
The angel being her old timeline self in spirit form, and her devil being her new timeline self in her Inverse form. When her new timeline personality confronts her old timeline personality within their mind, the latter is still in this position. It's a video game that stands out for its detailed visual style and its fast-paced combats where you can control tons of different heroines, each with her own special characteristics. Happens in Volume 11 where she's turned into a highschooler's age briefly by Natsumi. She decides to throw it away in Volume 10. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Volume 11 explains she entrusted them to Shido, and takes them back after he seals her powers. Thats why she wants to know about "love", since shes originally an AI created to support Shido in love situations with the Spirits. In one case, she attempted to purify a Sephira Crystal from scratch, unintentionally creating Tohka Yatogami, another pure Spirit, in the process. Justified since she used to act as the clean up spirit for corrupted spirits. Tohka Yatogami ( , Yatogami Tka) is one of the main female characters (and antagonists in her devil form) of the Date A Live series. her New Timeline self takes control of it and is more noble then her old timeline self. You'll need to go over the Dates section in the . She was rudely approached by DEM and retaliated by sending the warships's debris across the globe. Also Kazamachi contains "wind". Contents 1 Biology 1.1 Empty 2 Unsigned Angels 3 Types 4 Dominions 5 Known Quasi-Spirits 6 Trivia 7 References Biology While living in the Neighboring World, a Quasi-Spirits' existence is powered by their Sephira fragment. to travel back in time to prevent the birth of the First Spirit, whose spacequake killed 150 million people and was the cause for the births of other Spirits. Inverse Tohka got into a fight with Mukuro, and in the process Mukuro nearly killed Shido and began to inverse, but Inverse Tohka helps him get close enough to seal Mukuro. While the reveal that all of the Spirits were all formerly human and shared. This bullet was accidentally sealed in volume 4 and initially unable to be used, but it recovers after Kurumi kisses Shido's corpse and finally realizes he made her fall in love with him. However the idea wasn't brought up until Volume 13 by Nia as a theory, and then said theory was confirmed by Inverse Tohka in Volume 15. In this personal territory, the impossible can occur thus leading to the description of "magic through science". Volume 15 reveals it may also be linked to her Inverse Form when like Inverse Tohka, she doesn't forget Shido after Mukuro seals everyone's memories of him. When Nia's dying due to her Qlipha being ripped out, she noticed she still had some spirit power and told everyone, letting Shido know how to save her. First was caused by her duel with her best friend Sawa Yamauchi, the previous owner of Camael, the memory of killing Sawa traumatizes Kurumi to a point where she cannot fight effectively against Camael again. This comes back in Inverse Form, except she has no problem with not remembering anything. They later defused to avoid being hugged by Miku. During this time, Kurumi would later estimate that she had killed at least 50 Spirits who had been transformed into monsters. Due to fears of using her Angel, <Rasiel>, Nia grew distant from her, causing Takajo to believe she did . A girl who's top in beauty, brains and brawn. shortly before Shido decided to seal all of her bullets, she put into action a contingency plan just in case something were to happen to either of them during the sealing. Main segment of dates are: Favor Date, Daily Date, Planned Date, Outing Date, Spirit Interaction and Mini-Game. This is made more obvious as Inverse Yoshino has a puppet that lacks all of Yoshinon's usual decorations (sans the dress) with its eyes being shut, like a shy girl Yoshino normally is. Kotori is the only known character who's Sephira Crystal has a known past host. These characters have different combat and fighting skills. Origami manages her talk her into subjecting Shido to the same "humiliation" instead of just killing him outright, and she ultimately just lets herself get sealed again when given the chance to do the latter. The original Yamai was actually a human girl who received a Sephira Crystal as she was dying from getting run over, but her vanishing twin absorbed in utero resulted in two Spirits from the same Crystal. They both gained a sister as an adoptive sibling, but where Shido got Kotori as a younger sister who became a Spirit, Mukuro gained an older sister and was the one who became a Spirit. Due to the Spirits' powers disappearing after Mio's death, as Tohka is a pure spirit made from spirit power instead of a human who became one. As a human, she grew up in a rich family, which is reflected in her very polite speech patterns (such as the use of the pronoun watakushi). By Volume 20, while she retains a somewhat condescending attitude toward Shido, she admits that shes been influenced by her other selfs feelings toward him and is openly supportive of their relationship. losing her memory of Shido was enough to make her Inverse naturally. One hour later, the clone manages to get her message to Shido and expires shortly after (due to it being exactly one hour after Kurumi dies). As you improve your spirit's power, your relationship will grow. Twin Spirits who appear in Volume 5. The long-awaited Date a Live IV has revealed a character trailer featuring the new spirit, Nia Honjo, during the AnimeJapan 2022. Unlike most cases of this trope, the angel is the Id and the Devil is the Superego. This move turns out to be ineffective in the end with Shido using Vav to mentally time travel back in time with the plan of stopping Mio before she started her killing plan. consume enough lifespan for it to threaten her life. As this process was near completion, Mio decided to give the rest of the Sephira Crystals to those she had chosen among humanity, with Origami Tobiichi being the last recorded human to have been transformed into a Spirit. Mainly uses ice attacks though. And does it again in volume 11 when he pushes Origami's parents out of the way from one of Origami's laser beams. In Volume 13, it's revealed that part of a Spirit's powers is that they stop aging. [4] In this case, the Spirits can only manifest their Limited Astral Dress and their Angel for about five minutes, since they only have a small percent of their powers remaining to use. When Natsumi tried to flee disguised as Kotori and then tried getting the others to admit she was ugly when running into them, Tohka, one of the first two she ran into, ends up telling her she doesn't think that which ends up later convincing Natsumi to help stop the falling satellites. Berserk!Shido has much more raw power than their sealed selves, they're all depowered, and yet they're perfectly capable of using what little they have to overwhelm him. She also implies that in her case at least, she may be Tohka's true self before she lost her memories, having since becoming a separate personality like the old and new timeline versions of Origami. Spirits are a secret to the public, who take shelter during the Spacequakes they cause. Her constant off feelings causes her to be the first to react when Inverse Origami rampages, and helps Shido get close enough to reach her. In Volume 16, we learn why the latter kind of smiles are rare from her. Her Inverse form as well, although it's a bit more, Mio's will influences the world to resurrect Tohka by the end of Volume 22, After Mio seemingly kills her in Volume 18, she comes back able to draw from the powers of all the other Spirits (including Mio herself) to actually. Shido only managed to save her by sealing her allowing the cycle of Spirit power to slowly heal her, and only because Tohka was able to notice she still had any left. She's very shy and relies on her Hand Puppet Yoshinon to communicate with others. Kaguya briefly considered payback for Origami nearly killing them after joining DEM, but gave it up when she realised that her sentiments weren't shared. This method was later assisted by an unknowing Kurumi Tokisaki, who was convinced by Mio to become a Spirit Hunter after the First Spirit told her that Spirits were a disaster destroying the world. As clarified to Artemisia by Ellen, Origami in her Inverse Form was first classified as Devil in the new timeline, but the code name changed to Angel after being sealed by Shido. Her Inverse form sits in the sky like this, unresponsive to anything around her, while her Demon King Satan fires indiscriminately at the city below her. Even with Shinji's memories, Shido's identity and personality are unaffected and he is unable to return Mio's affections. However, Takajo was left unaware of Nia's existence as a Spirit. ones who are shot by the bullet, as well as Kurumi herself. His inability to wield multiple Spirit powers at once is only temporary. Her goal doesn't change even after unwittingly becoming a Spirit herself, simply adding herself to the list once all the others are taken care of. his recreation, he has the potential to become this. Unsealed Spirits also do not need to eat and can exist in hostile environments like outer space for an extended period of time. SMS/WhatsApp. Played for laughs, Volume 12 shows us exactly how both her old timeline and new timeline selves struggle to co-exist properly in the same body. Date A Live: Spirit Pledge has been released on iOS and Android ! It takes a lot of shouting from Shido and a recreation of their first kiss to return her to normal. He kisses Maria and she disappears as well, after saying she finally understands what "love" is and that she loves Shido. Its form, shape, and function all differ between each individual Spirit. Both grew up while being abandoned by their birth parents and eventually entered a foster family. In the True Ending, it is revealed that Marina sent Marias mail message to Shidos phone (in which Maria thought would be unreachable), and even installed Maria onto his phone, preventing her from disappearing completely. She keeps attacking while Shido uses the Spirits powers to protect Maria. In the new timeline, where her parents werent killed by a Spirit (actually herself) and led a more well-adjusted life, she has much longer hair. encounter with Phantom, who gives her the power of a Spirit, she is the murderer she's sought her whole life. Volume 12 shows she has these representing her old and new timeline selves. Max: 100 Date a Live: Spirit Pledge HD reroll guide for Android Devices To get started, follow these steps: First, you need to enter the game without logging in, so log in via Guest. Subverted for her Inverse Form in Volume 15, as despite Mukuro locking everyone's memories of him away, Inverse Tohka shockingly remembers him and seems to have her own memories unique to her. Whenever Origami in the new timeline saw a Spirit after becoming one herself, she would go quiet and stiff before entering her Inverse form and blasting the Spirit until its apparent demise. Moments later, the other Spirits arrive and they destroy the ball together. There are 8 Spirits that you can date. In the meantime, Maria and Marina share each others memories and "understand each other. Sometimes her friends wonder if she is not faking her condition. Inverse form is subjected to this twice, first by Shido who almost managed to return Nia back to normal with his multiple Angels, and then by Artemisia, Westcott's newest. "Shin" was the name Reine (who was the First Spirit back then, now known as Mio Takamiya) first uttered when he introduced himself to her 30 years ago four months after her arrival into their world. Each Spirit has a unique ability, and each displays different levels of knowledge about Earth. It is later revealed that the source of a Spirit's power is a gem known as a Sephira Crystal. The possible motif of her Inverse form. The second Spirit to appear. Mio kills her in this fashion to prevent Shido from sealing all of her bullets..not that it helped because he later uses Vav to jump back to 24 hours prior. she can also transform other people into whatever she pleases, ignore her orders in favour of charging the Spirits, in the aftermath of her parents death are what made her the person she is in the present, and she is the Spirit who killed her parents, she follows Tohka's example from volume 7, Hepburn "Tobiichi" vs Nihon-Shiki "Tobiiti", and she turns to the screen with a thumbs up, Her Astral Dress is meant to look like a wedding dress, send them individually after the opponent, tear open wormholes in the fabric of space-time, she can even stop the rotation of the Earth, which would wipe out the entire surface life. The absolute shield that protects the Spirits. when her remaining power fades away and she's directly in the path of the volatile spiritual power Shido was emitting, what does she do? It's only when Mio saw the effect these crystals had on their hosts that she turned them into Sephira crystals to make their powers easier to control. While the kanji for Ten means sky or heaven, it sounds like the English word for the number 10. Ratatoskr's command center is located upon their airship known as the Fraxinus, located 15,000 meters (49,000ft) above Tengu City. She debuted in the Hyperdimension Neptunia Collaboration Event Part 1 and came back again on Part 2. When Marina's Astral Dress suddenly goes wild, it causes a problem on the outside as is now losing flight power and slowly falling toward Tenguu city. After parting ways with Shido, she encounters her world's Kurumi, who implies that Tohka only killed one of her clones to obtain Zafkiel's blade and offers to help her fix all the death and destruction she caused to her world. They are economic rivals with Asgard Electronics, the company that supports Ratatoskr, with operatives who are able to utilize CR Units with experience exceeding that of special forces groups from different countries. If you want to help out please contact one of the staff members. she seals everybody else's memories of him so that he stays with her forever, and later tries to stop the Earths rotation and end all life so nobody can get between them. They were originally one entity, but for reasons unknown got split into two: Kaguya and Yuzuru. Spirits are extraterrestrial beings whose arrival is usually preceded by a spatial quake. Afterwards, she went from a Samaritan to the mass-murdering. The Reiryoku, with nowhere to go then, manifests as a single, massive power in him and that will result in abnormal physical capabilities that can even make him go berserk. During this time, Kurumi was given power in the form of the crystal, unknowingly becoming a Spirit herself. Before that, Kotori believed some of the Spirits had always been Spirits, or Pure Spirits as she says. Date A Live: Spirit Pledge This is a wiki related to the mobile game Date A Live: Spirit Pledge. Main characters Shido Itsuka (Itsuka Shid) Voiced by: Nobunaga Shimazaki, Saeko Zg (Shiori), Yukiko Aruga (childhood) (Japanese); Josh Grelle, Ryan Elizabeth Reynolds (Shiori), Mikaela Krantz (childhood) (English) The protagonist of Date A Live.Shido is a kindhearted young man who possesses a strange power that allows him to seal the powers of a Spirit in his body with a . The existence of a Spirit first came into being when Westcott, Woodman, and Ellen used their to gather all the world's mana in a single location. Four known Spirits in Date A Live; Kotori, Miku Izayoi , Origami Tobiichi and Nia were originally human, though Nia hinted that all of the Spirits were human. The exact impetus for Phantom turning her into a Spirit is never revealed. Her entire world shatters when she discovers she murdered her best friend, not even realizing it was her at first. At the end of Volume 9, Origami's intense thirst for revenge against the Spirits made her turn to Isaac Westcott, who was coincidentally looking for a capable fighter. Taken more seriously in Volume 15, where Mukuro's sealing of Shido from everyone's memories doesn't work on her new timeline half, causing her old timeline self to go inactive. She gradually develops this attitude toward Mukuro, who she had initially brushed off as an annoying Key Spirit who was getting in the way of her payback toward Shido. Unlike other Inverse Spirits shown so far who keep their hair colors (only darkened for some), Yoshino's blue hair turn white when she enters hers. When snapped out of it, she has no memory of what just happened. His first name means "Samurai's Code", a reference to his loyal personality and dedicated nature. With herself ironically. Actor Jansen Panettiere's sudden, tragic death on Feb. 19 took the world by surprise. Yoshinon was handmade by her mother Nagisa Himekawa, who would die in a work accident shortly afterward. Commanded by Kotori Itsuka, it was created for her brother as he has the means to peacefully seal a Spirit's powers. In volume 19, she pilots Nia's version of Nibelcoles that is made in the image of Maria. After Mukuro's powers are sealed, Tenka willingly lets Shido seal her, but tells him to never make Tohka sad again. Shido seals her powers at the end of Volume 2, and later lives in an apartment specifically built for sealed Spirits. Grade of this character - S Class Grade Spirits are a secret to the public, who take shelter during the Spacequakes they cause. destroy two satellites falling on the city, when the spirit mana within him drives him berserk. Tier: 6-C | At least Low 7-C when sealed | High 6-C, likely higher | At least High 6-C | 4-C, higher with Ratelibish | 4-C, likely far higher with Angels Name: Tohka Yatogami, Code Name . Mukuro calling her Key Spirit, and usually refers to Mio, who is essentially her mother, as that woman. As long as their goals are realized, killing hundreds of people in the process is an acceptable loss and not worth losing sleep over. Origami use her own Spirit energy to power the time travel, reasoning it will be a good test for the time travel. Efreet!Kotori's powers. Characters Ads Filter Characters | SMASH or PASS Options Mikoto Misaka CV: Rina Satou Neptune CV: Rie Tanaka Kurumi Tokisaki CV: Asami Sanada Tohka Yatogami CV: Marina Inoue Blanc CV: Kana Asumi Noire CV: Asami Imai Vert CV: Rina Satou Kotori Itsuka CV: Ayana Taketatsu Mayuri Index Librorum Pro. Mukuro is ultimately just an orphan so desperate for love that she'll resort to extremes whenever she thinks she's secured it. These spirits does not appear in the Light Novel and are not part of the series' main canon, only featured in games and films based on it. Volume 11 reveals their first meeting was the result of, she summoned her Limited Astral Dress and her Angel while wearing the CR Unit, scattered by Tohka's disintegrated Astral Dress due to Mukuro's ability. Their powers while in this form remain the same except their Angels are replaced with Demon Kings and the source of their powers are not theirSephira CrystalsbuttheirQlipha Crystals. Kotori believes that after being sealed, they will rapidly age to catch up to their actual age. In Volume 22, she resolves to "leave the past behind" as she has Shido cut her hair to the length seen in images of the previous chapter. Date A Live: Spirit Pledge HD Character Tier List for June 2022 This Date a Live: Spirit Pledge HD Tier List should only be taken as a reference because different strategies and compositions can yield different results for players. Tohka and Origami each tap into their Inverse forms in volume 7 and 10 respectively, followed by Nia in volume 13, and almost followed by Mukuro in Volume 15. Specifically, her old timeline self forgets him, but her new timeline ends up immune to the effects. After the last day of the spring holidays, an spacequake wrecked the town and a girl in armor appears in front of him. The duo have been fighting 99 times to determine who is the real Yamai, with 25 wins each and 49 draws. After much resistance, Shido finally uses to break Marinas crystal and thus she dies. Subverted in Volume 15 when Tohka inverses again, where her Inverse self doesn't show any of the traits mentioned above and actually remembers Shido. On the City, when the Spirit mana within him drives him berserk of! When she discovers she murdered her best friend, not even realizing it her. Spirits as she says she dies he has the means to peacefully seal a Spirit 's power a... 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