
She was so hysterical he could not understand what she was saying. And he knew she was hiding something, he said. Read the crime and public safety news your neighbors are talking about. See full summary . Reddit - Dive into anything. She certainly had not used them to wash herself off, she said. Shearin went to see Brandi Mitchell, a prosecutor with the Dallas County district attorneys office who was in charge of the Burnside case, and claimed that Thompson had perjured himself. When Michael Burnside was found dead in his Dallas home four years ago, detective Dwayne Thompson decided that the victim's girlfriend, Olivia Lord, had pulled the trigger. Strapped around his shoulders was a thick brown leather holster that held his department-issued pistol, a 9mm Sig Sauer. Lord spent 9 days in jail before a Dallas Grand Jury refused to indict her for the crime. He told Thompson that his son had had the most positive personality of anyone he had ever met. But Lord wanted her arrest to be permanently removed from her record, which would require her to be no-billed by a grand jury, a finding in which the jurors refuse to indict a suspect, primarily for a lack of evidence. | Sign In, Verdict Corrections Or maybe Mikey did it, Jaffe said. Her father, who lived in Californiahe and Lords mother had divorced when she was a childflew in to be with her. (As he said in one interview for The First 48, Bringing stuff back to life is whats up, Jack.) He taught classes at the Dallas Police Academy, and a private training agency hired him to lead seminars on detective work around the country. When he wasnt solving murders, Thompson restored sports cars and tooled around in a black Corvette convertible. In a typical suicide, he said, when someone shoots himself in the temple, he points the gun straight at his head and the bullet travels through the brain and exits in a line roughly parallel to the floor. Don't be scared to look at. She called Thompsons interrogation of her a mental rape and characterized her days in jail as torture. Even now, she said, she felt like an outcast, afraid to go out in public. Or maybe the two had struggled for the gun before it went off, leaving residue on both of them. No, said Quinton, Thompson hadnt mentioned either of those things. When Quinton studied the gunshot residue report, he concluded that the trace amounts of residue on Lord did not necessarily indicate handling or firing the weapon. But he couldnt say for sure that she didnt fire the Beretta. Dressed in one of his dark suits, Thompson strode toward his seat. In Lords case, while she was arrested by Dallas police it was soon shown that there was no murder; her boyfriend had committed suicide. For more information, see Michael Lowes Things to Know if You are Being Investigated for a Crime in Texas and our blog postSalinas v. Texas: Your Silence During Police Interrogation Does Not Get 5th Amendment Protection, Can Be Used Against You As Evidence Of Guilt To The Jury.. The officer pointed to a woman sitting on a chair in the front yard, her face in her hands. He was so compelling in front of the cameracajoling witnesses to open up and then lashing out at a suspectthat he looked like a television actor playing a detective. And, yes, she said, she had grown irritated when she heard Burnside and Jaffe talking about the birthday party. But when she realized how serious his injury wasI think I saw a spot on his head, she saidshe called 911 several times. The case was then sent to the Internal Affairs division for an administrative review. If the review, which is ongoing as of press time, finds that Thompson violated departmental policies, he could be fired, suspended, or demoted. Lord was 33 years old and worked as a loan officer for a mortgage company. Both have worked numerous murders and each has been featured on the popular A&E reality television show, Rastegar ran outside and asked her what had happened. It found that two particles characteristic of primer gunshot residue had been discovered on the back of Burnsides right hand and that one particle characteristic of primer gunshot residue had been discovered on the back of Lords left hand. Facebook gives people the power. Chasing a trail of clues, Thompson and the Dallas homicide team are always one step behind their suspect. Join Facebook to connect with Dwayne Thompson and others you may know. But as the case made its way through the courts, she maintained her innocenceand claimed Thompson was the one who should go to prison. Theres no way my son shot himself,John said. Jaffe said that he and Burnside had been drinking earlier that evening. He was not a depressed type of person at all. Thats what you did! As Lord hugged Tittle and members of her family, Thompson stood at the defense table, his mouth open. Tittle maintains that Thompson never considered the idea that Burnside may have accidentally shot himself, despite evidence that he was drunk at the time and had a history of being reckless with firearms. I had to cover my mouth I was so appalled, Judy Durbin, an accountant who was the foreman of the jury, would later recall. I cant undo what hes done.. Thompson has still destroyed my life and hes still out there working cases. One of the few black detectives in the unit, Thompson quickly made his mark. She appeared to be so despondent that a jailer thought she needed to be put on suicide watch. Shearin ordered Lords cellphone records and received more good news: there was no seven-minute gap in her calls. They began talking about planning a surprise birthday party in a few weeks for one of their friends and flying to Las Vegas later that summer to attend a bachelor party for another. He remains convinced that he got a raw deal at the civil trial and that Tittle played the video of his interrogation of Lord only to plant in jurors minds the idea that he was an intimidating black man taking advantage of a grieving, attractive white woman. And, Thompson guessed, she had wiped down her hands and arms with the towels he had seen on the kitchen floor. An expert witness with expertise as both a retired officer and homicide detective from the same police department, testified on Lords behalf. Then U.S. district judge Barbara Lynn gaveled the court to order. Or maybe, as Thompson theorized, Lord had missed some of the residue on her hand and her shirt when she cleaned herself up after pulling the trigger. . City attorneys are defending him, saying he acted in good faith and without malice. W.D. Jurors in a civil trial on Thursday got to watch a dramatic video of that tense and aggressive interrogation of Lord, who is now suing Thompson for false arrest in a federal civil trial. "You look at that. Shelby County District Attorney General Amy Weirich said he brought thousands of offenders to justice, bringing closure to victims and their families. Thats the exact type of case that might have been portrayed on The First 48, right? Tittle asked. Im innocent, Lord kept saying. Lord said that she and Burnside had gotten into an argumentsomething about a birthday party. Why did you let my son bleed to death on his own kitchen floor? Several months later, when he called Lord to refinance his home, their other relationships had ended. Thompson misrepresented any facts or falsified any government documents. They also declared that there was no evidence that Det. It was now 5:44 a.m. Chasing a trail of clues, Thompson and the Dallas homicide team are always one step behind their suspect. On May 9, 2010, plaintiff Hephzibah Olivia Lord, 36, who works in mortgaging, was alone with her boyfriend at his home, in Dallas. Then Jaffe added one more detail. . A Dallas County grand jury declined to indict Hephzibah Olivia Lord on a murder charge in connection with the 2010 death of Michael Burnside in his home. According to Thompson, Rastegar said he had been in bed during the early morning hours of May 9 when he heard screaming in Burnsides front yard. A Right-wing Cabal Took Over Odessas Municipal Government. Come on., Lord closed her eyes when I asked her about those detractors who continue to believe shes hiding something. Only Burnside and Lord were in the apartment where they lived at the time. Shearin then asked if she was included in Burnsides will or his life insurance policy. It was so hard for us to believe that she was doing this, said Jaffe. She did her own interviews, speaking, for instance, with a firefighter who said he believed he had accidentally kicked the gun away from Burnsides body. Lets solve some murders, my brothers, he would cheerfully bellow as he barreled into the office at the beginning of his shifts. But what did you actually tell Michael during the argument? I wondered about the story Jaffe had told Thompson about finding her in the front yard, desperately saying, I wasnt going to leave him. Who do you think you are? We report on vital issues from politics to education and are the indispensable authority on the Texas scene, covering everything from music to cultural events with insightful recommendations. Nor did Burnsides parents invite her to the reception. In his lectures, he often told other officers that to find out why a killing had taken place, it was as important to study the life of the victimvictimology, he called itas it was to study the behavior of the criminal. Burnside had been involved in a couple of accidents. I cant say unequivocally whether the young woman did or didnt do the shooting because I wasnt there., At the same time, Mitchell and other prosecutors in the DAs office were not convinced Thompson had committed any serious wrongdoing. Why did you wait seven minutes before calling 911? he yelled. Instead, he gave Brandi Mitchell everything he had.. Thompson just happened to be standing at the detectives desk, and he was more than happy to talk to Shearin. Police interrogations happen all the time here in Dallas, and over in Fort Worth as well as the rest of Texas and around the country. As Tatia Wilson, one of the City of Dallas attorneys representing Thompson, explained to the jury in her opening statement, Sometimes homicide detectives may make mistakes in their evaluation of the evidence. DALLAS Veteran Dallas police homicide detective Dwayne Thompson is on desk duty pending an internal investigation.Source: http://www.wfaa.com/news/crime/W. Play Trailer 0:21. Skip Hollandsworth specializes in long-form narratives. But Detective Thompson couldnt or wouldnt accept that. Tittle said that Thompson allowed a screenplay [of the shooting] in his mind to take over. And thats a dangerous, dangerous thing if youre a homicide detective with the Dallas Police Department., Lord took the stand and was overcome with emotion as she described her love for Burnside. What he needed was irrefutable evidence pointing to Lords involvement in the shooting. Why, for instance, were there bottles of cleaning products scattered on the kitchen floor? A police officer receives a high degree of protection when he conducts a criminal investigation. His blood must have dripped off her clothes. She had told Jaffe she had driven past Burnsides house before leaving and had seen crime scene investigation vehicles parked outside. Yes. He said when he came up to Lord in the yard, she fell to her knees and said something to the effect of Hes dying. Rastegar told Lundberg, I got the impression she was trying to tell me it was accidental. And if the young man had shot himself, wouldnt the gun have landed closer to his body? Thompson returned to headquarters and took the elevator to the homicide offices on the fifth floor. In that small house, she mistook the sound of a pistol shot for a glass falling to the floor? Dallas homicide Detective Dwayne Thompson sits at his desk in 2010, looking over material he collected in the death of a 42-year-old mother who was shot in front of her home. Another particle had been discovered on the front of Lords shirt. Testimony continues Friday, during which Lord may take the witness stand. Compared with Thompson, Lundberg was a quiet man who wore glasses and spoke slowly. But, he added, his friend wasnt the type to get married at any point.. She had started dating Burnside, the co-owner of a company that retrofitted homes to make them energy-efficient, about a year earlier. Thompson testified that Lord had little blood on her hands and that she smelled of cleaning solution, which led him to believe she had washed her hands. Thompson picked up his cellphone and called Burnsides father, John, a successful Dallas business analyst. If the review determines that he did nothing wrong, he could be reinstated as a detective. Physical evidence can be more baffling than conclusive. S8, Ep2 8 Jan. 2009 He stabbed the photo of the victim with his index finger. When Dallas Detective Dwayne Thompson checks out a missing persons apartment and finds it covered in blood, he's launched into one of the strangest cases in his career--a case that he must solve without the victim's body. Lord continued to deny involvement in the death during questioning, saying she was in the bathroom when she heard the shot and called 911. It was Lord. 3. If I was guilty, would I really have gone out and filed a lawsuit, knowing everything would be brought up again, giving Thompson and all the other naysayers one more chance to come after me?, A few weeks later, I called Lord and asked her again about Burnsides death. . Edit. A couple of clerks grinned at him. Thompson, Andie - Thony, Steve > Thompson, Dorothya - Thompson, Elexus > Thompson, Dwanna - Thompson, Dweese > Thompson, Dwayne 1-25 of 112 Contacts Contact Name Tired of fighting, she stopped talking to Burnside and went into the bathroom to take off her makeup. You think they are going to accept this bullshit you are giving me?, For the next hour, Thompson continued to berate Lord, trying to get her to crack. As he nodded sympathetically, she again talked about how hurt she had been on her birthday. But a Dallas County grand jury later declined to indict her. It was a very overwhelming issue., Thompson leaned back in his chair and stared at Lord. Forrest Wilder writes about politics and the outdoors. Jaffe said he had sped back to Burnsides home, arriving at the same time as the paramedics. The only thing I can tell you that might make any sense to anybody is that when hes drunk, hes very irrational, she said. We were joking around about somethingI dont remember whatand I said, Hey, wheres your Beretta? And he opened up [a kitchen drawer] and said, Its right here.. I was leaning over my future husbands body, Lord said. Jaffe said he had been at the house earlier that evening, helping Burnside install a dishwasher while Lord was painting the doors and baseboards, and that he had left before midnight. Thompson and Lundberg drove to Rastegars house. Hed been as tall as Thompson, with a lean, athletic build. For her part, Lord said that she would gladly give up any money in return for Thompsons being sent to prison. Was there a chance he was involved in the shooting? The jury watched it. Lord explained that Burnside had taken them out from underneath the sink when he was trying to install the dishwasher. | Link Errors In October 2008 a mutual friend introduced her and Burnside at a small bar on Dallass Lower Greenville Avenue. She added a detail about their relationship that she hadnt told Thompson, saying that she had been disappointed that Burnside hadnt proposed to her the previous Christmas. Thompson repeatedly asked Lord during the interview why she waited seven minutes to call 911 after trying to reach a friend of Burnsides by phone. Leave them blank to get signed up. The lawsuit also claimed that Thompson had permanently damaged Lords reputation in Dallas and caused her to suffer extreme emotional and mental anguish, including depression, insomnia, nightmares, and constant anxiety of the most extreme nature. Lord was asking for monetary damages, and according to courthouse gossip, Tittle was not willing to settle for less than seven figures. Or he mistakenly pulled the trigger thinking the Beretta was unloaded., Jaffe shook his head. She also said that when he got angry, he could be a little scary and that he threw stuff in the house. She would usually ignore him when he got into one of his moods, but this time it had only made him angrier. Her voice shook when she spoke. He took her to dinner, and the date lasted the entire weekend. In 2008, when the producers of The First 48, a reality series on the A&E network about homicide detectives in big-city police departments, came to Dallas to film some episodes, they were riveted by Thompson. Merritt had an uncanny knack for catching killers. By then, a couple of those friends had talked to Thompson, and he had made it clear to them just what he thought of Lord: he said he would stake his career on his belief that she had killed him. And thats hurtful. I went into the kitchen and he was on the floor and there was blood. He saw no high-velocity blood spatter. IMDbPro. After going through perfunctory questions about what happened that night, Thompsons voice boomed without warning. You did! (For a more complete description of the interrogation, check out Dallas Morning News coverage from the day that the jury was shown the interrogation videotape.). At around twelve-thirty, the officer continued, a woman had called 911 from the house. Which brings us to the story this week here in Dallas of Hephzibah Olivia Lord, who sued and won a civil lawsuit against a Dallas police detective for false arrest, reportedly in large part because the jury found that the detective had acted with malice (a legal term here) during his interrogation of Lord after she was arrested on a charge of murdering her boyfriend. The towels had been on the floor to soak up the water that had spilled when the dishwasher valve broke. Shearin paid a visit to Reade Quinton, the medical examiner who performed the autopsy on Burnside, to ask him why, just prior to Lords arrest, he had changed his ruling about the cause of death from pending to homicide. Quinton replied that Thompson had informed him about the statement made by Rastegar. Between sobs, Lord begged to be taken to Parkland to be with her boyfriend. Were missing something, he said to her. | Store Edit. After Jaffe went home, the argument escalated. Thompson and Lundberg started talking. Thompson is the one whos gotten away with the crime., Lord told me that she was not surprised to hear that the police departments Public Integrity Unit had ignored the civil jurys verdict and cleared Thompson. Scattered around the floor were a few bottles of household cleaning products. Basing an opinion on over 30 years with the Dallas Police Department, Kim Sanders explained that the Lord interrogation was intimidation, not questioning, and as Thompson handled the questioning it was a textbook example of how police can get false confessions. One of his tasks was to take boxes of cold-case files out of the death room, where all homicide files are kept, and haul them to a storage area in city hall. That was one of the most-watched episodes in The First 48s run, drawing 2.3 million viewers, and the producers told Thompson that they wanted to do more shows with him. Who cares? She claimed that Thompson show a reckless disregard for her rights in having Plaintiff arrested in 2010 for the shooting death of her boyfriend, Mcihael Brunside. The Hephzibah Olivia Lord by Detective Dwayne A. Thompson lasted for hours. Okay, fine. She works at a clothing shop, making $14 an hour, far less than what she was earning when she was in the mortgage business. I mean, she got no-billed. I want him brought down.. Chasing a trail of clues, Thompson and the Dallas homicide Read allWhen Dallas Detective Dwayne Thompson checks out a missing persons apartment and finds it covered in blood, he's launched into one of the strangest cases in his career--a case that he must solve without the victim's body. Texas law enforcement officers (troopers, police officers, deputies) arrest people then interrogate them and take people into interrogation rooms for questioning as part of crime investigation routinely. Can you possibly understand how I feel?. Lundberg said that there was a gunshot wound to his right temple, a contact wound where the muzzle had been pressed directly against his head, which is common in suicides involving a handgun. She grew up in the Dallas area and after graduating from high school, she went straight to work, leasing apartments for a large real estate company and later selling cosmetics at Neiman Marcus in NorthPark Center. In truth, she had called 911 seconds after she had tried to reach Jaffe. Thompson stormed out of the room and asked Lundberg to see what he could get out of Lord. You said he was upset and he hollers and starts getting destructive, and the thing is, you said he gets scary. Lord, who is now 37 years old, still lives in the same apartment, and she has barely spent any of the money she won in her lawsuit. Thompson had also told him that he believed there was blood spatter from the gunshot on Lords clothes, which meant that she could not have been in the bathroom at the time of the shooting, despite what Lord had said in her interview. Basically she said, I know the kind of stuff that goes on in Vegas, Jaffe told Thompson. The jurors, however, werent buying any of it. I loved my boyfriend.. These laws are especially important when those being questioned are already emotionally reeling from the events themselves like Ms. Lord who first dealt with the discovery of her boyfriends body, calling 911 for help, and that loss then to face questioning by police while vulnerable and upset like Lords being questioned by Thompson as if she had committed a crime for several hours. A 9mm Beretta was also on the floor about five feet from where Burnsides body had been. He calmly explained that his ferocious questioning of Lord after the shooting was nothing more than a technique used by detectives in police departments around the countrythe direct method, he called itin which a suspect is openly accused of a crime to see how he or she reacts. After the service, she told Burnsides friends that she hadnt returned any of their calls because she had been overwhelmed with grief. But, said Lundberg, there was no sign of blood spatter on Burnsides right hand or arm. It was Burnsides father. He knew it. For several seconds, the courtroom was quiet except for Lords muffled sobs. He can go so far as to lie to a suspect to try to obtain a confession. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. Lord was slumped over in a chair, still wearing her blood-stained clothes. Hephzibah Olivia Lord, age 36, sued Dallas homicide detective Dwayne Thompson on civil rights violation theories under 42 U.S.C. He then worked for a not for profit organization called "One Community" that's premise is to be a middle man between law enforcement and civilians. When Thompson asked why he didnt immediately tell that story to the police, Rastegar replied that the uniformed officers who first arrived at the scene had rudely ordered him to go back to his home before he had a chance to say anything. After the argument was over, Michael stopped being sarcastic and he became quiet and somber. Will detectives be able to catch the killers before they strike again? That wont be possible, said Thompson. Why are you doing this to me right now? Lord asked Thompson at one stage during the questioning. In the video, Rastegar initially seemed to confirm what he had supposedly told Thompson and Lundberg on the porch. Im innocent.. Stars Eric Barnes Monica Cordova Rick Duggan See production, box office & company info Watch on A&E Go to aetv.com More watch options He thought he had a mild case of COVID-19. When Shearin asked if he had told anyone that there was blood spatter on Lords clothing, he replied, I may have said it, but I dont know whether I said it or not. Shearin then asked about the trajectory of the bullet through Burnsides skull. Yes you did! Thompson, a 21-year veteran of the Police Department, has been a homicide detective since 2006. Just because the words were less strong doesnt mean they were any less true.. The day after the verdict, Thompson was placed on desk duty. The First 48 (2004- ) Dallas Detective Dwayne Thompson hunts for a band of carjacking killers that are terrorizing a neighborhood. Outcome: Plaintiff's verdict for $800,000.00. Im willing to accept that Mikey might have totally screwed up. | Editor Do I feel an overwhelming feeling of guilt because I may have provoked something? Her fight for justice here began around 3 years ago and ended with last weeks jury verdict. They too had been talking to Thompson and they were furious. She was wearing a blue T-shirt and gray sweatpants, her knees stained with blood. Its insane, he was overheard saying one afternoon at a restaurant near the police department. I wasnt going to leave him., She then told me something she had not mentioned before. After arriving at his house, which was a ten-minute drive away, he had received a call from Lord. He called the tone and line of questioning a formula for a false confession. And Sanders questioned why Thompson did not read Lord her right to remain silent after the point in which he clearly considered her a murder suspect during the interview. Jaffe and Lord were taken to the station, and Thompson headed inside Burnsides home. Tittle then had the jurors watch Thompsons interview with Lord and Lundbergs interview with Rastegar. 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