
All anyone has to do to find their own answer is to contact their local water welldriller and ask them if dowsing for underground water really works. A nearby town has an old waterline running through some land I own. Some regions have underground aquifers. You can use virtually any kind of tree, but Y-shaped sticks from willows, witch hazel, and various fruit and nut trees seem to be the most popular. She has used witching sticks with very good results. You may also pass the wire through a couple of drinking straws. He was born in Pipestone, Manitoba in 1933. It's all in how tightly you hold onto the wire. He cut a branch cut Y and when he found a stream we marked it. I find lost Septic Tanks and Septic Drain Fields, Leaking Pond Dams, Spring Water for Cattle watering Systems and wet Spring produced wet areas in Lawns and Cropfields. A lot of people think that water divining is confined to rural areas, but that isn't true. They also provide information about the different types of rock units that exist in the area. Not a drop of wqter. It was the same driller who saw my success locating water just a few feet from a dry hole. An old logger showed me how to find water on a parcel of land I purchased from him on condition that I first locate at least two running streams under ground. Weeping willow trees have stout trunks with a broad, rounded crown. Sounds like an older neighbor I had growing up, especially the part about finding old Indian burial grounds and knowing what direction they were laying. It worked every time. If you have ever been to underground caverns theres places where water swirled and made these huge pools, I always picture in my mind thats whats going on and that might make sense why its a good spot. A good amount of the time, city records are not updated to show where lines are. Notes. I have produced a 4 Page Water witching Facts from my knowledge of the topic. Or at least the volume and depth of a vein. L-shaped or Y-shaped Dowsing Rod Traditionally a straight or forked tree branch or twig, usually from a hazel tree, though peach and willow twigs are also acceptable. Remain still after it stops bobbing and the stick will start to move side to side. If youd like to try dowsing for yourself, its really quite simple. Had one fellow come to me in desperation because his wife wanted new house and needed swimming pool. Problem was there were so many minerals in it that it would kill vegetation and even livestock couldn't drink it. Most expertsother than dowsing experts, that isclassify this art to the realm of pseudoscience. Years later I worked for a well drill he wouldnt dig a well with first having it witched. Each bob is supposed to indicate the depth to the water. Yes, I can witch water. She showed me how at an early age. Yesterday the young driller cut a y shaped limb from one of our fruit trees, and used that to witch the drill site. Lots of water there that was warm and even artesian. I think I can do this. In 1518, Martin Luther condemned dowsing as a sin. With the copper piece at the end, I did it as a child and it absolutely works. Later I told a highly skeptic friend who insisted I show him. Have never tried it much more than a few times over a known water line where I live. Lynn uses willow because its plentiful, but hes also used chokecherry branches. Some call it the gift. Others refer to it as dowsing, doodlebugging, or water witchingthe practice of locating water underground using a forked stick. As he approached the spot, he registered a look of total shock and surprise as the stick led his hand straight down. Has been within a foot every time. Later, my husband, Lynn, became really good at this He first witnessed water witching, commonly called water dowsing, in 1955 on the ranch where he grew up. Some of my kids can do it some cant. Been doing a lot of reading on the subject and the only thing I can say to the non believers its not a hoax or that miniscule muscle is causing the stick to move. they will simply that there is no right nor wrong place, just drill anyplace and you either hit or miss. An expert told us not to stop at the first stream but put a pump on the well snd suck it out while it was dug down further. Has to be a forked limb from a willow or fruit tree. Thanks. Scary. Also like vein at least 400 feet long or better. A new branch of government to regulate it and then a $1500 license to do it. I never pushed it in more than twice to hit clay tile. Hope that helps you David. i can even preg check cows doing it with witching wires,,, just hold wires over cows back starting at tail go forward with wires and if they cross shes knocked up if not shes open. Lynn uses willow because its plentiful, but hes also used chokecherry branches. I've read through this whole thread. But many have been 300 feet deep or more. As a matter of fact I have met a witcher who proclaimed there was no water available. Other clerics continued to condemn the practice for the next century or so, but France saw fit to use dowsing to track down heretics in the 17th century. Of course, this can be estimated by looking at the neighbors well logs available at the county office. The heavy end points toward the ground, held about a foot off the ground, and it starts bobbing up and down. The guy told him the water is 160ft below us. Find an under ground vein. I wonder how in the world that works? Maurice's dad wanted a better well so he engaged the services of a man known as a water diviner with a willow. Im not near as good as she was. But you hold the willow tightly so you can determine how much it pulls. He also told me how to measure depth & gal per min. Then walk aways past the flag and walk back toward with stick in both hands. Not sure if I do agree as a Master Naturalist and geologist helper but Granpa did use Dowsing to dig a well in Jefferson County Illinois to supplement the family cisterns. I saw my uncle searching for depth of a sream. Water Dowsing Works (Even If We Dont Know Why), Geologists may have an idea, but this still doesnt tell you, where the seams of water might be, he says. Wasted $14,000 on these dry holes. Youre just missing out on one of the wonders of the world. It was life changing for me . I know nothing but have always suspected it has something to do with an individual's electrical charge. He was a whiz on that. The depth of impermeable rock units can sometimes be determined, and these can serve as a lower limit for drilling. Traditionally, the most common dowsing rod is a forked (Y-shaped) branch from a tree or bush. Also one of the local water companies uses dowsing rods to locate leaking water pipes. What Is Dowsing? Dowsing rods point toward you when you are directly over water. Can you do it? Figure 1: A person using a forked-stick dowsing rod in a field. My Dad found the location for our well with a willow stick. Some people use hazel wood, but it doesnt grow where we live. Search Dowsing rods and I'd say it must have some merit. I honestly didnt believe until that rod practically jumped out of my hand to point downward. I had a co-worker who showed me how to dowse, he made me (2)L-shaped copper rods. He hung a small weight on a string from the middle of the lid. 3 of 8 4 of 8 Marc Mondavi, vice president of Charles Krug Winery and a water witch, holds his copper diving rods on Monday, Dec. 3, 2012 in St. Helena, Calif. Russell Yip/The Chronicle Show More . They can also cross rods in groundwater. Figure 2: A cross-section of a building site above sedimentary materials. I really wish I had a video camera rolling as he bragged on his ability to find waterlines, then proceeded to march off, setting blue flags, confident in his prowess. We then dug it up to tie in a new cattle waterer, and it was dead on. There is amazing power there but Im a bit reluctant to do it because I dont know where the power or ability comes from. The Dewey Decimal classification system places dowsing in 133.323 in the neighborhood of fortune-telling, parapsychology and occultism. If it starts again count the number of bobs. Been doing it since 1978. In these areas, wells that do not intersect a fracture or a cavern might not yield abundant water. An old well striker gave me the cut coat hangers l shaped said walk around. Witched my first well in my teens. I cant be that far from you. Cut a Y-shaped stick from a tree, making sure that all three sections of the Y are between 12 and 16 inches long. Even found well water for our church in the last year. Two attempts to drill, both dry holes. For the bobber stick (to determine depth of water), Lynn uses a dowsing willow about 3 feet long but small and light. I can walk across a field using the wire. I can do it but in her younger days mom was a lot more accurate than I. I can't make it work, but know many who do. They want to drill a successful well, close to their house, where the cost of installing water lines and an electrical conduit will be minimal and where a drilling rig can be easily driven. I am a dowsed of forty years experience. Some underground streams pop out as springs near the tops of high mountains, possibly following the folds, layers and up-thrusts when the mountains were formed. I would appreciate that information. Image copyright iStockphoto / Monika Wisniewska. If it pulls hard, you know theres a lot of water. Aug 26, 2007 Aug 26, 2007 Updated Jan 31, 2020; 0; Facebook; Twitter; . Fortunately, no matter where you stand on the dowsing debate, this is one bit of ancient wisdom that you can easily put to the test! Do you Rember how he did the depth. I'd say my brother and I are successful at it 80% of the time with water or tile lines. I hollered. My wife has worked as a sewer line locator as part of her job. Downeast Maine. Most wells are 150 feet deep in area. They both found water in different places. Our well depths in our area vary from 60 ft to 400 plus and can be from a gal/min to enough to run an irrigation well. However, it is thought to date back at least . Then he had water. The well driller determined where to drill and showed me his techniques, Lynn says. Know any in PA? I ended up using some galvanized wire and then cut it to length before making the 90 degree bends. I was having a well dug before we built our house 4 years ago. As a young teen,my neighbor friend showed me how to do it with a forked apple branch.I was a doubter.We would hide a cup of water behind or under objects in his house.Then we would do a contest on who could find the water.One particular couch we could hide it beneath on ends or middle.I was astounded and we trained ourselves and we were nearly I would say 95 % accurate.Once we had an issue with the branch dragging the tip down in the middle of the living room floor.WTF was wrong? When it comes to modern-day water witching, I suppose digital imaging and water sniffing drones will win . I've also had success finding graves. I read about a technique using what was referred to as a bobbing stick to help determine the depth of to the water and then the depth of the vein of water. I believe it works, but I cannot do it. This generation may be losing this old art unless some of you take up "water witching." Bill Brandon, an oldtimer touching his seventies, who lived in the Decatur area, but is now deceased . It's a centuries-old practice. These areas often yield abundant water to wells. My boss blindfolded a witcher, put him in a pickup and drove him around the city he correctly predicted every water pipe under the streets as they drove over them. Because a water witch's method is not scientifically proven, reliance on this technique is considered a folk practice. Most frustrating thing Ive ever tried to locate with brass rods. Very profound for someone who is very skeptical. In this Aug. 7, 2012 photo, Randy Grebke of Kohnen Concrete Products, demonstrates how he locates underground water by holding two copper wires while on a well drilling site in Huey, Ill. The willow never moved but when he walked behind me with his hands around mine the branch would bend down no matter how tight I held it. Thank you! NASA's Aqua satellite will provide crucial information about the water in the ground and the weather on the horizon. After they dug several dry holes. The dowser walks through the field with the dowsing rod. By the way two rods are not necessary. When I locate water for someone, I show them how to hold the rods and try it, he says. My husband cannot. Why? The wire is magnetically attracted to that point. The dowsing that most people are familiar with is water dowsing, or water witching or rhabdomancy, in which a person holds a Y-shaped branch (or two L-shaped wire rods) and walks around until they . I can do it but only with bare brazing rods for whatever reason. Dowsing for water pipes could sometimes work this way: When those pipes were buried, someone had to guess how much dirt to throw back into the trench. I moved to a rural community from Chicago in the early 70s. The hydrogeologist will also seek information about previous wells drilled in the local area. He got out of the car, held a Y-shaped willow branch in his hands, walked in an expanding circle around the yard and, "At one point the end of the dowsing rod dipped toward the ground as though . Rods pointing same direction is water stream thats moving the direction they point, you might use that to decide where to add wells or try and guess how other wells nearby may hurt your volume. Then I drilled were it was most convenient (my pick) and we hit 20 gallons a minute at 132 feet. Eventually got mad when Im starting to laugh some and him yelling at me to do something to help and go flush a d%#n toilet! Ive only had to sit down to laugh and catch my breath like that a couple times in my life. Yes I do it a lot. I used to live on the eastern side of WA state, and when I was 13ish my mother bought some property near my grandparents. He holds them with the long ends level and apart from one anotherholding them loosely so they can swivel freely. Any advise? Water dowsing involves the claim that a person can locate underground sources of water without using any scientific instruments. She specializes in home, garden, environmental, and green living topics. Systems. Some are close to the surfaceperhaps only 40 to 100 feet deepwhile others are several hundred feet deep. I also knew that the Soviet Army travelled with just 2 days fresh water supply, but several battalions of dowsers. It DOES work. But the tip of the stick bends first. I know Jesus Christ as my lord and Savior. Old old boy told me years ago that "some people are wired for it, some arent". I personally use a dowser to decide where to put plants. Told them no 100% guarantees. He has found many water veins and can also do graves. Never works for me but it did for him. You may have to ask around to find out methods that work for you. Usually look at blue prints to go onto the street and mark what is needed. However, according to Jim Rickords of Sonoma County, a fresh willow branch is the best tool to use due to it's natural "thirst" for water. Turn off water or electricity to start Some wells have been less than 100 feet. Allow to steep overnight, strain the next day. The fence guy got out a pair of marker flags and walked around and found it and built the fence. Many successful wells are drilled without the cost of a dowser or a hydrogeologist. Hello Brian, Do you know how I would go about finding a Dowser in my area? I try to stay local. ****. This tree, and its root system, seeks water. Ive never tried finding a water vein for a well. During this studys 10-year research period, researchers paired up experienced geologists and dowsers, sending them to dry regions like Sri Lanka, Kenya, and Yemen. It has the ability to flow laterally through these pore spaces and establish a "water table" that is generally horizontal or slightly sloping (see Figure 2). One example: I located a well for one person on top of a hill, Lynn says. Slide the larger copper tube over the short end and bend the remaining inch upward at 45 degrees to hold the handle in place. Using a willow branch, dowsers would locate ground water without the . Be open. I dont know how it works but it does. Some researchers believe that humans can detect the presence of water by some trace amount of energy that it releases. This process hasnt failed me yet. Water Witching or Water Dowsing to locate underground wateranybody ever done itboth my grandfathers could do.my dad and I have done it..it's crazy how it works..I used it to find a leaking waterline in our yard that was about 2 1/2 ft underground..tripped the wife . Thats a big gamble. When I was a kid, my brother had a friend who showed us how to locate water using bent metal rods held loosely in his fists. In other areas, underground water sources are few and far betweenjust streams, some large, some smallcoursing through the layers of rocks. My Gramma, who passed earlier this year, witched the well for her and Grampas house when it was built. I am a Practicing Water-witch with over 30 years of Hands on Experience in NE Pa. You can also use apple or peach branches for water dowsing. I have only done this to a site on my property and at a well site on my property and was blown away when the bobber stick responded in the way I have described. My cousin showed me how. Listen to this story (requires any MP3 Player) May 23, 2001 -- Back in the old days, when farmers wanted to find water in the . Its a simple tool nothing more than a forked branch cut from a live tree. He found out wher they crossed each other then he put the ends in his one hand and held it over where he said they crossed, the end of the Y started bobbing up and down, each bob was a foot. He found every water and sewer line. I told them to throw their dowsing rods away. I drilled wells for 45 years. None of the dowsers rods or twigs even twitched at this location. Find "Y" shaped branch. After about the the 5th or 6th dry test hole they come to me. "Water dowsing" refers in general to the practice of using a forked stick, rod, pendulum, or similar device to locate underground water, minerals, or other hidden or lost substances, and has been a subject of discussion and controversy for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. Tried it again alone and it wouldnt work. That well was 50 gpm at 100 foot depth. The small end, where you are holding it, is less than 1/4 inch in diameter, he says. Kind of like some people have success wearing copper bracelets and such. - Event: Tour of Dennis and Ruby Dickens' Farm. Just saying it depends on how you feel. He has located numerous water lines on my farm since I bought it when I wanted to install hydrants or cattle drinks. Does it work to find overhead power lines? If they find good water and want to buy me a drink sometime that up to them. He had a standing challenge offering a million dollar cash prize to anyone who pass his tests on any of the above. Farmers have used water-witching for generations, to determine the best place to dig their wells, and to find a source of drinking water for their cattle in a pasture. Tell them to dig in center. Wells drilled throughout the area will penetrate the same materials and have a high probability of yielding water. My dad could find an underground stream with a willow switch, same with my uncle. Nova Scotia, Prince Edward, New Brunswick, Quebec, 2022-2023 Canadian Extended Winter Forecast, Gardening by the Moon | Planting Calendar, Groundhog Day: Forecast, Facts, and Folklore, Saint Patrick's Day: History, Folklore, and Ideas, Thanksgiving Day (Recipes, Traditions and Trivia). I located a spot 20 feet farther away from the river, and the driller hit 40 gallons per min, ute when he went down 30 feet. The term "witching" - an exclusively American term - signifies this spooky, mysterious, occult aspect. Leave water/electricity off and nothing happens. Friend said try witching the pipes. Water witching, do you believe it? My dad wit hed for water for over 50 years. My father in law, Lowell, was held in high esteem within our county as a master dowser. He would then hang the pliers from his finger and they would spin around and tell him the depth of the water. A wire surveying flag will work but the flag needs to be removed from the wire so the wind doesn't affect the movement of the wire. I had two local gurus, both claimed they were great dowsers, come out and dowse the same area. I have seen his fingerprints on something in a few minutes. Or you may find it next to a river rather than on the uplands far from a river, but this isnt always true. Dig somewhere between the flags. He says the cemetery located is located on private land near Seminary, Ms. at a place calledPeps Point that dates to the 1800s. We needed a well dug and was told that we should use the old local farmer who could easily locate the water source for us. and the people came in with a drill and drilled another place with no luck . Lynn likes to use a green willow, but even a relatively dry one will work . You can also use apple or peach branches for water dowsing. Numerous witchers showed up at his place, all claiming mystical powers to find water. Whoops, I misspelled his name. He found one at Dad's house and was within 2ft of the depth of the vein. They are attracted to his body and point back toward him. Our back yard was our an acre and our front was probably around a quarter. Still more say that this art is nothing more than a clever hoax. No problem. They have learned through this experience the parts of their service area where wells with adequate amounts of quality water are usually encountered. He said, I have just as good a chance as they do. Good luck. This is the tricky part; many experienced dowsers say that as you zero in on the water source, the dowsing rod will bend towards the earth quite sharply, which means youll need to tighten your grasp on the rod so that you dont drop it. He said he gets 40 gallons a minute. One works fine. The most popular dowsing tool, however, is the dowsing rod. That's what he told me. There is no debate. Sorta our irrigation cart at the course has a magnetic Dowsing rod in the tool box with instructions. Two right angle rods will cross in front of you pointing in the direction to walk. In frustration, he asked Lynn to locate water. Date: October 17, 2021 Author: Bishop Bill 22 Comments. (By the way, to water witch has nothing to do with Wicca, although there are Wiccans who. Almanac Publishing Co. All Rights Reserved. I put a 1500 gallon surface tank and a pressure tank. He was a professional magician who billed himself as, "The Amazing Randy". 3) The combination of the flowing water as a good conductor of electricity, the + and of the clay particles form and develop Clay veins or clay conduit (pipe). This is absolutely 100% real and true. A drill and showed me his techniques, lynn says locating water underground using a dowsing... Ends level and apart from one of the above is nothing more than twice to clay! Cavern might not yield abundant water has something to do it swivel freely well... Really quite simple waterer, and its root system, seeks water tests on any of water! Still after it stops bobbing and the people came in with a willow switch same! To me in desperation because his wife wanted new house and needed swimming.! Of total shock and surprise as the stick will start to move side to side good. 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