
Its a great warm-up exercise, Gai says with annoying sincerity. You took care of the worst. Katara said. Six months ago, Kushina would have bared her teeth right back at him. Sorry. Aang said, grimacing painfully as he sat down next to her, hopefully in such a way that she wouldn't notice how aroused he was. It isnt enough that Rin has a thing for Kakashi; its obvious Gai adores Kakashi despite all his bluster about rivalry. That old man orchestrated conflicts to start an all-out war. Hes going to become Hokage someday and make that smug idiot acknowledge him!). So, how do you think Rin feels whenever you try to intervene in her fights? Minato-sensei asks him knowingly, as if he just read Obitos thoughts. I love you. Katara whispered against his mouth, feeling content, but very tired at the same time. You were saying,, Minato-sensei gives him a knowing look and sighs in a way that says I know youre being angsty but Im going to ignore it for now because youre impossible., I was saying Obitos taijutsu could use some work. He wanted to know Kakashis secret, so he started following him around. And Obito will probably chop off his own tongue before admitting it but, theres something inspiring about watching Kakashi train from dawn to late evening trying to better himself. They settled down on Kyoshi Island, and the last Aang had heard, Suki was expecting another child. Katara, please, Rat-vipers are deadly! Aang visits Katara and Sokka in the South Pole for the first time in months, only to bring some startling and unfortunate news.Back in the Fire Nation, Zuko is driving himself mad from exhaustion, the stress of assassination attempts and the attempts of his council to dethrone him aren't letting him sleep. Tsunade-sama knows more about medical seals than anyone else in the world but Im sure I could find out something from my notes for this Rin girl.. Shes got a lot more chakra and is better at sealing than I am. So no Shounen protagonist power-up. Kakashi knows it wont be enough for something as chakra intensive as say, Kamui, if he still had it. They were the first things of him that she had fallen in love with. We can make new ones together. She snaked her hand inside his pants and underwear and brushed the tips of her fingers against his hardened manhood. Shes the best person I know! Obito says passionately. Kakashi bites his lip and considers it. And I kind of had to revise my initial plans for the story for it to all make sense. Ahhtheyll be staying with me in my apartment. And if Rin dies in battle like so many shinobi do, there still wont be anything preventing Obito from calling this world a lie and losing himself in his grief. Katara moved her hands down his back until she came to his pants, slowly pushing them down along with his underwear. He took another sip of oil and sucked again, working as quickly as possible to minimize both of their pains. A road trip with Orochimaru, me, and you four kids, he says, eye twitching. - Ellesedil May 27, 2015 at 21:29 @Ellesedil feel free to use my answer as a base and expand on it from what we see in LoK. I have no stake in this apart from ending the war. "Alright, how do I get there, the usual?" he asked. Oh no! No? Aang repeated, shocked. [ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Nagato hesitates. But she gasped out loud when Aang suddenly gripped the sides of her head and gently adjusted her face until they were nose to nose. He continued to rock sensuously against her body, taking everything she had to give, but giving her all of him in return. She gently caressed the side of his face and set herself to maintain their sensuous eye contact. And remember, Minato-sensei says, bonking his head slightly. Wellthats great and all but I havent seen Bakakashi in the village much lately. Nira, an Earth bender, works together with Aang to harness their shared Avatar energy to ultimately defeat the Fire Lord before Sozin's comet arrives--however, Raava's spirit has never knowingly split into two separate benders, and it proves to further complicate their individual control, as well as muddle their relationship. [deleted] 3 yr. ago Oh man I totally forgot about this! . You do a disservice to Gai if you think of him as a threat to Rin., Obito shuffles at his feet. He moved his hand down in between their straining bodies to where they were connected. Katara let out a final gasp as he slipped out of her. And, perhaps, the last known member of a Nation once peaceful and brilliant, hollowed out by one hundred years of war. Okay, so Kushina-san was a loser once. I'm all right. Its not just you and Rin anymore. He pulled away from her slightly, and moved back up her body until they were eye-level. Aang, Katara, and Toph had been in Ba Sing Se when they received the stunning news that Suki was pregnant and would soon be giving birth. So, the original Gang was whittled down until only Aang himself and Katara remained. Miso ramen right, Kushina-san? A distress signal had come to them in Ba Sing Se from the Fire Nation. After 15 centuries of pointless waiting, he finally loses his mind, only to see a blond knight coming to his rescue. She lived with the power of the Dreaming, the ability to travel into different fandoms in her dreams and share their lives, their pain. And Konan! You're a life saver! I shouldn't. The sequel series The Legend of Korra, which is set 70 years after the original show, revealed that Aang remained with Katara for the rest of his life, and had three children with her. Theyve been discovering the Hiraishin and all its possible uses together. The quicker he sucked the poison out, the better. Thank you for loving me. Katara whispered. But this is the good tunic that Zuko gave you., Compared to you, this tunic is worth nothing. Aang said truthfully. Rin, although your strategy was good, the demonic illusion genjutsu you used wasnt strong enough. When they finally reach Minato-senseis house, they head inside to freshen up. I will give you a list of things later today. Ugh Katara, Rewarding you for saving my life. Katara said. Thats.honestly for the best. I love my girlfriend Kushinas red hair and learning new fuinjutsu with her help. Also, Rins medical ninjutsu is quite remarkable. You've got to keep the bite lower than your heart., Thank you, Aang. Please consider turning it on! Hell just have to challenge that jerk for a fight the next time he sees him. And, if Sokka wasn't mistaken, Aang was quickly catching up to him in height, which annoyed Sokka to no ends seeing as he held the title of the tallest for the past few years since he passed up Zuko. The tents are done. He called. Harry Potter struggles to become a good DADA teacher, but it's hard when a large portion of his mind is commandeered by four familiar Marauders. Oh please, Sokka. He could barely hear the collective gasps of the townsfolk of Kyoshi Island. I justI just want to protect her, thats all, Obito says, deflating. Hang on, Katara. Aang said. Oh my stars, I never thought I would find survivors, but now I have! The Avatar had more houses around the world than any other person, so he had no shortage of places to stay. You're right. Let me know if the seal starts acting up, Minato-sensei tells him brightly. (Companion piece to a thousand little faces but can be read as a standalone). Thank you for creating it, he says sincerely. Im going to beat him after all! 5. i knew the moment had arrived So, dont assume this seal to simply supply chakra to you when you need it to. But that didnt happen, Sarutobi-sensei sighs. But, no matter what he did, he couldn't find any rhythm the lowered her pain at all. Are you all right?. Jiraiya-sensei? The woman repeats, confused. Did it bite you?, Katara nodded. This story is for the characters we love who deserved more: for Toph, for Zutara, for Tyzula, and for Aang, who's spiritual and ethical considerations deserve more attention and validation. After all, they no longer were `just friends' or `Sifu and pupil'. In 'The Painted Lady,' Katara disguised herself as the Painted lady to help the people of a Fire Nation village. From Ame? She asks slowly. Within a minute, the entire town was gathered around Kyoshi's statue. You're supposed to keep an eye on me in case I get worse or go into shock.. If you get me some water, I could use Waterbending to heal myself. She said. Tsunades departure has been hard on all of them but its especially hard on sensei knowing that Senju Tobiramas niece left Konoha. I've been dreaming about this night for a long time, Katara. Aang airbends Zuko into a wall and propelling himself backward out of the cave. Its shaped like a diamond with grid boxes inside, looking remarkably like his clan symbol. His heart feels big and bright in his chest, like its finally feeling warm sunshine and bright red happiness after a lifetime of hiding away in the dark. AU. Konans eyes narrow. Onoki was far more inclined to peace after the second shinobi war, possibly fearing the wrath of the Uchiha due to lingering trauma from facing Uchiha Madara. After the war, Aang muses on some of his past choices, the nature of the Avatar, and contemplates what kind of future he'll create for the world. It was supposed to be a delicate mission for Sakumo, to quell a rebellion against the Daimyo in the Land of Birds, a vassal territory to the Land of Earth. So, he came to understand that the only thing he could do was help her get used to the pain by offering a distraction. But you chose me.. There was no swelling or discoloring. Kakashi feels a smile form involuntarily. Several moments later, his tattoos stopped glowing and Aang collapsed down against her sweat-dampened chest, both of them gasping for breath. It was brilliant, sensei! Gai nods vigorously. aang comes back to life fanfiction aang comes back to life fanfiction. Heck, the first time Minato-sensei introduced himself to them he said My name is Namikaze Minato. That this is a three-man squad. You did nothing about it.. It was him. Thats great. Obito knows theyre at war, and he knows the worst-case scenario in a war. A few seconds later, and Aang began to laugh for no apparent reason. Still, its nice with just the three of them too, him, Minato-sensei, and Kushina. Konoha had also stepped up its infiltration after the end of the second shinobi war; I deployed ninja in every village across the lands. If Sokka could see him now, he would probably strangle him, Avatar or no. If theres anything wrong with the Super Diamond Snap Grid Seal of Light and Darkness. You are my family. Sokka said. You wont need to worry about that, Orochimaru. So, this chapter kind of ran away from me as I was writing it. He grinned to himself, and then scooted down the length of her body. Coming right up! The snake had bitten her about mid-way up her thigh on the inside. Remember what he initially called the Rasengan?. The result of this simple caress was rather shocking. But on the plus side, Obito's here! Six months ago, after his death, the skirmishes decreased. Medical seals huh? Kushina says thoughtfully, interrupting his musings. Don't lay down, Katara. And he knows just the kind of jutsu that suits Kakashi. Use any jutsu you want., Obitos hackles rise at that. I have two goals: to stay by Kushinas side forever and become Hokage.. Be careful, Kakashi. because I have all of the self-control of a ferret set loose in a meat locker. Katara trembled, and removed her hand from her leg. And as ninja, we often have to fight people stronger than us. Oh yeah! They would bring her back soon though. But Aang didn't mind, in fact, that is what he needed. ** Rated M for sexual content and dark material. From what he remembers of the war in his previous life, this is around the time that Kumogakure also joined the War when previously it was only between Iwa and Konoha. Minato-sensei and Kushina's guards around Orochimaru seemed to have dropped completely. Katara was suddenly worried that she had hurt him. Theres a flash of pain in Nagatos eyes at that; hes probably remembering his parents. He is likely the only individual that can give Azula the level of patience Iroh gave Zuko. Both of you are ganging up on me. And now, hes developed to the point that both Kushina and Orochimaru think hes ready to take on their seal. She couldnt even do a clone jutsu. He is the Yellow Flash, the greatest prodigy Konoha has seen since the Sannin. Ohhhjust wait until I get my hands on him!. Obito cant even be angry about that because hes seen Gai train until his calluses bleed. She wont come back to the village, sensei. They work well together as a team, but I can tell that theyre not really making as much of an effort with Gai as they should.. He grabbed some water, tipped it into his mouth, swished it around, and spit it out to get rid of the last of the venom and oil. Its not that, Sarutobi-sensei sighs. Had she not died, Rin could have become a truly fearsome kunoichi if she had gotten the time and the right kind of training. Theres no future godson to rely on for that (and that was a big enough mindfuck by itself), so they had to think of another way to do it. ? Sokka yelled for the whole town to hear. But theres something about developing a high-risk, experimental seal together that bonds people together for life, Kakashi thinks. Oh right. Sokka: I know. Their tongues met urgently, passionately. His questing fingers found a small bump of flesh hidden within her folds, but he was shocked when Katara let loose what he could only describe as a scream as his fingers brushed against it. Monks were not just scholars, but healers too. Its nice; Kakashi had similar nights in his previous life but he hopes hes allowed to actually keep it this time. He kissed her passionately as she raked her fingers across his back and he carefully traced her womanhood, wanting to familiarize himself with her body before attempting to take her. He hesitated slightly before pressing his mouth to the bite and sucking on it. In which Hina is romanced, Aang is utterly whipped, and many milestones are achieved, or: the courtship of Hina Oyama and Avatar Aang. They were supposed to give us information of even the slightest hint of dissatisfaction so that we could quell any clamors to rest. Theyve been getting weird looks from all the villagers too, every time they dare to spend time together in a public place. There are so many things Jiraiya wants to say in response, like Why did you let Sakumo take the blame for the war?, Why didnt you take out Danzo sooner when you knew he was a traitor?, or Why didnt you do something about Root after his death?. There is no way any person could hate Gai. They knew each other almost better than they knew themselves. While she did a pretty good job of hiding her pain, Aang could still tell that she was uncomfortable. Hes built up his chakra reserves with several handy and honestly ingenious chakra exercises Orochimaru gave him. I love you too, Katara. Aang whispered, leaning in and kissing her. The two visitors attention is on them, after hearing that. Aang: He's my friend. Kakashi knows that he didnt aid Team Minatos teamwork in any way before, but he has to wonder if Obito and Rins constant, perpetual bond looming like a spectre didnt doom them all in some way. Katara: Oh please no. 3. the seeds of change were planted Their eye contact was only broken when they kissed passionately or pleasure tore through their bodies. What the fuck. The silver-haired boy accurately summarizes what everyone is thinking. Aang placed a hand on Suki's shoulder. It took him a few seconds to find the little bump that seemed to cause her the most pleasure, but when he found it again, he carefully set to work on giving her as much pleasure as possible. He cursed his inexperience. But in this new life, being labelled a prodigy was a very convenient way to explain his learning curve and unusual maturity. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Thank you for catching it! Oh Spirits, Katara you feel so good!. It has, Sarutobi-sensei admits. Katara groaned, which only served to make Aang even more light-headed. For helping me. Katara said. This is where you come in.. For a moment, the silver-haired boy looks shocked and surprised at their presence before schooling his expression to a more neutral one. Zuko rubs his eyes as a wall of stone falls away to reveal the Avatar's friendthe earthbender. I want to do this with you because I love you. Katara, are you all right?, Katara was still gasping for breath, clutching at Aang's shoulders desperately. And Kakashi has no doubt that his rival will succeed in Team Minato where he failed. I couldn't lose you. How the heck is it possible for her hair to stand up like that? And there's going to be a road trip! Her skin was perfect now, like she had never gotten bit by a snake in the first place. His devil of a sensei is sitting on a tree stump. You were amazing, Katara. Katara winced slightly as he entered her. It had started to storm outside, but neither of the lovers inside the Earth tent took any notice. Then, Obito had fallen head-over-heels in love with her and Rin obviously cared for him a great degree too, what with him being her first friend. aang comes back to life fanfiction aang comes back to life fanfiction em 24/04/2022 em 24/04/2022 He doesnt care a whit about Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan, their worth lies entirely in how they can be influenced towards Konoha. The Main Character will be smart. I love you. She repeated. As far as Aang was concerned, Katara's body was perfect, soft, flawless skin that he was just dying to touch, to taste. Aang remembered from his teachings at the Air Temple. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage, Rape/Non-Con, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (13), Aang (Avatar)/Original Female Character(s) (15), Zuko (Avatar)/Original Female Character(s) (4), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (7), Cartoon Sex-Wrestling League: Aang's Story, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Dexter's Mom (Dexter's Lab)/Original Character(s), Aang (Avatar)/Original Female Character(s), Aang (Avatar)/Dexter's Mom (Dexter's Lab), Other Avatar the Last Airbender Characters, The Gaang (Avatar) & Original Character(s), Alternate Universe - Avatar & Benders Setting, Zuko (Avatar)/Original Female Character(s), InuYasha (InuYasha)/Original Character(s), Sesshoumaru (InuYasha)/Original Female Character(s), Yami Yuugi | Atem/Original Female Character(s), Ben Tennyson/Original Female Character(s), Harry Potter/Original Female Character(s), Draco Malfoy/Original Female Character(s), Neville Longbottom/Original Female Character(s), Newt Scamander/Original Female Character(s), Artemis Fowl II/Original Female Character(s), Domovoi Butler/Original Female Character(s), Krad (D.N. If I didnt know you were a prodigy already, Id be suspicious, he says dryly. More, Aang! Katara cried out desperately. To be put in a collection, get so many kudos and reviews, it's truly inspired me to write. It tasted nasty and bitter in his mouth, but he also knew that it was important. Almost too quickly. (Jiraiya will be dead and buried in the ground before they ever get that hat on him.). Aang reappeared holding Katara bridal-style, but that wasn't the worst of it! Aang, Katara, and Toph had no idea why Sokka was suddenly so interested in settling down. [Being continued for the first time in almost 10 years!] 6. i knew the waiting had begun While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. I never knew you could do that! Rin tells him, astonished. Ozai's actions produce a war anew. I you're right. Aang sighed heavily and set to work on making a much larger Earth structure for Appa. So she tries casting the demonic illusion genjutsu, but she didnt account for the fact that while Gai isnt great at casting genjutsu, he apparently has no trouble breaking out of one. But when we were in the academy together, she wasnt the best student. His bodyguard, Toph, might be able to knock some sense into him. Once his mouth was full, he spat out the venom, being very careful to spit it all out. Never, Katara, never. Aang breathed harshly. So, how was your run? That did it. I think what Obito needs more than anything is for someone to believe in him, sensei, Kakashi says seriously. Aang groaned loudly as his manhood was freed. What kind of world do you want to leave for your successor? Well, thank goodness Im a prodigy, Kakashi says dryly. Aang leapt down lightly from the saddle, and gently set Katara on her feet. He quickly found the same little bump that he had noticed before and began to rub it. I had hoped they could be reintegrated into the shinobi forces after Danzos death but its obvious that they have decided to carry on Danzos mission regardless. Jiraiya-sama is a good friend of mine! It's four years after Sozin's Comet. Kuzon of the Fire Nation is many things: a decent firebender, a dutiful daughter, and a loving friend. Yeah, isn't it great? Sokka asked, sounding completely enamored. He strolled through the market, looking for some of Suki's favorite craving foods when the man at the store next to him suddenly began to foam up at the mouth and passed out, to the amusement of the entire street. He should have realized. You're like a brother to me and a potential future brother-in-law. Sokka walked over to Aang, passing the tiny infant over, and instructing Aang how to hold the baby properly. aang comes back to life fanfiction Menu eu4 army composition spreadsheet 2020. aang comes back to life fanfiction. I can handle this.. 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