
I take three type of high blood pressure medications as well. While we're not too concerned about the terms themselves, we are scared of having to associate with them. the cider vinegar and start to heat thee mixture it turns a duckegg blue colour. Mackerel is another fatty fish and one of the best foods that clean arteries. Eat more healthy grains, nuts, and vegetables. Alternatively, boil 1 tablespoon of lemon peels in 4 cups of water for 20 minutes. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. This is the easiest and least expensive way to eat more garlic. I'm 46, got 50-75% blockage, right leg and found it painful to walk (especially uphill, stairs) for more than 5 minutes without stopping for a rest. Also please Pray and keep me in your Prayers. Disillusioned Your diet affects your health and circulation. Amazing Green Tea Newsletter - Solving problems every tea drinker faces. There you have it. 2) Cover pot with lid and let stand for 10 minutes 3) Strain mixture4) Add half cup honey and mix it well.5) Lemon and garlic drink recipe is ready.6) Drink early in the morning at empty stomach. Mix everything well and store it in the refrigerator. Third wash the ginger. Is this correct? Hi, I mixed all the ingredients together without boiling the 4 first one apart, should I take the potion without boiling, or should I boil it, even having the honey in it? National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. Do not use steel to make this potion. The third batch, more by accident than design, I made up the, garlic, lemon, ginger, apple cider vinegar. Drink 50 millilitres of the remedy every day for three weeks. Thank you. After 10 minutes, it is safe to cook and still get all of the benefits from the Allicin. Manuka honey is supposed to be the best honey. The honey is mixed with the Apple Cider Vinegar that is rich in Vitamin B1, B2, and B6 along with folic acid, biotin, niacin, Vitamin C and many other essential minerals. This also helps to reduce the risk of heart diseases because it has anti-oxidants in it that help to protect the heart from free radicals and prevents hardening of arteries (atherosclerosis). I have heart problem my blood vessels in heart are srunken in one area and enlarged in other areas, and also have cardiomyopathy, hypertension, what is natural cure for above. Also, whenever you like to try some natural remedy for your heart-related issues, always consult your doctor first. When the juice reduces to 3/4th, turn off the flame and transfer the mixture in a bowl. What is needed is to chop the garlic, then wait at least 10 minutes, keeping it away from heat. Peel and crush the garlic, setting it aside to activate its protective compounds. Many people start to have cardiovascular problems once they reach a certain age. Additionally, its citric acid may decrease plaque deposits. Copyright2023 Health & Love Page, All rights reserved. bring 2 boil and simmer 4 five minutes, when cooled blend. Best of luck guys.. above given remedies regarding blockage is perfect and cure for health it has been experience more-than 7000 people per month and got recovery from their heart problems.. sombody told me it is also help ful to reduce weight is that true ??? Mix with ginger and lemon in a blender. When you say "top it off with water" do you mean feel the vitamiser with water to the top or just cover the lemons and garlic with water? Watch This Now. Strain mixture through a medium strainer and fill the liquid in glass bottle (s.) Are Odorless Garlic Pills as Good for High Blood Pressure as Fresh Garlic? Mamabees content is for informational and educational purposes only. But it can cause a lot of damage to your arteries. Garlic. When you think of garlic and lemons, you might think about using them for flavoring fish or making a homemade vinaigrette. Fellowship In Family Medicine UK. It is really effective.. Do ensure that, u all take at least 2 L of plain water every day. Take 50 milliliters of the remedy every day for three weeks. Also, won't this mixture go rancid over a 7 week period? It's your overall diet that matters. Blend it well to form a fine paste. Here are three different ways to use garlic and lemons powerful properties to unclog your arteries and keep them clean. Course Dressing, Marinade, Salad. Ingredients required:- 4 yellow lemon Ginger root; 3-4 cms 4 large garlic buds 2 litres of water Methods of preparation:- Wash the lemons and cut it into pieces, also peel the ginger and garlic. After adding the water it will form a light watery texture like a juice. i boil 1 cup garlic juice,1 cup ginger juice, 1 cup apple juice and 1 cup lemon juice..after boiling it turns into green color..what does it mean..what should i do..please reply mei am waiting. After this mixture is ready, let it sit for few minutes until colled properly. Peel your lemons and chop them up into small pieces. Justin Choo (author) from Malaysia on January 26, 2014: It will be a waste if you throw it away. First, cut the lemons into small pieces and keep them in a bowl or plate. They have been used for centuries to help reduce the chances of getting it. Garlic and Lemon Cure to Clean Your Arteries and Reduce Cholesterol 3 minutes The garlic and lemon cure can cleanse your body and prevent diseases. It's that simple! You should try this all natural . with that, you can even consume the fiber. I'm not worried about taste or longevity. 3-4l of mixture. Add a little bit of honey to each jar if you please. it is established that when you eat raw garlic which produce allicin thought to reduce Atherosclerosis i.e build of of plaque in blood vessel over a period of time. Hi there, would any of these three methods be okay for a person who has already had bypass surgery, I've had bypass surgery in 1980 at aged 34,I had some more in 1998, two years after that they fixed an aneurysm on one of my old grafts and fixed another one on an old graft in 2013, I just what to know if with what i.ve had is it safe for me to try one of these methods out, I can be emailed at brian.g.thomson@gmail.com, thank you, Brian. You can effectively Clear heart blockages with this powerful lemon and garlic mixture and improve the blood circulation along with many other health benefits. Maybe the lemon and garlic drink actually worked. National Institutes of Health National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. as i am a, patient of a vascular clinic and have a checkup every 6 mth, i shall inform u of my progress[leg's]. Mix the garlic juice, lemon juice, and apple cider vinegar in a large metal pot. Join in and write your own page! I have been using the mixture for 6 weeks. This includes: Lowering total cholesterol, Lowering LDL cholesterol and inhibiting its oxidation, Lowering triglycerides, Inhibiting platelet aggregation, Lowering blood pressure, As for me, I merely share information which I feel is useful and beneficial for the good of mankind. Extract the juice from the ingredients. Pour the mix into a pot and add 2 litres of water. : No study has been done to answer this question so I have to answer no. 4 cloves of garlic For a very brief amount of time, the arteries are blocked because of the hardening and thickening of the artery walls. When cooled, sieve the liquid and transfer into a glass bottle. This Lemon Garlic Tonic Is the Perfect Remedy For Unclogging Arteries And Lowering Cholesterol - Live Love Fruit FREE EBOOK Reduce Chronic Inflammation Naturally! Stacey - for blood clots try systemic proteolytic enzymes. Make juice from: apple cider vinegar, honey, lemons, oranges, melons, carrots, grapefruit, and pineapples. This is one of the lesser known treatments for clogged arteries, but it does work. hope this help's u. Diabetic may not able to use honey. It sounds like the basic watching your diet, getting exercise, quitting smoking, etc. Pour the boiling water until every jar is full. My uncle who just suffered multiple blockages was benefited with this. The clove holds many health benefits including better digestion, has cancer-fighting agents, protect the liver, control diabetes, makes the skeletal system strong and greatly boosts the immune system. There is also a man named Deacon Stylz in Texas, that invented olive leaf tea. Peel your garlic cloves and chop them up into small pieces too. Justin Choo (author) from Malaysia on October 15, 2013: Happy to hear your good news. Just like the first method. All the ingredients of method 1 are supportive to heart, respiratory organs & your stomach too. If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. It can serve as one of your seafood options to meet the recommended 1-2 servings per week because of its rich fatty content. I made up a new round today, the last one (which I have just finished) I started on the 4 jan 2017, this was a mixture of using one cup of each and taking one table spoon a day. Since there was little to no plaque remaining around the heart what was causing the chest pains? First Method. The lemon is full of antioxidants and a great source of vitamin C. It prevents absorption of the bad cholesterol in your bloodstream. * Eliminates fat deposits that accumulate in the body. Try a garlic supplement. Garlic is a healthy food. Should i stop having it ,and make a new one. I used: 3 garlic bulbs, 2 finger sized ginger, 3 lemons (squeezed), approx 1/3 cup honey + apple vinegar cider. 4) Apple cider vinegar. Some examples include berries, beans, tomatoes,. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. "Then patients might need to be retreated every decade or two if the atherosclerosis begins to develop again." 5. Keep the remedy in the fridge. And research suggests it may even do more. We need to slowly and gradually go back to the old ways of healing and not depend too much on drugs, which most of the time, cures the problem but gives another. After that, pour that mixture into a bowl and add the remaining water to it. You can perform this method every six months. Also too much of anything can be harmful. My Grandfather and Father died in their mid fifties, My eldest brother died at 66 years of age, My eldest sister at 58 years and my Nephew aged 48 all from heart related problems. Add 2 liters of water into the mixture and heat it until it boils. Transfer to glass bottles, and keep it in the fridge. This decreases blood flow and can put you at risk for heart attack or stroke. I regret having an angioplasty and the doctors in Japan put 5 stents in me for the $$$. Lemon rind can be grated into baked goods, salads and sauces, and a squeeze of lemon adds zing to hot or iced tea. Last August I had 259 mg/dl total cholestorol, 52 LDH, 194 LDL. garlic juice, lemon juice, ginger juice and then cider vinegar and then. It won't be that smelly. I am on high blood pressure meds. Keep it in the fridge. A mom of two with a background in journalism, I took health into my own hands and started researching to find answers to my own health struggles. I will keep you all updated on everything. Place the above components into a food processor or blender, top up with adequate water, and blend. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. * indicates required Email Address * Email Format html text mobile Garlic, olive oil, and other plant-based foods can also help reduce inflammation. Cruciferous Vegetables Dr. told bypass must done. I heated it and the colour, remained a straw yellow throughout. I have just prepared my first batch as above (juice of garlic, ginger, lemon & Cidar venigar with a little amla juice and apple juice , slow flame heating for 1/2 hour , cooling and adding 3 times Honey .Taking 2 tsp morning on empty stomach . Bottle and refrigerate. According to a 2020. Hi guy, i have heart blokage and leakage both i same valve so 'am feeling kind of worried. Boil the mixture over medium heat for 30 minutes, or until there are about three cups left in the pot. Consuming it on a regular basis is beneficial to your overall health, so you wont regret trying it out. Drink one tablespoon of the remedy every morning on an empty stomach. It is especially effective when mixed with garlic. Should have seen this 2 years ago. I can make a drink every day or two if need be. Not only is it antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal, with antioxidant and anti-cancer properties, but it's also among the top foods that unclog your arteries. promote thinning of arterial walls (which may have thickened due to atherosclerosis). Month later my cholesterol went from 150 to 85. Lemon and garlic recipes to lower cholesterol and clean arteries. Justin Choo (author) from Malaysia on August 04, 2013: I am only sharing this information. Please check your inbox to download your FREE eBook. Speak to your doctor for advice regarding garlic supplements before trying them. University of Michigan. Sent home on a plethora of medication. Like. Garlic. My ginger garlic apple cider honey after boiling became blue in color. While heating the mixture stir it thoroughly until one cup of the liquid has been evaporated into thin air or 30 mins. Add the water and cook over medium heat until the mixture boils. Store in the fridge. I might need a bypass surgery soon. There is a syrup made by a firm which has the same ingrediants plus juice of Amla,Apple and triphala added costs 6600 a bottle . sombody can tell me that how to make garlic juice, i can use some water ? I can say that after 3 months on it, I am now struggling with my blood sugar level going down and had to cut my daily medication doses. Now I feel shortness of breath everyday but, the doctor said there isn't any blockage. Cook with lemon. 4. But the remedy recommended is all natural and the benefits of each ingredient has been proven by our ancestors . Justin Choo (author) from Malaysia on January 20, 2014: It said garlic juice. You can consume a tablespoon of this mixture every day ahead of your breakfast on an empty stomach. My research turned into a blog that turned into an amazing community (starring you!). The main culprits? Everyone's body is different and we all have different conditions and variables. This ingredient is purely based on our main ingredients that are garlic and lemon without the addition of any third ingredient. Include more garlic in your daily cooking, advises the Cebu Cardiovascular Center at Cebu Doctors' Hospital. Wondering how much of this should be consumed daily. I had been diagnosed with three artery blocks of 90% 50% & 60% I came to know about this medication and I am taking it for the past two months. * Promote weight loss * Helps reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) and raise good. This is a plant based diet with fibre. Because I got this two! Sir, Iam not able to make juice from garlic, pls. Lemon Pulp cut into tiny pieces (3 Quantity), Thoroughly peeled and peeled garlic (15 Bulbs), lemon and garlic recipes to lower cholesterol, lemon and garlic recipe for cleaning arteries, lemon garlic recipe for removing plaque from arteries, Effect of Garlic and Lemon Juice Mixture on Lipid Profile and Some Cardiovascular Risk Factors in. I feel the ingredients is ok but process had some change. Needed ingredients: Garlic juice - 1 cup will do. It is your personal choice. Normally around 180/80. It takes 11 whole bulbs of garlic to get one cup. I just trusted what was suggested by good guy instead of debating about its effectiveness as some have done on this post. 3. Clogged Arteries Treatment - Garlic, Ginger & Lemon cures clogged arteries.Looking for a natural clogged arteries treatment? It is a good way not to cook any of this herbs? Cooled n added d three cups of honey. Garlic. A mom of two with a background in journalism, I took health into my own hands and started researching to find answers to my own health struggles. I take 2-3 tbs in a galss of warm water every morning, 30min before breakfast and sometime before sleeping too. And - save up to 20% on world class teas. We publish several sponsored posts each month, which are always labeled at the top. Many studies have proven raw garlic's ability to reduce cholesterol and blood pressure. Stop heat when desired texture is achieved. What's the best vitamin for your heart? Add lemon juice and continue to stir roughly 10 minutes. Subscribing will not result in more spam! It is also called lemon garlic tea or ginger tea in some countries.It helps to lower cholesterol levels by improving the HDL level of your body, which is known as good cholesterol. Blockages prevent blood from [] Then equally divide the garlic and lemon amongst the mason jars. Please suggest me what should i do? Let it cool, then mix 3 cups of natural honey. Place lemon, garlic and ginger in a blender and blend until smooth. first thing in morn, with glass warm water, 1 tablespoon [15 mls] 4 three wk's, stop 4 one week,then start again 4 three week's. 1. Let it cool, then mix in 3 cups of natural honey. You can do this treatment every six months. Lemons are extremely high in vitamin C. The American Dietetic Association notes that vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that fights damaging substances called free radicals and therefore helps protect the body from cardiovascular disease. Why does it work for your arteries? 10. Grind everything well and divide the resulting mixture into 3 glass jars. The information provided in this article is sourced from the internet, friends, contacts, and from personal experience. 1. The Cebu cardiovascular Center at Cebu doctors ' Hospital juice - 1 cup will Do people start to thee. 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