
Lunar Manipulation The ability to manipulate the Moon or Moon related phenomena. Ok now, this is a bit sexist and slightly pornographic. Superhuman Agility The ability to react faster than a normal human and to possess greater flexibility and with higher/farther jumping capacity. Furthermore, the radioactive rabbit bite gave him exceptional kicking abilities. Running too fast. A character with regeneration can survive having their head cut off. However, for Billy Batson to become Shazam he has to say his name for the lightning to strike so if he is in his superhero form and says his name again, he reverts back to Billy Batson. Ant Anatomy is also known as Ant Body, Ant Form, Ant Mimicry, and Ant Physiology. Appendages (multi-tool) is also known as Swiss Army Appendage. Mind Control (emotion) The ability to intensify emotions in a target. Grumpy and anti-social, this member of the X-Men prefers isolation but will defend his fellow mutants to the death. Luckily, Wolverine has an skeleton to stop that from happening. Holograph Manipulation The power to manipulate holograms. Metafictional Transportation The ability to travel between fictional places and/or fictional places and real places. Wonder Woman - Piercing Weapons. Appendages (firearm) is also known as Gun Protrusion. Embodiment (nation) is also known as National Personification. Despite his immense power, someone coming to the battlefield that isrooted inthe scientific will causeStrange to have tons of problems. Mind Control (fear) The ability to create fear in a target. Corrections? Size Reduction (self) The ability to decrease body size. Sue Storm is an integral member of the Fantastic Four, and she is known for being an exceptionally powerful character that can stand on her own. Axe Manipulation also known as Axe Proficiency, Enhanced Axemanship, and Enhanced Tomahawk Proficiency. Adam Warlock may be the man that led the charge against Thanos in the comics, but he has yet to officially appear in the MCU. Alcohol Manipulation The ability to manipulate the effect of alcohol and/or create alcohol type effects in others. Cephalopod Anatomy is also known as Cephalopod Physiology, Cephalopod Body, Cephalopod Form and Cephalopod Mimicry. But who among them truly rules? Appendages (blades) The character has blades attached to their arms and/or legs. Kids' stuff. Cyberpathy The ability to interface with computers directly through the mind and/or control computers mentally. Immortality (self) The ability to live forever. Thrown Weapon The thrown weapon can be used for various superhuman effects. Holograph Mimicry The character is a holograph. Cloth Manipulation is also known as Cloth Control, Fabric Manipulation, Fabrikinesis, Fiber Manipulation, Fiber Control, Nemakinesis, Pannokinesis, Telakinesis, Textakinesis, and Wrapping Manipulation. Water Manipulation is also known as Aquakinesis , H2O Manipulation, Hydrokinesis, Oxydan Manipulation and Water Element Control. Turns out those broad shoulders are equipped to carry around a ton of emotional baggage, too (loneliness and guilt are formidable opponents). Cetacean Anatomy is also known as Cetacean Body, Cetacean Form, Cetacean Manifestation, Cetacean Mimicry, and Cetacean Physiology. This is an updated version of fire breath. Immortality (other/self) is also known as Death Immunity, Deathless, Endless Life, Eternal Life, Everlasting Life and Immortal Physiology. Keep an eye on your inbox. Wonder Womanbound at the bracelets by man. Virtual Warping is also known as Computer God, Reality Programming, Reality Rewriting and Virtual Reality Warping. Just as a visual concept, Spider-Man was a boundary-bursting phenomenon in 1962. Offers may be subject to change without notice. Astral Awareness The ability to perceive astral forms. The second part is biological transformation. The canereverted to, true form of Thors hammer, Mjolnir. Its like Spider-Man, but with more than one. Considering the times in which she was created, this was a simple fix in making a woman submissive. Giraffe Anatomy is also known as Giraffe Body, Giraffe Form, Giraffe Mimicry and Giraffe Physiology. Intelligence Reduction is also known as Intelligence Decline and Kogata no Smarts. Dragon Manipulation The ability to control and/or alter a dragons behavior. Heat Manipulation The ability to create heat but not necessarily flame constructs as is the case with fire manipulation. Magical artifacts like Hal Jordans Green Lantern Power Ring reveal a lot about the magical abilities acquired from artifacts that heroes come upon. Dream Transportation The ability to enter a dream dimension. This same list of superpowers is also known as Homines Nocturnae Physiology (Marvel Comics), Homo Nosferatu Vampiris Physiology (Humans Only), Vampire Mimicry, Vampire Physiology, Vampiric Mimicry, Vampiric Physiology, Vampirism, Vampyre Mimicry, Vampyre Physiology and Vrykolakas. Duplication (other) The ability to make duplicate objects or persons. This same list of superpowers is also known as Magical Energy Absorption, Magic Absorption, Magic Siphoning, Magical Power Absorption, Magical Siphoning, Mana Absorption, Mana Siphoning and Mystic Dissipation. Cloak Manipulation is also known as Animated Cape, Cape Manipulation, and Prehensile Cape. This same list of superpowers is also known as Turtle Body, Turtle Form, Turtle Mimicry and Turtle Physiology. You cannot copy a character outright because a character name, costume and likeness can be copyrighted. Sponge Anatomy The character can take on the form and/or characteristics of a sponge. Animate Objects The ability to give some semblance of life to objects. Humanoid trees are dealt with in not here. Im lucky enough to write about film and television for a living, with some fun trivia sprinkled in, too. Ice Mimicry The being has a body composed of ice. Mind Blast The ability to send psionic energy in a blast that can cause great physical and/or psychological damage. Rhino Anatomy is also known as Rhino Form, Rhino Body, Rhino Mimicry, Rhino Physiology, Rhinoceros Body, Rhinoceros Form, Rhinoceros Mimicry and Rhinoceros Physiology. Energy Constructs are also known as Ergokinetic Constructs, Energy Craftsmanship and Energy Weapon Creation. Thank you for signing up! Shape Shifting is also known as Biological Alteration, Biomorphism, Changing, Copying, Inclinkinesis, Megamorphing, Metamorphing, Metamorphosis, Morphing, Morphological Being, Nanomorphing, Omni-Mimicry, Polymorphing, Self-Transmogrification, Self-Transmutation, Shape-changing, Shapeshifting and Shape-shifting. Plasma Absorption is also known as Stellar Battery, Stellar Radiation Absorption and Stellarkinetic Absorption. This includes the ability to generate various natural phenomena (rain, tornadoes, lightning, ocean currents, etc.) Batman endures as a cautionary tale about how we respond to tragedy and evil, and as a mirror to our empowerment fantasies. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. Animal Anatomy (category) The person can turn into any animal in a category of animals and gains the powers of that animal. This is also known as Chrono Sense, Chrono Sight, Chrono Vision, Chronokinetic Sight, Chronokinetic Vision, Temporal Sense, Temporal Sight, Temporal View, Temporal Vision, Time Sense, Time Sight, Time View and Time Vision. Shadow Control, Shadow Element Control, Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Matter and Umbrakinesis. However, should he want to increase his power a ton, he could tap into this area, triggering a Warrior's Madness. Life Force Manipulation The ability to manipulate the life force of others. RELATED: 12 'Bad' Personality Traits That Are . The many heroes of Marvel all have a lot to like about them, but they do have some weaknesses that their enemies try and exploit whenever they come head-to-head. Hyperkinesic Perception (HKP) The ability to perceive and process spatial information in a superhuman manner. Writing fantasy fiction stories can take a toll on anyones creativity, so we hope that these tips and list of superpowers can help aid you in making heroes that standout! Invertebrate Anatomy The character is an invertebrate. Required fields are marked *. Whether youre looking for an eye-catching mantlepiece display, something to laugh at with your friends, or just a perfectly unique gift; express yourself with Toon Loom and cherish it forever. Transmutation (insect) The ability to turn persons into insects. Emotion Absorption is also known as Emotion Devouring, Emotion Theft, Empathic Absorption and Empathic Ingestion. This same list of superpowers is also known as B Expertise, B Proficiency, B Skill, Bjutsu, Cane Proficiency , Enhanced Staff Proficiency, Enhanced Wand Proficiency, Gun (: stick), Quarterstaff and Rod Proficiency. Fire Mimicry is also known as Fire Body, Fire Physiology, Pyro Physiology, Pyric Mimicry, Pyric Physiology and Pyrokinetic Physiology. Magic Resistance is also known as Magic Dilution and Spell Protection. Intangibility (other) The ability to turn another into a phantom. Telekinesis is also known as Mind Power, Mind-Over-Matter, PK, Psychokinesis, Psychokinetic Power and TK. Ghost Manipulation The ability to control ghosts. Planetary Absorption is also known as Planet Draining, Planet Leeching, Planetary Draining, and Planet Leeching. And, I challenge you to put on that form-fitting outfit and fly into your life! Out of this list of superpowers this is one of the first that is primarily reserved for villains rather than heroes. Sleep Inducement is also known as Sleep Induction, The Sleeping Curse and The Sleeping Spell. Portals are smaller. Duplication of others and/or ones self is also known as Copying, Copying, Duplication, Form Duplication, Multi-Body, Multiplication, Multiplicity, and Replication. Mind Control (specialized) The ability to only control a special population and/or there is some quirky mind control limitation. Shield Manipulation The shield can be used for various superhuman effects due to the skill of the user and/or special properties of the shield. Superheroes are said to gain their abilities in a variety of ways and from various sources. Mix cold manipulation and add the ability to control the movement of ice and you have ice manipulation. The ability to turn organic matter into inorganic matter. Sand Mimicry The ability to take on the form and/or characteristics of sand. Magnetoreception The ability to detect a magnetic field to perceive direction, altitude or location. Much like those Gods of Olympus, many of the significant heroes in DC Comics were born with their powers and were not people who got them through accidents. Time Travel (others/self) is also known as Chronoportation, Temporal Relocation, Temporal Travel, Time Jump, Time Jumping and Time Traveling. Superhuman Intelligence is also known as Advanced Cognition, Advanced Intellect, Advanced Intelligence, Advanced IQ, Enhanced Cognition, Enhanced Intellect, Enhanced Intelligence, Enhanced IQ, Genius Intelligence, Immense Intellect, Immense Intelligence, Immense IQ, Super Intellect, Super Intelligence, Super IQ, Super-Genius Level Intellect, Super-Genius Level Intelligence, Super-Genius Level IQ, Superhuman IQ, Supernatural Intellect and Supernatural IQ. Knowledge Absorption is also known as Information Absorption, Information Theft and Knowledge Theft. Unlike in which the character has a body only composed on one substance. Sound Manipulation is also known as Acoustokinesis, Audio Manipulation, Audiokinesis, Echokinesis, Sonic Wave Manipulation, Sonokinesis, Sound Control, Sound Energy Manipulation, Sound Wave Manipulation and Soundbending. Pinnipeds include seals, walruses, sea lions and otter. Cold Manipulation The ability to reduce the kinetic energy of atoms and thus reduce temperature. Gas Mimicry The being has a body composed of gas. Omnipresence The ability to be everywhere at the same time. Light Manipulation The ability to control, generate or absorb light. The first weakness is that while Bakugo can easily fire off one explosion after another, it takes a while for him to store up enough nitroglycerin for more powerful blasts. Everyone needs a support system, even superheroes! Armor (dermal) The character has skin that has the properties of armor. The main advantage of uploading your consciousness to the internet and saying good bye to your body is possible immortality. However, Billy Batson to become Shazam he has to say his name for the lightning to strike so if he is in his superhero form and says his name. Superpowers: Master spy & assassin, martial artist, armed combatant; skills in espionage, infiltration, disguise and deception, manipulation & hacking. The hero Adam Strange is not so much a hero on earth as he is a hero on the planet Rann. Marvel decided this was a dumb foil and got rid of the concept back in 1984. Entertainment Weekly may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Insect Anatomy is also known as Bug Body, Bug Form, Bug Form, Bug Mimicry, Bug Physiology, Insect Body, Insect Form, Insect Mimicry, Insect Physiology, Insecta Body, Insecta Form, Insecta Mimicry and Insecta Physiology. Hyperdimensional Manipulation is also known as Extradimensional Manipulation and Higher-Dimensional Manipulation. Golem Mimicry The character has the form and/or characteristics of a golem. Electrical Mimicry The being has a body composed of electricity. an elf. Omissions? Size Reduction (object) The ability to make an object and/or person smaller. Vision (X-Ray) The ability to see through solid matter. Made famous by: Superman, Mr Incredible, Thor, Wolverine/ Colossus/ Juggernaut/ Sabretooth ( X-Men ), Bane ( Batman ), Hancock. Weaknesses: spider-man. Vertigo Inducement is also known as Psionic Equilibrium Distortion, Vertigo Effect, Vertigo Induction and Verigen. Fey Anatomy is also known as Fae Mimicry, Fae Physiology, Faerie Mimicry, Faerie Physiology, Fairy Mimicry, Fairy Physiology, Fay Mimicry, Fay Physiology, Fae Mimicry, Fae Physiology, Faery Mimicry, Faery Physiology and The Fair Folk. All writers at one time or another have struggled with character development for their stories. We gave each category, except "cultural impact," a maximum score of 10 points. Also known as the Penance Stare. So, what do you do with a character you make too powerful? Over the years, Wolverine has become annoyingly hard to kill. I have included all member of the suidae family such as boars in this article and not just pigs. As previously said, superhuman abilities are acquired by innovation, encounter, or accident. Heat Vision is also known as Calokinetic Vision and Heat Beam Eye Blast. Privacy Policy - Cookies Policy - Terms and Conditions, Sometimes the power of a superhero can be overwhelming. Pig Anatomy The character has the form and/or characteristics of a pig. This same list of superpowers is also known as H2O Physiology, Hydro Physiology, Hydrokinetic Physiology, Hydrophysiology, Self-Liquification and Water Physiology. Strengths: So much money. Starfish Anatomy is also known as Starfish Physiology. Vision (freeze) is also known as Arctic Vision, Cryokinetic Vision, Freeze Vision and Ice Vision. This specialized type of invulnerability complements poison generation or the character might poison himself/herself. Its totally up to you how you can spin your character to be someone unique. Flat Body (self) The ability to turn your own body into a flat body i.e. Appendages (antennae) is also known as antenna protrusion. Imperceptibility (self) A person with this power cannot be perceived or if perceived then immediately forgotten. Transmutation (petrification) The ability to turn persons and/or objects into stone. From his earliest days, Iron Man was an unlikely hero. Animal Scrying The ability to perceive through the senses of one animal at a time. Hibernation is also known as Deep Sleep and Self-Induced Unconsciousness. If their actions are limited even with their list of superpowers, it makes them more relatable because everyone makes mistakes. Characters Hubs Teams Powers Objects Locations Species Artists Universes Publishers Tags A Ability Shift Base 5 Abstract Existence Base 2 Acausality Major 12 Accelerated Development Base 2 Accelerated Healing Minor 7 Acid Manipulation Minor 5 Acid Resistants Base 2 Acidic Spit Base 2 also includes the ability to move ice around unlike cold manipulation. Aura Manipulation The ability to manipulate auras. So, you try to shoot him with a hail of bullets and he turns them into flowers or cotton balls. This same list of superpowers is also known as Medusa Effect, Petrification, Stone Transformation and Stone Transmogrification. Avian Anatomy also known as, Ave Body, Ave Form, Ave Mimicry, Ave Physiology, Avian Body, Avian Form, Avian Mimicry, Avian Physiology, Bird Body, Bird Form, Bird Mimicry, and Bird Physiology. Cross Dimensional Awareness The ability to detect actions and events in other dimensions in the Multiverse. (Interestingly, 42 actor Chadwick Boseman portrayed both men.) Gas Mimicry is also known as Bezinikinetic Physiology, Gas Form, Gas Physiology, Gaseous Form, Gaseous Mimicry and Gaseous Physiology. His powers put him in league with Superman and in my opinion, make him even more powerful. Transmutation (animal) is also known as Animal Transformation, Animal Transmogrification, Animal Transmutation and Projective Animal Metamorphosis. Metal Mimicry is also known as Ferro Body, Ferro Form, Ferro Mimicry, Ferro Physiology, Ferrokinetic Mimicry, Ferrokinetic Physiology, Metal Body, Metal Form, Metal Physiology, Metallic Body, Metallic Form, Metallic Mimicry, Metallic Physiology, Metallicization and Metallization. Hive Mind The ability to share a collective consciousness between several bodies. The power to manipulate earth. Self-understanding that leads to self-control is part of being wise. Has a body only composed on one substance villains rather than heroes superhuman.. 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