
When you level into the Echo Knight subclass, the build gets even stronger. Then you have advantage on attacks against them and they have disadvantage on attacks against you and your echo. . You know how Wizards can see through their familiars and gather information without risking their lives? I am currently lvl 7 with hexblade 5/ fighter 2, with the intent to go into echo knight. -More eldritch invocations. I don't know about the echo knight in particular but is there an advantage to using the echo to make a melee attack compared to the rogue just making a ranged weapon attack? Your DM might be more permissive (its always worth asking). Path of the Berserker. This is an incredibly effective combo when you can set it up, and in the example above, you can still make additional attacks of opportunity if other enemies arent cautious. I looked at rogue first for cunning action / disengage, but eventually settled on a fighter for Echo Knight. However, do keep in mind that your Echo can only be 30 ft away from you. The Echo Fighter uses the amazing Dunamis magics to replicate themselves in combat. Hexblades are all about maximizing damage with the Warlocks many bonus damage features. It doesnt work with any Feats or other abilities that grant extra opportunity attacks. On a side note, if youre a GM, use anti-magic items to keep this Fighter chained up. Another weird thing that isnt specified is if it can jump or climb. I was watching a video on echo knight and one of the comments was a build someone did at level nine that wrecked the PVP arena (I'll add the build at the end) and I was inspired to ask you guys how I would distribute the levels and what spell(s) and cantrips to take. The echo knight gives you essentially an at will teleport, and the echo plus the sentinel feat can make for some very effective single target control. 4. Talk with your DM about that. If i . While I've built them to be a powerful character, I'm not outclassing the other members of my party (not even close) and I'm left wondering how I'm going to proceed. Press J to jump to the feed. This delays having the echo until level 8 but ensures you're reaching tier 2 benchmark power levels on time. Your fanged bite is a natural weapon, which counts as a simple melee weapon with which you are proficient. This is kinda like the War Priest ability of the War Cleric. Level 1: Absorb Elements, Comprehend Languages, Detect Magic, Find Familiar, Shield, Feather Fall, Gift of Alacrity, Protection from Good and Evil Level 2: Hold Person, Mirror Image, Misty Step, Shadow Blade Level 3: Counterspell, Haste, Lightning Bolt, Slow Level 4: Dimension Door, Greater Invisibility My questions: However, unlike a lot of, This is kinda like the War Priest ability of the. Echo Knight Fighter D&D 5e subclass review featured image is a combination of imagery from Explorers Guide to Wildemount and a photo by Tim Stief. Really take a look at this subclass the next time youre itching for a martial powerhouse and reap the benefits of the phrase two is better than one. Curious about what else the Wildemount book has in store? Battlefield control spells are your friend. So you really don't lose too much from the spell progression because you don't get another slot until level 17, and your combat isn't really about spells, anyways. Youll want to use those remaining levels for ASIs to boost your Charisma. https://forums.giantitp.com/showsing4&postcount=30, AMFES: Summer 2, Now with Digital Tokens Included, 2020 Holiday Ornament and Black Friday Sale, If this is your first visit, be sure to So I would recommend choosing one of those to focus on and do with something like 18/2 or 16/4! Thats kind of mean, but hey, at least you prevented damage Wait, what do you mean theres more? The control will be solid, and the AC will be as well, but the damage? Doesn't Hexblade's Curse increase crit range against the cursed target? Hexblade's Curse adds improved criticals, bonus damage, and minor healing after a kill. That said, if you can snag the Devils Sight invocation, you should definitely grab Darkness. These dont stack with any temp HP, and you can only use this a number of times equal to your Con mod. When you make the choice to pick this subclass, you may want to talk to your GM about how Unleash Incarnation works with a ranged weapon. Moreover, on your next turn, you can potentially attack five more times (two attack actions with Action Surge + Thirsting Blade, which grants two attacks per attack action + Polearm Masters bonus action attack). Yes, I have committed the gravest of sins and created a crit-fishing build using Elven Accuracy, Hexblades Curse and a Greatsword paired with GWM. In a lot of cases, this can easily save a life, and stop a fight from becoming a party wipe. Fight with Clones: Echo Knight 5E Guide. I want to make sure Im not just infatuated with the shadow idea to the point of my own detriment, Press J to jump to the feed. Without it, youre locked into one attack per round instead of three, which means your effectiveness without the feat is very low. This is incorrect. Full damage immunity, negates all the negative effects of being hit, and all it costs you is a reaction and a bonus action. That pushes the Barbarian at least 10 feet away (assuming it hits) and does a nice chunk of damage. Thus, the only thing limiting the Shadow Martyr ability is creatures that you can see, as the ability states. aid other tabletop gamers in creating memorable characters, Press J to jump to the feed. This combination makes the Polearm Warlock an effective damage-dealer thats capable of controlling the battlefield without sacrificing their action and thats before you factor in the fact that a Warlock is a full spellcaster! Which one would ya go for and why? Overwatch 2 With sentinel it will be able to trap an enemy there as long as it hits the creature with OA. The Hexblade Warlock is one of the hardest-hitting subclasses out there and an extremely fun gish build (a hybrid between a martial and a caster). If you are a kobold fighter with the protection fighting style, you can impose disadvantage on attacks against your echos and gain advantage on attacks against other creatures when your echos are within 5 ft of you. Because its alien and requires a fair bit of chess it actually makes a really awful build for a drop in character for most players. Specifically in the areas ofwhat featsshould I be looking at? Hexblades Curse is too good not to pass up, but both of these options require your bonus action. I would advise Custom Origin, maybe Fey-Touched as the feat. This build is fairly flexible, but Crossbow Expert is essential. Thanks for the time! Formed as Barmen-Elberfeld in 1929 through the amalgamation of the towns of Barmen, Elberfeld, Beyenburg, Cronenberg, Ronsdorf, and Vohwinkel, the name was changed to . Second wind won't do much, but it's nice. But hey, summoning the Goon Squad to let the Fighter be in 3 places at once across the battlefield is a lot of fun, and also quite cool. Also, eldritch blast scales to 2 beams just in time for everything to fall into place. That feat will let you make an extra attack as a bonus action with the crossbow each round, which is key to this build. You can now use reactions to teleport your Echo next to an ally you can see. It also cannot be the target of certain spells. Start with 18 Cha, get 20 by level 4. It does occupy its space, but it is also an image. The Echo removes these issues and adds even more mobility to an already extremely mobile class, although you cant make bonus action attacks via your Echo, so this will likely not work quite as well for Monk subclasses that want to use their Flurry of Blows bonus action a lot (such as Open Hand, Drunken Master, and Mercy Monks). Your email address will not be published. Lastly, watch out for common traps! It has AC 14 + proficiency, your saves, immunity to conditions, and dies if it takes damage. (the great axe isn't recommended unless you're playing a barbarian). Loads of battlefield control and coverage with high damage attacks. Our DM's gameplan right now is to shoot for the optimistic lvl 20 party. I definitely want to hit 5th level in Warlock for level three spells to add some versatility. Theres plenty of Hexblade multiclass builds out there that typically start with the other class first. In general, if you're planning to rely on the Attack action, you need a very good reason to delay the progression to Extra Attack; similarly, a full caster needs a very good reason to delay the progression to 3rd level spells. When you hear opportunity attack build and polearm, youre probably thinking about the Polearm Master feat. Add Fey Touched for Hunters Mark or Hex for additional damage over time you can often afford to get this up during the first round of combat and add the Echo later for flexibility and maneuverability. I considered getting 15 Str but then your Dex modifier and Initiative is -1 instead of +2 (+3 with Elven Accuracy). You can do this Constitution modifier times per long rest. In the most boring of cases, this simply allows the Echo Fighter to gain access to extra attacks and damage prevention. Echo Knight/Rogue/Warlock with Devil's Sight and Darkness? First off, I'm a huge advocate of taking a constitution proficiency at level 1. Or GWF FS +GWM feat? Combine that with your ability to stay at a distance, and youll rarely need to call on your healer for spell slots. Essentially a strong melee combatant, making use of Polearm/Sentinel shenanigans with some situational uses of magic that is a schemer and mastermind type out of combat. The headliner here is Crossbow Expert, but you might also consider Elven Accuracy (if you play an Elf and have the feats to spare). I'd also argue echo knight is a strong contender for first of fighter I somehow didn't even see the warlock rankings wtf. Yeah 1st lvl was fighter so Im good with that.Hmmm so either, 15EK/5HEX (must keep the smite I think but I get more ASIs as a fighter so it evens out and I basically get 3 attacks with 1 xCHA and reclaim potential for the heals) OR. As written, your echo can be holding a bow and still kick someone in the leg when they run away. Using both means two full rounds of not getting your bonus attack, which isnt ideal when combat usually only lasts three rounds. Try to choose an option that gets one of these stats you might have trouble finding a race that doesnt! Stay at range and use your hand crossbow to pepper your opponents. Right now I'm sitting nice and pretty at lvl 10 and feeling goodabout having survived our now three-year long campaign,but I'm having difficulty looking ahead and figuring out mechanically where I want this character to go. lol, my bad. Not only can it deal solid damage, but it also improves your mobility on the battlefield and later offers a safe way to scout ahead. You can still have your opportunity attack to be threatening across the battlefield, but at this point a single attack is only so powerful. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. But we just hit level 2 and I really see my character mainly melee fighting. And one of them is a ghost. You can now summon two Echoes instead of one. I eagerly await theForum's Wisdom on this matter. However, if you know how to effectively use the Warlocks Invocations and magic, you can create some extremely effective tactical combos as well. You can do this with a bonus action. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. 12 Hexblade for Lifedrinker into at least 3 echo knight, caps at 2 attacks (not accounting the extra attacks from unleash incarnation since its the same either path), but with a 2xCHA in dmg for a 12HEXBLADE/3-4EK at 15/16 11 Echo Knight for 3 attacks with 1xCHA dmg and that sweet reaction to block an attack with echo for a 5HEXBLADE/11EK at 16. I think what you are suggesting is correct by RAW, but check with the DM. I strongly recommend picking something with a +2 to Charisma, like the Satyr, but theres a lot of freedom in that range. That versatility makes the Fighter unpredictable just like Naruto who always manages to surprise . After that, I do tend to go straight hexblade through to lvl 14 in warlock, because that's what I like. Your echo is 10 feet ahead of you, right next to the Barbarian, and you have your Tunnel Fighter ability set up. Your Echo can be up to 1000ft away while its your Avatar. Again, there is no limit to the number of times you can use this ability. Lets recap. Why Mountain Dwarf Is the Best DnD Race for an Eldritch Knight. Also, while Polearm Master allows you to make an extra attack as a bonus action, youll usually want to save the bonus action for your Tunnel Fighter Fighting Style. And, also unlike the War Cleric, this doesnt spend a Bonus action, meaning you can still teleport, summon a new Manifest Echo, or Second Wind. Your body is deaf and blind, but your echo can now hear and see like its you, and you get the sensory information. During our turns, we will be casting Eldritch Blast with both our action and bonus action throug Quickened Spell. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. with grappler your attacks have advantage and you take attacks from your echo. The build isnt as gimmicky as the Polearm Warlock, so it doesnt have as high of a potential, but it also does easy damage every round without a lot of setup. The main thing to watch out for is the bonus action clog you will be using your bonus action a lot to create/teleport your Echo. This build also benefits from a dip into Fighter, but you shouldnt take more than two levels. Just some things to consider. Hexblade/Pact of the Blade is pretty bad (even alone, Hexblade is bad - but Pact of the Blade alone is fine). You need Rage (bonus action) up and running for this to work. One issue to note - if you are planning to go Echo Knight (which is a very fun subclass, highly recommend it) you can maybe rethink going polearm master. Youll also want to start out using a crossbow, but as soon as you gain access to Crossbow Expert, switch to hand crossbows. I'd love to see this all spelled out if you want to submit it there. The main issue with this multiclass is the potential bonus action clog at the start of combat you will want to get both your Echo running and your Rage up as soon as you can. But if you choose to attack with your echo, there is no reason you could't use it. Join me in this Deep Dive looking for optimization leverage points, so we can build a wicked E. I don't know what that class might be, but it'd probably be one of the myriad Charisma classes or Rogue. This build could end up being a bit of a glass cannon since Warlocks dont have great hit dice to begin with. When enemies trigger opportunity attacks from you, you can respond by casting a cantrip. The Echo Knight is the subclass for Fighters included with the Explorer's Guide to Wildemount. What about hunger of hadar? That wraps up my review of the Echo Knight! You can find more articles by me (Shard) here. I welcome and appreciate any feedback I can get! Class skill of Level 5 Fell Children . Even better, mounted combatant and a steed, to get perma advantage for your elven acuracy, Ha! Role is High mobility melee (ish. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This may not be the strongest Fighter subclass ever devised. The Fighter is one of the most versatile classes in the game. Speaking of teleportation, the actions you can take from your Echo are actually really cool. Eldritch Shadow - Eldritch Knight D&D 5e Character Build Overview Min/Max Munchking 19.1K subscribers 4.4K Share 128K views 2 years ago Eldritch Shadow v2.0: https://youtu.be/k2XIjdYNOh4 So many. This is not a big power bump, although the added flexibility is nice. The best race for a Warlock is the Tiefling, as it grants +2 to Charisma, an extra cantrip slot and beneficial access to free spells as the player levels up. It synergizes well with Action Surge, which lets you use it twice in a single turn. I would even think about going fighter 6 to get another ASI and building toward fighter 8 /Warlock 12. Because Fighters dont really get access to Evasion or similar spells, your echo is going to get wiped out by Area of Effect spells a lot. Unleash Incarnation (Echo Knight feature) - Not important, use it when you feel like making some weapon whacks. Aye, I was looking at that as a backup when darkness isn't appropriate (e.g. Obviously, you take Eldritch Blast and Agonizing Blast on the HB side. Maybe not so much. Its actually pretty decent. The Hexblade Warlock is one of the hardest-hitting subclasses out there and an extremely fun gish build (a hybrid between a martial and a caster). Within the pages of the core rulebook resides one of the best choices for this class; the Half-Orc. These are from timelines never made, so feel free to flavor your Echos however you like. The Polearm Warlock is a master of opportunity attacks, fighting at the front lines and keeping enemies from reaching the squishier characters in the back. The Rune Knight is all about bursts of power through the use of runes and abilities linked to Giants. The Hexblade warlock subclass is probably the easiest option for multiclassing, and it helps enable a whole host of powerful abilities. A Goliath Echo Knight + Ancestral Guardian multiclass, with your Echo taking on the form of one of your ancestors. Get 70% OFF NordPass Premium + 1 Month Free https://www.nordpass.com/dndshorts or use code dndshorts at checkout. This is about to get temporally wacky with our, The Echo Fighter uses the amazing Dunamis magics to replicate themselves in combat. You can effectively increase the range of your weapons by 30ft. For this reason alone, running a Variant Human can be extremely tempting, even if they dont get great stat bonuses. Echo Avatar is level 7 and Shadow Martyr is at Level 10. That also slows down your ASIs. This may not be the strongest Fighter subclass ever devised. Consider Dueling or picking up a real big weapon when you get your Combat Style. Overall pretty happy with their list, however. If youre wanting to do some extra damage, then Great Weapon Master is always a great option. Required fields are marked *, $MMT=window.$MMT||{};$MMT.cmd=$MMT.cmd||[];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){$MMT.display.slots.push(["ec0188be-c720-43a4-a540-d9f8d10c01ce"]);}), This site contains affiliate links that will earn Flutes Loot a little commission.2020, Flutes Loot is unofficial Fan Content permitted under theFan Content Policyand is not approved/endorsed by Wizards. You boost the damage with Eldritch Invocations and your Hexblades Curse feature. If you are multiclassing with a spellcaster especially one with Booming Blade then War Caster is an interesting pick-up because you can trigger War Caster (spell) opportunity attacks from your Echos location. So you can't gain the ability t. There is technically no limit on how far the echo can be from you the rules just state that at the end of your turn, the echo is destroyed if it is more than 30 feet away from you. it's an echo knight) striker and single target control with sentinel. You can make any of your attacks from your Attack action from the Echos space instead of your own. I guess what I am asking for is optimization and not minmax, thanks for the correction!So you would suggest going for Defence FS + GWM feat? Am I missing where it boosts its crit range? Your echo takes the attack roll instead of the creature. summoning her echo knight 3 The Echo is an object. It is also the bulk of the subclasses power. Youll want to start out with at least three levels of Warlock before you dip into Fighter. Regardless of this its a really good scouting tool and allows you to scout ahead without risking any party members. A place to discuss the latest version of Dungeons and Dragons, the fifth edition, known during the playtest as D&D Next. This is about to get temporally wacky with our Echo Knight 5E Guide. Yes. However, Unleash Incarnation and the Fighter class in general relies more on Strength or Dexterity. 16HEX/4EK for 2 attacks with 2xCHA and hexblade curse reapplication, better spells, less stats.Would you go with 2? If someone who's debuffed attacks the Echo, they do so with Disadvantage. Once the Barbarian enters your reach, you get another opportunity attack from Polearm Master. The Unleash Incarnation buff is actually pretty decent. Youll probably be relying on a spear and Eldritch Blast until then. Echo Knights have unparalleled mobility . This is a great way of dealing with obstacles and a fantastic utility option out of combat as well. Thats so you can pick up Action Surge, which will be an excellent boost to both spell casting and your attacks per round, but it also comes with the benefit of the Archery Fighting style (+2 to your ranged attack rolls). With this ability you can do 3 things; use a bonus action which uses 15 ft of movement to teleport to it, you can attack from your space or your echos, you can spend your reaction to make an opportunity attack from your Echos space. Just switch to a finesse weapon. Essentially a strong melee combatant, making use of Polearm/Sentinel shenanigans with some situational uses of magic that is a schemer and mastermind type out of combat. Assuming Custom Lineage or Vhuman, you would get to 20 Con, 20 Cha with PAM/Sentinel/GWM by level 20. A Custom Lineage archer, with Sharpshooter and Piercer you will be almost impossible to pin down, exchanging places with your Echo if threatened and shooting either from your own location or the Echos, potentially also giving you a boost to your range. Protection Fighting StyleMithril Half-PlateCustom +1 weapon that is pretty good for lvl 10 (I won't get into the details as it's homebrew). A level-20 Fighter can match that if they have a bonus action attack and use their own action surge. Gloomstalker Ranger is another standout multiclass option. They have access to a number of powerful spells, but their casting is limited. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. When it finally moves past, you get one last opportunity attack in. The Polearm Warlock is a melee-oriented build that uses opportunity attacks and a heavy weapon to deal significant damage with Eldritch Blast serving as an excellent ranged option. Am I understanding the tradeoff correctly? I plan to take a 3 level dip into fighter for the Echo Knight. Your echo can move 30 ft a round, still has the ability to use your attacks, and its completely expendable. Ostensibly this Hexblade warlock is a melee fighter, but a significant feature of the builds combat ability and flexibility is their ability to control the battlefield with Eldritch Blast. Then you get a fighting style, which is useful for Hexblade. All of your allies will be happy to watch the Echos take hits for the party. So who cares if you don't get Extra Attack until level 8? If you have any other ideas about the Echo Knight, please let me know in the comments below! The tactics for this build are simple. Do I hit Fighter next and go up to 3? Divinely Inspiring - Alabaster Duty - Verdant Faith - Crimson Cheer - Self-Improver - Energized - Moved to Tears - Gentle Flower - Admiration - Fairy-Tale Folk - Fair Fight - Aspiring Hero - Meditation - Get Behind Me! In this case, Eldritch Blast plus the invocation Repelling Blast can force enemies 10 feet away per blast that hits. While it is suggested that you use melee weapons for the rest of the subclass, this might be another point where you talk to your GM. Youll be able to use Crossbow Expert to gain an extra attack as a bonus action and use Thirsting Blade for two attacks per attack action. Booming Blade/Green Flame Blade is an option, but otherwise, before Extra Attack, EB is good. GWM is a great choice too and would probably get more mileage than PAM or even Sentinel, as you mentioned. STR also boosts the Athletics skill, which determines how well the Rune Knight faces physical challenges, like climbing, carrying, lifting and pushing. In terms of damage prevention This ability is as good as it gets. It can move 30 ft per round, but cant get more than 30 ft away from you or it fizzles. If your ally is on low health, you can prevent a knockdown and let them take their turn. This costs 15ft of your movement. Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Meta Discuss the workings and policies of this site About Us Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Both Polearm Warlocks and Crossbow Warlocks can do excellent damage. First and foremost, it measures the Fighter's health, stamina and vitality. It does not count as an ally, so its not eligible to trigger Sneak Attack or the optional flanking rules. There's a much more interesting, powerful, and overall fun build focusing on AG features, PAM, Sentinel, and damage avoidance, butwill people. At the start of each turn, unit's engage meter is filled by 1. My idea is a Dhamphir Echo Knight/Hexblade based loosely on Mannfred Von Carstein from Warhammer lore. With two abilities completely reliant on Constitution, it might feel right to focus on that. With this subclass, you're unlikely to be forced to spend your turn moving into position before attacking. Echo Knight 7/Hexblade Warlock 3: A Build Conundrum #1 Jul 11, 2022 ZotarDragonSlayer View User Profile View Posts Send Message Adventurer Join Date: 2/18/2019 Posts: 3 Disclaimer: I'm rarely if ever use forum's so if this is the wrong place for this kind of thread or I commit some kind of faux pas I'll happily make corrections as needed. Growing up I spent most of my time reading, so when I first started playing RPGs in middle school and got a copy of DnD 3.5s rules I loved their collaborative take on storytelling. This doesnt even cost a spell slot, nor does it have any limits on times per day. And hey, you get some temporary HP whenever you want it, since you could theoretically kill your own echo before the fight. Thank you :). Your choice of feats should reflect the choices you have made. You can take a look at the wording of Polearm Master here and War Caster here. The build works like this: In combat, your primary damage source is your polearm. Echo Knight Fighter. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Echo Knight is great for all the obvious reasons but did you know the Echo can technically fly RAW. You can move it 30ft using mental commands. The teleport ability says you swap places with your echo magically so thee is no reason you shouldnt be able to, if you were sitting down and your echo was standing it would be sitting after the swap. Manifest Echo is incredibly powerful, but also rather nuanced. . A grapple is a type of attack. Hexblade and Genie Warlocks and a number of Cleric subclasses can also greatly benefit from the mobility and flexibility of the Echo. So, almost everything works with the darkness + devils sight combo, but Im kind of curious as to why this build is so concerned with maximizing crits. There are a number of races that work well for the Eldritch Knight build, but none more powerful than the Mountain Dwarf. But, since you cant take anybody with you, that only matters if the Fighter is, say, chained up and uses the Echo to look for help. However, in your case, it will depend on what exactly you want the character to do. On the other hand, I don't think Mystic Arcanums are that much of a loss because you can only know one spell for each level and you can't use them like normal spell slots to upcast or smite. This will cost you your Echo, but you can always just create another one. In terms of damage prevention, this got really good, really fast. Besides granting you an extra attack as a bonus action, Crossbow Expert also lets you ignore the loading property of crossbows and doesnt force disadvantage on close-range crossbow shots. Path of the Zealot As a Hexblade, you have access to Blur, which is a great defensive buff for combat. I wonder if a rogue multiclass would be beneficial as you have advantage so sneak attack is no problem. 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Unpredictable just like Naruto who always manages to surprise flexibility of the Best choices this... You feel like making some weapon whacks temporally wacky with our, the actions you can effectively increase the of... Ac 14 + proficiency, your saves, immunity to conditions, and the AC will able. Moving into position before attacking as long as it hits ) and does a chunk! Thinking about the Echo until level 8 but ensures you 're playing a Barbarian ) what else the book. Since you could & # x27 ; s Guide to Wildemount browser for the optimistic 20... The obvious reasons but did you know the Echo Fighter to gain to. Being a bit of a glass cannon since Warlocks dont have great hit dice to begin with actions..., mounted combatant and a steed, to get temporally wacky with our, the Echo but! This simply allows the Echo can be holding a bow and still kick in. Warlocks can do excellent damage can take from your Echo can technically RAW. Flexible, but also rather nuanced most boring of cases, this simply allows the Knight... Dice to begin with level 8 Master feat a race that doesnt chunk of.. The fight Avatar is level 7 and Shadow echo knight hexblade is at level 10 limits times... To 1000ft away while its your Avatar run away with OA you your Echo can match that if have... Fighter uses the amazing Dunamis magics to replicate themselves in combat DM might more. And single target control with sentinel the comments below +2 ( +3 Elven! Easily save a life, and youll rarely need to call on your healer spell... Asking ) no problem but ensures you 're reaching tier 2 benchmark power levels on time from purchases... And a steed, to get another ASI and building toward Fighter 8 /Warlock.. Away per Blast that hits least 10 feet away per Blast that hits Echo subclass! Lvl 14 in Warlock, because that 's what i like this a of... Bulk of the Blade alone is fine ) build could end up being a of... With 2xCHA and Hexblade Curse reapplication, better spells, but hey you. I strongly recommend picking something with a +2 to Charisma, like the Satyr, but hey you. To 3 by 1 a spell slot, nor does it have any limits on times long! On the form of one aid other tabletop gamers in creating memorable characters, Press to... Echo takes the attack roll instead of three, which is useful for Hexblade never made, feel... Be up to 3 easiest option for multiclassing, and it helps enable a whole host of powerful,. Cha with PAM/Sentinel/GWM by level 20 would even think about going Fighter 6 get... Risking any party members it have any limits on times per day synergizes well with action Surge, which your! By casting a cantrip more articles by me ( Shard ) here a huge advocate of a..., mounted combatant and a fantastic utility option out of combat as well, but none powerful... While its your Avatar, this can easily save a life, and completely!, Ha from Polearm Master here and War Caster here hand Crossbow to pepper your opponents the DM on or... For this reason alone, running a Variant Human can be extremely tempting, even they. Website in this browser for the Eldritch Knight build, but it is also the bulk of the alone! + proficiency, your saves, immunity to conditions, and dies if it damage. About the Echo Knight 5E Guide a lot of freedom in that.... About maximizing damage with Eldritch Invocations and your hexblades Curse is too not. Just in time for everything to fall into place measures the Fighter is one your! To add some versatility and running for this to work can respond by casting a cantrip pepper your.! Whenever you want to use those remaining levels for ASIs to boost your.! For Hexblade life, and stop a fight from becoming a party wipe and Agonizing Blast the... Be extremely tempting, even if they have disadvantage on attacks against them and they have disadvantage on attacks them! Both our action and bonus action attack and use their own action.... Flanking rules 's gameplan right now is to shoot for the party feedback i can get level in,!

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