
The U.S. has more than 24 million acres under lease to oil and gas companies onshore close to half are not producing. The American Petroleum Institute admonished the administration for its "inaccurate and misleading numbers" and called on Biden to "support American production.". All material subject to strictly enforced copyright laws. ", "They are under pressure from the financial community to pay more dividends, to do more share buybacks instead of the proverbial 'drill, baby, drill,' which is the way they would have done things 10 years ago. Published under: Bidens number is correct: There are 9,137 approved permits to drill on federal and Indian land, and the oil industry could use those permits and drill. , stated on February 8, 2023 a Facebook post: stated on January 29, 2023 an interview with NBC's "Meet the Press": stated on January 17, 2023 a press conference: stated on January 3, 2023 a press release: stated on December 16, 2022 a town hall for U.S. veterans: stated on December 14, 2022 a press release: stated on December 9, 2022 a press conference: stated on November 27, 2022 an interview on CNN: stated on November 10, 2022 a statement on Truth Social: stated on October 31, 2022 a campaign ad: stated on February 25, 2023 in a Facebook post: stated on February 22, 2023 in a Facebook post: stated on February 26, 2023 in an Instagram post: stated on February 27, 2023 in a Facebook post: stated on February 15, 2023 in a Facebook post: stated on February 26, 2023 in a video on Facebook: stated on February 25, 2023 in an Instagram post: stated on February 18, 2023 in a Facebook post: All Rights Reserved Poynter Institute 2020, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Above, drilling rigs sit unused in Odessa, Texas. Hes right on the numbers of permits but what that means is a little more complicated than his statement suggests. Why arent they drilling?". "These are the facts. U.S. Energy Information Administration, U.S field production of Crude Oil, Center for Biological Diversity, New Data: Bidens First Year Drilling Permitting Stomps Trumps By 34%, Jan. 21, 2022, Western Energy Alliance, Responding to the White House Blame Game on Leases, March 4, 2022, Washington Post, Biden outpaces Trump in issuing drilling permits on public lands, Jan. 27, 2022, CNN, More oil supply could stop massive price spikes. Before drilling can occur, the lease holder has to get a federal permit. One of PolitiFacts longstanding principles is to rate fact-checks based on evidence available at the time. Biden has a point that the U.S. produced more during his first year than Trumps first year. There is actually an incentive for the companies not to develop these resources because for publicly traded companies, these reserves get reported and influence market valuation, Daigle said. Official govt docs expose Michelle Obamas 14 year history as a man., "Woody Harrelsons 60 seconds in the middle of his monologue was cut out of the edits released after the show., BREAKING Trump preps Marines to stop presidential coup.. She was part of the team that launched PolitiFact Florida in 2010 and, All Rights Reserved Poynter Institute 2023, The Poynter Institute for Media Studies, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)3. The time for helping Ukraine with American energy was months ago. The agency explained: "This number has been updated to account for a reporting discrepancy resulting from a transition to a new database in mid-2020. Fox Business spoke with energy industry leaders and Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) about the Biden White House's claim that 9,000 oil and natural gas drilling leases sit unused. During Bidens first year in office, the U.S.produced an averageof about 11 million barrels of crude oil per day compared to Trumps 9 million barrels per day in his first year. Marketplace is a division of MPR's 501 (c)(3). How is Groundwater Protected During Hydraulic Fracturing? Before drilling can occur, the leaseholder has to get a federal permit. ", "By the way, one thing I want to say about the oil companies: They talk about how we have they have 9,000 permits to drill," he added months later. BLM drilling approvals tapered off after a big jump in 2021. As of September 30, 2021, the oil and gas industry holds more than 9,600 approved permits that are . Drilling Thomas Catenacci is a politics writer for Fox News Digital. It is time for the administration to end the finger-pointing and instead support American production with a comprehensive strategy for American energy development one that includes a final five-year program for offshore leasing and quarterly onshore lease sales.. But in Alaska, Willow represents the biggest oil field in . Companies have to contract rigs to drill the wells, and build a sufficient inventory of permits before rigs are contracted, said Jennifer Pett, a spokesperson for the Independent Petroleum Association of America, a trade group that represents oil and natural gas producers. "Families cant afford that companies sit on their hands. quote: companies leased up acreage that they thought might be valuable. All Rights Reserved. Thousands of unused permits are not uncommon in any presidential administration. I try to think of what could they do immediately to make a difference, and I think, Change that rhetoric. Thats an easy thing to do, he said. Reacting to todays news, Frank Macchiarola, APIs senior vice president of policy, economics and regulatory affairs said, Despite the administrations inaccurate and misleading numbers, the reality is that the U.S. natural gas and oil industry is confronting the global energy crisis by continuing to work to meet the energy needs of U.S. consumers and our allies abroad. Experts also suggested that drilling domestically is more costly than drilling overseas, which could further deter oil companies in the U.S. from upping production. The number of "approved oil leases" (presumably Federal mineral leases) is not an answer to that question. Legal Statement. ", "Florida's water is dirtier and sicker than when Gov. "Right now, the oil and gas industry is sitting on nearly 9,000 unused but approved permits for production on federal . In the 2018 Florida governor's race "votes were being stolen by the corrupt election process in Broward. USd/gal. rate fact-checks based on evidence available at the time. Here's why: President Joe Biden said that his policies have not made the U.S. less equipped to withstand the impact of the ban on Russian energy imports. Biden said the oil industry has "9,000 permits to drill now. U.S. President Joe Biden wants oil drillers to pay penalties when federal leases go unused in an effort to prod the industry into pumping . This is all private land, which is where 90% of the oil produced in the U.S. comes from. It has become a line the White House pivots to when pressed to explain why it isnt doing more to support American oil and gas production with soaring demand putting upward pressure on prices and with much of Europe at the mercy of its top energy provider, Russia. The second, by some industry opponents, is that ramping up U.S. production will not help the Ukrainian people today. At the end of 2021, there were 9,173 approved and available permits to drill on federal and Indian lands. It suggests American producers have been motivated by a desire to manipulate the market during the current crisis in Europe. Those permits include those issued under Biden and those still active from Trumps administration and potentially before, said Josh Axelrod, of the National Resources Defense Council. "While the cost to extract one barrel in Saudi Arabia is somewhere around $10 or $15, in West Texas it can be as high as $70," Gernot Wagner, an associate professor of environmental studies at New York University, told PolitiFact. Bidens number is correct: There are 9,137 approved permits to drill on federal and Indian land, and the oil industry could use those permits and drill. Were just there as oversight.. "Theyre not drilling. REPUBLICANS UNVEIL EFFORT TO REMOVE BIDEN ADMIN'S BARRIERS BLOCKING OIL AND GAS DRILLING, President Joe Biden and his administration had repeatedly cited 9,000 unused oil and gas drilling permits, arguing that the oil and gas industry had the ability to immediately begin producing to reduce high fuel prices. But US producers won't fill that gap, March 2, 2022, PolitiFact, Are gas prices going up? Patrick Cohorn, operations manager at a family-owned energy company called Henry Resources, headquartered in Midland, Texas, drove me out to a stretch of land just north of the town of Rankin. For nearly a year, the Biden administration has attempted to redirect scrutiny over its slow walking of federal oil and gas leases by chastising U.S . American oil and gas producers are able and willing to do their part to support American energy leadership, including providing energy that can help allies abroad. According to E&E News, President Joe Biden over the past year has stressed that companies hold 9,000 permits to drill on public lands sitting unused. Beyond that, he doesnt really know what politicians could do to get more oil out of the ground. Its almost like Johnny Cashs Cadillac we get it one piece at a time.. 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. 20006, Florida he paused oil and gas leasing on federal lands and last fall . St. Petersburg, FL They have 9,000 to drill onshore that are already approved. Market data provided by Factset. ", Biden said that the companies are not using these permits to drill. Theres plenty of criticism of Fox News, particularly in light of the latest lawsuit revelations. Photo of electric charging station powered by diesel generator is emblematic of the electric vehicle movement. "Its simply not true that my administration or policies are holding back domestic energy production," Biden said March 8 in a speech announcing a U.S. ban on Russian oil imports. . DeSantis first took office. . Inform me please. Oil and gas companies can raise funds from investors by not drilling on leases with proven reserves, said Hugh Daigle, an associate professor at the University of Texas Hildebrand Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering. Meet the Green Energy Group Behind the Study That's Driving Calls To Ban Gas Stoves, WATCH: Joe Biden's Senior Moment of the Week (Vol. a bipartisan bill with Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa to modernize the federal oil and gas program's outdated . 5 withdrawn oil and gas leases. He said that right now, even if he can get the upfront cash he needs to drill more wells, its unlikely he could make it happen. , They could be drilling right now, yesterday, last week, last year." Biden's number is correct: There are 9,137 approved permits to . Oil, Biden Has Earned 11 Pinocchios From Fact-Checkers During Coronavirus Crisis, GOP Hawks Say the Only Thing Cut From the Pentagon Will Be 'Wokeness'. Gas prices are high and up another 7 cents nationwide. Heres some money, go get a third rig. I cant get the pipe. Market data provided by Factset. He contended that the onus is on U.S. oil and gas companies that have permits to begin drilling, but havent started. Before they could start drilling, they had to negotiate with the folks who own the land. Washington, DC Still, the Biden administration maintained its anti-oil rhetoric. More: Gas prices are high and up another 7 cents nationwide. "They have 9,000 permits to drill now. Those permits include those issued under Biden and those still active from Trumps administration and potentially before, said Josh Axelrod, of the National Resources Defense Council. "Sometimes there might not really even be producible oil and gas on a lease," Daigle said. Fossil Fuels Oil production on federal lands fell to 12.28 . Government policies can either discourage or encourage oil producers to take the risk of investing billions of dollars, plus considerable time and effort, to find out whether or not the lands they lease are viable sources of oil. We bring in a vendor, its their drilling rig, their frack crew, they outfit with their own workforce to make the work happen. . Under Biden, new oil leasing has slowed to its lowest level since World War II, with the Democrat only approving court-ordered or congressionally mandated leases. According to DOI, 53 percent of leased onshore oil and gas acreage is non-producing while 77 percent of leased offshore acreage is non-producing. They exist. For just $5/month, you can help sustain Marketplace so we can keep reporting on the things that matter to you. 2023 Minnesota Public Radio. He took me to a well in the middle of this patch of land that, up until a couple of months ago, was producing a good amount of oil. Is Biden sharing all the facts here? For more than a year it has halted new federal leasing key to future energy investment and production. "Sometimes there might not really even be producible oil and gas on a lease," Daigle said. Companies reporting gross acreage while ignoring the quality of that land and production potential is one of the less talked about issues. Now, the oil industry is sitting on a remarkable 9,173 approved, but unused, federal lands drilling permits. The average barrels of crude oil produced per day spiked during Trumps subsequent years, swelling to almost 12.3 million in 2019. And of the remaining 10% that occurs on federal land, the oil and gas industry has millions of acres leased," Biden said. He said not only is labor in short supply, but steel pipe and other equipment are on back order for months. Experts also suggested that drilling domestically is more costly than drilling overseas, which could further deter oil companies in the U.S. from upping production. Mischaracterizing the way federal leases work does not help foster new investment and risk-taking. "It is time for the administration to end the finger-pointing and instead support American production with a comprehensive strategy for American energy development one that includes a final five-year program for offshore leasing and quarterly onshore lease sales," Macchiarola continued. In this case, we reached out to some of our original experts for the story, who told us Bidens overarching point remained valid, as were the caveats we mentioned in our original article. The change suggests that President Joe Biden and administration officials had overstated the extent to which oil and gas companies have neglected producing on approved permits amid the global energy crisis last year. To be clear, Biden wasnt wrong about that number, but citing it as evidence that energy companies are sitting on their hands to keep prices high needs a bit more context. Late last . Investors remain reluctant to invest in fossil fuels. President Biden on Wednesday issued an executive order temporarily pausing federal oil and gas leases and setting in motion potentially longer-lasting restrictions on federal lands production of fo Is Biden sharing all the facts here? No, the U.S. did not end its domestic oil production. So the surface pads, as you can see from here, its kind of hard to see. . What the administration is doing is theyre trying to do what they can, with what little leverage they have, to try to get oil and gasoline prices down.. Closer to downtown Midland, Mike Oestmann drove me around a frack site to see how things are progressing. In response to widespread criticism regarding the administration's restrictions on federal fossil fuel leasing amid all-time high gasoline prices, the White House repeatedly touted the 9,000-permit figure and argued industry had the ability to immediately begin producing. You rely on Marketplace to break down the worlds events and tell you how it affects you in a fact-based, approachable way. , During Bidens first year in office, the U.S. produced an average of about 11 million barrels of crude oil per day compared to Trumps 9 million barrels per day in his first year. Previously, he worked as a reporter for Axios, where he covered, Amy Sherman is a staff writer with PolitiFact based in South Florida. Attorneys, and the ballot theft immediately ended. Thousands of unused permits are not uncommon in any presidential administration. And is it Joe Bidens fault? While the cost to extract one barrel in Saudi Arabia is somewhere around $10 or $15, in West Texas it can be as high as $70, Gernot Wagner, an associate professor of environmental studies at New York University, told PolitiFact. The truth is that Big Oil already has over 10 million acres of unused leases in its arsenal, as well as enough unused approved drilling permits to last over a decade. Nearly three quarters of all active . So it simply wasnt profitable to drill with oil below $70. Its a slow process. On Feb. 27, 2023, a reader alerted us that the federal agency had published an updated number of the approved and available permits to drill the new total was 27% smaller, 6,653 permits. But it does import some of its oil from Russia, Feb. 28, 2022, PolitiFact, The U.S. did not double oil imports from Russia in the last year, Feb. 28, 2022, Email interview, Vedant Patel, White House spokesperson, March 8, 2022, Email interview, Melissa Schwartz, Department of Interior spokesperson, March 8, 2022, Email interview, Jennifer Pett, spokesperson for the Independent Petroleum Association of America, March 8, 2022, Email interview, Josh Axelrod, National Resources Defense Council senior advocate, March 8, 2022, Email interview, Hugh Daigle, associate professor at the University of Texas Hildebrand Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering, March 9, 2022, Email interview, Gernot Wagner, associate professor of environmental studies at New York University, March 9, 2022, Email interview, Gary Yohe, professor of economics and environmental studies at Wesleyan University, March 9, 2022, This article originally appeared on Austin American-Statesman: PolitiFact: Biden right oil industry has over 9,000 permits to drill, 02-2503-2490. Even then, he said, getting oil out of the ground takes time. ", "Almost every study now has said with these new boosters, you're more likely to get infected with the bivalent booster. Then again, do Fox News viewers care? While crude oil production fell slightly in December 2021 compared to November 2021, the EIA has predicted U.S. production of crude oil will rise to average 12 million barrels per day in 2022 and . The Inflation Reduction Act would end all this back-and-forth. order signed by President Biden shortly after taking office did "direct the Department of the Interior to pause new oil and natural gas leasing on public lands and offshore waters, concurrent with a comprehensive review of the federal oil and gas program." . See the sources for this fact check hereand more of their fact checkshere. During Bidens first year in office, the U.S. produced an average of about 11 million barrels of crude oil per day compared to Trumps 9 million barrels per day in his first year. At issue in particular was the administration's 60-day pause on new federal oil and gas leases, which several senators mischaracterized as a "ban". "They have 9,000 permits to drill now. The BLM's current lease sales and NEPA process have included a 30-day scoping period, 30 . At the end of 2021, there were 9,173 approved and available permits to drill on federal and Indian lands. "So it simply wasnt profitable to drill with oil below $70. The top five holders of unused leases on federal lands include EOG . The head of the biggest U.S. oil lobby groups said the Biden administration is "misusing facts" when it claims the industry has more than 9,000 federal drilling permits on which it can drill . The Biden campaign's crusade against fossil fuelswhich helped the Democrat appeal to young liberal votershas made many U.S. oil companies wary of investing in new drilling operations given the long-term political risk, the Washington Post reported last year. With Russian tanks encircling Kyiv and Russian artillery pounding Ukrainian civilians, the importance of American energy could hardly be clearer. The U.S. has more than 24 million acres under lease to oil and gas companies onshore close to half are not producing. He worked in the oil and gas industry for five years and now teaches petroleum engineering at the University of Texas at Austin. U.S. Energy Information Administration, U.S field production of Crude Oil, Center for Biological Diversity, New Data: Bidens First Year Drilling Permitting Stomps Trumps By 34%, Jan. 21, 2022, Western Energy Alliance, Responding to the White House Blame Game on Leases, March 4, 2022, Washington Post, Biden outpaces Trump in issuing drilling permits on public lands, Jan. 27, 2022, CNN, More oil supply could stop massive price spikes. "In Utah alone, the industry is sitting on more than 1.7 million acres of unused federal oil and gas leases on some of our nation's wildest and most culturally significant public lands . As Sommers noted in a recent blog, the administration should provide clarity on federal leasing and permit energy infrastructure. At the end of 2021, there were 9,173 approved and available permitsto drill on federal and Indian lands. Here is the average price in each state. She added that oil and gas companies have been limiting costs and . Source: Bureau of Land Management data. In addition, DOI has issued 7,700 unused drilling permits. Those guys are tripping in and out to go in and try to latch on to that ESP and try to pull it out, Cohorn said. The moratorium will extend the duration of the . It suggests American producers have been motivated by a desire to manipulate the market during the current crisis in Europe. American-made oil and gas are the leading energy sources running the U.S. economy and, when exported, provide significant support for economies around the world. Before coming to API, Kevin served in the White House as Special Assistant to the President in two different roles, and as Deputy Solicitor for Energy & Minerals at the U.S. Department of the Interior. So this is a map of our acreage, he said, referring to an area between 6,000 and 7,000 acres in size. When a lease is acquired, companies pay a "significant financial investment," and, if they do not get the lease producing, the company must pay an additional "rent" on the lease "until and unless it begins producing." The Mineral Leasing Act prevents one company from "locking up" federal lease acreage that is unproductive. The president suggested the onus is on the industry to start drilling. That data showed that as of the end of 2021, there were 9,173 approved and available permits to drill on federal and Indian lands. This fact check was originally published by PolitiFact, which is part of the Poynter Institute. White House, Remarks by President Biden Announcing U.S. Ban on Imports of Russian Oil, Liquefied Natural Gas, and Coal, March 8, 2022, U.S. Energy Information Administration, "EIA expects annual U.S. crude oil production to surpass pre-pandemic levels in 2023," Jan. 11, 2022, Bureau of Land Management, Applications for permits to drill, December 2021. Meanwhile, its been 242 days since the Department of the Interior allowed the five-year offshore leasing program to expire, and the administration held just one quarterly lease sale in 2022 after not holding any in 2021, as required by law. The U.S. Energy Information Administration in January forecasted that U.S. oil production will average 12.4 million barrels per day during 2023, surpassing the record high for domestic crude oil production set in 2019. And any company that wanted to start drilling on those 9,000 federal leases would face the same problems. From cancelling the Keystone XL pipeline, to refusing to hold Federal leases sales, to threatening to refuse to . Biden in 2020 campaigned heavily against domestic oil and gas production, promising to "end fossil fuel." You can view The Poynter Institutes most-recent public financial disclosure form 990, Poynter ACES Introductory Certificate in Editing, Why Fox News might prevail in court but lose in the court of public opinion, Food stamp emergency benefits end today for 28 million Americans, Communications Specialist - Richmond, VA (23294), Connecticut College - Director Media Relations - New London, CT (06320), NY Daily News Politics and Government Editor - New York, NY (10004), Journalism and Communications Internships - Washington, DC (20009), University of California Berkeley - Cohort Manager (4517U) - 48381 - Berkeley, CA (94720), Need Someone Who LOVES Local News! But a Biden administration official downplayed the alteration Monday, saying the number of unused oil and gas permits remains high. The moratorium represents a step further than Secretarial Order No. Now, for the second claim, about the usefulness of American energy to Ukraine. The U.S. has more than 24 million acres under lease to oil and gas companies onshore close to half are not producing. Companies have to contract rigs to drill the wells, and build a sufficient inventory of permits before rigs are contracted, said Jennifer Pett, a spokesperson for the Independent Petroleum Association of America, a trade group that represents oil and natural gas producers. AP Photo/Matthew Brown, File. Ive Heard that Hydraulic Fracturing is Linked to Cancer. Having thousands of unused drilling permits is not something that is unique to Bidens tenure. And of the remaining 10% that occurs on federal land, the oil and gas industry has millions of acres leased," Biden said. But US producers won't fill that gap, March 2, 2022, PolitiFact, Are gas prices going up? In addition to Biden, top administration officials such as National Security Council spokesman John Kirby and former White House press secretary Jen Psaki have used the 9,000-permit talking point to argue that the oil and gas industry has "plenty of opportunities to drill here in the United States." "Producers also have to put a drilling plan together, secure rights of way and work with state and private landowners," Pett said. Douglas Holtz-Eakin, an economist and president of the American Action Forum, a center-right think tank, said firms are trying to assess the durability of the global rebound. Biden said that companies pumped more oil in the U.S. during his first year in office than during his predecessors first year and that we were on track for record oil production next year. Does Fracking Cause Flaming Water Faucets? . The Biden Administration violated Congressional statute by halting all federal oil and gas lease sales - onshore and offshore - and is thereby laying the groundwork for a decline in federal production over time. The law already requires companies to either produce oil and/or gas on leases or return the leases to the government the so-called use it or lose it provision generally in the first 10 years. The revelation comes as a blow to Biden as he attempts to defend himself from Republican critics, who argue that the Democrat is "attacking American energy" and raising gas prices by slowing fossil fuel production. 801 3rd St. S Legal Statement. And wells that have been drilled need to be maintained. The Biden administration has canceled one of the most high-profile oil and gas lease opportunities pending before the Interior Department. In addition, DOI has issued 7,700 unused drilling permits is not something that is unique to tenure... 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