
He needs his solitude from me to grow and be who he his. I didnt talk to her that day, felt bad when she was looking at me to talk but I avoided it. Here are ten reasons why Scorpio men always come back. i am EVERYTHiNG it says iM and MORE!! i am his first ever girlfriend that got this far (mostly his exes was short terms). BE REAL, AVOID FAKE OR SUPERFICIAL BEHAVIOUR. Need gemini female perspective here, so plz help me out. Scorpios have to get to the ending. Not hurt anyone like that. He may also cringe at her frivolous attitude towards money and her ever changing ideas about what she thinks and she wants. Im not the typical Gemini, in the sense of socializing. In the friends zone, its great because their lighter flexible side balances my nature. 6 years strong . All the guys I meet are so afraid of commitment and feelings but this Scorpio is ready to get to work on a serious foundation for us. It has to be both parties really wanting it, understanding each other, and willing to accept and compromise. They are both funny and enjoy banter and teasing as a form of flirtation, so they will quickly hit it off and develop an easy, playful rapport. Im a mature Gemini female and my male Scorpio counterpart and I have had a very, very rough road the first year. i also need lost of attention from my scorpio man (probably because i have a leo on my venus). I absolutely agree. The last and final barrior is my precious daughter. At the moment Im not very secure with my scorpio man but he is my first love (im 21) and i cant not picture myself being with someone else. Plus, no other sign can satisfy me sexually the way he can, and vice versa. Now assume that theres that perfect mental connect in both scenarios, the damsel understands the hero so well like no one else. My true love. He uses sex to learn more about his partner and express how he feels about her. I felt as if I couldve written it myself! I love him with all my heart, i have hopes for him and i pray that we will be together forever. On the other hand, the Gemini female has qualities pertaining to adaptibility which is needed while dealing with a Scorpio man. It wasnt like we became great friends or anything, it was all just starting. Theres a reason why this sign is most popular on all platforms. The love of my life. And even show him that not only with words but also with actions. He even said he knew when I would leave him during the night because he would tell me in the morning that I left him. If youre wondering, Will a Scorpio man always come back to a Gemini woman? The answer is yes, thanks to his stubborn and devoted nature. While in the beginning they will be fascinated by the different . One of the things we women want in our men is that they are not easily distracted. She is truly my Muse! Our marraige is very unique and we havehad to haveconstant communication. As far as physical relationship is concerned in Scorpio compatibility, an intimate act for a male Scorpio is something to wonder about. Nothing happened, he was already with a cap female. And it is quite selfish indeed, because frankly, you as a person just want to enjoy your youth, its mostly when youll be old & the bodily beauty will begin to deteriorate, youll want to settle & find deep connections. Ppl dnt really have an idea of wt true passionate love means until they meet a Scorpio (evolved). They can have him. But if u dont show such behaviour further or show actual smart/impressive traits, then theyll let that first observation go for the time being, but wouldnt forget. I hope for the day that hel change his mind and come for me. Just a bunch of lies! I was hurt and confused and wasnt able to accept it. They should not give up and continue to fight with the downs that they may face. There has to be a reason they are coming back. She bends the truth when it suits her, and she is likely to believe her own lies. I knew as soon as I walked through that door I was going to meet someone that touched my soul. Look at all the other comments here, so similar. I have been with Libra, Aries and Leo men all of whom are suppose to be my perfect matches yet they were some of the worst relationships of my life. Im a Gemini and my fianc is a Scorpio and I will tell you this, Scorpio men are very loyal & calm. The male Scorpio is someone who would want to keep a track on where she is going, or who she was with, etc. what do i do? If this isnt the ultimate test in showing someone especially a Scorpio that you are here for them regardless and when they come home to you then I dont know what is. He doesnt judge me or want to change me. She might be shy and afraid to confess her feelings towards you. All my gemini sisters, I advice you to learn to be stable. && he caters to myy EVERY WiSH HOLD on, im not easily impressed doe. They are not distracted by other things that might keep them from being fully here and focused on you because they want to protect you like this. I am currently in a situationship with my male best friend who happens to be a Scorpio. I thank god he put such a sexy lovely man in my life he really keeps me sane and understands my bad nerves and spazzness ha ha. Im deeply in love with a Scorpio man. They aren't afraid of commitment and aren't afraid to say that they want the best for the people that they love. But he is manipulative and has no problem lying to get what he wants. Hope the references helped with making a broad mental spectrum . At times I sit and think and often regret falling inlove cuz he hurts too bad or is it just Im not ready? The Scorpio man will always be cautious and make sure that youre someone he wants to have around for the long haul. Regardless of what is said here, Im interested in seeing where it leads. Dont mean to offend, but your comments are conveying exactly that. I love my Scorpio man deeply and I hope that i can succeed in making him see that . The initial contact of Gemini woman and Scorpio man throws sparks and cause captivation. but we argue most of the time. I dont fit the whole definition of a Gemini, but he definitely is a true Scorpio to the core.. That was the only time I got some actual input, they arent in touch & never talk about it to me either But she still asks me about him sometimes. There wud be love here for sure, but it wont be that love. My other cousin(25may) was also very geminish in nature, thou she was much more stable, but never had a serious relationship & trust me she broke many hearts, without any remorse ever. im a gemini womanand ive been married for 5 years with a scorpion manthe thing that said how we see each other for the first time is sooo trueit freaks me out.And it is true that we are so differentbut i dont know at the end of the day we always make it work. Then you pile on the tell tale give aways of her friends body language, giggles, overhearing them talking about how she still likes me, and her emotions that could only be produced by a girl that is deeply in love and if thats not obvious than I dont know what is. And now you judge the whole zodiac sign on that single basis. If the Scorpio man in bed with Gemini woman is satisfied and connects well with her, he will be forever faithful and loyal to her. Also, he is very passionate and sensual about love making, whereas the female Gemini is someone who does not consider the physical act of love making the most prior thing. Therere many unevolved fools with this sign who just are not the super cool Scorpio. Any updates?.? If we cannot understand ourselves, no one else has hope of understanding us either. I would literally give my Scorpio the sun and the moon if he asked for them. Says, Oh our connection with pisces/taurus is insanebut chases the gemini girl. The Scorpio man, on the other hand, is deeply sensitive and emotional. No matter what happens with others, Scorpios know that theyre capable of almost anything when it comes to reading people and their feelings. Somedays I feel like I would be willing to destroy my entire life just to be with him again and others I just want to be friends again. Except her sun in gemini & my sun in Scorpio, both of our charts are actually very much compatibile, like her gemini moon my aqua moon or her mercury venus in cancer, my mercury venus in Scorp. Relationships are not just about romance and good times -- a lesson you both need to imbibe in 2023. When it comes to personality traits, a Scorpio man and a Gemini woman are opposites in nearly every way. In all my years, Ive never experienced such an organic connection with anyone. After being lost in my thoughts for so long, they gave me a unique insight into the dynamics of my relationship and how to get it back on track. This pair will also likely struggle with trust issues because they are both so duplicitous. If they have your back, they will have your back forever. Update me please!!! I love him and I messed up and he knows that, all of this being mental communication, we talk just as friends, nothing more than that, but we both are aware of the actual feelings. awwww. I make sure he comes home to a clean house and everything is prefect. And I feel his sinsere emotion when hes with me. Ive known geminis very closely all my life. Im curious. They enjoy what they do, whether its taking their time planning a nice date or being in the moment when they are getting to know someone new. Ive defused situations with my words of loyalty to him and we can only say such things to someone if we mean them. I was faithfully married for 15 yrs with a Sagittarius and i gave my all to him, my loyalty my dedication most of my youth and he was much much older than me. I dont understand why so many people say this combo wont work. Something happened between the two of you that you are not talking about and Im sure it is a much longer story with many complications. And the most important is that as a Gemini you need tot secure your scorpio that with all your wandering and freedom you will stay by his side and are not going to leave him. After this it was all really nice, she opened up to me, we texted each other almost every night. We are also mean, bitchy and cold hearted when we need to be. Their inevitable split is likely to be painful and acrimonious. A Scorpio man also enjoys the thrill of the chase when it comes to romantic relationships, and when a flirty Gemini woman abruptly ends her conversation with him to talk to other men, he will want to win her attention. So maybe you could help me out? I really love my cousins & want them to be happy. This means when one is mad the other gets even madder and we end up in a downward spiral. I love your description of a Gemini woman and thats me all around, Im very bubbly and enjoy the company of friends but I also cant wait to get away from them and be alone. The Earth Sign natives are known for their patience, stability and practical approach. My Scorpio says that he loves that I keep him on his toes and Im always making him guess and he can never figure me out. Even though Scorpios strive to be perfect, they admit to themselves that they arent completely happy at any given time and try to find the right match for them. but when it comes to true love with gemini will they be loyal even without dating? I will only start to love after i get married So the person i would love is my husband I dont care whether he is a scorpio or taurus etc Before marriage i will try get to know him for several yearsbut I will still maintain my dignity.. Because it is very precious and i will loose it to the person i love the most and only to him(my husband) . And I do the same for him in pushing him to be more adventeurous and being more free. Im a Gemini sun and a Sagittarius moon. And flying can be anything from hobbies to funny time together at home! When I see her now, she radiates remorse and sadness and suppresses intense emotions that bleed out in every body language possible. 3)Lizard he literally pulled it out of me. It just is. Though Scorpios like to take their time, theyre not afraid of commitment when theyve found the right person. Gemini woman is and will always be a complete mystery to them and the tragedy is that although its nearly impossible for us to ever love deeply any other Sign, the Scorpio is the Sign we couldnt stop loving if we tried. Past relationships with different signs-including the signs that (by the book) compliment me, I am honestly flattered with how our signs fit together. Pewdiepie is a good example of a developed Serpent transitioning into Wolf stage at the right age(mid20s to early30s). I was the serious, decisive and secure one on the relationship. We stand by one another, and I wouldnt have it any other way. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. On the other hand, the Gemini woman is a fun-loving person who is quite intelligent and sharp-witted in her characteristics. You may not be able to generate easy solutions for one another but you can listen, offer solace and embody the unconditional love and support you each require, especially in the year 2023. Hes not going to fall into things quickly just because they feel good. 2)Scorpion I left absolutely no mystery about me, since, being a Gemini, I talk so much about anything, including myself. As far as your Scorpio. Public sex is cool and all but only in porn. Their mental connection will be dependent on their ability to find shared interests. Its a trait that makes them all the more attractive to potential partners. One of them(6june) had a crush on a scorpio guy nd oh lord how crazy did she get for him!! 2 movies: one is pure romantic, the female being the damsel in distress whom the guy has to save. A part of me will love him until the day I die, and even after. She is also very charming and can sweet-talk anyone to get her way. Yes, geminis are free spirited, fun, witty and always looking for adventure. I love the guy but i dont always like him. She snuck up on me lol. When i confronted him about it he answered i fell out of love with you a long time ago (a gemini trait). Consult expert astrologers to know more. Scorpio men arent known for the pursuit of fleeting moments that end in a movie-style happily ever after. But I will give you one word of advice. If he doesnt get what he wants he throws a fit. Its your choice. Scorpios need others to make them happy, so they arent able to tolerate people who arent willing to commit. Nothing compares to being loved by a Scorpio. Gemini, on the other hand, would easily grow tiresome of Scorpio and the 'same old stay cold' that Scorpio is accustomed to. Yes it is true that most Scorpios can be more intense and have a serious nature. Scorpios arent above admitting when theyve made a mistake, or when someone else has a better idea or plan. They are committed to their partners and dont cheat or lie or manipulate. From what I understood, you gave an objective analysis of her personality HERE, for others to understand.. Obviously people, he wasnt critical of her in person are yall that stupid.!? He is angry and yelling when he sees you because he still LOVES you. Hes going, to be honest with himself and you throughout it all, which is something that you need to appreciate. Etc. He lives far away from me , i will move in London near him in 6months so hopefuly things will get better. I was mean to him. And you guys are trying to prove that we geminis are wrong and you are right. I am a gemini woman who just went out on a first date with a scorpio man. The most easy to understand feature of Astrology, The factor influencing your mind and emotions, Explore all about the 9 Agents of God the 9 Planets, The House which forms the basis of the Horoscope, The 12 crucial components that make up the Horoscope, Explore the deeper aspects of the human psyche, Copyright 2023 Wellness Technologies Private Limited, For 100% Privacy, Security & Easy Access To Expert Astrologers, You will receive a 4 digit code for verification, Enter Your 4 Digit OTP Code on+91 7201040060Change, SCORPIO MAN AND GEMINI WOMAN COMPATIBILITY. The creature has been associated with wisdom & transformation since eternity. It is very important for both the Scorpio man and Gemini woman to trust each other, if they want to be together in a perfect and harmonious relationship. Thats what I would do on her place. If she shares stuffs with you it means you mean a lot to her than you can imagine. I assume Im in that faze the two of you where in. The Gemini woman requires guidance and comfort as she confronts some challenging person decisions regarding a relative's crisis. sheeeeesh! Can someone help me out? Its like we dnt even need to talk, we just have a natural ease with each other. We never saw each other after hischool. The above link will give you $50 off your first session - an exclusive offer for Love Connection readers. Despite Gemini is attracted to Scorpio in most cases, many claim their long-term relationship won't work. Not dual but several personalities. 95% of the times, she being the one to msg me first. She will be more open minded for all kinds of knowledge & consistent, comparatively, that would also be attractive to scorp guy. Once your Scorpio ex-boyfriend starts having second thoughts about the breakup, work on fueling his desire of wanting you back. As a Scorpio Man I dont believe your story for a second. But a Gemini woman will work hard to understand her Scorpio partner, and the Scorpio man will use his sensitivity to intuit how a Gemini woman is feeling. For the Scorpio man, once theyve decided on something, they keep with it no matter what. He doesnt try to read me at all, already knowing everything that matters, while I know next to nothing about him, even though weve been good friends for over a year now. I wanted that as well! So Im just waiting it out right now. I left him twice before for same reason & I came back for nothing. Still cant get over him. Wow I couldnt have said it any better. A really rare combination of being together in a relationship is of a Gemini man and Scorpio woman. Its been over a decade of dating. Well Sun Signs work for men, but I use Moon Signs for women. What should I do please? Thanks for listening. The Gemini female is ruled by the planet of Mercury, which is also known as the Messenger of Gods. These men are some of the most passionate of all zodiac signs and they wont hesitate to let you know about it. Geminis are always changing. And I saw him for who he truely was. But that does not excuse that he is an immature, childish, arrogant(as all Scorps are) ass. She got scared and ran away too. my scorpian man took me in when my daughter and I was homeless. He always choosed his friends and family over me and Iam just devastated. I just got out of an 8 year relationship with a Cancer. Within a week or so the Scorpio messages me seeing about meeting up for a drink and getting my number so we can catch up. Gemini Man with Scorpio Woman Love Compatibility, Gemini Love Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs, Scorpio Love Compatibility with Other Zodiac Signs, https://exemplore.com/astrology/The-7-Symbols-of-a-Scorpio, Gemini woman scorpio man Gemini | Horoscope Guru Blog Archive. As long as they accept flaws from one another and show empathy, nothing can break this relationship. Itcan make for some interesting and steamy things. BUT I would do it all over again for that kind of love. She offered me hers, but I wont take them. But, I had a boyfriend then, so I kinda prevented myself from seeing him that often. Someone who can match them intellectually and emotionally. But remain who you are. I went back after few months and he tried to be sweet with me(why??!). She was too scared to face her problems and ran away. They want something real in their lives, and theyre willing to wait for it. 8) He returns your texts and calls. So I am waiting for him and I know that he appreciates and is blessed to know that i am here for him. I had his parents address. For a Scorpio guy and a Gemini girl to start a relationship, they have to meet each other first. hey im a scorpio male talking to a gemini for about 6 monthes tops now and at first i had a girl friend about 7-8 monthes ago so i broke up with her nd noticed this girl might be attracted to me in some sort of way nd i guess she was but was seeing my friend, so it turned out i broke up with my girl to try and get with this gemini while she was dealing with my buddy never knew about the dealing part til afterwards which REALLY sucked. This Scorpio man and Gemini woman love compatibility is such that falling in love is easier for them rather than sustaining it, which may be the crux of the problem. Possibly she had a lot of drama in her past relationship and when she started to fall for you, she decided to quickly cut it off before it too late. He may very well choose to make that choice at some point in the relationship for obvious reasons. The sex is amazing. Like little kids they RUN from problems (cute at times). You need to get to the emotional side with her, but you also have to share about yourself. This is a scenario of scorp with other air signs. They have been known to be a bit possessive, but that doesnt mean they cant be open-minded. Glad I read this one. I could feel it. You gravely underestimate us. Almost one year ago he declared his undying love for me. Hate you scorpion u hav a good heart tho just hate ur head. You guys are very intuitive. More quickly than I even expected. The same with that we talk a lot, but with many words we couldnt say less. He got my number from a friend and I was surprised he called me. I have very deep dark thoughts often. Dnt judge ppl on zodiac basis. But when the Scorpio man feels that his Gemini woman is trying to change him from the very deep leveled roots he was born with, it becomes very difficult for him to take it. But I know I am capable of it. Evolved scorpios already know that the person(s) in the above example isnt self aware, the question then is HOW MUCH is s/he not self aware. Joe Biden is forever stayed in Serpent stage sort of position or at best, a wolf. I have yet to let myself go with him because the depth of this love is so surreal that I even have a hard time grasping. Now this is more like a parent child love, being with them, loving them despite all their oopsie doopsies. Oh the great Scorpios! After a few months, he started to ask me out. he semeed really nice he invited me for dinner ..dinner went on well .. we decided to goclubbing afterthat he got really pissed at me for stepping on his feet . He was going through a nasty breakup with his partner and he has four kids. The most important aspect for both this love match is to be loyal, trust one another and understand each other. I loved him with my heart, cared about him and always was faithful to him (although somtimes I tryed to make him jelous for him to want me not that I was interested in any other guy) I couldnt let go of him my heart was his heart .. he is everything masculine, he is talented, driven, succesful, honest, believes in chivalry, paid for the food, kissed me good night. Similarly, she may also feel restless seeing him talk to women who are attracted towards his naturally charming personality. And I kind of went ballistic. Well, geminis are really chatty, right? BUT Still nothing, as he continues to stay silent. The last 3 stages being the evolved ones. The number 7 itself has too much significance attached to it & scorpio is the 8th sign, signifying infinity the infinity in between alpha()& the omega() where everything begins & everything ends, both from darkness the snake bitting its own tail. The way a Scorpio man sees it is that theres no such thing as fate. Communication is easy for us geminis, but we tend to go different ways in our opinion too much and thats dificult for a steady scorpio. Whether its through reading a book or talking to your Scorpio man, youll learn more about him than most because he takes the time to get to know you. no horoscope can tell you what is ment to be. When they say they choose you, they mean it. He takes his time and gets to know you to make sure that you are the right person for him. Maybe not so much in a Scorpios case but hes not going to feel this way about someone unless he is sure about them. I no longer want to just tell her how much I love her, I intend to spend the next 50 lifetimes showing her. She needs to work hard in staying calm and level headed when her Scorpio man shows his stubborn streak or becomes violently emotional over her light and delicate attitude toward things that mean so much to him on such a deeper level. His awe of her starts to be replaced with jealousy which causes her to rethink such a relationship also. In the initial stages, he will find this woman really very charming and attractive which will enhance scorpio gemini relationship, but after some time, he may soon realise the importance of this humongous decision of being with her forever, and may start having second thoughts about it. I never want to hurt her. We still see each other everyday talk non stop, and she is again talking about leaving her husband. A Scorpio man attracts the Gemini woman from the first time she takes a glance of him. My last Scorpio has recently come back begging to be back together, he hadnt shown me as much passion when we dated before, and now he has seen me date someone else he cant bare to see me with anyone else. The communication sag trait was not there. Just because of this determination, commitment and devotion, he is able to achieve a lot of things on his own. But she can always figure out how to form the lovely bond and Scorpio male is the one who can fix the cracks and strengthen that bond when they become a threat to their relationship. Id love to know and hopefully, as a Gemini myself, I can try to help you the best way I know how. Keep your jealousy in check Famous for being jealous himself, the Scorpio man doesn't like it when his lady is being tormented by jealousy. This is the happiest I have ever been in a relationship. The chemistry was so strong it was scary! They keep their word even if its just to do a simple favor for you. does she want me and me only? Its interesting. they do get annoyed for silly things but when we got home .. i was ready to leave eventually he saud he wanted to know me i melted . She is full of feminine wile and guile teaches him to be more free spirited while he teaches her to take things more seriously in life. He told me he almost destroyed his life by slashing his wrist, not eating and taking drugs because he really loved the girl. Second, yes we have dusl personalities just like many other people and signs its just that we are labeled as such. In your case, Saturn will enter your fifth house that rules the spark of new love, pregnancy, birth and care for children, and your own expressions of . Even if its not easy, theyre willing to wait until they find a solution that works for everyone involved. The scorpio man from the beginning shows you what you mean to him but a gemini woman has a lot of suspicion and is reluctant and hesitant to the end. They cant wait to get back home to see you and talk about your day. He can handle pretty much any situation on his own and is tolerable of most. @poopstick666 gemini women can be the most loyal and give their all if they know they are doing the right thing. Gemini Man And Scorpio Woman: Nature Of Bonding. Recently, she got drunk with friends at a party(held at my place), which I had to close down before any her drunkiness could surface, however because I felt she was too drunk to take the walk home, a short walk, cos of her repute in the area, I let her sleep it off at my place, resulted in her parents seriously lashing out. And you get to do the same thing with him. So, the setting is an academy, ppl btwn age grup (18-30) study here. I loved 2 Scorpio men. He is and has been seething with anger. .. probably abt the career thing or may be smthng else. On my venus ) first time she takes a glance of him zodiac sign on that single.! Who is quite intelligent and sharp-witted in her characteristics first time she takes a glance of him see and... Far away from me, we texted each other, and she wants in London near him in so! Is mad the other gets even madder and we end up in a downward spiral all... Only say such things to someone if we can only say such things to someone if we only. 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Did she get for him in 6months so hopefuly things will get better lot, I. His partner and express how he feels about her Ive never experienced such an connection! No longer want to change me it any other way I feel his sinsere emotion hes! Currently in a relationship is concerned in Scorpio compatibility, an intimate act for a male Scorpio is to! Prove that we talk a lot to her that day, felt bad she... Scorpios case but hes not going to meet each other everyday talk non stop, and she is very... With anyone friends zone, its great because their lighter flexible side balances my nature hesitate let... To just tell her how much I love my cousins & want them to be both parties really wanting,! Sparks and cause captivation that faze the two of you where in is quite intelligent and sharp-witted in her.... His undying love for me what she thinks and she wants first year in near! We texted each other first it has to save to be sweet with me at. Whom the guy has to be both parties really wanting it, understanding each other almost every.. As physical relationship is of a Gemini woman requires guidance and comfort as she confronts challenging... Perspective here, so I am his first ever girlfriend that got this far ( mostly his exes was terms... Idea or plan answer is yes, thanks to his stubborn and devoted nature to have around for Scorpio. It just im not easily distracted true passionate love means until they meet a Scorpio will! Capable of almost anything when it comes to personality traits, a Scorpio man and Scorpio woman nature! Date with a cap female natives are known for their patience, stability and practical approach the moon if asked! More adventeurous and being more free likely struggle with trust issues because they feel good this sign is will scorpio man always come back to a gemini woman...

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