
Cumbre Vieja, erupts on La Palma and will create a mega tsunami Such a landslide from a future eruption could travel up to 60 kilometres (37 miles) from La Palmas coast, causing the formation and then collapse of a dome of water 900 metres (3,000ft) high so now what do you think a wave 3000ft high will do? Please answer me if possible, as I am doing everything possible to prepare for my family and neighbors. It would cascade with bugging out folks innundating the nearby towns as they ran low on fuel and supplies. The Earth will be passing through its trajectory and no one knows what it could be dragging because we cannot see what is coming facing the sun. 8 years here, the worst I have seen is about 3 of rain in a little over an hour and a few stiff winds. Chatted with a friend today who lives in the Canaries. He knows best, we have to trust in him and he sure will keep us safe.HAVE FAITH. (closest mountains)be a safe place as a destination.3 hours and 40 minutes inland from where Im at now.If not ,where would the closest safe placebe?Not sure what to think on this event but better safe than sorry. As for supplies: bottled water/water filtering unit, MREs, medical supplies, dry clothing, walking shoes. The BIG ONE isnt due to hit California until May 22, 2016. Ive served/am serving my purpose here. Peace and love to everyone out there <3 Think love, be love <3. They have been working on this since the COVID lockdown was initiated and the workers were without masks and ignored the 6 foot social distance rule as if it did not apply to them. The WAVE is already looming above you Then, your cell phone sounds an Amber alert to inform you. If we view an earthquake as sound, know that it propagates in a 3D bubble, able to bend corners and repropogate a new set of special dynamics based on the energy lost and the angle that sound escapes through. I dont do well in cold weather and having grown up in Ohio, it is very cold indeed. Exactly this. There is no evidence of a tsunami of this nature ever occurring in the Atlantic Ocean. JT I have heard folks say we need to be west of Blue Ridge parkway. I looked around the terrain & even though I had never been there I knew this was Hawaii or one of its islands. Im in Fayetteville and am still worried, no, and there will be more than one wave get a plan. hahaha, Do have similar predictions for the west coast. I got out of there after years of being in Kissimmee, and I will NEVER ever go back. Also, who has a good approach to thinking about emergency food please share a link. Tsunami effects were measured in Antarctica, on the west coasts of India and of Vancouver Island, South America, and in coastal East and South Africa. Hurricanes also drive the sea miles inward, putting people at risk. Thank you for the helpful model. Even a wave less than 75 feet will spell intense disaster for Florida. Even if we are saved from much of the impact, the devastation caused in surrounding areas will make the East Coast a house of horrors. The damage to infrastructure will make you dependent on what you have with you. the Bible I read does mention that Born Again Christians will leave in the Omg, I am in Orlando with my kids until Sat. It would be bitchin to see it happen. I live in Keaau at about 400 ft wondering how big a tsunami would have to be to reach my house. Well it is 9/19/21 and there is major activity in the Canary Islands. Do you feel the government ramp up in supplies in Fema Region 3 and them bringing in foreign troops is to prepare for this tsunami? Jumping into a pool if you are about to hit by a tsunami is about as useful as jumping up into the air right before the elevator you are in smacks into the ground when the cable is cut. Im seriously considering a move to maine, and though I love many spots along the coast, my hubs and I are both sincerely concerned about a tsunami, thus my question to you is, would it be safe to say, anything in Maine, to the left of 95 would be good? If the event happens, will likely reach our east coast within 8 hrs. Now were looking at Sep. 20-30th . Yes, I believe you would probably (be underwater). It is interesting that the New Jerusalem is 1500 miles. look up profeta-de-dios-efrain. So with enough common sense they will get to higher ground as soon as possible to avoid any future disappointments and catastrophes. Assuming the direction of the tsunami is from across ocean, it would seem that Bahama islands would act at least as a partial barrier protecting the southern portion of Florida. I sure wouldnt live anywhere close to the East Coast now. Im going to insist that my grown kids pack a bug out bag and have an evacuation plan in check and I will be following whats happening over there very carefully!! For the sake of argument. I hear the Juan de Fuca plate is the most likely (?). Is that area safe? Then I have had dreams of people trying to escape on boats from something. Very true, your words. Sort of like predicting the earthquake in Tenn. Or the Yellowstone Volcano eruption. GET AUTOMATICALLY NOTIFIED IF A TSUNAMI IS COMING. West Palm?! Inundation distances can vary greatly along the shorelines, depending on the intensity of the tsunami waves, the undersea features, and the land topographic elevations. Apologies if this was already answered as it was easier for me to just write this than to search to see if someone had already inquired about minimum safety height from a tsunami. Your next moment is not guaranteed. I truly believe God is speaking to a lot of people in dreams. Would this city be effected. It is so crazy to even imagine The devastation would be massive and financially incalculable. As such, many folks may be trapped in traffic. Whether still ruled by the wealthy elite who originally purchased them or by their guards, who have little reason to remain loyal to their original masters, the local farming community will be pressed into service, with great brutality. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Florida%27s_highest_points, http://pubs.usgs.gov/sim/3047/downloads/SIM3047.pdf, This blog is a few years to early. You failed to mention your own state also. I live in hinesville Ga right by Ft Stewart, is this far enough away from the coast worst case scenario? You really should update your Map Model for up to 650ft Tsunamis! If your anywhere within a couple hundred miles you will be inundated by people fleeing and then not to mention the infrastructure thats been wiped out and the shipping ports and the refineries. Reston, Gainesville, Manassas, Haymarket. Everyone thinks the tsunami will be 300 feet, I used to live in Brooklyn NY and moved to Catskills, 1200 above sea level. Ill check it out again later and look for the other boxes. Full-Rip 9.0: The Next Big Earthquake in the Pacific Northwest, 300 Foot Tsunami And East Coast Destruction, https://modernsurvivalblog.com/nuclear/us-nuclear-power-plant-locations-live-wind-flow-map-for-fallout/, http://www.virginiaplaces.org/watersheds/watershedsall.html. Actually, if you have the time, the safest location nearest to you is Todt Hill on Staten Island. Sub and get alerts. The northern and southern coasts would be quite different. Iam the only swimmer in my house hold of 6 adults an 3 children. Have yourselves and the enemies got nuclear subs ? It is NOT PROPHETIC. No way, no how. Die, NYC, die!!!!! I will leave behind my 2 children who claim to be saved, but are not living by Gods commandments. Thats the area thats been speculated might drop into the sea someday. Now i had two dreams. I recall that 200 300 feet were exemplified. Why? The Eastern Seaboard of the United States includes some of the largest metropolitan areas in the country. I would be concerned, but I would also be slightly grateful that you can hide in skyscrapers in Manhattan if disaster occurred. I live in Paulsboro too. Tsunamis can travel as far as 10 miles (16 km) inland, depending on the shape and slope of the shoreline. Water intersecting water absorbs energy. Anyone have any idea if this area is safe in the event of a mega tsunami? Tsunamis are not tidal waves. probably not going to sleep much or enjoy the rest of this trip. I thought maybe you were referring to the boxes the guy was loading up onto his boat at the beginning. We are screwedwe live on the Eastern Shore of Virginiathat litte peninsula between the Cheasapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. Now if they shut them down, I might try to make it over the mountains. Oops, there is a scarcity of plywood because of his green new deal. I leave on Long Islang, Huntington to be specific. There are new firsts being done all the time. It doesnt matter if you can swim or not. Again, as stated in the article, this would vary according to the ocean floor at any given location, the focusing in bays and waterways, etc. My mind is kinda blown. Just tie a boat to your 2nd floor window and you should be fine. Does anyone have any info on that? Continuing to learn never hurt anyone (since Galileo). How high would a Tsunami be if a Cascadia fault quake 9.2 is generated? Were shown signs something is coming EVERY SINGLE DAY. A 75 Tsunami up the Savannah River would put Savannah 30 under, give or take 20. I am very interested in your blog since I live in New York State. You tube channel Chris Thomas Wakefield.., covers the globe, every state, and safe locations for Pole shift( he dates for 2023, which could include tsunamis..). I live in Atlanta, so the only tsunami I would see would be that of cars working their way here. Some years back I dreamt of an enourmous earthquake in the early morn causing a violent volcanoe eruption. This gives the sound various qualities beyond pitch, gain, and volume such as timbre. Very helpful. These are very small rivers. Keep his vehicle topped off with fuel. of a wall of water as it hits land, urban areas, estuaries, bays, hills, etc. No packed bags necessary for that trip. As if devastating water isnt enough to worry about. see comment below to Karen and Joy. take extra fuel with you remember you can always go back after it is over. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); We are a Top Prepper Site( visit & vote ), SUPPORT MSBat no extra cost to youEnter AMZN through MSB portal. The roller coaster too. 1) If you believe your dream was real, I will not doubt you as a dowser there are many things I have seen in my dreams which come true with in a period of time. I live in Pleasantville N.J. NEAR ATANTIC CITY SHOULD I MOVE FURTHER AWAY, You should take a trip to somewhere off the East Coast. Reviewer says, Probably the best book on the topic ever written :Full-Rip 9.0: The Next Big Earthquake in the Pacific Northwest(view on amzn), [ Read: 300 Foot Tsunami And East Coast Destruction ]. Move or definitely dont move there? As such, those bugging out would very likely cause a chain reaction of other folks attempting the same thing. We ceased to be one nation under God when we legalize abortion, killing millions of babies a year. I saw this enormous dark tidal wave approaching the coast very rapidly and stretching from north to south as far as the eye can see. Compare with the highest ever known Tsunami, and the extent of flooding at various elevations and distances. During Sandy and Katrina we had days of warnings. Edgar Casey Warned that the Entire East Coast would be inundated covered by water in our Future. My husband says yes, I say no..who is right? buy propane camp stove , gas lanterns. Honestly Anonymous, I would be a heck of a lot more worried being that close to NYC than a tsunami, having said that Im probably going to get chastised but the chances of a tsunami traveling in that far inland and up 166 feet is a possibility of course, the active maps Ken has here are good. We could even be hit by a mid size meteor capable of causing a great tsunami. Know why? please tell me, Ive got my popcorn and everything. Get right with God. So youre saying this post is fearmongering bs? While that sounds logical, there are variables. And lots of other people would come to todt, so it would be pretty crowded. Therefore I Urge you to take the step to ensure your soul is well when it happens. We may be at our harms way of a 300 ft tsunami. Like the ol joke goes, You know how a politician is lying? Please look it up on youtube and inform yourselves. But its not going to be an asteroid / tsunami in September. I believe so. With that said, the maps simply provide visualization and reference in this regard. But the point is, one must not look at the scenarios in the article as real, they are instructional, but are not possible as presented. Reading about the possibility of a comet hitting in September 2015 and if so what disasters would we need to be prepared for, and if tsunami was one of them? Maybe we can some way funnel the power and destruction into the DC area and save the rest of America? No Trout, Bass, Salmon, Pike, Perch etc will be left alive. I guess that leaves two solutions. The geologist there said a few days ago there is a 50% chance of land falling off but I bet its gone down since then. The once you cross you are on another peninsula that will take how long to flood? But, with activity increasing, I dont see anything calming anytime soon. There was a movie where a heavenly body hit the earth, and on a box of insure were a ton of numbers, those numbers are the exact zip code of where the astroid is said to hit in September. Yes I read something like that as well-that our powers that be placed some kind of bombs under the sea floor near tetonic plates under japan. You DONT KNOW, only the ELITES AND GOD KNOW. This comet is not a regular comet. There are maps on the Internet that show population density. If yall get hit take a DEEP breath!!! During the pole shift Florida will DROP in elevation, theres no hope. Makes sense just trying to find sources and data. How far inland would a thirty one mile high tsunami go? whenever I find it and we stay up to date. Will we get hit by an asteroid/comet on September 24 no. Now consider the frequency of earthquakes increasing and the intensity is also on the increase, have you not realized that this is mentioned in the bible, and the fact at the end of the age as we know it today it is predicted a massive earthquake shall come, and it shall shake the whole earth ! Will I be effected by a 300 foot tatsumi? Force if impact depends on the size and speed of projectile and impact point (depth, material of both projectile and impact site, etc.) I used to work at Johns Hopkins Hospital there and there is very limited road network that is jammed in Normal times. The article was written as a heads-up that it could happen, given the Canary Islands history. Atlantic storms are 5-6 miles high. An earthquake, depending on the size of its epicenter as well as its depth beneath/within what some refer to as the crust and mantleas deep as ~1600feet (or perhaps deeper) as some suggest or on the surface of the crust. The best warning system is now! I love in Lancaster SC , am I in a good location to survive a massive wave ??? So disappointed! Sure the population density is very low in some places, but unless you can expect an agricultural future, then there is no future. Hi i want to know How Far Inland Would this wave Go On The west coast of africa and specificaly morocco answer me please. Looking forward to going home to Jesus. Florida) will probably collapse and sink). Also, I was wondering would tsunami would be one or few states in East Coast? I live in Jacksonville Beach, FL, which is a barrier island. Im trying to do my research on everything is so much. However, once the wave hits the shore it no longer has the push of the ocean behind it so it starts to lose power. Please turn off all non-essential equipment and calmly proceed to the nearest exit, Good morning I did search a few mountains around Fairfield county http://geology.com/records/biggest-tsunami.shtml. He didnt know anything about the eruption in La Palma, the El Combre volcano, or the horrendous possibility of a monster tsunami should part of the volcano slide into the ocean. If youre truly concerned about regular flooding, then you likely could visit a good local public library plus talk to the local historical society and find out historical flooding in your region. These maps are totally bogus. Ive been digging and everythinh youve said seems to be on point. I do not believe in the existence of any god or gods, and, also, a tsunami would gain height going towards shoreline and also wouldnt be more than a mere 1 meter ripple in the ocean. Also to all the people asking will I be okay in New Jersey? Tsunamis (this kind) are directional, meaning there is a lobe of higher wave height. When i have dreams that dont include this stuff, maybe they are the days and times we are on a good course. So accept god into your heart, repent, whatever you have to do to feel at peace.. (He is upset about this for good reason.) The entire story originated from him. Just a guess, with the bibles numbering system, that the quake would be at least a mag 10. A tsunami caused by an asteroid, could easily create a wave as high as 200-300 feet high whi. I have family there and given the panic that will unfold once the warnings get out I dont think I will be getting much further than that. Hi We will not be worrying nor, doing anything else out of our ordinary day. The wave that hit Japan was 30 ft high that doubled or channeled up to 100 ft high in certain areas (it wasnt a 100ft cresting wave). Ohio, it is 9/19/21 and there is no evidence of a 300 ft tsunami goes you... As possible to avoid any future disappointments and catastrophes 650ft tsunamis our future 300 tatsumi. Speculated might drop into the DC area and save the rest of?! The terrain & even though I had never been there I knew this was Hawaii or one of Islands... 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Papaya In Spanish, Articles H