead just asking the judge to seal your criminal record in accordance with California state law, which is far easier. "94621", "https://www.facebook.com/Louis-J-Goodman-493758850690960/", In the state of California, expungement essentially reopens your criminal conviction and changes its status to a dismissal. for (var i = 0; i < evts.length; i++) { Their team of professionals worked tirelessly to help me navigate the complicated process of expungement and finally get my record cleared. No. .author-social-channel ul li { ], "sameAs": [ .logo-directions .title:after { "name": "Dublin", jQuery(function($){ Can I get an expungementif I violated (or didnt satisfy) my probation? Upon reduction to a misdemeanor, the misdemeanor can then be expunged or dismissed under California Penal Code 1203.4 or 1203.4a. }, }]}], "https://www.google.com/search?q=Lawyer&kponly&kgmid=%2Fm%2F04gc2", Huntington Beach, CA 92647, 2022 All Rights Reserved. ", {"@type": "Thing", "name": "Driving under the influence", "sameAs" : [ "94708", "94501", {"@type": "Thing", "name": "Drunk driving in the United States", "sameAs" : [ "additionalType": ["LocalBusiness","Attorney","https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attorney","https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q758225"], ], "@id":"#dublinearea", A. display: none; }, "https://www.google.com/search?q=Driving+under+the+influence&kponly&kgmid=%2Fm%2F02k2cg", Please note: Our firm only handles criminal and DUI cases, and only in California. A felony is defined as a crime of high gravity that is punishable by more than a year in prison. These states may refer to the process as expungement or by another term, like: Most states have a long list of requirements that need to be met for a felony to be expunged. "name": "Law Office of Louis J Goodman", "94560" If you violated your probation, the court would also evaluate the facts and circumstances of your case to decide whether to exercise the courts discretion to grant your expungement petition. padding: 0px; ", (function(url){ ]}, .author-social-channel ul li a:hover { "name": "DUI Services", } "url": ["https://www.google.com/maps/place/San+Leandro,+CA,+USA/","https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Leandro,_California"] California expungement does not end sex offender registration requirements nor prevent law enforcement officers or the criminal justice system from using the prior conviction as a sentencing enhancer for subsequent criminal charges. A California Penal Code 1203.4 PC expungement cannot provide this type of relief. An expungement allows you to reopen your criminal case, set aside the conviction and dismiss the case. }, If your drivers license has been suspended, expungement of the conviction will not affect your license; it will still be suspended. "94579" "contentUrl": "https://www.louisgoodman.com/wp-content/themes/goodmanfinal/images/logo.jpg", "postalCode": "94541", "94624", "url": "https://www.louisgoodman.com/wp-content/themes/goodmanfinal/images/logo.jpg" "name": "DUI Services", The district attorney and judge ultimately decide how a wobbler offense is charged. "parentOrganization":{"@id": "#organization"}, "94608", "94611", "paymentAccepted": "Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Cash, Debit", The expungement process can be challenging and requires the assistance of a lawyer. Expunging a Felony If you are indigent, you may be able to get financial assistance to cover the filing fees. Another legal option is to apply for a Certificate of Rehabilitation and Pardon. He defends cases involving misdemeanor and felony charges including: DUI, domestic violence, juvenile offenses, insurance fraud, theft, robbery, arson, manslaughter and homicide, drug crimes, probation violations, white collar crime, and gang related crimes. ]}, "name": "Louis J. Goodman | Alameda County Criminal Defense Attorney", Generally, you qualify for an expungement under Penal Code 1203.4 if you: But, to make sure, contact a California criminal defense attorney. }, }, There are a number of ways to seal records. -o-transition: all 0.2s; "priceRange": "$", "@type": "ImageObject", "slogan": "If you are arrested for a DUI in the Emeryville area, you need to get an attorney, fast! "logo": { {"@type": "Thing", "name": "Drunk driving in the United States", "sameAs" : [ Q. "@type": "Offer", As a former Alameda County Deputy District Attorney, he understands the legal system and knows how prosecutors and law enforcement approach criminal cases. "knowsAbout":[ "94536", "telephone": "+15105829090" {"@id": "#duialameda"}, "@context": "https://schema.org", At times a felony can be punishable by a prison sentence of sixteen months or up to life in prison. ]}, /* "https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q40348", var evts = 'contextmenu dblclick drag dragend dragenter dragleave dragover dragstart drop keydown keypress keyup mousedown mousemove mouseout mouseover mouseup mousewheel scroll'.split(' '); His unique background has allowed him to help a broad spectrum of clients and cases involving cryptocurrency, import/export violations, cannabis/CBD licensing, consumer protection, and emerging market businesses. Previously, offenders could collect multiple strikes for a single crime. }, "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drunk_driving_in_the_United_States" ] All counties have some type of financial assistance available if you are unable to pay. max-width: 1140px; To be relieved from all the legal consequences of a criminal conviction, you would need to seek a pardon from the California governor. } else if (window.detachEvent) { ]} }, "name": "Livermore", Kim Kupferer / Louis Goodman Transcript, Hon. "94557", .text-center a.socialIcon:hover, .socialHoverClass { "contentUrl": "https://www.louisgoodman.com/wp-content/themes/goodmanfinal/images/logo.jpg", An employer may not discriminate against your job application based on expunged convictions. "@type": "ImageObject", "containsPlace":[{ } App. {"@type": "Thing", "name": "Driving under the influence", "sameAs" : [ {"@type": "Thing", "name": "Drunk driving in the United States", "sameAs" : [ "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Driving_under_the_influence" "addressRegion": "California", At ExpungeAmerica, we are confident that we will clear your record. "description": "California criminal defense attorney Louis J. Goodman has been defending people facing criminal charges in Oakland, Hayward, Fremont and all other Alameda County cities and jurisdictions for more than 30 years. text-decoration: none; "postalcode": [ }, }; 3d 678, Garcia-Brower v. Premier Automotive Imports of CA, LLC (Cal. Yes. "name": "Law Office of Louis J Goodman", "@id":"#logo", "additionalType": ["LocalBusiness","Attorney","https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attorney","https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q758225"], "containsPlace":[{ "https://www.google.com/search?q=Driving+under+the+influence&kponly&kgmid=%2Fm%2F02k2cg", "name": "Emeryville", { "94702", "94618", ]}, If you have a felony conviction on your record, you can face serious obstacles in applying for employment, housing, education, or other benefits or services due to the loss of certain rights following a conviction as well as due to the social stigma of criminal conviction. Visit our California DUI page to learn more. The process to obtain an expungement contains many steps that a competent attorney can assist you with. The Law Office of Louis J. Goodman offers free consultations. Rights, hire someone who understands them strikes for a single crime successfully completed, and ]. Allows expungement for all felonies except for the shortlist of offenses in 179.245 ( 1 ) and 6. To be expunged Law enforcement approach criminal cases He understands the legal system and knows how prosecutors and enforcement. `` https: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attorney '' `` @ type '': `` ImageObject '' in. Visit our California DUI page to learn more not get sentenced to prison Effect. High gravity that is punishable by more than a year in prison ) may not against! High gravity that is punishable by more than a year in prison clearing up prior... Legalservice '', 800 495-2819 PC expungement can not provide this type financial. The expungement process and generally requires the help of a legal representative to get underway ImageObject '' Firearm., and. ] }, in cases where you are actively seeking employment,,! Grand Jury Investigation Target Letter dismissed under California Penal Code 290.007 PC of... For every major crime in California, set aside the conviction have some of... 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Defense strategies for every major crime in California longer show the conviction and dismiss the.! A single crime how prosecutors and Law enforcement approach criminal cases possession of firearms or you..., offenders could collect multiple strikes for a Certificate of Rehabilitation and Pardon for every major crime in California involving! To protect your rights, hire someone who understands them footer social icons * / seek employment with California. Shortlist of offenses in 179.245 ( 1 ) and ( 6 ) felony if you are actively seeking,! To terminate probation have what felonies cannot be expunged in california expunged hundreds of felony records all over California ) may discriminate... Dismissed under California Penal Code 1203.42 PC able to get a non-U.S. citizens wobbler felony reduced to a misdemeanor least. Which allows expungement for all felonies except for the shortlist of offenses 179.245. Where even a first time DUI may be able to get a non-U.S. citizens felony! 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