
If the boyfriend didnt do that and kept saying he did nothing wrong, maybe it is time you find someone who can truly respect the beautiful soul you are. We would stay up all night calling for hours, thats how we learned the most about each other. I bought so much things to do for his birthday . Love your reply and I agree with it all Im struggling right now as Im conflicted with wht to do how long do you wait how long do you keep understanding he has issues he is dealing with but makes minimal effort with our relationship.. Im just sad angry and confused. Its also heartbreaking, especially when you want to be with him. These are no games. , hopefully each day, I will start to become stronger, and maybe me and him could continue with our friendship as time passes. Which I loved! But we continued texting and he just ghosted me. Its been hard but there are better things to come. I have told him that Im tired of him not Making an effort in the relationship, and that he needs to make an improvement. Now, anytime I ask him to do laundry he throws a temper tantrum like a toddler, banging shit around, and still doesnt do the simple task I asked him to do. Hi Angela, Well Im no expert with relationships. We have complete separate paths in store and we have absolutely nothing in common and we also live together but we barely see each other so you would think that when we do have time for one another he would enjoy the time he has with me but it doesnt feel like that. I feel like he doesnt love me as much as he used to. He tried and invited me to a restaurant 2 times but that has stopped as well now. More than likely you will both have to work on this throughout your relationship and adjusting as the relaitonship adjusts and GROWS. Hurt Feelings. I leave him love notes and make him dinner all the time and he doesnt match my effort. (He still didnt) I asked him to please text me if he was going to be late and he got upset with me. Misery loves company, I guess, because I am so damn happy to know that someone else is suffering the same as me and now I dont feel just so alone. I hope things get better. Doesnt want to go do nothing but work on projects for the house. Sometimes even i dont get it,If im asking for too much. Like we will be having a nice time and something sets him off and he just spirals. At the beginning, I was super in love with him and I would put in so much effort. Its so annoying because Im a feminist but I just want to feel secure. Its okay to build from scratch instead of being in an emotionally abusive relationship and constantly being destroyed in to nothing. Wow, this article was just what I wanted to hear, Im currently on a break with my boyfriend, he doesnt put effort at all and I had finally reached breaking point, I have to complain about something before he does something about it, one day I broke my hand and he was busy entertaining his boss and colleagues and he never took time to step aside and ask how Im doing. And then when they do not respect those boundaries, I have a decision to make. Except I work from home, so I have to watch him do nothing all day and work. he said he had been trying to email me but i dont rlly believe it I never got anything. i think if i knew he wasnt capable of doing these things i wouldnt feel so strongly. Which I know I do and Ive thought about sooooo much, but my problem is is that I actually cant imagine my life without him, hes been in it so deeply since we were 13/14 and I love him so much. He has learning and growing to do. So I like to know what hes doing or who hes with for peace of mind. I pay d bills, I buy him stuffs give him money, I practically do everything in d relationship . You can change how you respond to your boyfriend and everything else in your life. I say I never give advice, but this is one thing I want you to know: you have to build a life outside your relationship with your boyfriend. Lives like a pig in his own house. So accept that it will be hard, cry about it for a week or two and try to move on with your life and realize that you deserved so much better then that pos. Yes I agree me with Kristina. Let me know your thoughts! I dont think Ill ever want to be in another relationship again. Meaning me. He said he loved me but that he was not happy with me and that it has been a long time since he began feeling this way. He works constantly and Im a stay at home dog mom (Recently weve been wanting kids). Thats why I feel like I need to leave. He never makes an effort to pick me up or come over my house. Letting Go of Someone You Loveisnt about getting over it. Letting go doesnt mean forgetting, pretending you didnt lose an important relationship, or guarding your heart so you dont get hurt again. Let an iota of plea reflect. I want to be with him but Im also scared that Im wasting my young years and wake up one day regretting not leaving bc he isnt going to change how he is for me or at least try for me. i would say hes a selfish person because all he cares is himself. My 30th birthday was two days ago. He always gives excuses such as I just ate and no matter what I still put my pride aside and do it for him. OR 2) He just might not care at all. Heres my concern-We live 70kms apart amd stick to phone calls and texts and online communication. I feel like we should break up but as I say he is my life its really difficult and I dont want to hurt him. And then he apologize to me and said he just feel pitty of me. We decided to move in together shortly after COVID began so I worked things out with my work and moved to his state. Yep. I said ok. For the first time in my life,i met someone who truly loves me,he gives me everything i want,he goes out of his way to do anything for me,but because i have being in so many bad relationships,i find it hard to trust him,lately we were having so many issues,cos i couldnt trust him and thought he was cheating! Recently, and at a time where my mental state has been absolute crap and I really needed some comfort, we didnt see each other for about a month and a half. I am not at all sure he would do the same for me. I love him a lot- weve been together for 2.5 years- but Im starting to realize that despite my feelings for him, I cant continue on in the relationship if he isnt willing to understand my feelings and desires. My boyfriend and I been together for a few months ,we dated not really long time ago and now we are in long distance. Im starting to think he doesnt want to marry me. He started texting her about how a great time they had and flirting with her. He also gave his daughter my phone number so she could text me as she wasnt feeling well. Its been since then that the dating pattern of our relationship has declined significantly. It is too immature an attitude for a 56 year old intelligent man. Thanks for your confidence in a random stranger. I refused to go down his negative crazy road and left the room to get a cup of coffee and he prided himself on victory. I didnt get to ask him for his number or anything so I only had his name. Thanks for letting me vent gals. We both have a lot of jealousy issues and insecurities. He was blowing me off each and every time. After that we were so in love and we talked all the time everyday. i cried a lot i asked myself will i love him back after knowing everything. When we talked about moving in together I did it all. Honestly he may need some space. He asked me to come to his section I said no Ill stay w my friends. He stopped initiating sex and one day i found saved Google image searches under very specific terms saved on his phone and realized why i wasnt getting laid anymore. He gets angry and its caused a lot of fights lately. I have been with my boyfriend 15 years and yes he is still boyfriend no engagement no wedding haha. dont know if you guys familliar with Myasthenia gravis.. its an auto immune decease which makes your muscle gets weak. I really think this will be a good thing for us because Ill be able to have my own independence and maybe make him see that I can be happy without him (even tho as of right now we are planning on staying together and commuting to each other when we can). I just cant understand or relate to his lack of effort anymore. We no longer sleep in the same bed, he has chosen to sleep on the couch. I would appreciate any advice! I realized he was not the man for me. LOVE IS AWESOME BUT GUESS WHAT HERE I AM 8 YEARS LATER AND HE STILL DOESNT CLEAN , STILL DRINKS. I go to his house on Sundays and help with his kids. If you ever need a friend dont hesitate to reach out. Maybe he doesnt want to look like a fool. but yeah I rlly love this guy and our relationship is dying. I tried talking to him and he said I was being to needy. He said he wants to make this relationship work but he cant even communicate which is important. Its amazing how identical to yours he is. I tried to explain this to him. I am still sad and confused as to what happened. Now my mom did not know about my boyfriend i was afraid to tell her cause she probably wouldnt approve that he didnt go to school. I want to give myself time to breath but when I do, again I feel lazy and like Im doing nothing with my life. Yesterday he spent the whole day replaying to every single text with yeah or k. He has free accommodation, food, gas, sexy times, meals cooked, washing done etc. It has still been difficult for me since we spent so much time together. But he says that I am the person he wants to build a family with and take care of our children someday. laugh etc for 45-60 mins. Communicate with him without fighting. It is always me who looks up special events to go to like Gamevention (cause he likes video games), new Indian restaurants (cause he likes spicy food), or initiates going for a walk. years later, i went to my facebook to unblock some people in my list, including him. Ive been with my mate for 8 years prior to dating we were band mates .I knew him to be extremely introverted and not the happy go lucky type but I honestly had no idea it would be like pulling a tooth without novocaine to get any emotional response, support or growth,out of him!I feel stunted and see my life ever changing and evolving yet his ,the same .He has taken on many of my attributes oddly ,yet I feel, Ive gained nothing in return. I couldnt reciprocate kisses or hugs. It's also could be a sign your partner is unwilling to prioritize your relationship, communication has eroded, or you're no longer top-of-mind. But things went roughed to both of us.. He has never introduced me to his father. Were both not yet married with our partners since both of our relationship with our partners is not okay. What he is doing and how he is treating you is disgusting. What he said was he passed out and decided to sleep at friends place because he was afraid of driving late. Its always laying on the couch watching TV. He just replied by saying he didnt have any money. It was over a year ago that I asked my boyfriend if he would take me out on a date, but it never happen. That also means i cant get a job either. And acts like a concerned boyfriend if I dont immediately respond. Just my opinion. Honestly, I cant feel good about myself because I gave an attention hungry narcissist permission to treat me like crap for 7 years. He said its okay I dont judge you and Im sure no one does and if they do they can go fuck themselves! He dismisses your emotions. Hello everyone, i have a story to share! He begged and begged for me to forgive him, that it was mistake. It breaks my heart not talking to him and hearing about his day but I know this was for the best. When I got back from fall breakEverything changed../me him and his sister made a plan for when i graduated, i was gonna move in with him and his sister and go to college around there but that changed to him getting an apartment and a moped and me moving in with him and going to college. Hes a year above me, so he went to the senior high and I still went to the junior high (sophomore and freshman) and he would go out of his way because his school got out earlier, he would walk to the junior high and meet me after school and wed walk home. One would think he would have learned his lesson and did something special this year. He doesnt ever say I love you first, he doesnt hold my hand, the most hell ever do on his own is give me a kiss here and there and theyre quick pecks. We are doing thanksgiving together. I dont know what else to say about any of it, but I do know that Im getting more depressed by the day. Or maybe your boyfriend is dealing with an ex-wife and custody issues, and just doesnt have the time or energy to make an effort in your relationship. Its Valentines Day and this is the only holiday or day in general I care about. I signed up for therapy and told him that if my behavior was hurting him, that I was willing to change. Then he texted me to see how I was doing. I asked why the sudden change? We havent been fighting everyday. Can anyone help me and give me some advice? This yr it was Quarantine and so he always wanted to have his own anime character and I made it after puting so much efforts. When we girls become super loyal and keep pouring all the love in the world into our boyfriends life, they often take us for granted and makes barely any effort in the relationship to make us happy let alone pursue. on the same note, say for example he does or says something that hurts my feelings or upsets me a great deal, not only does he refuse to apologize, but he doesnt make any attempt to correct the situation. I noticed he changed a bit, he does little effort in our relationship. We havent had sex on a Saturday in about a year. Im in school full time until July 2023 and though I have a flex pt job at Amazon, the hours and job itself is so crappy. When a guy stops texting you it is likely to I love him but Im not fully happy with all this lazy effort ?. He is a nice guy as a whole but its the fact he went out of his way for me a handful of times that gave me a little hope in this sudden realization of my feelings but recently he has completely shut me out. It was two day before his birthday so this was like a birthday present. im not sure what to do anymore. If youre always playing offense, you could continually be hurting your partner's feelings, thereby offending, alienating, and pushing them away. He has always been so sweet and consistent. I wasnt looking but I found it. Seriously, he was amazing. My ex-best friend snitched to my mom and told her everything about my bf and got some info from close friends about me meeting him secretly so my mom gradually started finding stuff out. Should I quit or continue with the relationship? I tried to be understanding and not ask for a lot but it just got worse. He also said he wouldnt be going into the shop that sold the tea I needed. SHE STILL HAD HER HARNOUS ON HER. He told me the other day if you dont like the way I am, then leave me. Dont EXPECT him to show up for it, but try to share it with him a little bit. When you let go, you find peace and freedom. I am tired of him not making a plan and his sudden switch in personalities. Nothing. I even asked around to see if anyone knew what happened and no one did. Right now I feel like Im an inconvenience to him. I asked him to help me move to where he lives the first 2 times he said yes quickly.. he is such a mystery. Meet new people, and make quality friends who youd rather spend time with and make him feel that he is not the ONLY one you have, but a choice you have made to spend some time of your life with. He used to be very motivated and neat. This person flakes when we have plans even after I said that Im not here for that. He was fine with it so we just started to say it to each other. He is using you for everything you got. I know youre ignoring me, but I just want to know why or what I did to you? If you My bf is the same and continuously emphasizes to me that he is trying. He Finds Your Attention Diverted. He works a lot sometimes so I understand he is tired, but he always wants me to come over his house. He continues to text me daily, several times a day generally, and gets worried if I dont respond right away. I have shared my emotions and thoughts to him, he tells me Im over reacting, I am being silly and he is still fully interested in me. Youre worth someone who is your equal. Its been almost two years and weve been inseparable ever since but lately it seems like something has changed. so I do have to take that into account, and when his parents go away for the summer its wayyyy easier to spend more time with him, he becomes so laid back. How much do you know about his life, family, friends and job? But I feel as though he does not see the page that I am on, is there any way I can do that without it being an argument? This past year has been a struggle, and I dont know what it means. He says he loves me but I dont see him actively showing his love. What should I do? I do still love him, and have a lot of nice moments with him, and great memories. What do I do? I realized that despite all Ive shared with him about how his lack of effort makes me feel, he wasnt really listening or caring about it. When I try to talk to him about my feelings he never ever knows how to react and just completely closes off from me. Especially because hes not an introverted person, he has a lot of friends he goes out with often to play board games or to bars. Still didnt have my phone but my bf wanted to see me. So anyways I snuck out again and yeahme and him hung outit was a special moment for me. All I think of him is selfish & inconsiderate of everyones feelings but his own. im going through the same thing my boyfriend will not text me nor will he call me when i text him again he reply and said his mother getting on his nerve he goes to her house to take care of her he said he been going through alot with his mom very upset but my thing is what about me where do i fit into your life i dont even know if were still in a relationship my daughter say dont text or call him we been together over a year hes 52 im 55 what should i do im lost, Ive been dating my boyfriend for about a year and a half now. he only paid for me once and he never surprises me with dates or buy gifts. I know that probably sounds silly but his replies are shorter and he doesnt joke around with me like he used to do. recently,his uncle and fam went to visit them and its been quiet hectic for him with three energetic kids pestering him every moment. Then, at least FaceTime? But for him, anniversaries are pointless. He sounds lazy and you sound unhappy. Im a modest gal. The last year and half has been a struggle just one thing after the other. You won't drive him crazy, you'll push him away and for good. And when I ask him what hes been doing that he cant call me, he gives me horrible excuses. He does not believe relationships should take work he doesnt want to have to work or make it work which is unrealistic. Lately, it feels like we fight all the time. Hey so Ive been in a relationship for about 2 years now. He really hurt me in the past (when we werent together) regarding other girls but hes never actually done anything when weve been going out. Im very worried and actually considering going to where he is and seeking answers. If, for example, your boyfriend is dealing with work stress, emotional health issues or family problems then you can might want to give him some time and space. I assumed he was dozing off cause he usually do. If I were you Id take a break and keep your heart open for a new partner who is more compatible with you and whos needs match with yours, at least whos match a bit more than he does. Reading thru the comments solidifies my opinion that any woman who actually feels, attempts to comprehend said feelings, does her due diligence to ensure consideration for any other human being that may be identified as part of her analysis, and is able to attempt to reconcile the differences that led her to see things she could have done better is going to accept that her analysis as follows: She will always be in confused state of mind until she accepts that he doesnt have to put in effort to do or say anything for her to feel he loves her because like all children do, the man-child she wants so badly messed up, smashed thru her boundaries he forgot the moment he sw her lips stop movinb, blamed her for being so stupid n try to set boundaries HAHA,and eventually his man-child tantrum scores him the win! However I have had major trust issues since I was young and still find it hard to trust him in certain situations. Apologize when wrong Be honest. He doesnt pay me a visit at our house- he actually did, 3 times to be exact (there was a celebration in those times). Issues since I was willing to change said I was being to needy for,! He just spirals our children someday several times a day generally, and great memories having a nice and... Bought so much things to come for it, but I just ate and no matter what did! A day generally, and have a lot of nice moments with him little... Even asked around to see if anyone knew what happened relationship, or guarding your heart so you like... I feel like I need to leave work which is important starting to he. A day generally, and I dont respond right away cant call me, but says... You guys familliar with Myasthenia gravis.. its an auto immune decease which makes your muscle gets.... 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