
Suddenly they hear a crowd running away. Her nose starts to bleed and Ezekiel hands her a handkerchief. Dulaque quickly captures Ezekiel and Cassandra. Jenkins says the good guys have bad endings as well and that they and the bystanders can get killed, the only person that is able to survive everything is Jack the nimble thief. Eve makes the three Librarian trainees do a training exercise where they have to cross a dark storage room. The group starts to look for something magical and the students are explaining their stances. Lindy Booth. Eve explains the group that Morgan Le Fay made the app. Ezekiel escapes the cuffs. She explains the house is to help people and was made to act as a refuge and they did not escape it would ever be used by a serial killer. Cassandra says it is 3 multiplied and that the students are all using the spell on each other. In "And the Eternal Question," Cassandra is told that she needs . Jacob and Ezekiel fight some of the killers. Ill still always love John Larroquette. Flynn says the apple is dangerous, however a smiling Cassandra says it is not, but she is. Eve says she needs Jones, however, Flynn says he is stuck to do to the negotiations. Jacob talks to the bullies that tried to be with Amy. Cassandra talks to Ezekiel and he asks where her trophies are. The clippings book shows that multiple people have gone missing. Cassandra says it would be unlikely earth would be the only planet with some form of life. I dont think we really talked about losing her powers. Cassandra turns on the radio and Ezekiel does not like the song, but Cassandra says she wants to listen to it. Jacob agrees and says he would love to help people like this. Jacob Stone was born in a moderately successful family in Oklahoma. Thats pretty powerful. Jacob says only Lamia is armed. Flynn says he does not believe in faith. Ezekiel says they better flee, however Eve ignores him. Cassandra later showed her selflessness as she did not heal herself and instead choose to save Flynn. Katie wants to leave the house as Cassandra wants to get back in there. Eve agrees but wants them to be well prepared and be careful. Jacob tells them about the myth and they realize the interns are representing the virgins. The team comes together and Eve and Ezekiel say it is a troll, however Cassandra and Jacob say it is more. Santa says he is too weak and gives Eve the power to spread the good will over humanity this year. After her death, he continued his work for the library. It is working and Flynn says Jenkins was right about the pyramids however Jenkins says he never send him any notes. Stone, Eve, Ezekiel and Cassandra get out and help her. In the preview of "The Librarians" Season 4, episode 8, different types of accidents take place when Cassandra is introduced to the town. How Marvel went big with Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania. They travel to the company. And that this sarcophagus holds the key to it. They meet Jenkins who brings them to the other library. Eve explains that where she came from Flynn was the Librarian. "[[And the Echoes of memory.]" https://thelibrarians.fandom.com/wiki/And_the_Echoes_of_Memory, The Librarian: Return to King Solomon's Mines, The Librarian: The Curse of the Judas Chalice, Jacob loves a good bar brawl (particularly at Christmas). Ezekiel asks him where he learned that and Jacob says he does not know. Mabel was in the control room and therefore became anchored in her body with a device. ; Chick Magnet: There's Nicole, Lana, Emily, and Simone, from the films and then Eve in the first . Unlike most of his friends, Elliot ends up where his story started, at Brakebills. Ezekiel returns for Cassandra, however the CEO shows up again. However, he then fights it off and attacks Eve with a sword. Jenkins mentions this door might give them access to space where the library is floating and they can anchor it back to them. Cassandra explains to Amy she has an app on her phone however Amy says she did not use it and got it from her mom who got it from some site. Eve gets the ball of rope and a sword and she and Flynn thank the group and go through the doors. The team walks through the town and realizes the population are becoming Fairy tale characters. Learning to use magic she began to look for magical items and saved people when the Dragons went on a rampage. Eve experiences countless situations in an instant and gives people the gift of hope. Flynn stops and says that if they rewind the threads their lines will cease to exist and they will be gone. They are unable to approach the generator but Jacob holds on to Mabel which grounds him so the electricity does not kill him. And I think hes super sexy. Jacob eventually became one of the Librarians along with Cassandra Cillian and Ezekiel Jones after the Serpent Brotherhood tried to kill them and learned the existence of the Library . They hear a doorbell and Flynn tries to stop Ezekiel from opening the door, however he opens it believing it to be the pizza guy. Jacob explains to the group the town was invented by the founder of electricity. Ezekiel uses a detector for magic and traces the magic to a phone and steels it. Their plan succeeds and they manage to protect the kid while they pretend it was an experiment of Amy going out of control. On The Librarians Season 4 Episode 8, when Cassandra freezes up during a mission, she decides to head to Havenport, the "Safest Town in America." Using the ball of rope Ezekiel and Cassandra manage to get back into the library through a magical door. Jacob, Ezekiel, and Cassandra confront them. They talk about family and how Mabel never left this town. Dulaque says he is going to take Santa and kill them. Eve says she needs Jones, however Flynn says he is stuck to do to the negotiations until he has dealt with all of Mr. Drake's grievances. He explains that something might have been taken and that the dragons can destroy the world if they do not get it back. One of those spa vamps a benevolent bloodsucker named Estrella (Clara Lago, The Commuter) formed a connection with Cassandra and offered her a way out of her terminal diagnosis by giving her vampiric immortality. Jacob Stone Jacob mentions his new job makes him travel now while he never was far away from his home. Following the instructions of the employee they walk towards Human Resources but somehow get lost in the halls. The sick girl has been fully recovered and the sheriff asks what Ezekiel did. Spoiler alert! The team manages to get the pearl which stops the traps from shooting. Cassandra Cillian is a former hospital janitor at Saint Francis Episcopal Hospital in New York, and currently one of The Librarians . Cassandra calculates it but faints because space is too big and even bigger than the labyrinth, Jacob catches her. Cassandra tries to disarm her but Katie cuts her wrist. She fights Katie and hits her with the hatchet. Cassandra says the broken lay lines are on the place where Katie came from. Eve and Jacob go to the library and ask for a book that is old. Ahead, EW catches up with actress Lindy Booth to talk about her characters big hour. Jacob and Mabel study the blueprints and Jacob mentions there might have been a town where lamps were. Character Details They travel to the company. She then quickly disappears. Flynn explains that the timeline will restart from where you cut it. Cassandra later got freed by the Librarians after she promised to help them. Meanwhile Carsen and Baird spend much needed time alone. CassCassieMath Girl The team gets together at the bar where women are trying to charm Cassandra. Flynn says the Crown was created by Merlyn to give Arthur control over magic, and that the Brotherhood wants to find it to bring magic back. The group splits up to check the rooms. Pam Grier reflects on her most iconic roles, from. The group is unable to find Ezekiel who is now gone. She sees an unconscious Eve being carried upstairs. Jacob tells poetry and says these subgroups are just costumes and roles we play and they are not who we really are. When asked why she did this, she says she absorbs the magic from the backlash to stay young and powerful. The team responds in disbelief after which he explains it. When holding the Apple of Discord, Jacob locked up Eve and his fellow Librarians. The wolves quickly overpower the team and Jacob gets beat up by the sheriff. I love John Larroquette so much. Cassandra had received an invitation earlier from the Library, but was struggling with her illness and so didn't go in for an interview. Eve asks Stone what the house is and he says it is a 19th century frontier house and wonders what it does in Slovakia. They ask her what is going on and she says there is something horrible in the house. Jenkins explains the rule of three means that whatever you inflict on another will return to you three-fold. Will we see him reciprocate her feelings in the next few episodes, or is it officially over?He gives his reason why he cant save her, why he cant make her immortal. Cassandra moves through the house as Katie follows her while explaining that she and her family killed a lot of people before they ended up in the house. Cassandra realizes the house can talk to her as well. Cassandra is a mathematician with synesthesia. The team gets the civilians to the local library to protect them. Jenkins explains to the team there must be a artifact that causes this situation. The sheriff says Ezekiel learned her to pick locks and then cuffs him. Eve asks the dragon to let them out. Jacob and the group follow Flynn through the magical door and end up in the conclave of the faction tribe heads and Dulaque talking about the faith of the library. Amy says she wants to be just normal and does not care much about success. Flynn tells the group they are now graduating and they can do mission on their own. Jenkins explains to the team there must be an artifact that causes this situation. Cassandra realizes the labyrinth has expanded and Boston is a part of it as well now. Ezekiel follows Eve who points him towards people who are being taken over by energized human forms. When holding the Apple of Discord Cassandra became deceitful, narcissistic and highly destructive. Jacob covers the motionless body of Lamia. He is the most wonderful person to work with. Jacob says it is getting crazier. Jenkins and Flynn explain there are two factions: The Eastern and the Western dragons. He grabs the book and makes the sick girl turn it into a happy ending. She is going to die, and hes going to live forever. Quirky Cassandra Cillian, the magic-proponent mathematician and scientist Librarian, is one of the most joyous characters I've ever watched. Katie says she lures the house to kill people. That idea of wanting something that you cant have, or that somehow he could protect her and be the one to save her, is really appealing. Jacob is skeptical about a doorway to heaven inside pyramids. She has a terminal brain tumor, which while it gives her added abilities, is slowly killing her. The sheriff mentions it was most likely just an accident. They see three goths walking around and Ezekiel explains how students form packs to keep other people down. Jacob locks the team up in the room with a trapdoor before walking away with a strange light in his eyes. When Jacob cuts the wolf open there is a young woman in it. The group then started to look for Cassandra. Cassandra and Ezekiel ask Jacob for a drink, however, he says he needs to go somewhere. Cassandra and Katie go to the car where Cassandra says Eve does not trust them as she betrayed them earlier. First appearance Lucinde calms the public down while Eve and Jacob talk to the student Lenard who erupted the volcano. I would turn to John Larroquette to save me any day. A man's strange death by exploding into flames send Jake, Cassandra and Ezekiel to a wellness retreat like no other. The team talks about how they will introduce themselves to the local law enforcement. The team is later at the library and they mention how they all got to have their Christmas wish fulfilled. Katie tries to kill Cassandra however Cassandra suddenly wields the hatchet. Cassandra says history will continue to unravel until all time is undone. Dr. Oliver Thompson, James McKelvie, Griffin Griffould, (and 4 unspecified) She told them how they could take the crown back with an electromagnet. Santa says he is too weak and gives Eve the power to spread the goodwill over humanity this year. And this episode, we see such a powerful reason why. Cassandra wants to stay however Eve says she and Jacob will stay because they can fight. He compliments Jacob his knowledge and says it is a shame he hides it. Jacob says it looks like they got into a basement. Actress: Dawn of the Dead. Lamia said they would and that they would control the magic coming back into the world. Jacob realizes the stones can be used to teleport them back to their timeline. Eve says Jacob and Cassandra go ask for any video footage. Suddenly they hear a crowd running away. Jacob and the team go to Jenkins while Eve tries to transport Santa to safety. The team walks through the town and realizes the population is becoming Fairy tale characters. Jacob and Eve get through the magical door and block the Minotaur. Jacob smiles at Lamia while walking past her and Flynn jokes how she tried to kill him. The Librarians (TV Series 2014-2018) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Cassandra and the others find out all the missing people were interns at the Golden Axe Company. Eve takes out some of the guards while the rest of the team gets to work on the electricity. The team opens a door and finds a room filled with stacked up human skulls. There is a short conversation in which Cassandra says her parents told her Santa did not exist where she was 3 years old, Ezekiel says he loves it because of the countless things to steal. Eve and Ezekiel engage the Brotherhood as Flynn and Jacob use an improvised blow torch to open the locked-up crown. Meanwhile, in the present, Jake (Christian Kane), Cassandra (Lindy Booth) and Ezekiel (John Kim) worked on solving the clues Flynn and Eve left for them from the past, since there was no way to. As she ends the story the Librarian gets sucked in the book. Flynn is confused and suddenly there becomes smoke out of the sarcophagus. At the Annex Ezekiel tries to convince the others that aliens exist. Jacob mentions they can use the ball of rope from the labyrinth and the magical app from Morgan Le Fay to help get back the library. If she had to pick a favorite horror movie it would probably be The Shining but Ari Asters Hereditary and Midsommar rank in joint second place. Flynn explains he believes he found a way to bring back the library. Cassandra and Ezekiel hide, but when Ezekiel makes a dash for it, he gets taken out by Eve. Theres a great deal of respect there. Or was this a one-off thing where they had this brief time together?I dont know. Lindy Booth as Cassandra Cillian John Kim as Ezekiel Jones John Larroquette as Jenkins Recurring Cast Noah Wyle as Flynn Carsen Rachel Nichols as Nicole Noone Guest Cast Victoria Blake as Curious Patient Bradley Goodwill as Doctor Susannah Mars as Group Leader Jason Adkins as Guard Douglas Austin III as Orderly #1 Jacob's family and friends, particularly his father, believe he is not that bright and that his only skills are fighting and chasing women. Eve shoots an "L" in Morse code in the air to guide them towards her. I understood that love, and I understood being so overwhelmed by grief that you dont know what to do. Full name Using her gifts Cassandra while Ezekiel helps her, they find the center. Only Cassandra understands it while the others have no clue what it is about. Full name The Librarian throws him away and says the wolves are going to kill them. Helen loves a good movie musical too and has probably watched The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Hedwig And The Angry Inch, The Blues Brothers and Little Shop Of Horrors more times than is healthy. The team deduces the stone for the sword must be in Londinium/London. Dulaque tells them he has poisoned Santa so he can not spread the good will this year. Eve tells the Librarians the CEO knows what is going on and she talked to them to size them up. Jacob asks Mabel if she knows what the light pole does in the forest. They see that the wolf is wearing a nightcap and believe the wolf may be related to the red hood. Dec 21, 2017 - Fashion from The Librarians on TNT. Eve starts to look more like a princess and is charmed by Cassandra. Eve and her team talk with theKaren Willis CEO of theGolden Axe Food Companywho says they have no clue what could be going on. As they get close a scared girl runs towards them. Cassandra says her tumor makes her useful but unreliable. Katie says they are in Nevada and Cassandra says they are in Slovakia. Eve came to the Annex investigating magical threats. Has an IQ of 190. Eve and Santa come in and Dulaque forces her to give him Santa or they will kill them all. Jacob stated that he dated two girls simultaneously without knowing they were sisters. This naturally led to dissension in the ranks early on The Librarians Season 4 Episode 7. She puts it back and smiles after which she walks away. Having lost power over Excalibur, Lamia was swiftly knocked out by the sword. She tells Jenkins they need more training as they can not handle themselves in the field yet--she can't protect three people at once. Eve tells Jacob to leave as she distracts the Minotaur. Ezekiel is skeptical about why they should investigate it. Jenkins says the good guys have bad endings as well and that they and the bystanders can get killed, the only person that is able to survive everything is Jack the nimble thief. The three Librarians work together and transport the group back to the world of Eve. She explains her name is Katie and she and her friends were in the house. This is The Librarians so it wasnt too surprising to find out the spa was run by vampires. Cassandra shows a picture of 1915 were Mabel is on it. Eve, Cassandra and Katie block the door as the dark man follows them. Jacob sees lamps and asks her what she is doing. 2023 Oscars predictions: See who will win at the 95th Academy Awards. The group went to Munich and found a clue on a painting which led to the location of the Crown. Ezekiel comes in through the magical door as he seems to have stolen something. He is an Oklahoma laborer and genius with an IQ of 190. She got used by them as they left her when she was no longer needed. They see the pope and quickly get out as the cops chase them. The Serpent Brotherhood raided the Library and Charlene was forced to break the chain which made the library disappear. What can we expect for Cassandra in the next couple of episodes?Well, were getting very close to the end. Jenkins hands Eve a book in which she can make a note so that the future Librarians will use another generator over 100 years again to bring the citizens back to this world. Cassandra and Ezekiel hide and Ezekiel runs off and gets taken out by Eve. The sheriff and his man freeze, however, Jacob grabs an ax and throws it at the wolf, hitting him in the neck and killing him. The teams walk off as the sheriff and his daughter look at them. Jacob meets Mabel who came from Paris and the two talk in French. Even and Jacob start to look for the three goths they saw earlier. They see the Pope and quickly get out as the cops chase them. Jacob has a genius-level intellect (190 IQ) and is highly knowledgeable about history and architecture. Lamia says she killed Dulaque after he killed Eve. 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