
Also, he gave me a blowgun that he said tribesmen gave him. Also, talk to VA about taking a Agent Orange Evaluation. For myself, working on the AC-130s, it specifically states they were in revetments 300 yards from the perimeter. By the way, there was a lot of complaints about the barracks area. Thank you. Im still fighting this and will not give up! The aircraft was flown by Capt. Many of my friends that served with me have gotten cancer from Agent Orange. Have recently been diagnosed with Parkinsons Disease. Corroboration might help. I was also in Nam for a few days(not in my records, wife lost my boarding passes) so far they have denied my agent orange benefits. Been turned down for compensation for Parkinsons Disease and Diabetes several ties. Three T-28 Trojans taxi at Udorn. It's not a tourist spot for sightseeing but you can see it from the gate I guess. {Response to: Post No# 8 D lashay Would anyone have a complete list of army or marine camps? though the VA has not granted SErvice Connection for My next to last post was the Fuel Depot on the far side of the base. The disagreements outcome became known as Palace Lightning, and I wound up at Kunsan AFB. aircrew member on an EC121 Rivet Top aircraft. How do I post an official U.S. government map of Udorn RTAFB on this page? I have no photos om me at the base. Back in Carolina. If this statement were true, then AF soldiers who were on those planes would meet the boots on the ground test, which is the defining test for the Nehmer class members. You could perhaps try other websites such as veteran groups or chat rooms that allow for two way communication. 4.The VA doctor then has to look at all these illnesses at the C&P meeting or have other doctors look at you too. I am trying to find out what they sprayied the antenna field with to keep the weeds down. been denied 3 times, My dad was part of the 6010 wild weasles and was stationed in Takhli and Korat from July 70-July 71. Like MIKE I.no.324 I was stationed at Takhli Thailand from Dec.65-66. no mention anywhere of U.S. marines at airbase in namI liphong , Thailand. I was at Takhli from Feb 1973 until Mar 1974 as a Jet Engine mechanic and worked at the trim pad. Also, have been hit with Inclsion Body Myositis-IBM (diagnosed following two muscle biopsies). I am a complete and totally disabled veteran for this experience. September 24, 2019 at 10:58 pm Any help would be greatly appreciated. He passed away in 2020 of lung cancer. I am now 75 and suffering with prostate cancer and myastehenias gravis (a muscle disease). Was anyone station there during that time that might remember any of this time and remember where he lived. Hopefully this will cover all of us who are still left standing, including you Ms. Smith. bang pla thailand. Iam on the agent orang government list.. I had pictures of my duty section with no vegetation and an identical picture I took 37 years later tank farm covered in vegetation. WE WOULD GO TO NKP AND REMAIN OVER NIGHT(RON) AND THEN FLY A MISSIO AND COME BACK TO DANANG. I remember him talking about tents beside the runway. Va has denied my diabetes. I pray everyone is well and they get their ratings. Copies of maps and photos of their base, Ubon, Takli, Udorn, NKP, etc you can find these on the internet; copy yours and then put arrows . I was an E-4 Air Force (then Sgt) and was responsible for a squad of airman during that period. Try it. VA states I gotta prove it, thats its agent orange connected.VA government. that was a hectic night as i was on CQ that night.I submitted written and photo evidence to that fact.. There had been an attack in 1968 and they sprayed the base perimeter with AGENT ORANGE as a result. The restaurant I run today was formerly part of a joint officers accommodation facility. Camp Ramasun was located approximately 290 miles northeast of Bangkok, about 12 miles south of Udorn and at the fringes of the small Thai village of Ban Nong Soong. it was a raidar site. WATER PUMP later expanded to include forward air control, armed reconnaissance and close air support strikes by USAF Air Commandos flying from Udorn Air Base in Thailand. The lead plane has a Royal Lao Air Force marking on the fuselage. Brothers in arms its all about the money they dont want to admit we were exposed just like the Blue water navy and boots on the ground vets. I remember watching them clear the perimeter so my question does the VA recognize Takhli around that time for agent orange area to worry about. I went through the DAV and they were exceptionally good at helping me get what I deserve. At that time I was seen and diagnosed with Vitiligo. I served from August 68 until August 69 at Utapao AFB in the 556 Red Horse Squadron laying concrete and forms throughout the base. Trying to establish VA claim but not successful establishing perimeter location exposure. Photo Location; Udorn Air Base; Thailand; Photographer; Alan Campbell; Photos | Profile | Contact; Taken during the USAFA Summer Seminar. If anyone out there recognizes my name please reply maybe you can help with buddy statement or have photograph of me in Thailand or Tan SonNhut ( I supported the UC-123 repairs of returned aircraft). TDYd to 4 other known sprayed places. I have numbness in my hands and feet Im healthy physically, blood pressure etc just nerve damage. The VA has been giving me a hard time with Agent Orange exposure and my heart, skin and COPD claims/appeals. My brother was the very best brawler I have known so I still find it hard to believe that he would have been badly injured in any kind of brawl. Stationed with USAF 73/74 at Ramasun Station. Stationed at Korat RTAFB Dec 1972-Dec73 ABCCC capsule maintenance TTY and Crypto repair for C-130 Airbourne Command Post. I worked with linguists and morse intercept operators. Like to hear from anyone from Camp Friendship. Thanks. Stationed at Takhli RTAFB 1970-1971. Ive had two heart attacks before the age of 50. heart surgery and placement of a stent at the age of 55, My hearing was damaged at the time and has growing worse over time, My shoulders and joints have progressively deteriorated, I had left shoulder surgery at the age of 58 and still need surgery on my right. I believe I have bladder cancer as a result of exposure to AO. During my stay the C-123 aircraft that sprayed the base, landed and were located just a stones throw from our flight line. Thank you, any one from bang pla thailand 1969 to 1971 have medical issues, I was in the storage section ,635th MMS,CSG, PACAF, at the MSA. trying to get compensation for agent orange exposure due to having 2 presumptive conditions now.our unit received the republic of vietnam gallantry cross during operations in 1970 1971. President, The whole affair is a travesty of justice without honor for our service. Was stationed on hill 272 1970 1971, I was the mess Sergeant for the 379th ist battalion. What they did to everyone is terrible and not just. I remember entering the gate and to my left was that klong and frequently smell the odor of chemucals. also in Thai Land for LINEBACKER II.during that time frame for the Year. Have heart problems,prostate problems, pre diabetes etc.who knows what else. There is no record of my TDY. Think of getting a bad jungle fatigues sunburn: hands and face and head. Lived in the old barracks with no windows just screen. The date on the order is: 1/15/1968 and the other last names listed are:Fisher, Samson, Proctor, Mapano, Shively, Dyson, Sadler, Dorenzo, Gregory, Fountain. I remained, returning to Ramasun Station to monitor the radio communications of Pol Pot and the Cambodian Genocide. They sprayed some kind of Herbicide around the perimeter at NKP and 2 weeks later everything was dead. I didnt know what it was back then. I know that Udorn was classified as a front line facility. He was the avionics supervisor for the 388th wing for the F-104s. Bn. I was stationed at Takhli RTAFB in 72/73 and after 11 years of battling the VA I have been granted 100% disabled due to diabetes and severe poly neuropathy. Good luck to those attempting to get benefits. Read our Flew into Udorn and Vientiane, Laos. Iv been trying to get VA benefits for myself since my husband has passed away 2 1/2 years go.VA has. I was stationed at Ramasun Station from January 1968 to January 1969. I have been turned down by the VA two times now, and have retained an attorney. I was an aircraft electrician, only 10 months in the air force when deployed. Glenn, ? Flew backwards thru the Mts Ararat, on way to Oct Fest 71. His name is Robert Knerler. The VA has turned me down twice. I filed a VA Claim for PAD in early October 2019 and it came back approved in late October 2019. Would love to hear from anyone else that may have been there during this time. After many denials and appeals, and taking it as far as I could with my Vet Rep, I contacted the Veterans Consortium online who works with attorneys who work pro bono for veterans or their survivors. Unlike the 1969 map mentioned above, the set isfairly distributed and is listed in twenty-one libraries, according to Worldcat.org. Have a successful claim? and before = Please read our Standard Disclaimer. VA. Has except responsible. Classified the same. My only AO disability is diabetes. I will check with him. I am on the VAs agent orange list. I was in the 56FMS in 71-72 and 73-74.I was in the Hydraulic shop at that time. Some are off base around Korat. John A. Madden, Jr. and Capt. DPAA plans to return to the sight in 2021. Heart and Arterial disease, A-fib to the point where i now have a Watchman device implanted in my heart. Stationed at Korat RTAFB from 1974 1976. We had 197 people on board with gear and just cleared the fence at the end of runway leaving Holloman. Please share. From an air base we were taken by helicopter to a smaller base close to the Mekong. Udorn Photo Gallery. I was stationed at Takhli RTAFB from jan 1969 to jan 1970 as an ECM repairman on EB-66 AC. My thanks to Dennis Farrington via Sharon Wall for this map. This was my Thailand deployment. RMM3TWE6 - Col. I was not at Takhli but at U-Tapao. He recovered from bladder cancer 15 yrs ago, but it recurred in Nov & he died in Dec. I served in the army at comm sites at Utapao Korat, and Hill 272 Sattahip. So far all claims been denied over the last 20 years .Hypertension, Diabetes II, Liver and skin cancer, Cardiac ablation (2002), etc. I was stationed at Udorn in 1967. Agent orange was used at the Depot to clear vegetation around the ammunition storage areas and fence line. Air Force units closed operations 26 February 76. I was also at Udorn ,Thailand in 1974 to 75 as a RF-4C crew chief. ORANGE. One was near or in the central supply. We lived on the economy and rode motorcycles to work. This site brings back a lot of memories. Me and Juan. If all our congress persons go to the VA as a group maybe we can get everyone approved! Ive been trying to research what army inf units were in thailand at that time and where they were stationed. I was exposed to agent orange at utapao thailand in 1970/71. The bug in my head. . Im sure there are more than 100 people with problems the VA wont respond to. The fire fighting foam was made out of animal blood so it was pretty bad and I asked if I wouldnt be assigned that duty anymore. I was in Ubon Thailand 71to 73. Thank you for your service and Welcome Home! rats n tower with bug. Since then, Ive had problems with sun exposure and blistering skin reaction to most metals. I see nothing here, however, about the USAFF (United States Air Force Security Service). (Thank You) in advance!! How and where would I be able to find out about this. There were 2 JUSMAG USAF pilots stationed at Chang Mai flying with the Thai Air Force. I am a indochina vet myself, says it on my dd-214, I have not approached the VA about Agent Orange (A O ) and its relationship to my medical history. The division also holds alater edition of the map from 1972, which is not shown in this blog. Hart trouble,strange skin disorders, fainting falls, the best of times the worst of times. Udorn RTAFB, Close Up, Perimeter Tower. On and off flightline daily to preflight and postflight equipment aboard aircraft. For those stationed in Thailand, the VA rules state you must have been within 500 meters of the perimeters to qualify for exposure to AO. Marines were secuity for the 9th marines out of danang and those that left from okinawa. Then again Nov 1972-Nov 1973. The aircraft was flown by Capt. I remember the smell of insecticide or some chemical. I also was at utapao on tdys in 66 67 68 as ground crew aboard k.c. On approach, the bomb broke loose over that very same field & went off. we were within feet of the perimeter not yards, Was TDY in May of 72 to Takhli from Holloway AFB. Waiting to hear outcome of his claim. I lean toward the latter because during his posting he had to be medivaced to Clark AFB hospital. It gathers intelligence. I was assigned to Ubon RTAFB (7/71 6/72) and, Don Muang RTAFB (8/73 8/74 & 8/74 8/75) with the U.S. Air Force Postal & Courier Service (UAFPCS) on all three assignments. Now diagnosed and being treated for diabetes and multiple myeloma. Surgey for tumor removal and repair of a broken humorus bone from the tumor., radiation, and 6 months of intensive high dose chemo. I want to file for agent orange exposure. He worked for Fairchild camera. Mike Egan 66-7463. (that fence line was sprayed on a regular basis). He was fighting with the VA about he could not prove he left the base while performing his duties. Spent 7 months in country. . BachMa Mt has been excavated & they found the BloodChit Bobby had in his Flight jacket that day but no remains. Claim for disability is currently at BVA awaiting a decision. I think I have identified the building on a map of the base but the building is only labelled 1665. Routinely, F-4s (bombers) air refueled beforeand sometimes aftervisiting the target area. Udorn was the site of the Royal Thai Air Force Base (RTAFB). Marines were secuity for the 9th marines out of danang and those that left from okinawa. medical complications ever since. He was an Internal Medicine doctor and took care of all Airmen. I was stationed at Korat at that time period. One of the men survived but was severely injured and the other man was killed. I placed a claim through the VA for hearing loss and type 2 diabetes..The VA denied my claim and said they had no record of my unit ever being in VietnamHow can that beMy whole squadron , including all our aircraft were there for 6 monthsThey say I NEVER HAD BOOTS ON THE GROUND in Vietnam..which is not true at all.I WAS THERE.any helpful hints out there.I need to contact a local VSO here in Florida. WHOs the right VA do I CONNECT. I was stationed at U-Tapao Royal Thai Navy Base from June 1972 to June 74.I was assigned to NKP 01 Oct 75. First claim denied. I wore a patch on my uniform that was the 9th logisitic command. need any pictures of Phitsonulok perimeter showing the burnt vegitation just dia with prostrate cancer. Yeah -Right! Was stationed in Udorn July 73 July 74 621 TACC NS, any help on finding Agent orange use during that time. I was a Radio Communications Analysis Specialist. Can you believe this coming from the VA? I was sent TDY to Udorn AFB Thailand in 1966 and I worked in and around the bomb dump. For us that were stationed at Ubon (I was stationed at Ubon for 3 years and Korat for 6 months), heres a VERY important document: Project CHECO Base Defenses in Thailand: https://asknod.files.wordpress.com/2013/12/checo-thailand-base-defense-1973.pdf. BANGKOK, Thailand, Oct. 3 (AP)Guerrillas attacked the United States air base at Udon in northeastern Thailand last night in the second assault on an American installation in this country in 24 . I Visited sites at Khon Kaen, Korat and Bangkok. we were often on red alert and the ubon base had been attacked by sappers who were all killed during the attack. Our shop truck would pull up to the plane and we downloaded our stuff and proceeded to the well-guarded shop. Im surprised there is absolutely no discussion on the impact of Agent Orange on the Thai public. We deployed to Cam Ranh Bay, South Vietnam to serve the rest of my tour. You need to be within 500m to be eligible for exposure to Agent Orange. Will I get it, who knows? I come from a family without heart issues. In January 2023 I received a letter from VA that encourage me to submit a supplement claim because in August 2022 was signed PACT ACT and now a lot of people may be eligible for benefits and need to do it to reevaluate cases. Worked at 355FMS-AGE. I served in the army 1972-75, I was assigned in Korea with the 1st 31st inf 2nd ID north of the Imjin River Nov 1972- Nov 73 and received HFP. It seems to me that if MKP was sprayed with agent orange An aircrew member that has info on this should speakup. I do know I am Filing again. I was a t-28 crew chief at udorn 1967-1968.I spent several months in civilian dress & ID at Vientiane Laos supporting missions over Ho Chi Minh trail.If anyone that was there is still around,I would like to speak with them. Also not every . From okinawa helicopter to a smaller base close to the plane and we downloaded our stuff and proceeded the... Gate i guess motorcycles to work know that Udorn was the site of the men but... Surprised there is absolutely no discussion on the fuselage physically, blood pressure etc just nerve damage line! Cambodian Genocide he gave me a blowgun that he said tribesmen gave him performing his duties 1974 as group. And not just C-123 aircraft that sprayed the base while performing his duties and! Remain OVER NIGHT ( RON ) and was responsible for a squad of airman during that time frame the! 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