In their defense, at least they answer the phone though the person who answered couldnt tell me what CPS stands for. Paper forms utilizing a revised version of the "Indiana Request for a Child Protection Services (CPS) History Check" SF 52802, with a new revision number and accompanying instructions will be made available on this website. Price includes state fee and C.P.S. Daniel, Thanks for posting this. John, glad to help alert business owners of scams out there that look fishy, and are fishy. Thank you everyone for posting all of this that way I wouldnt get scammed since this is my first ever business! The fee of $125 was much higher than prior years. Typed the address in the URL and this is the first thing that came up. DCFS took him away four hours after she gave birth, according to Krueger. If only these losers and all the others out there worked as hard at a real job as they do at trying to scam hard working members of society. Now I read everything I get and having done statements of information before for my church I knew right away it was a scam I also googled the address and it is a ups store, what these scammers are trying to get more clever in getting money from people. Wants us to pay $160. You can bet Im going to support the Post Office and use a stamp to send it back with some kitty litter in the envelope! A mandated reporter must also complete a written report within 48 hours of contact which discloses the suspected abuse or neglect. I received a letter from them today and was asked to pay $120, though I remember a filing fee $20 every 2 years. If you work out of your home and do not have employees, then you do NOT need to have these printed or posted since they do not inspect homes that have small businesses running from inside them. I hope a lot of ppl see your site b4 mailing in a check. But the street address is a UPS store. If you look at the last few years, its consumers like us who have brought firms like this to action. Read the fine print on the Form.. The California State Child Abuse Reporting Law provides the legal Virginia: 804-786-8536. Virginia Mandated Reporters. reduce recidivism of child protective services (CPS) reports in a family, to achieve permanency goals for children in out-of-home care (OOHC), and to assist families in developing their own capacities to . A month or so later I received an email from the Oklahoma Secretary of State indicating that the fee for the 2020 annual certificate for LLC was due. They must get away from postal fraud by putting The State of Colorado Periodic Report can be filed directly through the state for the statutory $10 fee. at the bottom of the form. we receive one today asking for $160- its looked so officalbe careful. Received a 2020- Biennial statement instruction form (New York LLCs) asking for $100.00 to be mailed to C.P.S. I file everything myself. Teletypewriter (TTY) services are also available at this number. I also just received the Statement from them asking to sign and pay $120 for filing the Statement of Information , which is due on next year February. The letter looked "official" appearing to be a governmental document. OK, so now Im 100% certain that this is yet another bogus company trying to collect a fee for something that I already do by myself and for a lot less. Does have a website and phone number and looks legit. yes I was asked to pay 120.00 or 250.00 late fee would apply . This is what my state has informed for LLCs. Program Manager. Not sure why the BBB or IRS does not go after this scamster and hold them accountable for sending out fake letters to unssuspecting business owners, inspite if several complaints to BBB. Thanks, Stephen for starting this alert. Washington DC, 20015. Alan, Technically CPS Filings is acting legally, but morally they are just trying to extort money from business owners that dont read the fine print. SCAM! A. Aitkin County Human Services 218-927-7200. In past years, Commercial Division customers have also received correspondence from Heres the address thats on the letter as well. for my husband and II have never done this before and they are requiring that I mail $145.00 ASAP!! But, you can go to the OSHA website to look up these specific terms FOR FREE and print them out yourself. Corporate Records Service, Louisiana Corporate Compliance Business Services and Not acting on behalf of the government caught my eye and filing on my behalf sent me to google to see what C.P.S. This bogus letter requests that I pay C.P.S. Alameda County's Children and Family Services respond to reports of child abuse or neglect. So glad I found this site. 1 (833) 900-SAFE (7233) The Human Services Agency Child Protective Services line is staffed. $120 for this CPS filing. It sure does pay to pay attention. Box 94125 If you file directly on the states website, the fee is $75 a year, which is bad enough. On August 26,2019 received a bill from CPS FILING SERVICES, requesting a payment of $275 FMCSA regulations requirements. CPS FILING SERVICES - 18 Photos & 110 Reviews - 2755 Commercial St SE, Salem, OR - Yelp Restaurants CPS Filing Services 110 reviews Unclaimed Financial Advising Edit Write a review Add photo Save Photos & videos See all 18 photos Add photo You Might Also Consider Sponsored First Tech Federal Credit Union 9 1.9 miles away from CPS Filing Services They were super helpful and nice to me. I wish they would shut them down. Anyone can sign up for the system which generates messages regarding changes to Child Protective Services Agency Contact Information To report a case of child abuse or neglect, contact the county or tribe where the child or child's family lives. And I found your posting. Actions taken by HSA are determined by the family`s situation and . was dated February 24 ! #3120EN . When a child cannot be returned to a safe home after services have been delivered, the child must be provided with a family-like living arrangement as soon as possible. I received a similar scam in CO. This is a free country, so theres no way to stop a scammer from sending you a letter, extorting money. In this section, find information on how to report child abuse and neglect and mandated reporting requirements. Service for Secretary of State Statement of Information Filing Service. A child protective services investigator will interview the child, family members and others as deemed appropriate. STOP BY AND KNOCK ON THERE DOOR, Ive received these before and because the forms look so official, I do a quick re-read. Central Avenue #142, Albany NY 12205. I cant believe I got the same exact thing, I dont know what was telling me that this paper work didnt feel real??? Find your local intake number to report abuse or neglect or use the map below. Becky, well done on avoiding the CPS Filings scam. If you have an emergency or a child is in immediate danger, please call. We get renewal reminders by email from, Below is regarding we received a notice dated 2/24/2020 (Respond by 03/27/2020), Hawaii laws require every limited liability company authorized to transact business in the state shall deliver to the director for filing an annual report, If you do not file an annual report, you may be at risk for penalties., C.P.S. Child Protective Services investigates, assesses and protects children when there is a suspicion of abuse, neglect, or abandonment. NY here. The C.P.S. Just got one for California LLC requesting $120 and talking about a $250 late fee. I live in Oklahoma. Institutional Child Protection Services. Sadly their are thousands of companies that will fall prey to this. I am in California and received a similar letter from CPS.The layout an print seemed odd and the document a little longer than what I recall it looking. We all have enough to deal with now and this scam is immoral to say the least. Ray, great question. Merry Christmas to you and yours as well!!! . So, where is the Attorney General? I called OSHA and they directed me to my regions business care side. Now you need to research on every mail you get not to get scammed. I just registered with the state of GA and have not yet received confirmation for my LLC. PCAU holds local events and provides training and program opportunities to schools, parents and communities to help prevent child abuse. I to receive a letter from a C.P.S from Trenton,NJ and this letter came on April 8,2020. giving me 10 days to reply by 4/17/2020 It shows this company is in connection with Workplace Compliance Services in Lansing, Michigan. Then I read the letter is technically legal because it does print the words C.P.S. is not a government agency. For sure TBB. In this article, we will clarify the valid reasons for CPS to remove a child from the parents' care, what you can do to fight a CPS worker's inaccurate report, and the standard procedure to suing Child Protective Services in small claims court. The statement looks pretty legit, so be careful and always do a google search! I got the same letter from CPS Filing Services with a 4348 Waialae Ave., Honolulu, HI 96816 address asking me to pay $125.00. situation. I was actually about to pay. However, that doesnt make it any less of a scam, since the way its presented is misleading, it looks like a legal document, and theyre counting on the fact that a lot of people wont bother to read the fine print. To report concerns about child abuse, neglect or sexual abuse, contact the county . Many NJ businesses have been receiving a scam form in their regular mail. Says to complete the form and send $160. Carla, good instincts to not fall for the CPS scam during the pandemic. fraudulent letters being mailed to businesses indicating an annual report renewal The letter 916-244-3826 (a Sacramento area code), but the message said their hours are 9-5 EST. Judy, or how about putting glitter in the empty envelope, LOL. Id personally like to thank them for reminding my that my filing is due. Tyler Brey Caseworkers monitor and arrange for necessary rehabilitative services to families in need. 4348 Waialae Ave. #700, Honolulu, HI 96816 Its difficult enough running operations in this COVID world, but it just goes to show you to take your time and truly read through your correspondence carefully. Be real careful of these scams. (As if they dont have enough to do with the election coming up!). Scammer address is C.P.S. Why is this still going on for several years? Call 911 in case of an emergency They want me to pay $110 for a $10 fee I pay through my Secretary of State website. But you can do this yourself for FREE! My question is, how does this letter from CPS have my personal information like when my LLC was formed if its not legit?? Reporting Suspected Abuse or Neglect of a Child: A Guide for Professionals, successfully transition These need to be posted in your workplace and will be checked when the inspector comes. 5614 Connecticut Ave NW #190, Washington DC 20015-2604. I searched using the address and found this website and others listing this as scam but under a different name, C.P.S. Adult Protective Services Abuse & Foster Care Prevention Child Protective Services Domestic Violence Mandated Reporters if you or someone you know is in immediate danger, call 911. It looks quite formal print as the company information is correct. Types: faq FAQ Program Areas: Child Welfare HI, I ALSO GOT a form from C.P.S., demanding $160.00 for filing my NJ LLC. Vacant. Disappointing. CPS creates government forms which are designed to create a real sense of urgency to pay a renewal or other such administrative fee to a government agency. 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. Child Protective Services responsibilities include: Providing services to children and families in their own homes. C.P.S charges $160! Frustrating. 1971 E Beltine ave NE Ste 106 #1052 Grand Rapids, MI 49525. Outside California: (213) 639-4500. Scammers are the worst. 225.362.5086 Report Child Abuse or Neglect Call: 800.400.0902 to report Child abuse occurring in Butte County. You may also call the state hotline at (800) 932-0313. C.P.S sent a mail with a request I file my 2020 Annual report for 145.00 I quickly ducked it and found this thread. So glad to find this site, thanks everyone for your input. After my research it shows this address is a box number and the checks are being remotely deposited. Institutional child abuse and neglect is defined by North Dakota Century Code 50-25.1-02 (17) as, "situations of known or suspected child abuse or neglect when the institution responsible for the child's welfare is a public or private school, a residential facility or setting either licensed, certified . is not affiliated with a government agency. I googled them up, turns out CPS stands for Children Protective Services only.How legal are they? I scanned it and sent to my accountant and she verified that it is a scam. I cant believe how far back your warning message goes, and that theyve been able to get away with this for so many years!!! basis for action to protect children and to allow intervention by public Phone: 518-473-7793. What bothers me is I did think the letter is from a government agency but was not 100% sure and did a google search. Program Manager. Reports can be made at any time to the DHS Abuse and Neglect Hotline at 1-800-522-3511 . I just got the same thing from Told me I had to pay $120 now or $250 later in late fees. They want $110 to file paperwork. Then I searched the address and its a UPS store that has PO Boxes but with a street address. NEWS RELEASE Also doesnt give what the initials C.P.S stands for. Subscribers can also opt to receive Form seems credible for those not reading closely, until the last step where it states: "has not been approved or endorsed by any government agency". Charging $120.00 for service. But you are one of the smart ones, since you realized that maybe this wasnt the way governments work. If you have never done it this way, try to go to your Secretary of State website and type in a search for your business name, and follow the instructions. I got the same letter where they had our old Executive Director name and an old address. addition, the system will generate a message if an annual report is not filed on time; a Select your agency from the dropdown to view the contact information. I received one 4 years ago requesting I mail to them, NOT the Secretary of States office, $120.00 to satisfy my due fees which are only $20.00 every 2 years. 1-800-638-5163 or have your Video Relay System provider call 1-800-342-3720 If you believe that a child is in immediate danger, call 911 or your local police department. Will report CPS to FTC and Better Business Bureau! This is ridiculous how they can do this. The UPS store that houses their boxes dont seem to care either. C.P.S. I can't find info on it anywhere, it says it's OSHA related and asks for $275 for a safety plan order form. It also popped up like 3 from the top on google so great work by the people who run this site. Thanks much for this post! FROM THE LOUISIANA SECRETARY OF STATES COMMERCIAL DIVISION and So glad I took the time to read the fine print and look online. Then I checked it out and became suspicious of the form. In Hawaii during April, our Annual Report costs $14. Although reports can be made in person or by correspondence, the vast majority of child abuse and neglect reports are made via telephone. They want to charge me $125 to do what I can do for $25. business is not in good standing; or a business is revoked. I got the same letter from CPS and I suspected its legitimacy since it looked different from the ones i got before. processing fee. CPS Filing Services is not associated with any government office. to this rule shall be served on the Department by mail or facsimile transmission directed to the Department's local child protective services office. When your fee is due you may receive a notice that looks a lot like an official NYS form that is, in fact, a solicitation from a company like CPS Filing Services (see the . so where should this scam be reported to? Providing services to help youth in foster care successfully transition to adulthood. Five Criteria CPS Needs to Register a Report: You do not need to be certain that child abuse or neglect has occurred before you call the Child Abuse Hotline. So thankful for this post. Please call immediately if you know of, or suspect, an incident of child abuse or neglect.. During regular business hours (8:45 a.m.-5 p.m. M-F) call the Department of Families and Children (DCF) area office that serves the city or town where the child lives. There are words in the same font and style that state C.P.S. I kind of knew this was bogus but here we are, year end, and Im thinking I forgot something. Yeah, so CPS can morph their crooked name to BCS and keep repeating their rip-off, but you had sense to see through the scam. They are asking for $110. I got one from Trenton and they wanted $235!! These companies are also not affiliated or associated with If you suspect child abuse, neglect or exploitation is occuring. A time ago I had a discussion at telephone with clerk from New Jerseys government, and they told me that 90 days before one year since the registration of my business, they will REMIND me that I have to fulfill my report. Shameful! Mailing looked like a bona fide request for info from a govt agency, and even had a Sacramento address. IS NOT A GOVT AGENCY & DOES NOT HAVE A CONTRACT WITH ANY GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY TO PROVIDE THIS SERVICE, Mail the completed for with $145 in the enclosed envelope to: Ill save their notice for my immediate reference but I aint paying them to do anything for me. 1026 Florin Road #312 Child safety is the first concern of Child Protective Services. Yes, this information is free to place in a break room, so do not send them any money, its a scam. Then I read 100s of people got the same letter for different states. Services for people with disabilities Services for vulnerable adults This article focuses mostly on claims against child protective services (CPS). Buren, maybe we should start sending bogus invoices to CPS Filing Service asking payment to see how they like it. Email: Fictitious Name CPS FILING SERVICES Filing Information Registration Number . Something told me to check on line or call the state too see if this was a real state issued letter. IN NEW YORK STATE THE FILING FEE IS $9.00 EVERY 2 YEARS FOR AN LLC BIENNIAL STATEMENT. All reports are confidential. So official looking. In Hard working people are being taken every day for money they dont have to give. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Scam came up frequently! STAY ALERT EVRYONE . This is in addition to any income taxes you may be liable for in NJ. Child Protective Services (CPS) is facing a First Amendment challenge in court that could forever change the laws that allow CPS to seize children from their biological parents. stood for so I googled the address and found that it was a UPS store and several search results that contained the word "scam" and found that its been going on for years. Great to see more people finding this post helpful and avoided the scam! For additional information, call (914)-995-6028 weekdays between 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Besides, why would you need help filing an annual report? Sad, but I am glad that I found informaiton quickly regarding this one. I dont usually provide comments but now feel that we all need to keep people aware of these scams. Is there anything we as potential victims can do about this, since it is a complete rip-off? Maybe the Better Business Bureau? CPS Filings skims your info from public records, they are not private. Virginia Relay enables people who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, DeafBlind, or have difficulty speaking to communicate by TTY (text telephone . The Child Protective Services is the major system of intervention of child abuse and neglect in California. 5614 Connecticut Ave NW # 190, Washington DC 20015-2604 you look at the last few years, Commercial and... And others listing this as scam but under a different name, C.P.S I was asked to 120.00! Is not associated with any government office avoided the scam from a govt Agency, and Im I... Find this site sad, but I am glad that I found quickly... 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